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We present the first results of an EXOSAT observation of the low-mass X-ray burster 4U1735-44. The ME data show low-amplitude variations in the persistent flux including two 5% dips separated by 4 hours. The structure of the single observed burst is briefly described. Five hours of simultaneous B-band photometry were obtained at SAAO with 12 minute time resolution; a strong anti-correlation is shown to exist between the X-ray and optical flux, with a high level of significance. A model for this behaviour is suggested, based on reprocessing of the X-ray flux in a corona or stellar wind.  相似文献   

We report Ariel V(SSI) observations of three X-ray pulsars A0535+26, 2S1145-619 and GX301-2 (2S1223-624). These sources exhibit X-ray outbursts which appear, on the basis of observations extending over 5 years, to have recurrence periods of 110 days, 187.5 days and 41.4 days respectively. If these periods are orbital in origin, the observed X-ray modulation may be explained in terms of an appreciable orbital eccentricity giving rise to time variable accretion. (In the case of GX301-2 published pulse timing data already provide independent evidence for a 41.4 day orbital period and an eccentricity e 0.4). The optical counterparts are all early-type stars; A0535+26 and 2S1145-619 are identified with Be main sequence stars and GX301-2 with a B2 supergiant which also shows an emission line spectrum. The implications of the observations in relation to possible mass transfer mechanisms in such systems are discussed.  相似文献   

We present the results of the spectral and timing analysis of an observation of GX9+1/4U1758-205 performed with the Medium Energy Experiment aboard EXOSAT. During our observation the source flux varied irregularly in time scales from minutes to hours. No periodic emission in the period range from 16 msec to 2000 sec was found with an upper limit of around 1% (3 ) for the pulsed fraction. The hardness ratio shows a correlated change with the flux intensity (Sco X-1 behaviour). The spectrum could be fitted by a double component model, a black body component (kT=1.16–1.26 keV) together with a thermal bremsstrahlung law (kT=13–15keV). The black-body temperature-black-body flux relation follows a Stefan Boltzmann law with RBB=15.3 km*D/10 kpc. No iron line was detected. The upper limit for the line equivalent width of a 6.7 keV iron emission line is 40 eV (1). The X-ray spectral behaviour of GX9+1 indicates, that this source belongs to the class of Low-Mass X-ray Binaries (LMXB).  相似文献   

We give a progress report of our EXOSAT observations of active M dwarfs. The possibilities of filter spectroscopy of coronal X-ray sources using the available CMA filters are discussed, and we confirm that M dwarfs are rather hot coronal sources with X-ray temperatures in excess of 107 K, a result previously obtained with the Einstein Observatory.  相似文献   

EXOSAT PSD images and spectra are presented of the supernova remnant (SNR) PKS 1209-52 (G296.5+9.7. Milne 23). This source was observed for 8.5 hours in June, 1983. PSD images constructed in different energy intervals reveal that the spatial structure of the SNR is energy dependent. Comparison of the PSD and CMA images with the latest radio map of PKS 1209–52 shows some interesting correlations, especially between the X-ray and radio Hot Spots. The PSD spectrum of the SNR is fitted with a Raymond and Smith line-emission model: the best fit temperature is found to be 1.7×l06 K and the absorbing column is less than 2×1021 cm–2.A compact X-ray source lies within the radio shell of PKS 1209–52, near the centre of the remnant. The PSD spectrum of this object is somewhat harder than that of the SNR, but does not require a significantly different absorbing column density. The possible association of the SNR and the compact object is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

EXOSAT observations of 2S1254-690 in August 1984 have confirmed the presence of periodic dips in the X-ray intensity. These dips occurred with a period of 3.9 hours and last for about 50 minutes. During individual dips the observed X-ray flux oscillated several times between the quiescent level and an undetectable level on time scales varying from a few seconds to approximately 5 minutes. In addition, a second type one burst has been observed, with characteristics which are very similar to those observed earlier. In this paper we report the results of a 20 hour EXOSAT observation made in 1984 August 6th to 7th, and discuss some properties of the dips and of the burst.affiliated to the Astrophysics Division, Space Science Department, ESA  相似文献   

Repeated observations of LMC X-4 with EXOSAT were carried out in 1983/84 in order to study its 30.5 day cycle and to cover the expected outbursts of the recurrent LMC transient A0538-66. The latter source was inactive during our campaign although a variable circumstellar envelope was still present around the optical counterpart.At least ten further X-ray sources are detected in the CMA field of view around LMC X-4 including the SNR N49 which is the possible site for the March 5, 1979 -ray burster and N63A which appears to be variable in X-ray luminosity. We furthermore discuss the strongest sources that were not present in a previous EINSTEIN survey of the LMC.  相似文献   

EXOSAT observations of the contact binary VW Cephei on 19th March 1984 are presented. The L1-telescope with CMA+thick Lexan filter was used. The observations cover one orbital revolution showing an asymmetrical X-ray light curve. This can be modelled by an active neck, connecting the two stars, and with enhanced coronal regions on the primary star. Nearly simultaneous IUE observations are also presented. The observations form a part of the program to observe contact binaries with EXOSAT.  相似文献   

We report preliminary results of X-ray and optical observations of the AM Her star HO139-68 during its low state at V 17 to 18. X-rays were detected only during 45 % of the orbital period when the system was optically bright and the radial velocity of the Balmer lines was positive. Our data show no evidence for accretion onto two active poles as indicated by previous X-ray and linear-polarization measurements. We find that the distance of the system based on its K-magnitude is d 130 pc.Based in part on observations collected at the European Southern Observatory at La Silla, Chile.  相似文献   

Smith  A.  Zimmermann  H. -U. 《Space Science Reviews》1985,40(3-4):487-493
Presented here are Exosat LE1-CMA images of fields in the Vela SNR. Soft X-ray emission is observed in the north of the remnant indicating a filamentry structure. No X-ray emission was seen in two fields to the west and south-west which have optical filaments but were not studied by Einstein. The Vela pulsar is observed and is significantly broader than a point source indicating the presence of a small nebula as seen by the Einstein HRI. The flux seen from the point source in the CMA is consistent with blackbody radiation from a 106 degree neutron star of approx. 10 km radius. A bright ridge of emission is seen north of the pulsar which may be part of the extended synchroton nebula seen in the 2–10 keV range.  相似文献   

In two observations with the EXOSAT ME a total of 11 bursts were detected; 7 in July and 4 in May 1984. In terms of rise time and peak count rate there are only 2 kinds, those with a sharp rise and peak count rate of 500 cts/sec/detector and those with a slow rise and a peak count rate of 200 cts/sec/detector. The spectral analysis of these bursts shows a similar situation: for the sharp bright bursts the black body radius increases rapidly to > 20 km and the temperature lags. For the slow dim bursts the temperature rises ahead of the black body radius expansion which is small and slow. The time t 1/2 at which half the total burst energy has been released is 3.5 seconds for bright bursts and 8 seconds for dim ones. These gross differences may be related to the predominance of helium or hydrogen in the thermonuclear flash.  相似文献   

The BL Lac object Mkn 421 was observed by EXOSAT four times over a period of six days in February 1984. Significant X-ray variability was apparent on a timescale of less than a day, but with no accompanying spectral change. The source exhibited a very soft power law X-ray spectrum with an extremely low intrinsic column density (NH1020 cm–2). There was no evidence for an additional hard component attributable to synchrotron self-Compton emission. The observations when combined with other published data imply that significant changes occur in the form of the broad-band UV/X-ray continuum of this source.  相似文献   

The Gas Scintillation and Medium Energy instruments onboard EXOSAT measured the continuum and line emission spectrum in the Tycho supernova remnant. For the first time the iron line at 6.53 keV is clearly resolved from the continuum, in addition to the lines from S, Ar and Ca. The comparison with a non-equilibrium ionisation model (Hamilton et al 1983) confirms the over-abundance of S and Ca, whereas the Fe abundance is found to be solar, which provides additional support that the predicted 0.1–1 M0 Fe in type I supernovae is presently not shocked to X-ray emitting temperatures.  相似文献   

On July 5.–6. 1983, during the EXOSAT performance verification (PV) and calibration phase, a raster scan of Cygnus X-2 was performed. In contrast to the previously observed smooth intensity variations on timescales of hours, the source revealed a behaviour unknown until now: active periods with high energy flares recurring on time scales of 300–500 s were interrupted by quiet periods of several hours. At all intensity levels the source spectra clearly require a two component continuum (blackbody + thermal bremsstrahlung). In addition, a weak iron emission line with equivalent widths between 39 an 70 eV was detected. The source has a much harder spectrum during the flares than during quiet periods, indicating drastic temperature changes within the emission region, while the absolute iron line flux does not vary. From the spectral characteristics it becomes clear that self-comptonization of the thermal bremsstrahlung spectrum plays an important role. The time variability and spectral behaviour in this peculiar state allow Cyg X-2 to be classified as a Low Mass X-ray Binary System (LMXB) very similar to the prototype of this class, Sco X-1.  相似文献   

A 7 hour observation of the central part of the Coma Cluster of galaxies has been performed with the EXOSAT LE telescopes and CMA detectors. Five serendipitous sources are detected within the inner 35 arcmin radius of the field. Optical spectroscopy demonstrates that at least three of these are background AGN not associated with the cluster. At the sensitivity level of the EXOSAT exposure, we would have expected to see only 0.01 background sources based on the Einstein Medium Sensitivity Survey. The EXOSAT and Einstein results may be reconciled if these AGN have a much softer average X-ray spectrum than previously assumed.  相似文献   

An x-ray observation of 2S 0921-630 has been made coincident with the time of optical eclipse of this 9-day binary. No significant reduction in X-ray flux is measured. This can be explained if the binary orbit is viewed almost exactly edge-on, so that the central X-ray emitting star is obscured by the accretion disk from direct view. The X-rays that are seen are scattered into the line of sight by material above and below the disk and the apparent size of the X-ray emission region is thus large compared to the size of the occulting star.  相似文献   

X-ray pulsar-based navigation is a revolutionary technology which is capable of providing the required navigation information in the solar system. Performing as an important pulsar-based navigation technique, the Significance Enhancement of Pulse-profile with Orbit-dynamics (SEPO) can estimate orbital elements by using the distortion of pulse profile. Based on the SEPO technique, we propose a grouping bi-chi-squared technique and adopt the observations of Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) to carry out experimental verification. The pulsar timing is refined to determine spin parameters of the Crab pulsar (PSR B0531+21) during the observation periods, and a short-term dynamic model for RXTE satellite is established by considering the effects of diverse perturbations. Experimental results suggest that the position and velocity errors are 16.3 km (3σ) and 13.3 m/s (3σ) with two adjacent observations split by one day (exposure time of 1.5 ks), outperforming those of the POLAR experiment whose results are 19.2 km (3σ) and 432 m/s (3σ). The approach provided is particularly applicable to the estimation of orbital elements via using high-flux observations.  相似文献   

EXOSAT observed LMC X-4 on November 17/19, 1983 for one 1.4 day binary period during the high state of the 30.5 day cycle. An eclipse with sharp ingress and slow egress was detected with an eclipse angle of 27.1±1.0 dgr. In the medium energy experiment the source showed a hard power law spectrum. Outside eclipse the source was remarkably constant and only one flare was detected on November 17 at 19 UT lasting for about 1 h. The energy spectrum of the source softens considerably during that time and shows an emission line of cold iron. 13.5 sec pulsations are strongly present during the flare and have also been detected during the quiescent period and during several 1 min flares in another EXOSAT LMC X-4 observation on November 22, 1983. A pulse delay time analysis results in the determination of the pulse period (13.5019±0.0002) s and of the semimajor axis of the orbit of the X-ray star (26.0±0.6) It-sec. These results, together with other available information on LMC X-4, allowed to improve the binary parameters. The mass of the neutron star is found to be 1.34 ±0.44 0.48 Mo (95% confidence errors).  相似文献   

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