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Adaptive estimation using multiple model filtering is investigated as a means of changing the field of view as well as the bandwidth of an infrared image tracker when target acceleration can vary over a wide range. The multiple models are created by tuning filters for best performance at differing conditions of exhibited target behavior and differing physical size of their respective fields of view. Probabilistically weighted averaging provides the adaptation mechanism. Each filter involves online identification of the target shape function, so that this algorithm can be used against ill-defined and/or multiple-hot-spot targets. When each individual filter has the form of an enhanced correlator/linear Kalman filter, computational loading is very low. In contrast, an extended Kalman filter processing the raw infrared data directly and assuming a nonlinear constant turn-rate dynamics model provides superior tracking capability, especially for harsh maneuvers, at the cost of a larger computational burden.  相似文献   

A direct relationship between the conventional properties of an array and the array performance in an adaptive mode is given. Expressions are provided to obtain the output signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) of an adaptive array in terms of its conventinal pattern and the locations of the desired signal and jammers. These expressions permit one to evaluate the performance of an adaptive array without an exhaustive search for all possible scenarios and parametric values to ascertain that the required performance levels be met. In fact, one can predict the jammer locations for which the array will provide its best and worst performance by observing the conventional pattern. Several examples are provided to demonstrate the relationship between the conventional pattern and the adaptive array performance. The examples include both linear and planar arrays.  相似文献   

BOC信号是一种分离频谱的调制方式,与传统的导航扩频信号相比,具有更强的抗干扰能力和更高的测量精度。但BOC信号自相关函数具有多峰值的特点,如何从接收端找出最大峰值并正确恢复BOC信号是技术难点。本文给出了一种BOC信号的捕获方案和具体的实现算法。  相似文献   

基于灰色理论的自适应多参数预测模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
故障预测对保障武器装备安全可靠工作具有重要意义。但是,用于武器装备故障诊断和预测的数据往往是小样本、多特征参数数据,当前主要的故障预测方法在实际故障预测中虽取得了一定的效果,但均存在不足之处。本文基于灰色预测建模理论,分析了GM(1,1)预测建模中的不足,考虑多个特征参数间的相互关系以及预测序列的实际特点,修正了初始值和背景值,建立了小样本情况下的自适应多特征参数预测模型,并以某型飞机发动机的多特征参数的仿真数据为例进行了预测分析,结果表明该模型具有很好的预测精度,证明了该模型的有效性。  相似文献   

从毕业设计谈对高职学生综合能力的培养   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据高校毕业设计的实际情况,分析了学生在毕业设计中存在的问题,提出和总结了从选题、团结精神、动手能力、调查研究、协调能力、创新能力、总结能力等方面加强和培养大学生综合能力的具体方法。  相似文献   

林文强  谢里阳 《航空学报》2003,24(6):534-536
 两级载荷下的疲劳剩余寿命试验结果显示,在没有疲劳失效的情况下,若先施加低应力,则在后续的高应力下剩余寿命的标准差与该高应力下原始寿命的标准差相比变大;若先施加高应力,则在后续的低应力下剩余寿命的标准差与该低应力下原始寿命的标准差相比变小。根据两级循环载荷作用下剩余疲劳寿命分布规律的实验规律,以描述剩余寿命分布变化的数学模型为基础,提出了一个根据载荷历程作用下结构/ 零件状态变化预测随机载荷下疲劳可靠度的方法。使用该方法,可以根据已知的材料或零件的原始P-S-N 曲线,借助剩余寿命分布和载荷循环数—疲劳寿命干涉分析计算随机载荷作用下的疲劳可靠度。  相似文献   

李国彦  张有光 《航空学报》2011,32(11):2083-2095
针对单中继非再生放大转发(AF)的进近飞行器协同传输网络,在给出系统模型后,推导并分析了系统的输出信噪比(SNR)表达式,得到了中继节点参与协同传输的条件,提出了一种自适应的协同传输方案.目的节点判断是否采用中继传输并将结果发送到中继节点,中继节点根据接收到的信息调整传输模式.在此基础上,针对多节点正交性协同传输会显著...  相似文献   

A unified approach to model-reference adaptive control systems is presented. A linearized error equation for each adaptive system is derived about some operating point and converted into the standard form for plotting root loci. The contribution made here is to convert the selection of an adaptive technique and the choosing of adaptive coefficients for some desired system performance from a "mystical art" to standard control techniquess.  相似文献   

The technique of adaptive filtering as applied to the design of a frequency-reuse receiving antenna which can provide optimum isolation from signals of unwanted polarization.  相似文献   

针对航空发动机焊接式整体叶盘毛坯变形严重、余量不均等问题,提出一种基于对称原则的整体叶盘加工余量自适应优化方法。通过分析整体叶盘的制造工艺特点与难点,给出了加工余量优化建模与求解算法;在此基础上,根据叶片周向对称分组原则,提出了整体叶盘变形叶片组逐层细分的余量分布优化方法。算例及分析表明,此方法能够较好地优化焊接式整体叶盘毛坯余量,从而降低线性摩擦焊接工艺引起的叶片位置偏差和余量分布不均对叶盘加工质量的影响。  相似文献   

A direction-finding technique is presented that is capable of simultaneously estimating the arrival angles of multiple signals. Pulsed as well as continuous signals can be handled with the signal form only approximately specified. An adaptive antenna array is used as a processing device in the estimation technique. The effect of input signal and feedback loop parameters upon estimate bias is discussed.  相似文献   

缺口件振动疲劳寿命分析的名义应力法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李德勇  姚卫星 《航空学报》2011,32(11):2036-2041
为了描述缺口根部应力均方根(RMS)的集中程度,给出了缺口件在动态载荷激励下的应力均方集中系数的定义及其计算公式.基于结构疲劳的基本机理,通过考察缺口根部应力均方根的分布特点,给出了疲劳缺口系数的计算公式,形成了缺口件振动疲劳寿命分析的名义应力法.通过3个算例的计算结果表明,本文提出的方法能很好地预测缺口件的振动疲劳寿...  相似文献   

基于模糊可靠性的飞机结构腐蚀疲劳寿命评定   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
腐蚀和腐蚀疲劳大大降低了LY12CZ铝合金的材料性能,严重地威胁着飞机的结构完整性和使用安全。飞机结构失效过程与所受的载荷、材料特性、服役的腐蚀环境等因素有关,由于各因素联合作用,失效过程损伤机理相当复杂,既有随机性又有模糊性。针对目前腐蚀疲劳寿命评估的常规概率方法的缺陷,基于通过对海军航空部队调研得到的飞机实际使用载荷谱,提出更合理、更贴近实际情况的模糊可靠性评估方法。讨论了蚀孔形状比和各模糊因素对结构寿命的影响规律,研究结果表明该模糊可靠性方法可以应用于飞机结构的腐蚀疲劳寿命评估。  相似文献   

The design and evaluation of an adaptive moving target indicator (MTI) filter, the adaptive canceler for extended clutter (ACEC) is dealt with, taking into consideration adaptivity to clutter mean Doppler frequency. This consideration is one of the most important operational requirements in adaptive MTI's and permits a relatively simple hardware implementation as compared to more general optimization and adaptivity criteria (briefly described). The ACEC's algorithm compensates in real time for the clutter mean Doppler frequency. Performances have been obtained by digital computer simulation in various operational conditions.  相似文献   

The performance of a digital implementation of an Applebaum-Howells type adaptive processor is analyzed for both a limiter and nonlimiter configuration. The performance is evaluated in terms of steady-state residue power, using either a single-pole filter or a perfect integrator to smooth the output of the correlation mixer. The latter filter is the more commonly used for digital implementations. It is shown that when using the perfect integrator filter for both the limiter and linear digital implementations, the steady-state average weight vector equals the optimum weight vector. Thus, for this filter, the steady-state residue power is the minimum possible for either implementation. When using the single-pole filter, neither implementation achieves the minimum possible steady-state residue power. The relative performance of the two implementations depends upon the relative gain settings. When the gains are adjusted to give comparable servo stability for the design maximum jammer power, a reasonable criterion for digital implementations because of analog to digital saturation, the limiter configuration always has smaller steady-state residue power.  相似文献   

航空发动机自适应神经网络PID控制   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
本文提出了一种航空发动机多变量自适应神经网络 PID控制方法, 采用基于共轭梯度的神经网络学习算法在线整定控制器参数。该控制器的设计无需知道发动机精确模型, 具有响应速度快、抗干扰能力强和鲁棒性好等优点。控制器不仅算法简单, 实现容易, 而且适用范围广。   相似文献   

针对航空发动机状态时间序列预测中嵌入维数难于有效选取的问题,提出一种基于嵌入维数自适应最小二乘支持向量机(LSSVM)的预测方法.该方法将嵌入维数作为影响状态时间序列预测精度的重要参数,以交叉验证误差为评价准则,利用粒子群优化(PSO)进化搜索LSSVM预测模型的最优超参数与嵌入维数,同时通过矩阵变换原理提高交叉验证过程的计算效率,并最终建立优化后的LSSVM预测模型.航空发动机排气温度(EGT)预测实例表明,该方法可自适应选取适用于状态时间序列预测的最优嵌入维数且预测精度高,适用于航空发动机状态时间序列预测.  相似文献   

对某发动机燃烧室外套进行了弹塑性有限元分析和低循环疲劳寿命预测。在发动机飞行包线的最大气动载荷下。计算了5个比较易出问题安装座附近的应力和应变,根据材料的应变-寿命曲线估算了其低循环疲劳寿命。结果表明,燃烧室外套的局部孔口和焊缝位置是易出问题的区域。  相似文献   

针对当前的山体滑坡监测技术监测精度低、实时性差、自动化程度低的问题,提出了一种基于灰色预测理论和抗差自适应Kalman滤波的滑坡监测技术。该技术使用抗差自适应Kalman滤波技术,对包括实时动态(RTK)载波相位差分定位数据、无人机摄影测量数据、土工带传感器数据在内的多源数据进行融合分析,将滑坡形变监测精度提高到了mm级。RTK技术和土工带传感器的使用克服了天气状况、植被覆盖对滑坡监测的影响。使用灰色预测理论对山体滑坡监测点进行形变预测,结合蠕变切线角判据,该技术实现了对山体滑坡预警等级的划分。仿真实验结果显示,该山体滑坡监测技术能够成功实现山体滑坡预测预警功能。  相似文献   

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