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Sean O'Keefe, who took office as the 10th NASA administrator in December 2001, is interviewed after 9 months on the job. Topics of conversation include his transition from the Office of Management and Budget to NASA, management priorities, space shuttle safety, the Space Launch Initiative and the National Aerospace Initiative, future space exploration, relationships with Congress and the President, and NASA's budget.  相似文献   

Rep. Calvert, chair of the House aeronautics and space subcommittee of the Science Committee, answers questions related to priorities for space in the current congressional session: the Vision for Space Exploration, development of the Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV) and other heavy-lift launch vehicles, entrepreneurial alliances in the space transportation industry, the U.S. aerospace industry, space tourism, entrepreneurs and NASA, U.S. aeronautics research, a service mission to the Hubble Space Telescope, and priority military space programs.  相似文献   

Ms. Smith, associate administrator for commercial space transportation within the Federal Aviation Administration, answers questions about regulations and licensing related to reusable launch vehicles, space passenger vehicles, and commercial space ventures.  相似文献   

A biography of John Alvin Pierce is given, starting with his early interest in radio. Pierce received his amateur license and operated a spark transmitter at the age of twelve. His amateur activities led to work at the Cruft Laboratory of Harvard University under the supervision of Professor H.R. Mimno. This association with the Cruft Laboratory has continued to the present day with few interruptions. Pierce's work with different groups and in various areas is sketched, focusing on his work with Loran  相似文献   

The commenter points out that a direct Global Positioning System (GPS) algorithm together with discussions on the existence and uniqueness of the solution appeared in his paper (J. Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, vol.9, p.715-17, Nov./Dec. 1986). Since the GPS solution is reduced to solving a quadratic equation, the existence and uniqueness can be easily tested. J.S. Abel and J.W. Chaffee, in the above-titled paper (ibid., vol.26, no.6, p.748-53, Sept. 1990), show that the GPS solution problem is similar to the hyperbolic-fix problem. The commenter notes that it can be inferred from his later work (ibid., vol.26. no.5, p.748-53, Sept. 1990) that the two solutions exist if and only if the four GPS satellites are coplanar, in which case the two solutions are mirror-symmetric with respect to the GPS plane  相似文献   

The interview with Frederic d'Allest reviews his involvement with the development of the Ariane launch vehicle program.  相似文献   

The commenter summarizes Q-R decomposition techniques for solving the least squares (LS) problem and comments on associated aspects of the work presented by K. Gerlach and F.F. Kretschmer, Jr. (ibid., vol.267, no.1, Jan.90). In response to the commenter's statement that the statistical properties of the LS that determine the convergence performance are well known. Gerlach and Kretschmer assert that this is true only under the assumptions that have been used in the past to analyze the convergence performance of the canceler and for only a limited number of convergence performance measures. Gerlach and Kretschmer also address the commenter's points on overmatching degrees of freedom.<>  相似文献   

The commenters object to criticisms of their work that appeared in the above-titled paper (ibid., vol.25, no.5, p.590-601, Sept. 1989) and provide a defense of their results. The author presents further arguments to buttress his claims  相似文献   

鲁迅早期诗歌解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鲁迅的早期诗歌虽然只是如他说的“为新诗打打边鼓,凑些热闹”,然而作为一个伟大的思想家和一个勇于探新的开路先锋,他的精神在诗歌里也有表现。这主要体现在思想上的“表现深切”,格式上的“特别”。这些在新诗开创初期都有功不可没的价值和意义,从而也具有了不可否认的史的价值。  相似文献   

The commenter states that the filters described in the above-mentioned paper by H. Rohling and W. Plagge (see ibid., vol.26, no.6, p.890-6, Nov. 1989) were described in general terms in his articles from 1977-8. The families of binary sequences with minimal or small loss-factors were described by the commenter in earlier publications (1980, 1987). Comparison of the data from these papers and from those of the authors shows that sequences with length 21 and 28 are not optimal.<>  相似文献   

孙中山晚年复归儒学,根源于其坚定的民族立场,对西方“文明”的反省,以及建设革命党和从事政党政治的需要。  相似文献   

杜甫一生创作了大量诗歌,今存一千四百余首。仅漂泊西南十一年间所创作的诗篇即占其作品总数的百分之七十以上。其西南诗不仅数量多,而且所表现出的深邃思想内涵和炉火纯青的艺术技巧,为我们展现了一位老而弥坚、不断追求的"诗圣"形象。在杜甫研究的领域内,本文第一次较为全面、深入地探讨了西南漂泊生涯与客寓意识对杜甫人生追求的影响,推动其后期乡国君民诗登上一个新的高度。  相似文献   

文化批判是老舍小说创作一直坚持的母题,试图分析老舍小说中的文化批判意识,寻求老舍自立于中国现代文坛的独立价值。通过老舍创作的三个阶段来阐述其文化批判意识的形成及历程演变,并逐步建立起自己的一套文化价值观念。  相似文献   

王保国  黄伟光  徐燕骥 《航空学报》2019,40(10):23355-023355
2019年8月6日是中国著名工程热物理学家陈乃兴先生逝世一周年的纪念日。从6个方面详细阐述了陈乃兴先生的主要学术成就和对科技发展的重要贡献。他一生献身祖国、献身科学研究的拼搏精神,将鼓舞大家砥砺奋进。  相似文献   

李渔在《闲情偶寄》中对作品提出了"脱窠臼"的要求。他的小说创作确实遵照这一原则进行,但是他的传奇创作却不断出现直接借用自己已经出版的小说故事的情况。探究这种看似矛盾的行为,除了可以借体裁的转变谋取更大的经济利益之外,这种题材的借用也是明清传奇作者的共同习惯。而恰是从李渔对这种习惯的遵从中,我们更可以发现古代作者们对于小说与传奇两种不同体裁的文体认识的差异。  相似文献   

朱敦儒隐逸词题材广泛,内容丰富,反映了作者曲折的生活经历和出尘脱俗的精神世界。其恬淡、豁达的心境,既是诗人的人生个性,也创造了南宋隐逸词晶莹明净的优美意境。  相似文献   

Theodor Meyer's 1908 doctoral dissertation, with Ludwig Prandtl (1875–1953) as his advisor, introduced much of what has now become basic gas dynamics: not only the Prandtl–Meyer expansion but also the oblique-shock-wave theory as well. It is arguably the most influential dissertation in all of fluid dynamics. Yet no biography or even a photograph of Meyer has been available in the intervening century. This biography provides some insight into his character and covers his education, dissertation, World War I combat service and long career as an engineer and a teacher of math and physics.  相似文献   

The author reminisces about the early days of radio. He describes the first radio sets and his entry into commercial radio in the 1920s. He discusses his work at GE, RCA, and Brunswich Balke Collender during the 1920s and military research he as involved in during the 1930s  相似文献   

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