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Results of observations of ion-cyclotron (IC) waves onboard the ST-5 satellites in the topside ionosphere (heights from a few hundred up to thousands of km) are presented. In this project, three identical micro-satellites were located during three months in 2006 in almost identical orbits with distances between them from first thousands to hundreds of km. All ion-cyclotron wave packets detected by two-three probes were observed at crossing one and the same latitude, which manifests their narrow localization in latitude with a characteristic scale from the first tens to 100 km. In no event IC waves were recorded with comparable amplitudes by all three satellites. At the same time, in the case of ST-5 flight near the ground-based induction magnetometer, a long emission in the same frequency range on the ground corresponded to a burst of IC waves in the topside ionosphere. This can indicate to the fact that an IC instability develops not continuously, but in the pulsing regime with a characteristic time of up to ∼10 min. A change in the rotation direction when a satellite crosses the wave structure is a characteristic feature of the polarization structure of registered transverse waves. The detected effects are discussed from the point of view of the existing models of generation and waveguide propagation of IC waves.  相似文献   

The actual controlled rotational motion of the Foton M-4 satellite is reconstructed for the mode of single-axis solar orientation. The reconstruction was carried out using data of onboard measurements of vectors of angular velocity and the strength of the Earth’s magnetic field. The reconstruction method is based on the reconstruction of the kinematic equations of the rotational motion of a solid body. According to the method, measurement data of both types collected at a certain time interval are processed together. Measurements of the angular velocity are interpolated by piecewise-linear functions, which are substituted in kinematic differential equations for a quaternion that defines the transition from the satellite instrument coordinate system to the inertial coordinate system. The obtained equations represent the kinematic model of the satellite rotational motion. A solution of these equations that approximates the actual motion is derived from the condition of the best (in the sense of the least squares method) match between the measurement data of the strength vector of the Earth’s magnetic field and its calculated values. The described method makes it possible to reconstruct the actual rotational satellite motion using one solution of kinematic equations over time intervals longer than 10 h. The found reconstructions have been used to calculate the residual microaccelerations.  相似文献   

We describe the results of determining the mass of the International Space Station using the data of MAMS accelerometer taken during correction of the station orbit on August 20, 2004. The correction was made by approach and attitude control engines (ACE) of the Progress transporting spacecraft. The engines were preliminary calibrated in an autonomous flight using the onboard device for measuring apparent velocity increment. The method of calibration is described and its results are presented. The error in station mass determination is about 1%. The same data of MAMS and similar data obtained during the orbit correction on August 26, 2004 were used for the analysis of high-frequency vibrations of the station mainframe caused by operation of the ACE of Progress. Natural frequencies of the ACE are determined. They lie in the frequency band 0.024–0.11 Hz. ACE operation is demonstrated to result in a substantial increase of microaccelerations onboard the station in the frequency range 0–1 Hz. The frequencies are indicated at which disturbances increase by more than an order of magnitude. The study described was carried out as a part of the Tensor technological experiment.  相似文献   

In the implementation of the space projects Rosetta and Mars Express, a large-scale series of experiments has been carried out on radio sounding circumsolar plasma by decimeter (S-band) and centimeter (X-band) signals of the Rosetta comet probe (from October 3 to October 31, 2010) and the Mars Express satellite of Mars (from December 25, 2010 to March 27, 2011). It was found that in the phase of ingress the spacecraft behind the Sun, the intensity of the frequency fluctuations increases in accordance with a power function whose argument is the solar offset distance of radio ray path, and when the spacecraft is removed from the Sun (the egress phase), frequency fluctuations are reduced. Periodic strong increases in the fluctuation level, exceeding by a factor of 3–12 the background values of this value determined by the regular radial dependences, are imposed on the regular dependences. It was found that increasing the fluctuations of radio waves alternates with the periodicity m × T or n × T, where m = 1/2, n = 1, аnd T is the synodic period of the Sun’s rotation (T ≈ 27 days). It was shown that the corotating structures associated with the interaction regions of different speed fluxes are formed in the area of solar wind acceleration and at distances of 6–20 solar radii already have a quasi-stationary character.  相似文献   

The results of experiments with the DAKON-M convection sensor onboard the Russian orbital segment of the International Space Station are described. A comparison of the sensor measurements with the results of calculation of the quasistatic microacceleration component at the point of installation is made. For this comparison we have used three measurement intervals of the experiments in 2009, during which spacecraft were docked with the station, undocked from it, and actuation of jet engines of the attitude control system took place. When calculating microacceleration, we use the measurement data of the low-frequency MAMS accelerometer, installed on the American segment, and the telemetry data on the ISS rotational motion. This information allowed one to convert the MAMS measurements to the point of installation of the DAKON-M convection sensor. A comparison of sensor measurements with calculated microaccelerations showed sufficiently accurate coincidence between the calculated and measured data.  相似文献   

The results of reconstructing the uncontrolled rotational motion of the Aist small spacecraft prototype during its flight in early 2014 have been presented. The reconstruction was carried out by processing data from onboard measurements of the Earth’s magnetic field. The processing procedure used portions of data covering intervals of time with durations ranging from a few dozen minutes to three hours. Data obtained in each such interval were processed jointly by the least-squares method by integrating the equations of the satellite motion relative to the center of mass. The initial conditions of the motion and the parameters of the used mathematical model during processing have been estimated. The results of processing for several data intervals have provided a fairly complete picture of the satellite motion. This was the weakly disturbed Euler–Poinsot motion.  相似文献   

Luna-5 was the second Soviet spacecraft to reach the Moon. During the first decade of space exploration of the Moon, the Luna probe series was the main part of the Soviet scientific program. The tasks of the Luna-5 probe launched to the Moon in May 1965 were to land softly on the lunar surface, take photos, and study the surface. Before the Luna-5 landing, the prospective coordinates of the landing site were telegraphed to observatories so that they would observe the event. However, during its descent, the braking engine failed and the probe crash landed at 22 h 13 min on May 12, 1965. Later, new supposed coordinates of the impact were reported. All the experiments were undoubtedly lost; nevertheless, successive television images of the failed landing made at the Abastumani Astrophysical Observatory (AbAO) of the Georgian Academy of Sciences can be considered a specific scientific result of the mission. In the images, a changeable object was detected near the large Lansberg crater; for obscure secrecy reasons, almost nothing was reported to specialists about this object. It has been identified as a small, gradually spreading impact cloud. An analysis of the reprocessed images taken at the AbAO has revealed the exact coordinates of the Luna-5 impact for the first time to be 1.35° S, 25.48° W, which differ substantially the calculation data published earlier. Some properties of the regolith at the Luna-5 impact site are compared to the results of the Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) related to the region near the south pole of the Moon and reported in 2010.  相似文献   

The results of five-year (1995–2000) continuous observations of the auroral radio emission (ARE) in the hectometric wavelength range on the high-apogee INTERBALL-1 satellite are presented. Short intense bursts of the auroral hectometric radio emission (AHR) were observed at frequencies of 1463 and 1501 kHz. The bursts were observed predominantly at times when the terrestrial magnetosphere was undisturbed (in the quiet Sun period), and their number decreased rapidly with increasing solar activity. The bursts demonstrated seasonal dependence in the Northern and Southern hemispheres (dominating in the autumn-winter period). Their appearance probably depends on the observation time (UT). A qualitative explanation of the AHR peculiarities is given.  相似文献   

We study the characteristics of fluxes of electrons with energy >80 keV in the near-Earth space regions corresponding to the drift shells L = 1.7, 1.4, and 1.1 observed during the entire period of the GRIF experiment onboard the Spectr module of the Mir orbital station from October 1995 to June 1997. The obtained geographic maps of the distribution of electron fluxes at the height of the station flight (400 km) and, also, the estimates of the spectra indicate that the South-Atlantic Anomaly provides for a mechanism of stable replenishment for shells with L < 1.5. The mechanism of stable replenishment of shells with L < 1.5 may be due to the scattering, in the residual atmosphere, of electrons from the inner radiation belt precipitating into the region of the South-Atlantic Anomaly.  相似文献   

Equations of motion for the perturbed circular restricted three-body problem have been regularized in canonical variables in a moving coordinate system. Two different L-matrices of the fourth order are used in the regularization. Conditions for generalized symplecticity of the constructed transform have been checked. In the unperturbed case, the regular equations have a polynomial structure. The regular equations have been numerically integrated using the Runge–Kutta–Fehlberg method. The results of numerical experiments are given for the Earth–Moon system parameters taking into account the perturbation of the Sun for different L-matrices.  相似文献   

We consider methodological and applied problems of choosing parameters and developing a passive gravity-gradient attitude control system for the REFLECTOR nanosatellite. The attitude control system consists of appropriately distributed satellite mass and additional masses forming the required tensor of inertia, as well as of a set of hysteresis rods manufactured from a magnetically soft material. The combination of these elements allows one, independent of the satellite’s initial angular motion, to maintain its three-axial orientation in the orbital coordinate system with preset performance in precision and fast response. The satellite’s dynamics is investigated using asymptotic and numerical methods. The problems of arrangement of the additional masses and hysteresis rods are discussed, as well as their interaction with magnetizable elements.  相似文献   

An analysis of the electron density measurements (Ne) along the flyby trajectories over the high-latitude region of the Northern Hemisphere under winter conditions in 2014 and 2016 has shown that the main large-scale structure observed by Swarm satellites is the tongue of ionization (TOI). At the maximum of the solar cycle (F10.7 = 160), the average value of Ne in the TOI region at an altitude of 500 km was 8 × 104 cm–3. Two years later, at F10.7 = 100, Ne ~ 5 × 104 cm–3 and Ne ~2.5 × 104 cm–3 were observed at altitudes of 470 and 530 km, respectively. During the dominance of the azimuthal component of the interplanetary magnetic field, the TOI has been observed mainly on the dawn or dusk side depending on the sign of B y . Simultaneous observations of the convective plasma drift velocity in the polar cap show the transpolar flow drift to the dawn (By < 0) or dusk side (B y < 0). Observations and numerical simulation of the Ne distribution have confirmed the significant role of the electric field of the magnetospheric convection in the generation of large-scale irregularities in the polar ionosphere.  相似文献   

We have reconstructed the uncontrolled rotational motion of the Progress M-29M transport cargo spacecraft in the single-axis solar orientation mode (the so-called sunward spin) and in the mode of the gravitational orientation of a rotating satellite. The modes were implemented on April 3–7, 2016 as a part of preparation for experiments with the DAKON convection sensor onboard the Progress spacecraft. The reconstruction was performed by integral statistical techniques using the measurements of the spacecraft’s angular velocity and electric current from its solar arrays. The measurement data obtained in a certain time interval have been jointly processed using the least-squares method by integrating the equations of the spacecraft’s motion relative to the center of mass. As a result of processing, the initial conditions of motion and parameters of the mathematical model have been estimated. The motion in the sunward spin mode is the rotation of the spacecraft with an angular velocity of 2.2 deg/s about the normal to the plane of solar arrays; the normal is oriented toward the Sun or forms a small angle with this direction. The duration of the mode is several orbit passes. The reconstruction has been performed over time intervals of up to 1 h. As a result, the actual rotational motion of the spacecraft relative to the Earth–Sun direction was obtained. In the gravitational orientation mode, the spacecraft was rotated about its longitudinal axis with an angular velocity of 0.1–0.2 deg/s; the longitudinal axis executed small oscillated relative to the local vertical. The reconstruction of motion relative to the orbital coordinate system was performed in time intervals of up to 7 h using only the angularvelocity measurements. The measurements of the electric current from solar arrays were used for verification.  相似文献   

The results of determining the uncontrolled rotational motion of the Foton M-2 satellite (in orbit from May 31 to June 16, 2005) are presented. The determination was made using the data of onboard measurements of the Earth’s magnetic field strength. Segments 270 min long (three orbits) were selected from these data covering the first two thirds of the flight. On each such segment the data were processed jointly by the least squares method using integration of the equations of attitude motion of the satellite. In processing, the initial conditions of motion and parameters of the used mathematical model were estimated. The thus obtained results gave a complete overview of the satellite motion. This motion, having started with a small angular velocity, gradually accelerated, and in two days became close to the regular Euler precession of an axisymmetric solid body. On June 09, 2005 (the last day of measurements) the angular velocity of the satellite relative to its lengthwise axis was about 1.1 deg/s, while the projection of the angular velocity onto a plane perpendicular to this axis had an absolute value of about 0.11 deg/s. Deviations of the lengthwise axis from a normal to the orbit plane did not exceed 60°. Based on the results of determination of the rotational motion of the satellite, calculations of quasi-static microaccelerations on its board are performed.  相似文献   

The results of reconstruction of uncontrolled attitude motion of the Foton M-2 satellite using measurements with the accelerometer TAS-3 are presented. The attitude motion of this satellite has been previously determined by the measurement data of the Earth’s magnetic field and the angular velocity. The TAS-3 data for this purpose are used for the first time. These data contain a well-pronounced additional component which made impossible their direct employment for the reconstruction of the attitude motion and whose origin was unknown several years ago. Later it has become known that the additional component is caused by the influence of the Earth’s magnetic field. The disclosure of this fact allowed us to take into account a necessary correction in processing of TAS-3 data and to use them for the reconstruction of the attitude motion of Foton M-2. Here, a modified method of processing TAS-3 data is described, as well as results of its testing and employing. The testing consisted in the direct comparison of the motion reconstructed by the new method with the motion constructed by the magnetic measurements. The new method allowed us to find the actual motion of Foton M-2 in the period June 9, 2005–June 14, 2005, when no magnetic measurements were carried out.  相似文献   

We present the characteristics of short (duration less than 1 min) increases of the counting rate of electrons with energies >0.08 MeV observed in low-latitude (L < 2.0) regions of near-Earth space in the course of the GRIF experiment on the Spektr module of the Mir orbital station. The measurements were carried out using a set of instruments including X-ray and gamma-ray spectrometers, as well as detectors of electrons, protons, and nuclei with large and small geometrical factors, which allowed one to detect the fluxes of charged particles both in the region of the Earth’s radiation belts and in regions close to the geomagnetic equator. As a result of more than 1.5 years of observation, it is demonstrated that short increases in the intensity of electrons of subrelativistic energies are detected not only in the regions of the near-Earth space known as “precipitation zones” (1.7 < L < 2.5), but in high-latitude regions (up to the geomagnetic equator, L < 1.1) as well. Two types of increases of the electron counting rate are found: either fairly regular increases repeating on successive orbits or increases local in time. The latter type of increases can be caused by a short enhancement of electron flux on a given drift shell. The results of our measurements have shown that the duration of the detected increases in intensity can be rather short, as little as 20–30 s. Therefore, in the case of large amplitudes, such increases of the counting rate of electrons can imitate astrophysical events of the type of cosmic gamma-ray bursts in the detectors of hard X-ray and gamma radiation.  相似文献   

The RELEС scientific payload of the Vernov satellite launched on July 8, 2014 includes the DRGE spectrometer of gamma-rays and electrons. This instrument comprises a set of scintillator phoswich-detectors, including four identical X-ray and gamma-ray detector with an energy range of 10 kev to 3 MeV with a total area of ~500 cm2 directed to the atmosphere, as well as an electron spectrometer containing three mutually orthogonal detector units with a geometric factor of ~2 cm2 sr. The aim of a space experiment with the DRGE instrument is the study of fast phenomena, in particular Terrestrial gamma-ray flashes (TGF) and magnetospheric electron precipitation. In this regard, the instrument provides the transmission of both monitoring data with a time resolution of 1 s, and data in the event-by-event mode, with a recording of the time of detection of each gamma quantum or electron to an accuracy of ~15 μs. This makes it possible to not only conduct a detailed analysis of the variability in the gamma-ray range, but also compare the time profiles with the results of measurements with other RELEC instruments (the detector of optical and ultraviolet flares, radio-frequency and low-frequency analyzers of electromagnetic field parameters), as well as with the data of ground-based facility for thunderstorm activity. This paper presents the first catalog of Terrestrial gamma-ray flashes. The criterion for selecting flashes required in order to detect no less than 5 hard quanta in 1 ms by at least two independent detectors. The TGFs included in the catalog have a typical duration of ~400 μs, during which 10–40 gamma-ray quanta were detected. The time profiles, spectral parameters, and geographic position, as well as a result of a comparison with the output data of other Vernov instruments, are presented for each of candidates. The candidate for Terrestrial gamma-ray flashes detected in the near-polar region over Antarctica is discussed.  相似文献   

The low-frequency component is investigated in the data of measurements performed onboard the Foton M-2 satellite with the three-component accelerometer TAS-3. Investigations consisted in comparison of this component with its calculated analog found from a reconstruction of the satellite’s attitude motion. The influence of the Earth’s magnetic field on the accelerometer readings is discovered by way of spectral analysis of the functions representing the results of determining the low-frequency microacceleration by two methods. After making correction for this influence, the results obtained by these two methods coincided within a root-mean-square error of less than 10?6 m/s2.  相似文献   

Injections of energetic electrons with a dispersion over energies were observed during the February 23, 2004 (at about 03:20 UT) substorm onboard the Cluster satellites in the vicinity of perigee near the midnight meridian. The delays in the particle observation caused by the energy dependence of the magnetic drift velocities made it possible to determine the position and time of the beginning of the drift, tracing the trajectories of the leading center of particles back in time in the magnetospheric model. The comparisons of the measurements of four satellites allowed us to determine the radial propagation of the injection front with a velocity of 100–150 km/s at a distance of 7–9 R E. The comparison with a few previous measurements shows a substantial slowing down of injections as they approached the Earth, and this confirms the prospects of this method for more detailed study of propagation of plasma injection into the inner magnetosphere.  相似文献   

New methods of choosing the structures of satellite constellations (SC) on elliptical orbits of the Molniya type are presented. The methods, using critical inclination and putting the orbit apogee in the Earth’s hemisphere with an area of continuous coverage, are based on geometrical analysis of two-dimensional representation of the coverage conditions and SC motion in the space of inertial longitude of the orbit ascending node and time. The coverage conditions are represented in the form of a certain region. Dynamics of all satellites in this space is represented by uniform motion along a straight line approximately parallel to the ordinate axis, while the satellite system forms a grid. The problem of choosing a minimal (as far as the number of satellites is concerned) SC configuration can be formulated as a search for the most sparse grid. The contemporary advanced methods of computational geometry serve as an algorithmic basis for the problem solution. Design of SC for continuous coverage of latitude belts with the use of kinematically regular systems is considered. A method of analyzing single-track systems for continuous coverage of arbitrary geographic regions is described, which makes a region at any time instant observable by at least one satellite of the system. As an example, SC on elliptical orbits are considered with periods of ~4, 12, and 24 hours.  相似文献   

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