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Two small satellites of Mars, Phobos and Deimos, can be dust sources around Mars. Orbits of circummartian dust particles are controlled by solar radiation pressure as well as Martian oblateness. Their orbital eccentricity and inclination can be enhanced greatly by the orbital resonance. Particles from Phobos would form a thin dust ring where dust radius is dominant in 20–200μm. On the other hand, particles from Deimos would form an extended dust torus. Collisions of ring particles on Phobos and Deimos may be the most important dust source. The upper limit of dust production from this self-sustaining mechanism can be estimated from the erosion rate of Phobos. Japanese Mars mission NOZOMI (PLANET-B) could discover dust ring/torus through direct detection by MDC (Mars Dust Counter).  相似文献   

This paper investigates the motion around the triangular equilibrium points, of a passively gravitating dust particle in the gravitational field of a low-mass post-AGB binary system, surrounded by circumbinary disc. The two bodies of the binary are modeled as a triaxial star and a radiating-oblate star. Due to small deviation of disc stars on circular orbits, we have assumed that the Coriolis and centrifugal forces of the stars are slightly perturbed. The triangular equilibrium points of the particle are found. These points are defined by, triaxiality of the primary star, oblateness and radiation of the secondary one and the gravitational potential from the disc mass. Further, when the disc mass increases, the particle moves nearer to the stars and farther away from the disc. In general, these equilibrium points are linearly stable when μ < μC; where μ is the mass ratio and μC is the critical mass function, defined by the parameters of the system. The effects of each of these parameters on the size of the stability region are stated, and the periodic motion around the stable points is examined. It is seen that the orbits are ellipses, and the orientation, eccentricities, lengths of the semi-major and semi-minor axes are influenced by the parameters of the problem. In particular, for our numerical linear stability analysis, we have taken an extremely depleted pulsating star, IRAS 11472-0800 as the post-AGB triaxial star, with a weakly-radiating young white dwarf star; G29-38 as the secondary. For this system, the stability result of the triangular points comes out different. Here, μC < μ throughout the entire range of the mass ratio and the critical mass function. Hence, the triangular equilibrium points are unstable. The stability of the orbits is tested using the Poincaré surfaces of section (Pss). The region of stability is controlled by the introduced parameters and the Jacobi constant.  相似文献   

Removing orbital debris with lasers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Orbital debris in low Earth orbit (LEO) are now sufficiently dense that the use of LEO space is threatened by runaway collision cascading. A problem predicted more than thirty years ago, the threat from debris larger than about 1 cm demands serious attention. A promising proposed solution uses a high power pulsed laser system on the Earth to make plasma jets on the objects, slowing them slightly, and causing them to re-enter and burn up in the atmosphere. In this paper, we reassess this approach in light of recent advances in low-cost, light-weight modular design for large mirrors, calculations of laser-induced orbit changes and in design of repetitive, multi-kilojoules lasers, that build on inertial fusion research. These advances now suggest that laser orbital debris removal (LODR) is the most cost-effective way to mitigate the debris problem. No other solutions have been proposed that address the whole problem of large and small debris. A LODR system will have multiple uses beyond debris removal. International cooperation will be essential for building and operating such a system.  相似文献   

火星尘埃对太阳电池阵的影响与电帘除尘研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
火星表面大量尘埃在太阳电池阵表面的累积将会导致其输出功率下降,甚至使太阳电池阵功能失效。近年来,电帘除尘方法被认为是在火星着陆任务中进行尘埃防护最有效的手段之一。本文开展了火星尘埃累积对三结砷化镓太阳电池性能影响的实验研究,得到了火星尘埃累积量与太阳电池电压、电流和相对输出功率数值模型;通过除尘技术分析,确定电帘除尘装置构型;依据制备得到的除尘电帘,对不同火星尘埃累积下电帘的除尘效率进行了研究,为火星着陆太阳电池阵遥测数据分析和开发自适应除尘太阳电池阵提供有力的技术支持。  相似文献   

为保证在轨机动实时性和高精度的要求,提出了一种基于机器学习的在轨实时机动决策方法。通过优化算法离线获得摄动下的精确解,减去二体解得到速度增量差,将其投影到轨道坐标系获得速度增量摄动修正项,以此作为神经网络输出,设计网络参数并训练得到摄动修正网络、组合应用摄动修正网络和二体解实现高精度的在轨实时轨道机动决策。仿真结果表明:卫星按照该决策机动完成后的终端位置偏差与按照优化算法给出的决策机动完成后终端位置偏差精度一致,且前者决策耗时仅为后者决策耗时的0.01%左右。所提轨道机动决策方法兼顾了精度与实时性,适用于星上决策。   相似文献   

This paper presents methods for deriving first order monetary benefits from removing individual debris objects in high value sun-synchronous orbits. These analyses are intended to serve as an economic metric by which competing debris removal methods can be evaluated.  相似文献   

Dust emission phenomena of cometary analogues   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Experiments with cometary analogues are reported, which were performed at DLR - Köln in a small vacuum chamber and in the Space Simulator. The results apply to the emission processes of ice-dust grains from the surface of mineral-ice mixtures during insolation. The emission phenomena were observed with CCD-video-cameras. The camera used at the small chamber was equipped with a magnifying (10x) macro-lens. The magnified pictures show that the ice-dust agglomerates carry tiny ice particles on their surfaces. These may play the role of interlinking bonds between one grain and its neighbors. In the enlarged view it can be seen that the ice-dust grains do not erupt with high velocity out of the surface. The upstreaming gas jet originating from the sublimation of the volatile components first erodes the interlinking bonds between the particles. When the drag force exerted on the particles exceeds the force of gravity, the particles lift off. In most of the observed cases this initial lift off velocity is very small e.g. a few cm/s.

During a comet-simulation experiment in the Space-Simulator in November 1989 the trajectories of emitted dust particles were recorded for the first time with a high speed shutter video system 60 cm from the model comet. The video tapes were evaluated with a computerized image processing system. Unique insights in the gas-dust-interaction immediately at and above the insolated icy body were obtained. The trajectories differ markedly in all cases from the the ballistic parabolas calculated from the measured starting conditions: elevation angle and speed. The trajectory is mainly dominated by the momentum transfer from the gas jet to the dust particles. Many of the particles have millimeter sizes. The observed velocities at the end of the visible trajectory are in the order of a few meters per second.  相似文献   

主要研究了时间最优多脉冲交会问题中最优交会时间和最优脉冲数随各因素的变化规律.建立了考虑路径约束的数学模型,并利用遗传算法对问题进行了求解.在此基础上通过大量的数值计算研究了共面圆轨道间交会问题中各因素(包括轨道半径比、初始相位差、燃料以及路径约束)对最优交会时间和最优脉冲次数的影响,并总结出了最优交会时间和最优脉冲数随各因素的变化规律.根据最优交会时间随各因素变化的曲线较为"平缓"(均为单调或只有一个极值)的事实,指出可以利用较少的特征点通过插值的方法来快速求解最优交会策略.结论对于空间营救和在轨规避等实际任务的轨道设计具有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   

The Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS) was launched in 1983 for the purpose of surveying the sky in a broad area of the infrared portion of the spectrum. While the primary objects of interest of IRAS were stars and nebulae, other types of space-related objects could also be observed. These include comets, asteroids, and Earth orbiting objects. Theoretical analysis indicates that IRAS could observe objects with a diameter of 1-mm at a range of 100-km and objects with a diameter of 1-cm at a range of 1000-km, while current ground-based observations of particles in low Earth orbit are limited to objects larger than 1-cm. Thus, these data offer a unique opportunity to ascertain the number density of particles below the present observable limit. At NASA/JSC a preliminary analysis of an IRAS data set has been performed to detect and describe this population, and the results of this study are presented.  相似文献   

Based on the Maxwell-Garnet expression for the optical constant of heterogeneous material, the temperature of grain consisting of homogeneous matrix and small sized impurity can be examined. It is found that the heterogeneous grain model can explain the evidence observed in the comets, i.e. (i) higher production rate of water molecules at large solar distance due to sublimation from water-ice with magnetite inclusions, and (ii) elevated color temperature, which frequently coexists with a 10 μm-silicate peak, as the thermal emission of obsidian contaminated by small magnetite inclusions.  相似文献   

航天技术的发展与应用使在轨服务成为可能,由于各种限制因素的制约,服务航天器需要选择适当的时机,并在一定的时间范围内实施机动以提供在轨服务.提出并界定了机动窗口的概念,分析了机动窗口的制约因素,重点探讨了在机动能量制约下圆轨道之间的机动窗口计算问题.根据服务任务的紧急程度,分别研究了最省能量的漂移式机动窗口和节省时间的快速机动窗口.计算结果表明,共轨部署的服务航天器在能量有限、而时间不限的情况下,比其他部署方式有更多的机动时机,机动能量是制约机动窗口的关键因素.  相似文献   

There are challenges associated with optical observations of Earth-orbiting objects that are at, or near, the limit of detection using terrestrial space surveillance sensors. These challenges include observing small objects not just for statistical purposes, but also with enough frequency and accuracy to move them into satellite catalogs, to provide the capability to routinely observe and characterize smaller objects, and to develop the capability to observe the satellite positions with increased accuracy. Until recently, ground-based observers could easily have mistaken such small objects as debris. Given the current pace of small satellite development, it may not be much longer before operational spacecraft of even smaller size are launched. AMOS is currently developing techniques to observe and characterize these small spacecraft, and applying those techniques to orbital debris.  相似文献   

Within the last year three major re-entries occurred. The satellites UARS, ROSAT and Phobos-Grunt entered Earth’s atmosphere with fragments reaching the surface. Due to a number of uncertainties in propagating an object’s trajectory the exact place and time of a satellite’s re-entry is hard to determine. Major influences when predicting the re-entry time are the changing precision of the available orbital data, the satellite’s ballistic coefficient, the activity of the sun which influences the Earth’s atmosphere and the underlying quality of the atmospheric model. In this paper a method is presented which can reduce the variability in short-term orbital lifetime prediction induced by fluctuating orbital data accuracies. A re-entry campaign is used as a reference for this purpose. For a window of a few weeks before the re-entry the position data of a synthetic object is disturbed considering different degrees of orbital data errors. As a result different predictions will exist for the generated position data of a given day. Using a regression algorithm on the available data an average position is obtained, which is then used for the orbital lifetime prediction. The effect of this measure is a more consistent prediction of the orbital lifetime. The paper concludes with the comparison of the generated re-entry windows in various test cases for the original and the averaged data.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a mission concept for active removal of orbital debris based on the utilization of the CubeSat form factor. The CubeSat is deployed from a carrier spacecraft, known as a mothership, and is equipped with orbital and attitude control actuators to attach to the target debris, stabilize its attitude, and subsequently move the debris to a lower orbit where atmospheric drag is high enough for the bodies to burn up. The mass and orbit altitude of debris objects that are within the realms of the CubeSat’s propulsion capabilities are identified. The attitude control schemes for the detumbling and deorbiting phases of the mission are specified. The objective of the deorbiting maneuver is to decrease the semi-major axis of the debris orbit, at the fastest rate, from its initial value to a final value of about 6471?km (i.e., 100?km above Earth considering a circular orbit) via a continuous low-thrust orbital transfer. Two case studies are investigated to verify the performance of the deorbiter CubeSat during the detumbling and deorbiting phases of the mission. The baseline target debris used in the study are the decommissioned KOMPSAT-1 satellite and the Pegasus rocket body. The results show that the deorbiting times for the target debris are reduced significantly, from several decades to one or two years.  相似文献   

为了满足应急轨道机动过程中测控约束和时间、燃料资源等各方面的要求 ,提出了一种变轨方案快速设计算法.给出了适用于变量搜索的轨道机动变轨模式,将变轨 方案快速设计问题转化成了约束优化问题;建立了完整的测控约束数学模型和对测控约束的 处理算法;然后利用遗传算法搜索出了同时满足测控约束条件和优化目标的变轨方案.算例 表明,利用此算法设计得到的变轨方案,能够满足应急轨道机动任务的需要.   相似文献   

月尘的静电悬浮和迁移是Apollo时期留下的最有争议的问题之一. 其既是研 究月球表面物质演化历史的重要线索, 也是探月工程必须考虑的重要因素. 月尘在月表环境下易因电子附着、光电效应、二次电子发射等过程带电, 并 在月球全球性静电场作用下发生迁移运动. 但目前对月尘静电迁移过程的认 识还不全面, 其主要原因在于对月尘静电特性的了解不够准确, 对静电迁移 过程的地面模拟不够充分以及对月球尘埃环境的探测较为缺乏. 未来需进一 步开展模拟月尘的研制, 月尘静电特性的分析, 静电迁移过程模拟以及尘埃 环境的探测等工作.  相似文献   

A local orbital debris flux analysis is performed in the geostationary (GEO) ring to investigate how frequently near-miss events occur for each longitude slot in the GEO ring. The current resident space object (RSO) environment at GEO is evaluated, and publicly-available two-line element (TLE) data are utilized in tandem with a geostationary torus configuration to simulate near-miss events incurred by the trackable RSO population at GEO. Methodology for determining near-miss events with this formulation is introduced, and the results of the analysis for a one-year time frame are provided to illustrate the need for active GEO remediation.  相似文献   

Some aspects of fluid instabilities occurring in the magnetospheres of accreting neutron stars are discussed. It is pointed out that (i) in the absence of strong differential rotation, the accreting plasma should be drawn out into spiralling, sheet-like structures, resulting in efficient mixing between the two media; (ii) the Rayleigh-Taylor instability also acts to limit the X-ray luminosity in super-critical sources; and (iii) magnetic shear has a strong stabilizing influence on Kelvin-Helmholtz modes, and its presence may allow substantial amounts of material to be supported around the magnetosphere.  相似文献   

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