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随着全球经济的发展,都市群核心城市机场空域不足、地面设施使用紧张、空中交通拥堵等问题和周边中小城市机场资源得不到充分利用的问题日渐突出;与此同时,航空公司联盟的出现要求全球各主要机场为联盟提供统一的国际化服务。这些因素使机场联盟成为  相似文献   

大中型机场其进出场通道的交通流量是相当可观的。除了机场乘降客流、迎送客流以及通勤客流等主要客流外,随着机场核心区周边土地的开发,特别是航空城的建设,会诱发大量客货流量。结果使机场与市区相连接的通道运输系统服务水平不断下降,这不可避免地造成通道的交通拥堵,机场的可达性受到很大影响。  相似文献   

随着国内机场数量不断增多,多机场系统耦合运行时的塔台管制范围划设愈发重要。针对支线机场分布相对集中的区域以往的塔台管制区划设过于简单,易导致管制责任界定不清,存在运行风险等问题,提出塔台管制区划设的基本原则和方法,以新建湘西边城机场及周边铜仁凤凰、怀化芷江机场塔台管制区划设调整为例,考虑周边空域环境、管制调配和通信及监视能力覆盖情况,制定新建湘西边城机场塔台管制区划设方案和铜仁凤凰、怀化芷江机场塔台管制区调整方案,并利用甚高频通信及雷达监视信号的覆盖能力分析验证了管制区划设的可行性,旨在为多机场耦合运行模式下塔台管制区的统筹划设工作提供参考。  相似文献   

正近年来,随着江苏经济的稳步发展,南京禄口国际机场进入了高速发展时代。随着高铁、公路运输的四通八达、物流业迅猛发展,机场间面临日益激烈的竞争,在长三角区域内上海机场(包括虹桥和浦东)、杭州萧山机场和禄口机场之间竞争激烈。在激烈的市场竞争中,为了争夺客源货源,抢占周边市场,禄口机场2006年在江苏地区创建了第一座无锡城市候机楼、城市货运站并投入运营。随后,城市候机楼、异地候机楼的服务模式在长三角区域迅速发展起来。到底  相似文献   

<正>南京禄口机场"异地城市货运站"能否破枢纽机场物流提速之局之探索:2005年,中国民航国内地第一座异地候机楼建成,成功开了机场旅客异地销售的先河。异地候机楼将机场航空服务和机场航站楼基本功能向机场周边的城市延伸,集散了周边的人、物及航空信息、情报,发挥了城市交通枢纽设施的作用。这无疑给机场实现航空物流提速指明了一个新方向:以各大枢纽机场航空货物集散中心为依托,将机场的航空货物运输的业务处理及服务前  相似文献   

针对民用飞机仪表着陆系统(ILS)航向道信标(LOC)接收功能试飞中机载LOC接收功能定量评估存在困难的问题,通过对LOC基本工作原理和机场LOC地面台信号的分析,并结合机场LOC地面台的飞行校验方法和校验结果,将试飞使用跑道LOC地面台本身存在的误差以及飞行校验的设备误差纳入考量,结合民用飞机机载LOC系统试飞科目的...  相似文献   

机场与城市中心的联系是机场功能能否充分实现的前提条件,戴高乐机场自建成以来一直致力于改善机场和市中心的交通状况,土地利用和交通需求的相互依存关系得到了很好的体现,而和戴高乐机场有着许多相似之处的上海浦东机场,目前周边交通压力的矛盾已经暴露,因此借鉴戴高乐机场地面交通方面的做法,对浦东机场及国内其他主要机场的发展有着积极的意义  相似文献   

目前中国双跑道机场逐步增多,其中有些机场的双跑道高程差异较大,而国际民用航空公约附件14、空中航行服务程序-飞机运行(PANS-OPS)对跑道高程具有差异的机场内水平面设置都没有明确的规定,从而给此类机场的规划和净空管理带来困惑。在综合考虑机场飞行安全、周边规划建设控制和机场净空管理继承性等因素的基础上,提出了双跑道高程具有一定差异的机场内水平障碍物限制面的确定方法。  相似文献   

云南省是我国民用机场数量最多,密度最大的省份之一,不仅拥有吞吐量在全国名列前茅的昆明巫家坝国际机场,还形成了以该机场为中心,周边11个州市支线机场共同运营的干支结合的机场集群体系.成为我国最具发展潜力的机场集群之一。本文对云南支线机场发展的环境、现状、问题进行了全面分析,并从机场建设、与昆明机场的协同发展、航线设计、非航业务拓展、  相似文献   

以机场的建设和发展为依托,北京首都机场、上海浦东机场和虹桥机场、广州白云机场在进行建设的同时,周边区域建设也呈现出具有航空港特色的城市功能区,机场航空市场也得到发展。日前在香港举行的“世界空港城会议及展览会”上,来自内地的机场高层管理人士表示,大型机场将成为人流、货  相似文献   

研究了高平尾布局飞机的气动特性。使用失速改出伞是飞机改出深失速的重要途径,但如何确定失速改出伞的关键参数(阻力面积等)却没有现成的方法。以ARJ21-700飞机为例,分别使用公式分析法、类比法综合估算出失速改出伞的关键参数,通过模型自由飞和模拟仿真分析验证其具有足够效能将飞机改出深失速状态。形成了一套新机失速改出伞的设计方法和关键数据图表,可供其他型号飞机失速改出伞的设计研制使用。  相似文献   

Sigma inflation for the local area augmentation of GPS   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Local Area Augmentation System (LAAS) is the differential satellite navigation architectural standard for civil aircraft precision approach and landing. While the system promises great practical benefit, a number of key technical challenges have been encountered in the definition of the architecture. Perhaps chief among these has been the need to ensure compliance with stringent requirements for navigation Integrity. In this context, this research investigates the sensitivity of integrity risk to statistical uncertainties in the knowledge of reference receiver error standard deviation (σpr_gnd ) and error correlation across the multiple reference receivers to be used in the LAAS ground segment. A new, detailed approach toward mitigating the integrity risk due to parameter statistical uncertainty is presented  相似文献   

The local area augmentation system (LAAS) is a ground-based differential GPS system being developed to support aircraft precision approach and landing navigation with guaranteed integrity. To quantitatively appraise navigation integrity, an aircraft computes vertical and lateral protection levels using the standard deviation of pseudo-range correction errors, /spl sigma//sub pr/spl I.bar/gnd/, broadcast by the LAAS ground facility (LGF). Thus, one significant integrity risk is that the true standard deviation (sigma) of the pseudo-range correction error distribution may grow to exceed the broadcast correction error sigma or that the true mean of the correction error distribution becomes excessive during LAAS operation. This event may occur due to unexpected anomalies of GPS measurements. To insure that the true error distribution is bounded by a zero-mean Gaussian distribution with the broadcast sigma value, real-time sigma and mean monitoring is necessary. Both direct estimation and cumulative sum (CUSUM) methods are useful to detect violations with acceptable residual integrity risk. For sigma monitoring, the estimation method more rapidly detects small violations of /spl sigma//sub pr/spl I.bar/gnd/ but the fast initial response (FIR) CUSUM variant more promptly detects significant violations that would pose a larger threat to user integrity. For the purposes of mean monitoring, the FIR CUSUM variant is superior to the estimation method in detecting any mean violations. The results demonstrate that real-time protection is achievable against all sizes of sigma/mean failures that can threaten navigation integrity.  相似文献   

Ranging airport pseudolite for local area augmentation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper discusses the integration of an airport pseudolite (APL) into a local area augmented differential GPS based precision approach system. A prototype architecture is described that is being used to develop requirements for the local area augmentation system. Key features of this prototype system are presented along with its current performance. Key features discussed include the use of a multipath limiting antenna, APL signal structure factors, a unique APL automatic gain control, and GPS blanking technique to maximize APL tracking performance, while minimizing the electromagnetic interference to nominal DGPS performance  相似文献   

Pop-up threats usually appear or disappear randomly in a battle field. If the next pop-up threat locations could be predicted it would assist a search or attack team, such as in a persistent area denial (PAD) mission, in getting a team of unmanned air vehicles (UAVs) to the threats sooner. We present a Markov model for predicting pop-up ground threats in military operations. We first introduce a general Markov chain of order n to capture the dependence of the appearance of pop-up threats at previous locations of the pop-up threats over time. We then present an adaptive approach to estimate the stationary transition probabilities of the nth order Markov models. To choose the order of the Markov chain model for a specific application, we suggest using hypothesis tests from statistical inference on historical data of pop-up threat locations. Anticipating intelligent responses from an adversary, which might change its pop-up threat deployment strategy upon observing UAV movements, we present adaptive Markov chain models using a moving horizon approach to estimate possibly abrupt changes in transition probabilities. We combine predicted and actual pop-up target locations to develop efficient cooperative strategies for networked UAVs. A theoretical analysis and simulation results are presented to evaluate the Markov model used for predicting pop-up threats. These results demonstrate the effectiveness of cooperative strategies using the combined information of threats and predicted threats in improving overall mission performance.  相似文献   

The theory of operation, practical applications, and technical performance of a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver designed for urban area use are presented. The receiver tracks as many as eight satellites, or all visible satellites, and uses the signals of the four best satellites to ascertain its location. If visibility of one satellite is blocked, one of the additional satellites can be used to provide continuous navigation. Component-level system design choices are shown to support superior automotive vehicle location performance, including optimum mobile communication with satellites and ground-based relays  相似文献   

针对矢量喷管出口面积独立无极可调控制的特点,采用数值仿真分析了偏转状态喷管面积比对矢量特性的影响机理,通过整机地面台架和高空台专项试验,获取了不同喷管面积比下推力性能、偏转推力损失、偏转效率、发动机匹配特性等数据。结果表明:非偏转状态发动机产生最大推力的喷管面积比小于气流完全膨胀对应的理论喷管面积比。发动机偏转推力损失随几何矢量角增加而增大,喷管面积比对偏转推力损失影响较小。地面台架状态相同几何矢量角下,矢量偏转效率随着喷管面积比的增大而降低,当喷管面积比达到一定值时,会出现气流分离使偏转效率进一步降低。在相同几何矢量角下,随着喷管面积比的增大,发动机节流状态转差减小,风扇工作线下移,靠近非偏转状态工作线,风扇裕度增加,工程应用中偏转状态的扩稳措施应考虑与喷管面积比的关联。  相似文献   

双模态超燃冲压发动机流量匹配的临界面积法   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
建立基于控制体法的0-D守恒方程(流量连续方程、动量守恒方程和能量守恒方程)的热力喉道(Ma=1.0)求解集总参数模型,该模型包括了壁面摩擦模型、燃油喷射模型、燃油雾化掺混模型和化学动力学模型.并针对集总参数模型求解热力喉道的特殊性,提出了基于流量平衡的临界面积法,应用于隔离段和燃烧室的1-D流场计算,实现了双模态超燃冲压发动机具有热力喉道时的各种模态的隔离段和燃烧室的流量平衡计算,精确捕捉到热力学喉道,确定了隔离段流动状态和燃烧室的工作模态及相关的流路沿程参数.计算结果表明:采用了临界面积法的集总参数计算模型能解决热力学喉道求解问题,其计算精度达10-4,单点工况计算时间小于0.1s.   相似文献   

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