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The statement and a technique for solving a problem of parametric synthesis and rational choice of structural parameters for a stationary multichannel flow-type aerometric receiver using the results of the experiment being planned are clarified. The scheme of a design model and a receiver structure that provide an increase in noise immunity and extension of working velocities in the helicopter air data system are described.  相似文献   

The structural and functional scheme of helicopter air data system based on a stationary combined aerometric receiver using the aerometric field information of the main rotor vortex column is considered. According to the algorithms of information signal formation, the requirements to metrological characteristics of primary information sensors for the measurement channel system are substantiated.  相似文献   

In this paper, a problem of measuring the altitude-speed helicopter performance in the range of low and near-zero flight velocities is considered. The structural functional scheme of the omnidirectional helicopter air data system based on the stationary aerometric multichannel transducer (AMT) as well as the jet-convective measuring channels is shown and algorithms for the formation of the system output signals are presented. In order to extend the lower bound of operating speeds, it is proposed that the omnidirectional system be integrated with the aeromechanical measuring computer system that realizes the VIMI method with Luenberger’s observer. Also given is the algorithm support and the accuracy of the integrated system operation is estimated.  相似文献   

A functional diagram of the air data system and a structural scheme of the air data sensor are described. The special features of generating and processing the air data of aerometric and ion-tagging measurement channels at parking, takeoff and landing modes of the helicopter operation are examined.  相似文献   

Features of constructing and information processing algorithms for the system of air signals of an aircraft with the stationary non-protrusive flow receiver, built on the basis of ion-beacon sensor of aerodynamic angle and true airspeed, are disclosed.  相似文献   

The problem and features of measuring the speed and the direction angle of the wind vector relative to the longitudinal helicopter axis during parking, starting and takeoff-landing modes by onboard means are considered. The construction principles, information processing algorithms and advantages of onboard system for measuring the wind vector parameters based on ion-beacon and aerometric measuring channels, are disclosed.  相似文献   

高位垂直进气转静系旋转盘腔流场的实验   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
利用粒子图像测速技术(简称PIV)对高位垂直进气的转静系旋转盘腔流场进行了实验研究.该盘腔由一个旋转盘、一个静止盘及静止的外围盘罩组成.实验结果表明:PIV粒子成像技术可以应用于旋转盘腔结构的流场测试, 在本实验的工况范围内, 大部分区域的流动已为湍流, 两盘间的流动结构明显具有Batch-elor流型的特点, 转盘和静盘两个表面附近形成各自独立的边界层, 两边界层之间有一个旋转核心, 核心区内旋流系数β比大间隙封闭系统湍流流动时旋流系数的值0.43要小.流量系数和旋转雷诺数的变化对旋流系数β的影响较小, 但转静间隙的变化对β的影响较为显著.   相似文献   

A methodology of creating a loading imitation model of a single-rotor helicopter with artificial neural network algorithms is considered. Stages of creation, the structure, and an algorithm of searching for an optimal neural networks configuration of loading imitation model are presented.  相似文献   

The principles of construction and algorithms for processing informative signals of the aerometric system for measuring low helicopter airspeeds are considered; a stationary spherical pitot tube was used to record the angular position and parameters of the resultant incoming airflow from the main rotor vortex column. The aerodynamic and kinematic distortions introduced by an induced vortex column flow and helicopter rotation are taken into account.  相似文献   

飞行参数记录系统能有效提高飞行训练的安全性.根据直升机飞行安全需要,结合工程经验,对直升机加装飞行参数记录系统进行分析研究,介绍飞行参数记录系统的基本组成和原理、加装原则和相关标准以及飞行参数的校准方法;对飞行参数记录系统两个典型故障进行诊断分析,并提出解决方案.飞行参数记录系统相关设计的研究能够为工程技术人员在进行设计应用时提供一种思路和参考.  相似文献   

This paper considers the purpose, principles of construction, algorithms of generating output signals and the functional diagram of a simulator of aircraft air signals that is built based on the vortex sensor of aerodynamic angle and true airspeed.  相似文献   

In this paper, a problem of ensuring the helicopter flight safety in off-optimum situations is considered. We describe the most typical critical regimes and flight limitations imposed on the helicopter motion parameters. Also presented are some dependences that determine the operating regime limits with respect to the basic flight parameters of the critical flight regimes warning system.  相似文献   

小型无人直升机发动机控制系统设计   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
发动机转速控制是无人直升机飞行控制的基础,针对小型无人直升机使用的活塞式发动机,给出了一个发动机转速控制系统.通过对发动机输出功率特性、负载特性和动力学特性的分析,建立了发动机的数学模型.采用前馈与反馈的复合控制策略,并通过半物理实时仿真和发动机开车数据的验证,该控制系统具有较好的效果.   相似文献   

The special features of construction, a model and the results of simulating an aeromechanical system for calculation of true helicopter airspeed vector components are considered; the system is based on the solution of equations for an “immobile” helicopter with the use of the Luenberger observer. It is proposed that the aeromechanical system be integrated with the system for measuring low helicopter airspeed on the basis of a stationary multichannel aerometric transducer.  相似文献   

We consider the function, the problems being solved and the construction principles for a starting system of warning the critical regimes for a single-rotor helicopter at parking, taxiing and maneuvering on the ground, takeoff and landing as well as at descending and hovering regimes. The structural-functional scheme and the algorithms of system channel warning are presented.  相似文献   

We consider the peculiarities of constructing and the algorithms of primary information processing for a starting system of measuring the value and direction of the wind velocity vector during parking, in moving and maneuvering on the ground surface. Also the components of the true airspeed vector at the takeoff/landing and hovering regimes are considered.  相似文献   

单机空战智能仿真系统的建立   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
从主要功能、模型建立、主要特点等几个方面介绍了单机空战智能仿真系统。重点介绍神经网络决策模型和飞机、雷达、导弹模型的建立。飞机机动模型采用质点运动方程,选用19个基本机动动作;机载雷达模型着重介绍雷达发现和截获目标以及盲区确定的条件;导弹模型主要介绍导弹发射、跟踪、命中条件的建立和计算;决策模型主要介绍多层前馈反向网络决策模型的输入、输出参烽以及网络拓扑结构。此外还介绍了该仿真系统在实践中的使用情况。  相似文献   

用多重网格方法计算旋翼跨声速无粘流场   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
发展了一种加快悬停旋翼无粘流场计算收敛速度的多重网格方法。由于悬停旋翼流场中存在不可压区域,同时旋翼尾涡系统的发展需要较长的时间,使得旋翼流场的收敛速度远低于固定翼流场,因此研究旋翼流场的多重网格算法具有重要意义。空间离散格式采用了中心有限体积方法,时间推进应用了五步龙格-库塔法。采用3层网格的V循环,对一跨声速悬停旋翼无粘流场进行了数值计算。计算结果表明:尽管多重网格方法对旋翼流场的加速收敛作用不如对固定翼流场的加速收敛效果,但是多重网格方法仍然可以显著地加快旋翼流场收敛。  相似文献   

中心进气转静盘腔的冷气流阻特性实验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
采用实验的方法,对两种封严结构的中心进气转静系盘腔冷气流动阻力特性进行了研究.实验结果显示:阻力系数随间隙比和流量系数的增大而减小,随旋转雷诺数的增大而增大.在静止时,间隙比对阻力系数的影响要大于流量系数对它的影响;在旋转时,间隙比对阻力系数的影响要小于流量系数和旋转雷诺数对它的影响.   相似文献   

刚度对直升机尾传动系统弯曲振动固有频率影响的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对直升机尾传动系统进行了简化,提出了直升机的尾传动系统是由多个轴段和圆盘组成的串联系统;建立了直升机尾传动系统的弯曲振动力学模型,模型中考虑了轴承支承刚度、联轴器的角向刚度及径向刚度;根据系统的弯曲振动力学方程,用传递矩阵法求得了系统的固有频率.结果表明:联轴器的角向刚度与径向刚度对系统的固有频率有不同的影响;增加轴段数或轴承的刚度可以降低系统的固有频率.   相似文献   

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