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Sean O'Keefe, who took office as the 10th NASA administrator in December 2001, is interviewed after 9 months on the job. Topics of conversation include his transition from the Office of Management and Budget to NASA, management priorities, space shuttle safety, the Space Launch Initiative and the National Aerospace Initiative, future space exploration, relationships with Congress and the President, and NASA's budget.  相似文献   

Ms. Smith, associate administrator for commercial space transportation within the Federal Aviation Administration, answers questions about regulations and licensing related to reusable launch vehicles, space passenger vehicles, and commercial space ventures.  相似文献   

Rep. Calvert, chair of the House aeronautics and space subcommittee of the Science Committee, answers questions related to priorities for space in the current congressional session: the Vision for Space Exploration, development of the Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV) and other heavy-lift launch vehicles, entrepreneurial alliances in the space transportation industry, the U.S. aerospace industry, space tourism, entrepreneurs and NASA, U.S. aeronautics research, a service mission to the Hubble Space Telescope, and priority military space programs.  相似文献   

Topics discussed in the interview include trends and economic issues in the aerospace industry, the role of the aerospace industry in national security, and mergers and new ventures in the aerospace industry.  相似文献   

Sally Ride discusses her career after leaving the astronaut corps, particularly her company, Imaginary Lines, which encourages middle school-aged girls to pursue careers in science and mathematics.  相似文献   

The interview with Frederic d'Allest reviews his involvement with the development of the Ariane launch vehicle program.  相似文献   

对于支线航空的定位和作用,支线飞机制造商和支线航空公司使用了不同的表达方式.  相似文献   

面临全球经济危机的严峻挑战,国内外一些航空公司纷纷消减航线、缩减航班数量,以期降低运营成本,减少亏损。而世界最大的航空公司——达美航空公司1月12日在上海宣布,上海与底特律之间的直飞航班将于今年6月如期开通。为此,记者专访了达美航空公司首席执行官理查德·安德森(Richard H. Anderson)。他表示,达美航空公司全球高层领导此次访华重申了达美航空对中国市场  相似文献   

This article is an interview with U.S. astronaut Norman Thagard. He was on the Russian Mir 18 mission. Launched to the space station from Baikonur on March 14, 1995, he returned to Earth on the Shuttle 115 days later. With the completion of that mission, Thagard holds the U.S. record for the most time spent in space. Topics of discussion during the interview include: the cultural isolation faced by an American astronaut on a Russian space facility; the physiological and psychological effects of long-duration space flight; the problems of loss of bone and the radiation environment; readaptation to gravity on Earth; and, recommendations to the designers of the Alpha station.  相似文献   

香港的航空运输业创造了世人惊叹的奇迹,其产业链上的每一个环节几乎都能找出一个为业内称道的典范,运输类的国泰航空公司、维修类的香港飞机工程有限公司、货运处理业的香港空运货站,以及全球首屈一指的香港国际机场。近日,本刊记者李果近日赴香港走访了这些成功的企业,希望能够从他们身上探求到航空业成功的经营之道。  相似文献   

An interview with Carl Pilcher, science program director for solar system exploration at NASA, examines NASA's past, present, and planned missions to explore the solar system. Specific questions relate to the status of current and planned missions, science results of the Pathfinder mission to Mars, cooperation with the Japanese space agency, the status of the search for extraterrestrial life in solar system meteoroids and asteroids, mission size for more in-depth exploration, reports of water on the moon, and the exploration of near-Earth objects.  相似文献   

张镇中教授亲历了美国麦道公司由盛到衰的过程,同时作为麦道公司的总代表,发起并参与了在上海总装MD-82飞机的中美合作项目,尽管这个计划的结果并不如人意,但它却是我国大飞机发展历程中一个重要的事件。前不久我们对张镇中教授进行了专访,请他回忆了这段经历,并对我国大飞机发展提出了一些看法和建议。  相似文献   

马援 《国际航空》2009,(6):43-43
上海波音航空改装维修工程公司(上海波音)是波音公司在中国大陆地区唯一的控股维修企业。就上海波音的未来发展等问题,本刊记者专访了上海波音CEO詹姆斯·布朗齐。  相似文献   

The commenter summarizes Q-R decomposition techniques for solving the least squares (LS) problem and comments on associated aspects of the work presented by K. Gerlach and F.F. Kretschmer, Jr. (ibid., vol.267, no.1, Jan.90). In response to the commenter's statement that the statistical properties of the LS that determine the convergence performance are well known. Gerlach and Kretschmer assert that this is true only under the assumptions that have been used in the past to analyze the convergence performance of the canceler and for only a limited number of convergence performance measures. Gerlach and Kretschmer also address the commenter's points on overmatching degrees of freedom.<>  相似文献   

在竞争激烈的国内维修市场中,一家维修企业在4年内开拓出自己的发展空间,并连续3年保持盈利,走出了发展自己强势的窄体飞机维修之路。借山东太古飞机工程有限公司(STAECO)二期机库竣工之机,本刊记者走访了STAECO总经理黄恩舫先生,请他介绍了STAECO的发展特色。  相似文献   

作为一家地方航空公司,四川航空公司在国内率先引入A320、EMB-145飞机,也是国产飞机“新舟” 60的国内首家用户。本刊记者就川航运营这些飞机的情况以及他们对未来的设想采访了郭全芳总师,根据采访内容整理成文。  相似文献   

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