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The structure of both the interior and exterior pulsar magnetosphere depends upon the strength of its plasma source near the surface of the star. We review magnetospheric models in the light of a vacuum pair-production source model proposed by Sturrock, and Ruderman and Sutherland. This model predicts the existence of a cutoff, determined by the neutron star's spin rate and magnetic field strength, beyond which coherent radio emission is no longer possible. The observed distribution of pulsar spin periods and period derivatives, and the distribution of pulsars with missing radio pulses, is quantitatively consistent with the pair production threshold, when its variation of neutron star radius and moment of inertia with mass is taken into account. All neutron stars observed as pulsars can have relativistic magnetohydrodynamic wind exterior magnetospheres. The properties of the wind can be directly related to those of the pair production source. Radio pulsars cannot have relativistic plasma wave exterior magnetospheres. On the other hand, most erstwhile pulsars in the galaxy are probably halo objects that emit weak fluxes of energetic photons that can have relativistic wave exterior magnetospheres. Extinct pulsars have not been yet observed.Proceedings of the NASA/JPL Workshop on the Physics of Planetary and Astrophysical Magnetospheres.Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, UCLA.Center for Plasma Physics and Fusion Engineering, UCLA.On leave from: Centre de Physique Theorique, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France.  相似文献   

Two contrasting models of the magnetosphere are studied: a classical, quasi-mhd model, in which it is the componentE that accelerates electrons to relativistic energies; and a model with e+-e production, in which the componentE is locally crucial, both in an acceleration domain near the star and in a dissipation domain beyond the light-cylinder.  相似文献   

The interaction of a stellar magnetosphere with a thin accretion disk is considered. Specifically, I consider a model in which (1) the accretion disk is magnetically linked to the star over a large range of radii and (2) the magnetic diffusivity of the disk is sufficiently small that there is little slippage of field lines within the disk on the rotation time scale. In this case the magnetic energy built up as a result of differential rotation between the star and the disk is released in quasi-periodic reconnection events occuring in the magnetosphere (Aly and Kuijpers 1990). The radial transport of magnetic flux in such an accretion disk is considered. It is show that the magnetic flux distribution is stationary on the accretion time scale, provided the time average of the radial component of the field just above the disk vanishes. A simple model of the time-dependent structure of the magnetosphere is presented. It is shown that energy release in the magnetosphere must take place for (differential) rotation angles less than about 3 radians. The magnetic flux distribution in the disk depends on the precise value of the rotation angle.  相似文献   

We discuss recent results of radius to frequency mapping of pulsars. This method shows that for 43 pulsars the radio emission originates near the polar cap for millisecond pulsars and a few hundred km away for longer period pulsars. If the magnetospheres of these object contain dipolar magnetic fields, the corresponding magnetic field strength in the emission region is about 107 gauss, for all pulsars in the sample. We investigate possible physical reasons for the location of the radio emission.  相似文献   

Energy supply rates to magnetospheres of Earth and Jupiter are estimated on the basis of most recent information on controlling parameters, and these are compared with energy consumption rates inside respective magnetospheres. Dominant role played by the reconnection process is suggested, but the high ejection rate of energetic electrons from the Jovian magnetosphere reported by Conlon (1978) might suggest the importance of the planetary rotation as the energy source.Proceedings of the Symposium on Solar Terrestrial Physics held in Innsbruck, May–June 1978.  相似文献   

A wide class of galactic X-ray sources are believed to be binary systems where mass is flowing from a normal star to a companion that is a compact object, such as a neutron star. The strong magnetic fields of the compact object create a magnetosphere around it. We review the theoretical models developed to describe the properties of magnetospheres in such accreting binary systems. The size of the magnetosphere can be estimated from pressure balance arguments and is found to be small compared to the over-all size of the accretion region but large compared to the compact object if the latter is a neutron star. In the early models the magnetosphere was assumed to have open funnels in the polar regions, through which accreting plasma could pour in. Later, magnetically closed models were developed, with plasma entry made possible by instabilities at the magnetosphere boundary. The theory of plasma flow inside the magnetosphere has been formulated in analogy to a stellar wind with reversed flow; a complicating factor is the instability of the Alfvén critical point for inflow. In the case of accretion via a well-defined disk, new problems of magnetospheric structure appear, in particular the question to what extent and by what process the magnetic fields from the compact object can penetrate into the accretion disk. Since the X-ray emission is powered by the gravitational energy released in the accretion process, mass transfer into the magnetosphere is of fundamental importance; the various proposed mechanisms are critically examined.Proceedings of the NASA/JPL Workshop on the Physics of Planetary and Astrophysical Magnetospheres.  相似文献   

Recent observations of the thermal emission of Mercury at microwave and infrared frequencies now permit a determination of the thermal and electrical properties of the subsurface of the planet. Radar and optical measurements show that the rotation period is 58.65 days, 2/3 of the orbital period. Several negative spectrographic searches verify that the effects of an atmosphere need not be taken into account in computing surface and subsurface temperatures. The observed thermal emission from the planet can then be interpreted from models similar to those developed for study of the Moon but adapted to the peculiar diurnal insolation of Mercury. The observations of Epstein et al. (1970) at 3.3 mm and of Klein (1970a) at 3.75 cm, when interpreted together with recent laboratory measurements of thermal properties of terrestrial and lunar rock powders, indicate that the ratio of electrical to thermal skin depth is 0.9 ± 0.3 times the wavelength in centimeters. Further results of this analysis of the subsurface are: Density = 1.5 ± 0.4 g cm-3; Electric loss tangent = 0.009 ± 0.004; Inverse thermal inertia = (15 ± 6) × 10–6 erg-1 cm2 s1/2 K; Equatorial midnight temperature = 100 ± 15K.The microwave data generally conform to the predictions of the thermophysical models of Mercury developed by Morrison and Sagan (1967), including a suggestion that variations having mean periods of 50 days and 35 days are present in addition to the classical phase effect with period about 116 days. The time-averaged microwave temperature of the planet appears to increase 25 % from millimeter to decimeter wavelengths; this increase suggests that radiation plays an important role in the transport of heat in the subsurface. All of the conclusions of this review indicate that the thermophysical behavior of Mercury closely approximates that expected for the Moon, were it placed in the orbit of Mercury.  相似文献   

The distant shores of Mars were reached by numerous U.S. and Russian spacecraft throughout the 1960s to mid 1970s. Nearly 20 years have passed since those successful missions which orbited and landed on the Martian surface. Two Soviet probes headed for the planet in July, 1988, but later failed. In August 1993, the U.S. Mars Observer suddenly went silent just three days before it was to enter orbit around the planet and was never heard from again. In late 1996, there will be renewed activity on the launch pads with three probes departing for the red planet: 1) The U.S. Mars Global Surveyor will be launched in November on a Delta II rocket and will orbit the planet for global mapping purposes; 2) Russia's Mars '96 mission, scheduled to fly in November on a Proton launcher, consists of an orbiter, two small stations which will land on the Martian surface, and two penetrators that will plow into the terrain; and finally, 3) a U.S. Discovery-class spacecraft, the Mars Pathfinder, has a December launch date atop a Delta II booster. The mission features a lander and a microrover that will travel short distances over Martian territory. These missions usher in a new phase of Mars exploration, setting the stage for an unprecedented volley of spacecraft that will orbit around, land on, drive across, and perhaps fly at low altitudes over the planet.  相似文献   

Whistler mode wave phenomena observed in the earth's environment and in the planetary magnetospheres, such as in the vicinity of the Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn are reviewed, Importance of ray tracing technique is stated in connection with the interpretation of these phenomena. A historical review of ray tracing technique is then given. Finally the most recent ray tracing technique, such as 3-D ray tracing in a non-dipolar background magnetic field model is introduced.  相似文献   

The results from ionospheric beacon observations are compared with the theory of F-layer and outer ionosphere. Near sunspot minimum the total electron content up to 1000 km at medium latitudes is 1–2 × 1017 m-2 in the afternoon and about 0.3 × 1017 m-2 at night. The diurnal and latitudinal variations are more irregular during summer than during winter. Near sunspot maximum the respective values are about 1.5 × 1017 m-2 at night, 6–7 x 1017 m-2 near winternoon, 4 × 1017 m-2 near summernoon.The complete theory of diffusion in a multi-ion plasma gives very complicated expressions. Simpler approximations can be found respectively. Some models were calculated numerically and the dependence of the total electron on the parameters of the balance equation is investigated.Comparison with experimental results shows, that some main features of the diurnal and latitudinal variations of the total electron can be explained. The seasonal anomaly, the slow decrease in the late night hours and the large increase toward equator cannot be explained without additional assumptions.  相似文献   

Conclusion Much has been learned about the structure and dynamics of the outer heliosphere during the last decade as a result observations from the Voyager and Pioneer spacecraft. The large scale of the observations forces one to consider the heliosphere from a new perspective, to think of new dynamical processes, and to introduce new concepts. The early studies of isolated gas dynamic flows must be replaced by MHD dynamics of interacting flows and flow systems. The simple deterministic models that have been dominant in early studies of the solar wind are now seen to have limited applicability, and statistical approaches are being developed. New concepts that have been introduced, such as inverse cascades, filtering, entrainment, etc., must be further explored and clarified, to make them more precise and quantitative. MHD turbulence is probably very important in solar wind dynamics, but the subject is poorly developed from a theoretical point of view. The statistical analysis of solar wind parameters has scarcely begun, but it is clearly necessary for an understanding of complex, large-scale flows. The multitude of possible interactions among shocks and flows of various types needs to be explored systematically with observations, models and analytical theory. Voyagers 1 and 2 and Pioneers 10 and 11 are continuing to move through the outer heliosphere and gather data. The lengthy data reduction procedures require even more care in dealing with the low field strengths, densities and temperatures at large heliocentric distances, and the analysis of the complex flows and fields in the outer heliosphere becomes increasingly difficult. Thus one can expect continued growth of our knowledge of the heliosphere, but comprehensive understanding of the data will take some time. If this review stimulates the specialists in solar wind physics to think critically about the results presented and to remedy the deficiencies of current knowledge of the heliosphere, then it will have served its purpose. It is also hoped that this review will serve to encourage specialists in other fields to bring their talents to bear on heliospheric problems and to transfer results of heliospheric physics to their fields.  相似文献   

Observations of plasma and magnetic fields by Pioneer 10 and 11 and Voyager 1 and 2 reveal that MHD shocks are an important component of the large-scale solar wind structures in the outer heliosphere. This review discusses recent progress in simulation studies of the nonlinear evolution of the solar wind structures, and in particular concentrates on the theoretical development and applications of the shock interactions model. Various stream propagation models, which do not use the Rankine-Hugoniot relations to calculate the jump conditions at shock crossings, have been used to simulate the essential evolution process of isolated streams and the formation and propagation of corotating and transient shocks. They produce fairly good results in the region up to a few AU. In 1984, the shock interactions model was introduced to study the evolution of large-scale solar wind structures in the region outside 1 AU up to several tens of AU. The model uses the exact Rankine-Hugoniot relations to calculate the shock speed and shock strength at all shock crossings. So that the model can more accurately calculate the shock speeds and the accumulated irreversible shock heating of plasma at several tens of AU. The applications of the shock interactions model are presented in three groups. (a) The first group covers the basic interaction of a shock with the ambient solar wind, the formation and propagation of shock pairs, and the collision and merging of shocks. (b) The second group covers the use of the shock interactions model to simulate the nonlinear evolution of large-scale solar wind structures in the outer heliosphere. These simulation results can provide the detailed evolution process for large-scale solar wind structures in the vast region not directly observed. Two selected studies are reported. (c) Finally, the shock interactions model is applied to studying the heating of the solar wind in the outer heliosphere. The model calculations support shocks being chiefly responsible for the heating of the solar wind plasma in the outer heliosphere at least up to 30 AU.  相似文献   

A space mission to Jupiter and Saturn, and beyond, provides an opportunity to explore the low energy galactic cosmic rays, which are largely excluded from the inner solar system by the outward sweep of the magnetic fields in the solar wind. The low energy cosmic rays are believed to be responsible for much of the heating of the gaseous disk of the galaxy, so a measurement of their intensity will have far reaching effects on theories of the interstellar gas and the evolution of the galaxy. The nuclear abundances, and in particular the presence or absence of high Z nuclei, will give critical information on the proximity of cosmic ray sources.This is one of the publications by the Science Advisory Group.  相似文献   

A brief review of the salient considerations which apply to the existence of magnetic fields in connection with planetary and subplanetary objects in the outer solar system is given. Consideration is given to internal dynamo fields, fields which might originate from interaction with the solar wind or magnetospheres (externally driven dynamos) and lastly fossil magnetic fields such as have been discovered on the Moon. Where possible, connection is made between magnetism, means of detection, and internal body properties.This is one of the publications by the Science Advisory Group.  相似文献   

A discussion is given of a number of physical processes which were probably important during the formation of the outer planets if these formed from a gaseous solar nebula in which magnetic effects were not important. Arguments are given that large-scale gravitational instabilities in the solar nebula did not occur. Qualitative consideration is given to the conditions in which dynamical capture of gas onto a planetary core may take place; this may have played a major role in the formation of Jupiter and Saturn. Because of the great difficulty of fractionating hydrogen from helium in the assembly of the outer planets, it is argued that a new approach should be made to the construction of planetary models. Conditions which may lead to the formation of the regular satellite systems are discussed, and the associated problem of removal of primordial angular momentum from Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus.This is one of the publications by the Science Advisory Group.  相似文献   

辛鹏飞  李德伦  刘鑫  张沛  陈磊  刘宾 《航空学报》2021,42(1):523897-523897
针对深空探测中(尤其是月球、火星和小行星探测)大型着陆探测器对小型移动机器人作为重要科学载荷的需求,综述了国内外小型星表探测机器人领域的发展现状,着重介绍了面向月球探测、火星探测和小行星探测的代表性小型机器人的任务需求、基本构型和样机测试情况。在系统总结小型星表探测机器人关键技术及发展趋势的基础上,提出了未来中国在该领域发展、完善的建议。分析表明:月球探测的高研究价值区域多位于崎岖地形中,体积小、运动性能强的轮式、足式机器人受到广泛关注,日本、英国、瑞士等国家已提出多种小型机器人概念,并研发原理样机进行测试试验;针对火星等存在稀薄大气层的星体探测,定位于配置组件的旋翼式无人机已成为国内外关注和研制的重点之一,同时面向特殊极端地形探测的小型轮式、翻滚式机器人也进入到原理样机测试阶段,美国在这些领域均保持突出优势;针对小行星等小质量、弱引力天体探测,小型翻滚式机器人成为其着陆探测的主流,美国开展了原理样机设计与试验,日本通过"隼鸟2号"任务已成功实现在轨应用。  相似文献   

The most significant information about fields and plasmas in the outer solar system, based on observations by Pioneer 10 and 11 investigations, is reviewed. The characteristic evolution of solar wind streams beyond 1 AU has been observed. The region within which the velocity increases continuously near 1 AU is replaced at larger distances by a thick interaction region with abrupt jumps in the solar wind speed at the leading and trailing edges. These abrupt increases, accompanied by corresponding jumps in the field magnitude and in the solar wind density and temperature, consist typically of a forward and a reverse shock. The existence of two distinct corotating regions, separated by sharp boundaries, is a characteristic feature of the interplanetary medium in the outer solar system. Within the interaction regions, compression effects are dominant and the field strength, plasma density, plasma temperature and the level of fluctuations are enhanced. Within the intervening quiet regions, rarefaction effects dominate and the field magnitude, solar wind density and fluctuation level are very low. These changes in the structure of interplanetary space have significant consequences for the many energetic particles propagating through the medium. The interaction regions control the access to the inner solar system of relativistic electrons from Jupiter's magnetosphere. The interaction regions and shocks appear to be associated with an acceleration of solar protons to MeV energies. Flare-generated shocks are observed to be propagating through the outer solar system with constant speed, implying that the previously recognized deceleration of flare shocks takes place principally near the Sun. Radial gradients in the solar wind and interplanetary field parameters have been determined. The solar wind speed is nearly constant between 1 and 5 AU with only a slight deceleration of 30 km s+1 on the average. The proton flux follows an r +2 dependence reasonably well, however, the proton density shows a larger departure from this dependence. The proton temperature decreases steadily from 1 to 5 AU and the solar wind protons are slightly hotter than anticipated for an adiabatic expansion. The radial component of the interplanetary field falls off like r +2 and, on the average, the magnitude and spiral angle also agree reasonably well with theory. However, there is evidence, principally within quiet regions, of a significant departure of the azimuthal field component and the field magnitude from simple theoretical models. Pioneer 11 has obtained information up to heliographic latitudes of 16°. Observations of the interplanetary sector structure show that the polarity of the field becomes gradually more positive, corresponding to outward-directed fields at the Sun, and at the highest latitudes the sector structure disappears. These results confirm a prior suspicion that magnetic sectors are associated with an interplanetary current sheet surrounding the Sun which is inclined slightly to the solar equator.Proceedings of the Symposium on Solar Terrestrial Physics held in Innsbruck, May–June 1978.  相似文献   

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