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2017年9月8日发生了一次强磁暴,Kp指数最大值达到8.利用区域电离层格网模型(Regional Ionosphere Map,RIM)和区域ROTI(Rate of TEC Index)地图,分析了磁暴期间中国及其周边地区电离层TEC扰动特征和低纬地区电离层不规则体的产生与发展情况,同时利用不同纬度IGS(International GNSS Service)测站BJFS(39.6°N,115.9°E),JFNG(30.5°N,114.5°E)和HKWS(22.4°N,114.3°E)的GPS双频观测值,获取各测站的ROTI和DROT(Standard Deviation of Differential ROT)指数变化趋势.结果表明:此次磁暴发生期间电离层扰动先以正相扰动为主,主要发生在中低纬区域,dTEC(differential TEC)最大值达到14.9TECU,随后电离层正相扰动逐渐衰减,在低纬区域发生电离层负相扰动,dTEC最小值达到-7.2TECU;在12:30UT-13:30UT时段,中国南部低纬地区发生明显的电离层不规则体事件;相比BJFS和JFNG两个测站,位于低纬的HKWS测站的ROTI和DROT指数变化更为剧烈,这表明电离层不规则体结构存在纬度差异.  相似文献   

地磁暴发生时,电离层会有偏离平均水平的强烈扰动.基于全球电离层TEC及其时间变化率ROTI(Rate of TEC Index)数据,对2014年8月一次中等强度磁暴期间的全球电离层影响进行了分析,探讨了磁暴所引发电离层暴的可能机制.研究发现,本次磁暴伴随有明显的电离层暴效应.磁暴期间:南半球电离层以正相暴为主,北半球电离层暴则整体表现为短暂正相暴后长时间强的负相暴;电离层在北半球的下降比南半球强,并且这种下降持续了约一周时间;低纬区域电离层变化幅度明显小于中纬区域,高纬区域则主要表现为负暴效应;赤道北驼峰出现了明显的南移现象,直至磁赤道两侧双驼峰结构消失.对磁暴期间三个不同扇区的电离层ROTI变化的分析表明:欧洲-非洲扇区磁暴前有电离层闪烁发生,磁暴发生后消失,而东亚-澳大利亚及美洲扇区则无此现象出现.研究结果表明,此次磁暴期间的电离层变化存在明显的时间和空间差异.  相似文献   

地磁暴发生时,电离层会有偏离平均水平的强烈扰动.基于全球电离层TEC及其时间变化率ROTI(Rate of TEC Index)数据,对2014年8月一次中等强度磁暴期间的全球电离层影响进行了分析,探讨了磁暴所引发电离层暴的可能机制.研究发现,本次磁暴伴随有明显的电离层暴效应.磁暴期间:南半球电离层以正相暴为主,北半球电离层暴则整体表现为短暂正相暴后长时间强的负相暴;电离层在北半球的下降比南半球强,并且这种下降持续了约一周时间;低纬区域电离层变化幅度明显小于中纬区域,高纬区域则主要表现为负暴效应;赤道北驼峰出现了明显的南移现象,直至磁赤道两侧双驼峰结构消失.对磁暴期间三个不同扇区的电离层ROTI变化的分析表明:欧洲-非洲扇区磁暴前有电离层闪烁发生,磁暴发生后消失,而东亚-澳大利亚及美洲扇区则无此现象出现.研究结果表明,此次磁暴期间的电离层变化存在明显的时间和空间差异.  相似文献   

利用IGS提供的双频GNSS观测数据,分析了Kalman方法解算电离层垂直总电子含量(Vertical Total Electron Content,VTEC)存在的问题,提出了Kriging-Kalman改进解算方法,并对两种方法解算的电离层VTEC进行分析和比较.结果表明:在低纬地区,当观测卫星数量发生改变时,Kalman方法解算的VTEC存在跳变异常,Kriging-Kalman方法解算的VTEC变化较为平稳,不存在跳变现象.对比分析耀斑期间两种方法解算VTEC的变化,发现Kalman方法解算的VTEC变化明显小于耀斑引起VTEC的增量;Kriging-Kalman方法解算结果与实际变化相一致.表明Kriging-Kalman方法计算精度更高,能够更精确计算耀斑等剧烈异常空间天气活动期间的VTEC及其变化,有利于电离层VTEC日常精确监测、研究和工程应用.  相似文献   

基于IGS电离层TEC格网的扰动特征统计分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电离层总电子含量(TEC)是研究空间天气特性的重要参量,通过分析电离层TEC,可以了解空间环境的变化特征.利用IGS提供的1999—2016年全球电离层TEC格网数据,按照地磁纬度将全球划分为高、中、中低、低磁纬四个区域,计算不同区域的电离层扰动;利用大量统计数据选取电离层扰动事件的判定阈值,分析电离层扰动与太阳活动、时空之间的关系;计算电离层扰动指数与地磁活动之间的相关系数.结果显示:电离层扰动与太阳活动变化具有较强的正相关特性.在太阳活动低年,电离层扰动事件发生的概率约为1.79%,在太阳活动高年发生扰动的概率约为10.18%.在空间分布上,无论是太阳活动高年还是低年,高磁纬地区发生扰动事件的概率均大于其他磁纬出现扰动事件的概率.计算得到的中磁纬和中低磁纬地区电离层扰动指数与全球地磁指数Ap的相关系数分别为0.57和0.56,说明电离层扰动指数与Ap具有较好的相关关系;高磁纬电离层扰动指数与Ap的相关系数为0.44;低磁纬扰动指数与Ap的相关系数为0.39.以上结果表明,不同区域电离层扰动与全球地磁指数Ap的相关性不同,测定区域地磁指数可能会提高与电离层扰动的相关性.  相似文献   

重点报道了一种TEC伪距观测量的夜间抖动异常现象,分析了这种现象的观测特征,指出了夜间GPS伪距观测量的异常抖动,特别足日落后时段GPS伪距观测量的散开十分严重的现象不是个别的偶然现象.在考察了周围环境之后初步排除了这种现象是由周围地物引起的可能性,而进一步与电离层不均匀体(spread-F)的特征,特别是它发生率最大的地方时进行比较,认为这是一种电离层效应,由大尺度的电离层不规则结构造成的散射很可能是这种夜间散开的主要原因.木文仪就单站GPS观测资料认证了这种夜间强烈抖动的存在,分析了北京上空电离层中发生的不均匀体或各种扰动对GPS信号的可能影响及其观测特征,指出了夜间GPS伪距观测量的异常抖动,特别是日落后时段GPS伪距观测量的散开十分严重的现象,可以用于电离层不规则结构的研究.由于GPS没备比较简便、数据量大、精度高、适用于各种环境等特点,我们发展的单站GPS数据分析方法可能会对研究电离层TEC夜问涨落异常增加现象,包括地域、时间上的统计特性比较有利.  相似文献   

一种电离层场向不规则体各向异性散射模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电离层场向不规则体散射具有很强的方向性, 利用电离层场向不规则体散 射进行VHF频段超视距通信时, 需要准确可靠地确定其散射分布特性及路径损 耗等参数. 基于电离层不规则体场向散射的特点, 以地球地磁场为坐标系统, 提出了一种电离层场向不规则体各向异性散射模型, 该模型能够计算前向和后 向散射链路的路径损耗分布、时延展宽和相干带宽等参数, 同时运用该模型对 雷达横向截面的计算结果与已有文献的数据结果进行对比, 证明了该模型的准确性. 该模型能够计算电离层场向不规则体VHF频段的散射分布及路径损耗等参数, 为VHF散射通信链路的设计、布站提供依据和技术指导.  相似文献   

电离层不规则结构的多普勒谱特性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用武汉电离层观象台连续5年的高频多普勒记录,研究电离层中不规则结构反射回波的各种频谱特性及其变化。通常,扩展F回波总是引起扩散的多普勒诺;而Es回波的多普勒图白天一般呈平直光滑谱,晚上变得扩散,其多普勒展宽常比未扩散时大2-3倍,达1Hz以上。多普勒图上有时会出现斜描迹多普勒谱,这种谱结构反映了Es或扩展F中电子云团的漂移运动。  相似文献   

利用宇宙噪声是均匀的。各向同性的背景电磁辐射的假设,对电子密度涨落空间分布波数谱为负幂律函数的电离层不规则结构,用射线光学方法导出了闪烁功率谱的表示式。与射电星和轨道人造卫星信标的电离层闪烁相比,减少了因相对运动弓队的变量。用数值计算方法研究了电离层不规则结构的结构参量Ly、ly、p、η对功率谱的影响。与实测资料比较,发现电离层吸收事件期间且Riometer记录的闪烁资料中,60%以上相应的不规则结构有Ly>103,η>η0(0.2<η0<0.5).   相似文献   

利用全球分布的GPS原始观测数据提取的电离层总电子含量(TEC)分析了2004年11月6日至12日期间全球电离层暴的形态特点与发展过程.结果表明,11月8日磁暴主相期间电离层暴以大范围的强烈正暴为主,在11月10日的恢复相,Dst又一次降到最低值前后期间,电离层再次受到很强的扰动,大范围的正暴和负暴交替出现.这次磁暴期间夏季半球的负暴更加强烈,反映出负暴偏向于在夏季半球发生的季节变化特点.另外,磁暴期间,夜晚TEC值普遍比磁暴前的平静期要低,具体是什么机制导致还需要进一步收集数据和分析.  相似文献   

基于IGS提供的TEC数据, 研究了2003年10月大磁暴期间的暴时密度增强(Storm Enhanced Density, SED)现象; 利用GPS观测数据, 计算出ROTI (Standard deviations of ROT)指数, 分析了SED边界附近电离层小尺度不均匀体结构的时间和空间演变. 研究表明, 在磁暴主相期间SED边界附近不均匀体随着磁暴的发展逐渐增多; 在主相的中后期不均匀体的分布密集度达到最大; 在恢复相期间, 不均匀体分布很少; 随着磁暴的发展, 不均匀体开始主要集中在40~45ºN范围内, 随后向高纬漂移, 主要集中在45~55ºN范围内.  相似文献   

电离层不规则结构的存在可引起无线电信号的幅度和相位发生随机起伏, 这 种电离层闪烁现象会影响全球定位系统(Global Positioning System, GPS)的 性能, 降低定位精度, 严重时导致信号失锁. 电离层不规则结构对GPS性能的 影响涉及电离层物理、接收机设计和表征卫星几何分布的精度衰减因子(Dilution of Positioning, DOP)等多方面因素. 本文通过对表征电离层不规则结构参数 的分析, 根据GPS接收机跟踪环路和闪烁信号模型, 综合研究了电离层闪烁对 GPS接收机载波跟踪环和码跟踪环跟踪误差的影响; 结合实际观测, 评述 了电离层不规则结构对单频和双频GPS接收机定位性能的影响, 在此基础上 提出了有待深入研究的问题及具体建议.  相似文献   

自相关分析法用于电离层TEC的内插评估   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
基于2004年实测数据的统计分析,将自相关分析法用于电离层TEC的缺值内插,并进行精度评估.采用上海地区GPS综合应用网和中国地壳运动GPS监测网数据,解算成电离层垂直TEC,对缺值进行了时序内插及评估.结果表明,缺值段内的插值误差一般中间较大,两侧较小,插值误差远小于均方差.将自相关分析法内插结果与线性插值法、抛物线法、三次样条法内插结果进行对比,发现对于缺值较多、变化较复杂的缺值段,其插值精度有明显的提高.采用自相关方法进行内插后,有效减小了由于缺值而引起的局部跳跃变化,可以比较准确地研究TEC变化特性.  相似文献   

The occurrence of ionospheric irregularities at high latitudes, with dimensions of several kms down to decameter scale size shows strong correlation with geomagnetic disturbance, season and solar activity. Transionospheric radio waves propagating through these irregularities experience rapid random fluctuations in phase and/or amplitude of the signal at the receiver, termed scintillation, which can degrade GNSS services. Thus, investigation and prediction of this scintillation effect is very important. To investigate such scintillation effects, a GISTM (GPS Ionospheric Scintillation and TEC Monitoring) NovAtel dual frequency (L1/L2) GPS receiver has been installed at Trondheim, Norway (63.41°63.41° N, 10.4°10.4° E), capable of collecting scintillation indices at a 1 min rate as well as the raw data (phase and intensity) of the satellite signals at a 50 Hz sampling rate and TEC (Total Electron Content) at a 1 Hz rate. Many researchers have reported that both phase and amplitude scintillation is closely associated with TEC fluctuations or associated with a significant developing enhancement or depletion in the TEC. In this study, a novel analogous phase index is developed which provides samples at a 1 min rate. Generally the scintillation indices can help in estimating the irregularity scintillation effect at a one minute rate, but such procedures are time consuming if DFTs of the phase and/or amplitude at a 50 Hz data are required. In this study, instead, this analogous phase index is estimated from 1 Hz rate TEC values obtained from the raw signals and is then compared for weak, moderate and strong scintillation at Trondheim for one year of data collected from the installed GPS receiver. The spectral index of the irregularities (that is the inverse power law of their spatial spectrum) is determined from the resultant phase scintillation psd. The correlations of the scintillation indices and spectral indices with the analogous phase index have been investigated under different geomagnetic conditions (represented by the Kp index) and an approximate linear correlation of phase scintillation with the analogous phase index was found. Then a principal advantage of this index is that it achieves this correlation without requiring a high sampling data rate and the need for DFTs. Thus, the index seems a good candidate for developing a simple means of ionospheric scintillation prediction which could also be utilized in the development of alerts using regional mappings.  相似文献   

Ionospheric irregularities are well-known phenomena associated with ionospheric scintillation. These irregularities comprise steep electron density gradients in the equatorial F region some 1 to 2 h after sunset in regions close to the geomagnetic equator. Using the IGS network of GNSS receivers spread across the low-latitude region over the African sector, we present the monthly trends in ionospheric irregularity activity levels based on Rate of TEC Index (ROTI) during the declining phase of solar 24. The monthly trends are statistically represented by counts of the night time ROTI values exceeding a threshold of 0.4 TECU/min. A clear trend emerges on the irregularity occurrence across the African sector: during the first four months of the year, the irregularity occurrence is highly pronounced on the western side of the region. The irregularity occurrence then shifts to the eastern side during the months of May, June, July, and August. During the last four months of the year, the irregularity occurrence is again more intense on the western side of Africa than on the eastern side. The occurrence of irregularity structures on only one side of the region during a given night is an unusual feature reported here for the first time.  相似文献   

The observations of Global Positioning System (GPS) scintillation, Total Electron Content (TEC) depletion, the periodic structure of TEC and Rate of TEC Index (ROTI) over south China were presented. Data were collected from GPS observations at stations of Shenzhen and Guangzhou from 2011 to 2012. This study reported that the ratio of simultaneous occurrences of TEC depletions with strong scintillations was higher than that of TEC depletions with weak scintillations in vernal and autumnal equinoxes of 2011 over South China. The number of the periodic structures of TEC with depletion contained was greater than that with no depletion contained corresponding to strong scintillations. The structure of the slab of plasma irregularities could be responsible for the simultaneous occurrences of TEC depletion with strong scintillations and ROTI. Before and during the occurrences of strong scintillation, there was Large-Scale Wave Structure (LSWS) which provided the seed ionization perturbation to trigger ESF irregularities and contributed to the periodic structure of TEC.  相似文献   




The ionospheric scintillation and TEC (Total Electron Content) variations are studied using GPS (Global Positioning System) measurements at an Indian low latitude station Surat (21.16°N, 72.78°E; Geomagnetic: 12.90°N, 147.35°E), situated near the northern crest of the equatorial anomaly region. The results are presented for data collected during the initial phase of current rising solar activity (low to moderate solar activity) period between January 2009 and December 2011. The results show that within a total number of 656 night-time scintillation events, 340 events are observed with TEC depletions, Rate of change of TEC (ROT) fluctuations and enhancement of Rate of change of TEC Index (ROTI). A comparison of night-time scintillation events from the considered period reveal strong correlation amongst the duration of scintillation activity in S4 index, TEC depletion, ROT fluctuations and ROTI enhancement in the year 2011, followed by the year 2010 and least in 2009. The statistical analyses of scintillation activity with enhancement of ROTI also show that about 70–96% scintillation activity took place in equinox and winter months. Moreover, from a nocturnal variation in occurrence of scintillation with (S4 ? 0.2) and enhancement of ROTI with (ROTI ? 0.5), a general trend of higher occurrence in pre-midnight hours of equinox and winter seasons is observed in both indices during the year 2011 and 2010, while no significant trend is observed in the year 2009. The results suggest the presence of F-region ionospheric irregularities with scale sizes of few kilometers and few hundred meters over Surat and are found to be influenced by solar and magnetic activity.  相似文献   

利用海南台站和东南亚地区的多种地基和天基观测手段,对2014年7月28日夜间观测到的东亚低纬F区不规则体事件的时空变化及其物理过程进行分析。结果表明,海南台站观测到了罕见的长时间持续的F区电离层不规则体,不同手段观测到的电离层不规则体存在明显的形态差异。不同台站观测到的电离层不规则体活动存在明显的差异。海南台站经度区南北异常峰附近的TEC起伏活动在日落后至午夜附近明显增强,在午夜后明显减弱。C/NOFS卫星轨迹午夜后逐渐接近于磁赤道,且处于较低高度上,几乎总会观测到弱等离子体扰动/泡的发生,与该区域地基观测的弱电离层不规则体活动存在明显的联系。SWARM卫星在黎明海南台站附近经度区仍观测到较强的赤道异常双峰结构,且西侧异常峰区附近仍存在明显的等离子体密度耗空/泡结构。海南台站西侧磁赤道区附近(中南半岛)强对流活动(MCC)激发的重力波种子扰动对东亚低纬区等离子体泡及准周期结构的产生发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

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