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Morphology and physics of short-period magnetic pulsations   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This review is devoted to the main problems of experimental and theoretical investigations of geoelectromagnetic waves in the frequency range from 0.1 to 5 Hz. These waves constitute the short-period subclass of so-called geomagnetic pulsations. The short-period pulsations are represented by Pc1, Pc2, Pi1, Ipdp types and some subclassifications. The understanding of the pulsation mechanisms provides an insight into the structure and dynamics of the Earth's magnetosphere. We focus our attention on Pc1 pearl pulsations and on the classical (evening) Ipdp, for which basic physical concepts have been established. Other types and varieties are outlined also, but in less detail. In these cases, the physical mechanism is not always clear (as, for example, in the case of morning Ipdp), and/or the morphology is still to be determined carefully (Pc2 and discrete signals in polar cusps as typical examples).Short-period pulsations are a spontaneous, sporadic phenomenon which undergo a certain evolution in the course of a magnetic storm. We consider the storm-time variation as a natural background, and we use this background to collect the information about the pulsations in an orderly manner. At the same time, together with the transient storm-time variation of pulsation activity, quasi-periodic variations take place, which are connected with the Earth's and Sun's rotation, Earth's orbital motion and solar cycle activity. The study of these regular variations allows us to have a new approach to the mechanisms of excitation and propagation of short-period geomagnetic pulsations.  相似文献   

Information can be obtained from energetic particle measurements through the chemical composition, energy spectrum, directional anisotropy, temporal and spatial intensity variations. This is equivalent to saying that there is a distribution functionf k(p,r,t) wherek corresponds to thekth particle species of momentump at positionr and timet.Particle transport is described by the Boltzmann equation, and because the densities are generally low in the case of cosmic rays or energetic solar flare particles, collective transport effects can be neglected. In the absence of magnetospheric motion it is relatively easy to treat the problems of particle transport as simple propagation of charged particles in a stationary magnetic field configuration using, for instance, trajectory calculations in model fields. The method here is to use correlated measurements of the particle distribution at two points along a dynamic trajectory, and in this way to learn something about the geomagnetic field. This approach provides a good basis from which to study magnetospheric dynamics. If the magnetosphere moves, large scale electric fields, turbulent electromagnetic fields and sources and sinks affect the propagation of energetic particles considerably. These effects change the distribution functionf k(p,r,t) and can thus be detected.In this paper, we shall show the importance of the single particle approximation (trajectories in a reference field) in forming the basis of our understanding of the quiet-time penetration of cosmic rays into the magnetosphere, we shall consider the steady dynamics such as wave-particle inter-action and field line reconnection, which is believed to exist nearly all the time, and finally we shall review the work which has been done in the much more complex and less well-understood field of impulsive dynamics such as geomagnetic storms and substorms. This last topic is only just beginning to be investigated in detail, and it is hoped that the study of impulsive dynamics, using energetic particles, may be as successful as the study of the quiet magnetosphere and the steady dynamics.  相似文献   

The Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft include instrumentation that makes comprehensive ion (E 28 keV) and electron (E 22 keV) measurements in several energy channels with good temporal, energy, and compositional resolution. Data collected over the past decade (1977–1988), including observations upstream and downstream of four planetary bow shocks (Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus) and numerous interplanetary shocks to 30 AU, are reviewed and analyzed in the context of the Fermi and shock drift acceleration (SDA) models. Principal findings upstream of planetary bow shocks include the simultaneous presence of ions and electrons, detection of tracer ions characteristic of the parent magnetosphere (O, S, O+), power-law energy spectra extending to 5 MeV, and large (up to 100:1) anisotropies. Results from interplanetary shocks include observation of acceleration to the highest energies ever seen in a shock ( 22 MeV for protons, 220 MeV for oxygen), the saturation in energy gain to 300 keV at quasi-parallel shocks, the observation of shock-accelerated relativistic electrons, and separation of high-energy (upstream) from low-energy (downstream) populations to within 1 particle gyroradius in a near-perpendicular shock. The overall results suggest that ions and electrons observed upstream of planetary bow shocks have their source inside the parent magnetosphere, with first order Fermi acceleration playing a secondary role at best. Further, that quasi-perpendicular interplanetary shocks accelerate ions and electrons most efficiently to high energies through the shock-drift process. These findings suggest that great care must be exercised in the application of concepts developed for heliosphere shocks to cosmic ray acceleration through shocks at supernova remnants.  相似文献   

This review will not merely be a précis of the literature in this field though a partial survey is attempted. A critical stand will be taken and a point of view put forward. Experiments to test this point of view and others will be suggested. Several new ideas are introduced.Two broad conditions of the magnetosphere are discussed, the quiet and the disturbed. During the quiet condition, the polar cap F region either glows red or is filled with a family of red auroral arcs parallel roughly to L-contours. Auroras near the auroral zone have an increasing amount of green (5577) coloration. The ionospheric F region exists even in winter over the polar caps despite the absence of solar ionizing radiation or obvious corpuscular bombardment. The red polar glow and the maintenance of the quiet polar winter F region are suggested to be accounted for by the cooling of plasma in the geomagnetic tail. These phenomena consume less than 0.01 of the energy and flux of the solar wind impinging on the magnetosphere. The relevance of dynamo theory to this quiet condition is discussed.During the disturbed condition, many phenomena such as polar magnetic substorms, auroral substorms, the sudden appearance of islands of energetic particles in the magnetosphere, and the rapid acceleration of auroral particles appear to call for the operation of an instability deep in the magnetosphere.The energetics of various facets of geomagnetic disturbance are discussed, and joule dissipation of ionospheric current is found to be a major sink of energy during storms. This causes significant heating of the ionosphere particularly at the site of auroral electrojets. Corpuscular bombardment may consume as much energy, but its heating effect is likely to be less.The stable auroral red arc (SAR-arc) observed equatorwards of normal active aurora during magnetic storms is a major sink of energy of a magnetospheric ring current. It is contended that the ring current generally consists of particles of energy of less than a few keV. It is suggested that the ring current is caused by the irreversible pumping and energisation of plasma from the outer to the inner magnetosphere. This pumping is achieved by the random electrostatic fields associated with the noisy component of geomagnetic disturbance. The SAR-arc must be a major feature of ring current theory.The consumption of energy in polar magnetic and auroral substorms, during a complete storm, is tentatively concluded to be far greater than that of the ring current. The ring current is considered to be a byproduct of magnetic disturbance on higher L-shells.The main phase of a storm should be considered, in storm analysis, as a separate entity from the initial phase, for physically they bear a tenuous and unpredictable relationship to one another. A new system of analysis is proposed in which the onset of geomagnetic noise rather than sudden commencement is taken as the origin of time, both for magnetic and ionospheric storms. This will enable analysis of storms with both gradual and sudden commencements to be made on a common basis.No reliable evidence is found to support the contention that magnetic storms are caused dominantly by neutral H-atoms ejected from the sun. In fact much evidence can be amassed to deny this hypothesis.  相似文献   

Høg  E.  Pagel  B.E.J.  Portinari  L.  Thejll  P.A.  Macdonald  J.  Girardi  L. 《Space Science Reviews》1998,84(1-2):115-126
The primordial helium abundance YP is important for cosmology and the ratio Y/Z of the changes relative to primordial abundances constrains models of stellar evolution. While the most accurate estimates of YP come from emission lines in extragalactic H II regions, they involve an extrapolation to zero metallicity which itself is closely tied up with the slope Y/Z. Recently certain systematic effects have come to light in this exercise which make it useful to have an independent estimate of Y/Z from fine structure in the main sequence of nearby stars. We derive such an estimate from Hipparcos data for stars with Z Z and find values between 2 and 3, which are consistent with stellar models, but still have a large uncertainty.  相似文献   

We review recent progress in the understanding of the IMF control on the Earth's magnetosphere through the reconnection process. Major points include, (1) the identification of the magnetopause structure under the southward IMF polarity to be the rotational discontinuity and the resulting inference that the reconnection line is formed in the equatorial region, and (2) the confirmation from several observational aspects that under the northward IMF the reconnection takes place in the polar cusp. The point (1) is consistent with the observed correlations of geomagnetic indices with IMF but raises an important theoretical issue, and the point (2) is accompanied by an interesting issue of explaining why the polar cap electron precipitation is more energetic under such IMF conditions. Critical studies have reaffirmed the view that the energy supplied by reconnection is partly transported directly to the ionosphere to drive the DP-2 type current system but at the same time it is partly stored in the magnetic field of the tail to be unloaded 0.5 1 hr later to produce the expansion phase of substorm.Presented at the Fifth International Symposium on Solar-Terrestrial Physics, held at Ottawa, Canada, May 1982.  相似文献   

The penetration of fast electrons ( 5 keV) into an artificial magnetosphere and their precipitation on the terrella surface is investigated. These fast electrons act as radioactive tracers allowing the experimental determination of the global picture of plasma flow around the magnetosphere and its intrusion into the latter. Two different zones of precipitation are observed, distinctly separated on the day-side and merging into each other on the night-side. The high latitude penetration region on the day-side is not localized around the neutral points, but is stretched in longitude forming polar cusps toward dusk and dawn. The lower latitude precipitation zone, embracing the whole terrella is due to the particle precipitation from a radiation belt formed in this experiment. The source of these belt particles seems to be located in the plasmasheet on the night side. Besides the polar cusps, a plasma intrusion from the sides of the magnetosphere in the equatorial region is observed. This equatorial gap, originating on the day-side, is gradually transformed into the plasmasheet in the magnetospheric tail. On the basis of these experimental data a model of the magnetosphere is discussed.  相似文献   

The magnetogram inversion technique (MIT) is based upon recordings of geomagnetic variations at the worldwide network of ground-based magnetometers. MIT ensures a calculation of a global spatial distribution of the electric field, currents and Joule heating in the ionosphere. Variant MIT-2 provides, additionally, continuous monitoring of the following parameters: Poynting vector flux from the solar wind into the magnetosphere (); power, both dissipated and accumulated in the magnetosphere; magnetic flux in the open tail; and the magnetotail length (l T) (distance between the dayside and nightside neutral points in the Dungey model). Using MIT-2 and data of direct measurements in the solar wind, an analysis is made of a number of substorms, and a new scenario of substorms is suggested. The scenario includes the convection model, the model with a neutral line and the model of magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling (outside the current sheet), i.e., the three known models. A brief review is given of these and some other substorms models. A new element in the scenario is the strong positive feedback in the primary generator circuit, which ensures growth of the ratio = / Aby an order of magnitude or more during the substorms. Here Ais the Pointing vector flux in the Akasofu-Perrault approximation, i.e., without the feedback taken into account. The growth of during the substorm is caused only by the feedback effect. It is assumed that the feedback arises due to an elongation of the magnetotail, i.e., a growth of l Tby a factor of (23) during the substorm.In the active phase of substorm, a part (the first active phase) has been identified, where the principal role in the energetics is played by the feedback mechanism and the external energy source (although the internal source plus reconnection inside the plasma sheet make a marked contribution). In the second active phase (expansion) the external generator (solar wind) is switched off, and the main role is now played by the internal energy source (the tail magnetic field and ionospheric wind energy).Models of DP-2 DP-1 transitions are also considered, as well as the magnetospheric substorm-solar flare analogy.  相似文献   

The Mighei meteorite is generally considered to be unique amongst the group of stony meteorites known as the carbonaceous chondrites in a number of scientifically interesting aspects. The meteorite, which is related to the type II carbonaceous chondrites of Wiik's classification (or type C2 according to van Schmus and Wood), contains extraterrestrial organic compounds (general C content = 2.6%), and extraterrestrial water associated with iron-magnesium silicate crystals (general H2O content=12%).The meteorite fall occurred in 1889, over a region in the Ukraine. In structure it was found to be a chondritic meteorite, having chondrules of order 0.5 mm in size. The composition of the meteorite is inhomogeneous. In mineralogical terms the meteorite is composed of two paragenetic associations, described as high and low temperature, which are generally distributed in equal proportions. The low temperature associations are a characteristic only of carbonaceous chondrites: the minerals involved are chlorites or the serpentine group, carbonates, free sulphur, sulphates and low temperature glass. In chemical terms the Mighei meteorite is somewhat enriched in the volatile elements S, C, H, N, O in comparison to the usual chondrites. These elements are found in different forms and the isotopic composition of the elements S, C, O, is different for different phases. The meteorite is also rich in a number of other fairly volatile element admixtures such as: B, F, Cl, Cu, Zn, Ga, Ge, Br, In, Te, I, Hg, Tl, Pb, Bi, and contains somewhat enhanced initial quantities of rare gases.The organic compounds are of an abiological nature in the meteorite and are located in finely dispersed distributions between the chondrules. They are present in the main, as polymerized organic compounds. Among these polymers there are gaseous hydrocarbons (saturated and non-saturated) and extractable organic compounds. In the latter condition the following organic compounds have been identified: aliphatic hydrocarbons, aromatic hydrocarbons, amino acids and others. The meteorite contains free organic radicals (1017 centres g–1), uncoupled -electrons which are delocalized in the aromatic structure of the polymeric matter.The radiogenic age of the meteorite has been determined as from 2.4 to 3.2 × 109 yr (by the K-Ar method) and up to 4.54 × 109 yr (by the Rb-Sr method), while the radiation age is put at 0.5 to 2.4 × 106 yr. Details of the meteorite structure give evidence of at least two processes in its formation; the accretion of the meteoritic matter, together with the simultaneous formation of organic compounds could have taken place at temperatures between 450 and 300 K.Reported on the XIV Meteoritic Conference, December 17, 1970, Moscow.  相似文献   

Selected problems of magnetospheric plasma physics are critically reviewed. The discussion is restricted to questions that are global in nature, i.e., involve the magnetosphere as a whole, and that are beyond the stage of systematic survey or isolated study requirements. Only low-energy particle aspects are discussed. The article focuses on the following subjects: (i) Effect of the interplanetary magnetic field on topography, topology and stability of the magnetospheric boundary; (ii) Solar wind plasma entry into the magnetosphere; (iii) Plasma storage and release mechanisms in the magnetospheric tail; (iv) Magnetic-field-aligned currents and magnetosphere-ionosphere interactions. A brief discussion of the prospects for the solution of these problems during and after the International Magnetospheric Study is given.Prepared for the Panel on Heliosphere Hydromagnetics of the National Academy of Sciences and for the Steering Committee of the International Magnetospheric Study.  相似文献   

Present status of the theories for presupernova evolution and triggering mechanisms of supernova explosions are summarized and discussed from the standpoint of the theory of stellar structure and evolution. It is not intended to collect every detail of numerical results thus far obtained, but to extract physically clear-cut understanding from complexities of the numerical stellar models. For this purpose the evolution of stellar cores is discussed in a generalized fashion. The following types of the supernova explosions are discussed. The carbon deflagration supernova of intermediate mass star which results in the total disruption of the star. Massive star evolves into a supernova triggered by photo-dissociation of iron nuclei which results in a formation of a neutron star or a black hole depending on its mass. These two are typical types of the sueprnovae. Between them there remains a range of mass for which collapse of the stellar core is triggered by electron captures, which has been recently shown to leave a neutron star despite oxygen deflagration competing with the electron captures. Also discussed are combustion and detonation of helium or carbon which take place in accreting white dwarfs, and the collapse which is triggered by electron-pair creation in very massive stars.Appendix: Notations A mass number of atomic nucleus - B v(a, b) incomplete beta function - c p specific heat at constant pressure - c p sound velocity - c(sub) center of the star - E e mean energy of an electron captured by nucleus - E n nuclear energy release from unit mass of the nuclear fuel specified by n - E thr threshold energy (9.3) - E thr,0 energy difference between the ground states of daughter nucleus and parent nucleus (9.1) - E energy of gamma ray emitted from daughter nucleus (9.1) - E v mean energy of a neutrino emitted by electron capture (9.1) - f flatness parameter (2.17) - g local gravitational acceleration (2.16) - H atomic mass unit - H p scale height of pressure (2.22) - H (sub) hydrogen-burning shell - k Boltzmann constant - l mixing length of convection - L cr(M r ) local Eddington's critical luminosity (4.3) - L n integrated nuclear energy generation rate by nuclear fuel specified by n - L v neutrino luminosity - L v, cr(M r ) local Eddington's critical neutrino luminosity (11.2) - M (current) mass of a star - m M core mass contained interior to the carbon-burning shell - M Ch Chandrasekhar's limiting mass (9.6) - M H core mass contained interior to the hydrogen-burning shell - M He core mass contained interior to the helium-burning shell - M ms mass of a star at its zero-age min-sequence - M O core mass contained interior to the oxygen-burning shell - M r mass contained interior to a shell at r - M Si core mass contained interior to the silicon-burning shell - M WD mass of white dwarf (7.1) - M 0 normalization factor to the non-dimensional mass (3.3) - M 1 core mass (3.6) - N polytropic index between pressure and density (2.3) - n polytropic index between pressure and temperature (10.1) - N A Avogadro number - N ad adiabatic polytropic index - N e number of electrons in unit mass of matter - NSE nuclear statistical equilibrium - P pressure - ph (sub) photosphere - Q e mass fraction of the envelope exterior of the shell e (2.14) - R stellar radius - r radial distance of a shell - r 0 normalization factor to the non-dimensional radius (3.2) - s specific entropy - S i specific entropy of ions - T temperature - U homology invariant defined by (2.1) - u gas specific internal energy of gas - u rad energy of the radiation field per volume in which unit mass of gas is contained (6.4) - V homology invariant defined by (2.2) - def velocity of deflagration front (6.10) - X concentration by weight of hydrogen - Y concentration by weight of helium - Y e mole number of electrons in one gram of matter (9.7) - Y v mole number of neutrinos in one gram of matter - Z concentration by weight of the elements other than hydrogen and helium - z shock strength (6.6) - 1 (sub) usually denotes the core edge (2.13) - ratio of the mixing length to the scale height of pressure (l/H p ) - ratio of gas pressure to the total pressure - ratio of the specific heats - gD locus of singularity in U-V plane (2.5) - M(H p ) mass contained within unit scale height of pressure (4.4) - ec energy rate by electron captures (9.5) - n nuclear energy generation rate by the nuclear fuel specified by n - v neutrino loss rate - L v (D) neutrino loss rate excluding the neutrinos from the electron captures (9.4) - non-dimensional density (3.1) - P/, not the non-dimensional temperature (2.7) - W Weinberg's angle (5.8) - opacity - v neutrino opacity (11.2) - describes the effect of electron degeneracy in equation of state (2.19) - ec rate of electron capture - mean molecular weight - e mean molecular weight of electrons - e chemical potential of an electron excluding the rest mass (8.1) - i mean molecular weight of ions - non-dimensional radius (3.1) - non-dimensional pressure (3.1) - matter density - cr GR critical density above which the general relativistic instability sets in - cr critical density for reimplosion of the core by beta processes (Section 5) - ign density at the ignition - nse density above which the deflagrated matter results in NSE composition - e non-dimensional entropy of electron-per one electron in units of k(9.2) - ff timescale of free fall (6.2) - h (H p ) timescale of heat transport over unit scale height of pressure (4.4) - n nuclear timescale for a change in temperature (6.1) - non-dimensional mass (3.1) - e chemical potential of an electron in units of kT (8.1)  相似文献   

Energy coupling between the solar wind and the magnetosphere   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
This paper describes in detail how we are led to the first approximation expression for the solar wind-magnetosphere energy coupling function , which correlates well with the total energy consumption rate U T of the magnetosphere. It is shown that is the primary factor which controls the time development of magnetospheric substorms and storms. The finding of this particular expression indicates how the solar wind couples its energy to the magnetosphere; the solar wind and the magnetosphere constitute a dynamo. In fact, the power P generated by the dynamo can be identified as by using a dimensional analysis. Furthermore, the finding of indicates that the magnetosphere is closer to a directly driven system than to an unloading system which stores the generated energy before converting it to substorm and storm energies. Therefore, the finding of and its implications have considerably advanced and improved our understanding of magnetospheric processes. The finding of has also led us to a few specific future problems in understanding relationships between solar activity and magnetospheric disturbances, such as a study of distortion of the solar current disk and the accompanying changes of . It is also pointed out that one of the first tasks in the energy coupling study is an improvement of the total energy consumption rate U T of the magnetosphere. Specific steps to be taken in this study are suggested.  相似文献   

Measurements of the shape of the ultraviolet spectrum from B stars are compared with the theoretical spectra predicted from a homogeneous series of eight model atmospheres which are known to be close to a state of radiative equilibrium and to give a good representation of the ordinarily observed spectral region. The broad-band photometer measurements of Byram, Chubb, and Friedman in the region 1314 indicate that the stars become brighter in the ultraviolet as their temperature increases. The theoretical spectra reproduce this trend. However, the theoretical spectra are about three times as bright at 1314 relative to their brightness at 5560 as is observed.The spectral observations at 50Å resolution of Stecher and Milligan of six absorption-line stars are compared in detail with theoretical spectra. The observed shape of the spectrum is reproduced well by the models from 2600 to longer wavelengths. At wavelengths shorter than 2600 Å, the observed fluxes from B stars are less than the predicted fluxes. At 2000 the deficiency is between a factor two and a factor four. The spectrum of Canis Majoris is observed to have a different shape from that found for four other early-type stars. In the case of Canis Majoris the deficiency at 2000 is about a factor 13.The proper manner in which to compare theory and observation is discussed and some astrophysical terminology is explained. Theoretical fluxes, , are given in Table 1 for eight early B type model atmospheres at wavelengths between the Lyman limit and 6251. These fluxes have been computed without consideration of the opacity due to line blanketing. It is shown that line blanketing can probably account for the differences noted between predicted and observed ultra-violet spectra of B stars. It is not necessary at present to invoke unusual sources of opacity in the stellar atmosphere or in the space between the star and the earth in order to explain the observations. Spectra of B stars in the 2000 region at sufficient resolution to show the line spectrum would clarify the problem.  相似文献   

The paper reviews various approaches to the problem of evaluation and numerical representation of the magnetic field distributions produced within the magnetosphere by the main electric current systems including internal Earth's sources, the magnetopause surface current, the tail plasma sheet, the large-scale systems of Birkeland current, the currents due to radiation belt particles, and the partial ring current circuit. Some basic physical principles as well as mathematical background for development of magnetospheric magnetic field models are discussed.A special emphasis is placed on empirical modeling based on datasets created from large bodies of spacecraft measurements. A review of model results on the average magnetospheric configurations and their dependence on the geomagnetic disturbance level and the state of interplanetary medium is given. Possibilities and perspectives for elaborating the instantaneous models capable of evaluating a current distribution of magnetic field and force line configuration based on a synoptic monitoring the intensity of the main magnetospheric electric current systems are also discussed. Some areas of practical use of magnetospheric models are reviewed in short. Magnetospheric plasma and energetic particle measurements are considered in the context of their use as an independent tool for testing and correcting the magnetic field models.  相似文献   

This article reviews theories and observations related to effects produced by finite (and large) Larmor radii of charged particles in the magnetosphere. The FLR effects depend on =r H /L, wherer H is the Larmor radius andL is the spatial scale for field/plasma inhomogeneity. The parameter is a basic expansion parameter for most equations describing plasma dynamics in the magnetosphere. The FLR effects enter naturally the drift approximation for particle motion and represent also non-ideal MHD terms in the fluid formalism. The linear and higher order terms in lead to charge separation, energization of particles, and produce viscosity without collisions. The FLR effects introduce also important corrections to the dispersion relations for MHD waves and drift instabilities. Expansion of plasma into magnetic field leads to filamentation of the plasma boundary and to creation of structures with thickness less than an ion gyroradius. Large Larmor radius effects (1) in curved magnetic field geometry lead to stochastic behaviour of particle trajectories and to deterministic chaos. The tiny scale of the electron and ion gyroradii does not necessarily mean that FLR/LLR phenomena have negligible effect on the macroscopic dynamics and energetics of the whole magnetosphere. On the contrary, the small scale gyro-effects may provide the physical mechanism for gyroviscous coupling between the solar wind and the magnetosphere, the mechanism for triggering disruption of the magnetotail current layer, and the mechanism for parallel electric field that accelerate auroral particles.  相似文献   

Much verified information has been accumulated in recent years which shows that many fundamental concepts involving classical physics, thermodynamics, astrophysics and the general theory of relativity are strongly coupled together. This evidence is employed in this paper to explain the principles of the astrophysical school of thermodynamics; a growing revolutionary school which deduces thermodynamics, energy dissipation, and time unisotropies from the Newtonian and Einsteinian theories of gravitation and from the dynamics of radiation in unsaturable (intercluster) space. Accordingly the density of radiation and the dynamics of (unsaturable) outer space affect all processes in the galactic media, in the solar system, in the magnetosphere and on Earth.The origin of all observed irreversibilities in nature — of time, of all time anisotropics, of energy dissipation, of T-violations in elementary particles, of retarded potentials in electrodynamics, of the biological clocks, and of biological arrows of time — is one; it is the radiation unsaturability of space. But since this unsaturability and gravitation are interconnected we explain the origin of asymmetries, structure, and thermodynamics within the frameworks of the Newtonian and Einsteinian theories of gravitation.The theory presented here forms a part of a more general approach called gravitism, which unifies some other disciplinary studies in the natural sciences with a unified approach to gravitation and the theory of time. [1].Gravitism is the general title which refers to the author's philosophy [1].  相似文献   

Measurements made with the charged particle spectrometer of the Max-Planck-Institut für Aeronomie onboard GEOS-1 were used to investigate the behaviour of energetic electrons and ions in the dusk sector of the magnetosphere. During substorms the integral ion flux ( 24 KeV) increased whereas the integral electron flux ( 20 KeV) first decreased and later on also increased. The dependences of these flux variations on pitch-angle and particle energy are described and discussed in terms of particle drift in the geomagnetic and geoelectric fields and adiabatic energy variations. The results also provide some information on the source region of the drifting particles.  相似文献   

We study the simultaneous occurrence of ULF waves observed on board GEOS and at two of its conjugated stations: Husafell (Iceland) and Skibotn (Norway). We try to deduce some properties of the regions in which these waves are generated. The few number of simultaneous observations of pearl events indicates that such structured oscillations can occur only in specific conditions which are not met generally at the geostationary altitude. We introduce a new method for measuring time delays between the satellite and the ground. We show that this time is much higher than it would be expected from a simple extrapolation of measurements done at lower latitudes on structured events.  相似文献   

We propose a technique to derive the coronal density irregularity factor , wheren is the electron density. The absolute photometric comparison between the intensity of UV lines and the white-light K-coronal polarized brightness (pB) provides an unique constraint on the inhomogeneity of the corona. The ratio of the measured H I Lyman (Ly-) line intensity to the resonant-scattering dominated H I Lyman (Ly-) intensity can be used to extract the collisonal component of the Ly-. This component yields an estimate of . The quantity is then obtained from white-light K-coronal measurements. The use of lines of the same atomic species minimizes the effects due to outflow velocities (i.e., Doppler dimming), and reduces the errors introduced by the uncertainties in the ionization balance, the atomic parameters, and the solar abundances. The UVCS/SOHO unique capability of performing cotemporal and cospatial measurements of the Ly- and Ly- lines, and ofpB makes this instrument ideal for implementing this technique.  相似文献   

This paper gives a review of the recent high-resolution H observations of solar flares and flare-productive active regions. From studies of the morphological and evolutional features of H flare emitting regions, two types of two-ribbon flares, which are termed separating two-ribbon flare and confined two-ribbon flare, are discussed. The former is characterized by conspicuous separating motions or expanding motions of the H two ribbons, whereas the latter shows only a short range of or no separating motions of the two ribbons. The explosive compact flares, which occur in some compact newly-emerging flux regions, are also discussed.Attention is paid to the successive and impulsive brightenings of H flare points which form the H flare kernels and the front lines of H two ribbons at the impulsive phases of flares. Temporal relationships between H line intensities or profiles and hard X-ray or microwave emissions are discussed to discriminate the energy transport mechanisms in the flare loops.H monochromatic image of high spatial resolution, at the present time, is the most sensitive detector for finding the first appearance of newly-emerging magnetic flux region and the developing features of sheared configuration of magnetic field, both of which are the key factors in flare energy build-up processes. It is suggested that the successive emergence of a twisted magnetic flux rope might be essential for the production of a major flare.Contributions from the Kwasan and Hida Observatories, Kyoto University, No. 292.  相似文献   

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