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为了使吉林一号卫星遥感数据得到更好的应用,利用月球为辐射源对吉林一号光谱卫星进行了在轨绝对辐射定标研究,以对实验室定标系数进行改进。考虑到定标系数具有时效性,将观测数据按时间分组后定标,利用ROLO模型计算卫星观测时刻月球辐照度,构建ROLO模型值与卫星观测值之间的关系并进行最小二乘拟合,从而获得19个谱段的两组定标系数。最后,将定标结果与吉林一号场地定标、高分四号卫星和SeaWiFS月球观测数据进行对比验证。结果表明:对月定标结果稳定,两组定标系数线性拟合的不确定度分别为1.72%和1.24%;在光谱形状上,利用月球定标后月球光谱曲线平滑,光谱形状与月球辐射特性一致,与场地定标相比,各波段相对大小在定性上得到极大改善;在绝对辐射值上,定标结果与高分四号卫星月球辐照度平均相对误差为8.1%,与SeaWiFS两个波段的平均误差为0.90%和7.42%。本研究说明月球定标是卫星在轨辐射定标及真实性检验的有效途径。  相似文献   

月球极区独特的光照条件和表面环境特征是水富集和保存的理想场所,探测永久阴影区内的水冰对科学研究和开发利用月球资源具有重要的意义.综合调研了国际上在月球极区开展的理论研究和遥感探测成果,阐述了极区地质、表面光照条件和热环境特征.介绍了极区月壤和水的形成演化机制及水冰可能的赋存状态.系统梳理了国际上关于极区水冰的探测历程和...  相似文献   

CME在产生和发展过程中与日冕和行星际介质相互作用并发出不同波长的射电辐射.在研究了无CME时空间等离子体的各种辐射机制基础上,统计分析了1999年2月至1999年8月期间有较大的CME发生情况下,在CME影响下L1拉格朗日点附近等离子体参数发生变化后的射电辐射机制.分析结果表明,其射电辐射机制主要是轫致辐射、微量的回旋辐射和更加微弱的复合辐射.此外,分析讨论了1999年2月至1999年8月期间与CME共生的太阳微波爆发.分析结果表明,与CME共生的是微波逐渐型爆发、尖峰爆发,其辐射机制主要是轫致辐射、回旋共振辐射、等离子体辐射及电子回旋脉泽辐射.  相似文献   

Impact craters are ubiquitous and well-studied structures of high geological relevance on the surfaces of the Earth’s Moon, the terrestrial planets, the asteroids and the satellites of the outer planets. Therefore, it is not surprising that crater detection algorithms (CDAs) are one of the most studied subjects of image processing and analysis in lunar and planetary science. In this paper we are proposing a Hybrid CDA: a modified DEM (digital elevation map) reconstruction method used as a step in an existing CDA based on Hough transform. The new Hybrid CDA consists of: (1) reconstruction of topography from optical images using a shape from shading approach; (2) utilization of the DEM-based CDA; (3) correction of brightness and contrast of optical images used in order to be more suitable for evaluation of detections. An additional result of this work is a new method for evaluation of topography reconstruction algorithms, using a DEM-based CDA and an earlier approach for evaluation of CDAs. The new Hybrid CDA was tested using two Chandrayaan-1 Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3) images and two excerpts of the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) Wide Angle Camera (WAC) global optical image mosaic. As a result, the number of craters inside these four regions increased considerably from 1754 (as available in the previous LU60645GT catalogue) to 19 396 craters (as available in the resulting new LU78287GT catalogue). This confirmed the practical applicability of the new Hybrid CDA, which can be used in order to considerably extend current crater catalogues.  相似文献   

深部月壳和月幔物质结构是月球科学探测的关键问题之一。“嫦娥4号”初步将月球背面南极—艾肯(South Pole-Aitken,SPA)盆地内的冯·卡门(Von Kármán)撞击坑作为着陆点,具有重要的科学研究价值。结合月球重力、地形、布格重力、月壳厚度等地球物理数据,综合对冯·卡门撞击坑的月壳及其深部结构特征进行了分析。结果显示:冯·卡门撞击坑重复撞击到南部的冯·卡门M撞击坑上,后者的中央峰具有明显的布格正重力异常和线性的布格重力梯度特征,显示出高密度的幔部物质向上涌起;冯·卡门撞击坑极有可能穿透了该区域的整个月壳,并挖掘出了深部月幔的物质;该区域南部月壳厚度较薄小于5 km,北部平均月壳厚度在15~20 km,月壳平均密度为2 630 kg·m-3,比背面高地月壳密度高,且平均孔隙度为9%,低于月球的平均孔隙度12%。  相似文献   

月球着陆探测的候选着陆区域的质量异常分布,预示着对应区域发生过复杂的动力学演化过程,存在着异常丰富的物质组成。对月球的质量异常分布或重力场异常的探测是基于绕月卫星重力探测方法获取的,结合“嫦娥1号”月球探测获得的月球重力场异常模型与地形探测模型的数据,分析揭示存在于月球背面的质量瘤区域,研究结果表明:使用多次任务的数据首次证认了一个位于中尺度撞击区域,冯·卡门(Von Kármán)撞击坑的南半部和边缘的正下部的质量瘤,暂定编号CEFC04,冯·卡门撞击坑是该区域形成后,又一次大型撞击产生的。这类显著的被藏匿的中尺度月球质量瘤的发现,对探测研究月球的演化有重要意义。  相似文献   

Polygonal Impact Craters (PICs), having a distinct polygonal rim geometry, are common on terrestrial planets, their natural satellites such as Earth’s Moon and the asteroids. The straight segments of PIC-rims are arguably subparallel or oblique to existing fracture/fault planes in their vicinity, and such pre-existing structural weak planes are considered responsible for the shape of the PICs. The Mare Fecunditatis, a lunar maria, preserves mappable PICs as well as different geomorphic features like wrinkle ridges, grabens and pit crater chains which owe their origin to either compressional or extensional faulting. To understand the structural control, if any, on the PIC-rim geometry in Mare Fecunditatis, PICs, both simple and complex, and the deformational features are mapped, superposition relations between them are observed and trends are compared. The comparison between frequency of rim segment trends of the two types of PICs with wrinkle ridges, grabens and pit crater chains, and also statistical correlation between them, interestingly indicate that the wrinkle ridges and grabens are found to have negligible or no influence on the rim geometry of the PICs. Wrinkle ridges, known to be a group of the Mare Fecunditatis' oldest deformation features, are older than most of the preserved craters and are likely to have had control over the PIC shape. However, lack of correlation between the trends of wrinkle ridges and PIC rims indicates that most of the craters were formed after the fractures beneath the old wrinkle ridges ceased to act as mechanical discontinuity planes due to possible induration caused by fracture-filling through concomitant and later magma injection. The PICs dispersed throughout the maria could have avoided the influence of the grabens, the majority of which are located near the margin of the maria. Pit crater chains with possible deep roots and still/recently continued dike activities, were the only available weak planes which could influence the PIC rim shapes.  相似文献   

Prolonged exposure of the microscopic outer layer of the lunar surface to the space environment leads to the maturation of the surface. Maturation can be quantified and it may be expressed in terms of optical maturity (OMAT). Optical maturity estimations are very much helpful in the identification and mapping of the major minerals present on the lunar regolith. Estimation of the maturation and mineral mapping using remote sensing techniques are achieved, by coupling spectral reflectance of the lunar surface with an optimized origin. The present work estimates the optical maturity and Ferrous oxide content of the Goldschmidt and Schrodinger craters, through the recalibration of the classical method of Lucey et al. (2000a) with an origin of (0.08, 1.18) and Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3) data. The overall recalibration results assure that the craters are highly matured.  相似文献   

利用宇宙线中子探测数据定性分析了地面宇宙线多台站之间的相互联系以及大磁暴与宇宙线之间的响应关系. 以Irkutsk和Oulu宇宙线台站为例, 运用小波去噪技术提高数据的稳定性. 结果表明, 相同世界时条件下, 两站宇宙线通量相关性在事件发生时较高; 而相同地方时条件下, 相关性则在平静期较高. 进一步采用相同地方时条件对不同宇宙线台站的通量在平静期和扰动期的相对变化进行分析, 选取2004年7月强地磁暴典型事例进行直观分析, 发现大地磁暴前Irkutsk和Oulu台站的宇宙线相对通量发生明显差异, 可以尝试作为强地磁暴宇宙线先兆特征. 通过对2001年3月至2005年5月的强磁暴和中强磁暴进行统计, 得到与强地磁暴相关的适当宇宙线相对差异阈值. 将得到的阈值对2005年9月至2011年12月所有强磁暴及中强磁暴进行验证, 总成功率达到87.5%, 误报率为35.7%, 结果较好.  相似文献   

Impact craters are among the most noticeable geomorphological features on the planetary surface and yield significant information about terrain evolution and the history of the solar system. Thus, the recognition of impact craters is an important branch of modern planetary studies. Aiming at addressing problems associated with the insufficient and inaccurate detection of lunar impact craters, a decision fusion method within the Bayesian network (BN) framework is developed in this paper to handle multi-source information from both optical images and associated digital elevation model (DEM) data. First, we implement the edge-based method for efficiently searching crater candidates which are the image patches that can potentially contain impact craters. Secondly, the multi-source representations of an impact crater derived from both optical images and DEM data are proposed and constructed to quantitatively describe the two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) morphology, consisting of Histogram of Oriented Gradient (HOG), Histogram of Multi-scale Slope (HMS) and Histogram of Multi-scale Aspect (HMA). Finally, a BN-based framework integrates the multi-source representations of impact craters, which can provide reductant and complementary information, for distinguishing craters from non-craters. To evaluate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed method, experiments were conducted on three lunar scenes using both orthoimages from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) and DEM data acquired by the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA). Experimental results demonstrate that integrating optical images with DEM data significantly decreases the number of false positives compared with using optical images alone, with F1-score of 84.8% on average. Moreover, compared with other existing fusion methods, our proposed method was quite advantageous especially for the detection of small-scale craters with diameters less than 1000 m.  相似文献   

选择合适的软着陆区域及规划合理的巡航路线是月球探测的基础工作。以位于月球背面南极—艾肯(South Pole-Aitken,SPA)盆地内的冯·卡门(Von Kármán)撞击坑作为研究区域,综合使用多因子分析评估了月球探测的着陆区域和巡航路线。评价体系主要包括能表征着陆安全性的撞击坑的密度、撞击坑的影响区域、整个区域的平整情况、部分区域的平整情况等因子和体现科学探索意义的区域垂直结构、岩石属性和(FeO+TiO2)含量等因子,其中科学探索的评估分析是在安全可行性的基础上进行的。结果表明:在多因子叠加分析的基础上可选择出A、B及C 3个着陆区,并通过科学研究因子分析出路线2及路线3为合适的巡航路线。本研究为月球探测器着陆和巡航路线的规划提供了科学依据,为后续的月球探测工作提供了技术支持。  相似文献   

月面冯·卡门撞击坑的着陆选址和科学探测目标浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冯·卡门(Von Kármán)撞击坑位于月球背面南极—艾肯(South Pole-Aitken,SPA)盆地中部,是中国“嫦娥4号”计划的优先级较高的探测目标。对该撞击坑的着陆和探测,有助于揭示月球形成和演化的一些关键问题,在月球科学研究中具有重大的意义。论文概要总结了冯·卡门撞击坑的研究意义和科学价值;结合LRO卫星LOLA数据、Clementine UV-VIS数据、GRAIL数据、“嫦娥2号”卫星CELMS等数据,简要分析了冯·卡门撞击坑的地形、成分、深部结构和亮?%rater are analyzed with LRO satellite LOLA data,Clementine UV-VIS data,GRAIL data,and Chang''E-2 CELMS data and their scientific meanings are also presented. Finally,combined with our results and the previous prospects about theVon Kármán crater,three candidate landing sites and the possible scientific discoveries are proposed.  相似文献   

To simulate the different lunar phases and ensure continuous adjustability of the radiant brightness, a new broad spectrum light and frosted glass were applied and designed in the optical system for lunar simulator with the shapes and radiance being able to be adjusted. According to the engineering demand and index requirements of the optical system, three major design aspects are addressed, including the high reliability and maintainability for broad-spectrum light, heat dissipation in lunar simulator for long working hours, and bearing of the main frame under different working conditions. By designing a reasonable machine structure, and through the structure itself with the matrix arrangement of 48 axial flow fans, an effectively cooling air duct is established. Deformation and temperature were calculated by the finite element software ANSYS. The results showed that the displacement deformation reached 0.33mm and stress deformation reached 0.02MPa at the temperature of 20℃; when the main frame was in the temperature field between 20℃ and 65℃, the maximum displacement deformation reached 13.30mm and maximum stress deformation is 97.90MPa, and the amount of this deformation is very small in considering of the mechanical structure dimensions and weight of the lunar simulator.  相似文献   

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