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It has been suggested that a manned mission to Mars be launched at solar maximum rather than at solar minimum to minimize the radiation exposure to galactic cosmic rays. It is true that the number of hits from highly ionizing particles to critical regions in the brain will be less at solar maximum, and it is of interest to estimate how much less. We present here calculations for several sites within the brain from iron ions (z = 26) and from particles with charge, z, greater than or equal to 15. The same shielding configurations and sites in the brain used in an earlier paper for solar minimum are employed so that direct comparison of results between the two solar activity conditions can be made. A simple pressure-vessel wall and an equipment room onboard a spacecraft are chosen as shielding examples. In the equipment room, typical results for the thalamus are that the probability of any particles with 7 greater than or equal to 15 and from 2.3 percent to 1.3 percent for iron ions. The extra shielding provided in the equipment room makes little difference in these numbers. We conclude that this decrease in hit frequency (less than a factor of two) does not provide a compelling reason to avoid solar minimum for a manned mission to Mars. This conclusion could be revised, however, if a very small number of hits is found to cause critical malfunction within the brain.  相似文献   

The observation of the directional distribution of energetic and cosmic ray particles has been done with the Voyager spacecraft over a long period. Since 2002, when the first flux enhancements of charged particles associated with the approach of Voyager 1 to the solar wind termination shock were observed, these anisotropy measurements have become of special interest. They play an important role to understand the magnetic field and shock structure and the basics of the modulation of cosmic ray and anomalous particles at and beyond the termination shock. They also serve as motivation to study the spatial behavior of galactic and anomalous cosmic ray anisotropies with numerical modulation models in order to illustrate how the radial anisotropy, at different energies, change from upstream to downstream of the termination shock. Observations made by Voyager 1 indicate that the termination shock is a complicated region than previously thought, hence the effects of the latitude dependence of the termination shock’s compression ratio and injection efficiency on the radial anisotropies of galactic and anomalous protons will be illustrated. We find that the magnitude and direction of the radial anisotropy strongly depends on the position in the heliosphere and the energy of particles. The effect of the TS on the radial anisotropy is to abruptly increase its value in the heliosheath especially in the A > 0 cycle for galactic protons and in both polarity cycles for anomalous protons. Furthermore, the global effect of the latitude dependence of the shock’s compression ratio is to increase the radial anisotropy for galactic protons throughout the heliosphere, while when combined with the latitude dependence of the injection efficiency this increase depends on modulation factors for anomalous protons and can even alter the direction of the radial anisotropy.  相似文献   

In recent years the variability of the cosmic ray flux has become one of the main issues not only for the interpretation of the abundances of cosmogenic isotopes in cosmochronic archives like, e.g., ice cores, but also for its potential impact on the terrestrial climate. It has been re-emphasized that the cosmic ray flux is not only varying due to the solar activity-induced changes of the solar wind but also in response to the changing state of the interstellar medium surrounding the heliosphere. We demonstrate the significance of these external boundary condition changes along the galactic orbit of the Sun for the flux as well as spectra of cosmic rays. Such interstellar–terrestrial relations are a major topic of the International Heliophysical Year 2007.  相似文献   

Reacceleration of cosmic rays produced by galactic sources on the galactic wind termination shock is considered. The problem of the cosmic ray spectrum continuity is investigated. Numeric results are presented and discussed. We found that a smooth spectral transition from the galactic cosmic rays to the cosmic rays reaccelerated at the galactic wind termination shock is difficult to produce, if the maximum energy of accelerated particles is the same throughout the surface of the termination shock. The possible solution of this problem is the non-spherical termination shock with different maximum energies at different places of the shock.  相似文献   

The method has been developed to calculate galactic cosmic ray anisotropy parameters by using on-line data of the neutron monitor 24-NM-64 and muon telescope at the Yakutsk station. The preliminary analysis shows that characteristic changes in the anisotropy parameters caused by the first spherical harmonics of cosmic ray angular distribution are observed 1–2 days before the onset of the most part of large-scale geophysical disturbances on the Earth. There is reason to believe that the attraction of data of geophysical observations of other kinds will allow to develop the forecast methods for the arrival of large-scale interplanetary disturbances at the Earth.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to review the potential functional and morphological effects of long duration space flight on the human central nervous system (CNS) and how current neuroimaging techniques may be utilized to study these effects. It must be determined if there will be any detrimental changes to the CNS from long term exposure to the space environment if human beings are to plan interplanetary missions or establish permanent space habitats. Research to date has focused primarily on the short term changes in the CNS as the result of space flight. The space environment has many factors such as weightlessness, electromagnetic fields, and radiation, that may impact upon the function and structure of the CNS. CNS changes known to occur during and after long term space flight include neurovestibular disturbances, cephalic fluid shifts, alterations in sensory perception, changes in proprioception, psychological disturbances, and cognitive changes. Animal studies have shown altered plasticity of the neural cytoarchitecture, decreased neuronal metabolism in the hypothalamus, and changes in neurotransmitter concentrations. Recent progress in the ability to study brain morphology, cerebral metabolism, and neurochemistry in vivo in the human brain would provide ample opportunity to investigate many of the changes that occur in the CNS as a result of space flight. These methods include positron emission tomography (PET), single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).  相似文献   

The allowed cosmic radiation flux accessible to an earth-orbiting spacecraft is a complex function of the satellite position and the geomagnetic cutoff characteristics at each zenith and azimuth angle at each position. We have determined cosmic ray exposure factors for the galactic cosmic ray spectrum for typical shuttle altitudes and inclinations up to 50 degrees. We have utilized d world grid of trajectory-derived cutoff rigidity calculations at 400 km altitude to determine geomagnetic transmission functions that permit a simple and direct calculation of the allowed cosmic ray spectrum to a 400 km satellite orbit. If the interplanetary cosmic ray spectrum is multiplied by the orbit-averaged geomagnetic transmission function the result is the allowed cosmic ray spectrum at the spacecraft.  相似文献   

Photochemical modeling and satellite data has been used to investigate the response of ozonosphere to solar proton events (SPEs) of the current (23d) maximum of solar activity. First SPE after the minima of solar activity occurred in November 1997. One of the strongest SPE after this occurred in July 2000. It was assumed in photochemical calculations that the ionization caused by solar protons in the atmosphere produced additional amount of the NOX and HOX compounds. Model runs showed strong ozone depletion in the mesosphere after SPE of 14 July 2000 for both polar regions. Corresponding study of ozone variations measured by HALOE instrument placed on board of UARS gave similar picture as the model calculations for North polar region.  相似文献   

Pivotal to the astronauts' functional integrity and survival during long space flights are the strategies to deal with space radiations. The majority of the cellular studies in this area emphasize simple endpoints such as growth related events which, although useful to understand the nature of primary cell injury, have poor predictive value for extrapolation to more complex tissues such as the central nervous system (CNS). In order to assess the radiation damage on neural cell populations, we developed an in vitro model in which neuronal differentiation, neurite extension, and synaptogenesis occur under controlled conditions. The model exploits chick embryo neural explants to study the effects of radiations on neuritogenesis. In addition, neurobiological problems associated with long-term space flights are discussed.  相似文献   

Lomnický Štít (LS, situated at High Tatra mountain, 2634 m above sea level, in the direction of 49.40°N, 20.22°E; geomagnetic vertical cut-off rigidity for cosmic rays ∼4 GV) is a relevant place for cosmic ray studies. After a brief review of the LS research history we present a selection of the results based on the measurements performed by the neutron monitor located at that site. In particular, the characteristics of quasi-periodicities and the diurnal variability amplitude and phase obtained from those data are discussed.  相似文献   

Extensive measurements of dose exposure of aircrew have been carried out in recent years using passive detectors on subsonic and supersonic air routes by DIAS (Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies). Studies were based on measurement of LET spectra using nuclear recoils produced in CR-39 nuclear track detectors by high energy neutrons and protons. The detectors were calibrated using energetic heavy ions. Data obtained were compared with the predictions of the EPCARD and CARI-6 codes. Good agreement has been found between the experimental and theoretical values.  相似文献   

Time dependent cosmic ray modulation in the outer heliosphere is calculated and results are compared to Voyager 1 and 2 observations using a two-dimensional time-dependent cosmic ray transport model. We predict possible future 133–242 MeV proton observations along the Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft trajectories. Recent theoretical advances in cosmic ray transport parameters are introduced in order to provide a time-dependence for the assumed transport parameters used in the model. This leads to results that are in general compatible with the spacecraft observations in the inner and outer heliosphere over multiple solar cycles. However, for the outer heliosphere, we find that the Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft observations cannot be fitted with an identical set of parameters along both trajectories. This indicates a possible asymmetric heliosphere or a symmetric heliosphere but with different diffusion parameters in the northern and southern hemispheres, respectively. Furthermore, results indicate that Voyager 2 observations are still under the influence of solar cycle related changes because of the large modulation volume between the heliopause and spacecraft location in contrast to Voyager 1 which shows a steady increase in cosmic ray intensities.  相似文献   

In the frame of the European Space Agency (ESA) project called “Biology and Physics in Space”, the returning satellite, Foton-M2, carried an open-to-space exposure platform outside of the satellite body, called as BIOPAN-5, loaded with exo-biological experiments and facilities for radiation dosimetry (RADO). One of the RADO experiments was dedicated to the detection of the primary galactic cosmic rays (GCR) and secondary neutrons by a track etch detector stack. The daily absorbed dose (D) and dose equivalent (H) were calculated from the experimental LET spectra (LET > 10 keV/μm). Under a shielding of ∼2.8 g/cm2 the averaged H was found to be 658 ± 8 μSv/d, with a quality factor (Q) of 6.2 ± 1.2. The LET spectra showed a local peak at ∼105 keV/μm suggesting that the majority of tracks were created by trapped protons as it has been predicted by calculations. The low LET dose of the cosmic radiation was determined by 4 TLD stacks, and the total dose was found to be 795 ± 14 μSv/d.  相似文献   

The Balloon-borne Experiment with a Superconducting Spectrometer (BESS) was flown from Lynn Lake, Manitoba, Canada in August, 2000, during the maximum solar modulation period, with an average residual atmospheric overburden of 4.3 g/cm2. Precise spectral measurements of cosmic ray hydrogen isotopes from 0.178 GeV/n to 1.334 GeV/n were made during the 28.7 h of flight. This paper presents the measured energy spectra and their ratio, 2H/1H. The results are also compared with previous measurements and theoretical predictions.  相似文献   

There is an increasing amount of evidence linking biological effects to solar and geomagnetic disturbances. A series of studies is published referring to the changes in human physiological responses at different levels of geomagnetic activity. In this study, the possible relation between the daily variations of cosmic ray intensity, measured by the Neutron Monitor at the Cosmic Ray Station of the University of Athens (http://cosray.phys.uoa.gr) and the average daily and hourly heart rate variations of persons, with no symptoms or hospital admission, monitored by Holter electrocardiogram, is considered. This work refers to a group of persons admitted to the cardiological clinic of the KAT Hospital in Athens during the time period from 4th to 24th December 2006 that is characterized by extreme solar and geomagnetic activity. A series of Forbush decreases started on 6th December and lasted until the end of the month and a great solar proton event causing a Ground Level Enhancement (GLE) of the cosmic ray intensity on 13th December occurred. A sudden decrease of the cosmic ray intensity on 15th December, when a geomagnetic storm was registered, was also recorded in Athens Neutron Monitor station (cut-off rigidity 8.53 GV) with amplitude of 4%. It is noticed that during geomagnetically quiet days the heart rate and the cosmic ray intensity variations are positively correlated. When intense cosmic ray variations, like Forbush decreases and relativistic proton events produced by strong solar phenomena occur, cosmic ray intensity and heart rate get minimum values and their variations, also, coincide. During these events the correlation coefficient of these two parameters changes and follows the behavior of the cosmic ray intensity variations. This is only a small part of an extended investigation, which has begun using data from the year 2002 and is still in progress.  相似文献   

The long-term effects of irradiation by accelerated heavy ions on the structure and function of the nervous system have not been studied extensively. Although the adult brain is relatively resistant to low LET radiation, cellular studies indicate that individual heavy ions can produce serious membrane lesions and multiple chromatin breaks. Capillary hemorrhages may follow high LET particle irradiation of the developing brain as high RBE effects. Evidence has been accumulating that the glial system and blood-brain barrier (BBB) are relatively sensitive to injury by ionizing radiation. While DNA repair is active in neural systems, it may be assumed that a significant portion of this molecular process is misrepair. Since the expression of cell lethality usually requires cell division, and nerve cells have an extremely low rate of division, it is possible that some of the characteristic changes of premature aging may represent a delayed effect of chromatin misrepair in brain. Altered microcirculation, decreased local metabolism, entanglement and reduction in synaptic density, premature loss of neurons, myelin degeneration, and glial proliferation are late signs of such injuries. HZE particles are very efficient in producing carcinogenic cell transformation, reaching a peak for iron particles. The promotion of viral transformation is also efficient up to an energy transfer of approximately 300 keV/micron. The RBE for carcinogenesis in nerve tissues remains unknown. On the basis of available information concerning HZE particle flux in interplanetary space, only general estimates of the magnitude of the effects of long-term spaceflight on some nervous system parameters may be constructed.  相似文献   

In the course of a densitometric evaluation, the histochemically demonstrated reactivity of succinic acid dehydrogenase (SDH) and of NADPH-diaphorase (NADPHD) was determined in different brain nuclei of two teleost fish (cichlid fish Oreochromis mossambicus, swordtail fish Xiphophorus helleri), which had been kept under 3g hyper-gravity for 8 days. SDH was chosen since it is a rate limiting enzyme of the Krebs cycle and therefore it is regarded as a marker for metabolic and neuronal activity. NADPHD reactivity reflects the activity of nitric oxide synthase. Nitric oxide (NO) is a gaseous intercellular messenger that has been suggested to play a major role in several different in vivo models of neuronal plasticity including learning. Within particular vestibulum-connected brain centers, significant effects of hyper-gravity were obtained, e.g., in the magnocellular nucleus, a primary vestibular relay ganglion of the brain stem octavolateralis area, in the superior rectus subdivision of the oculomotoric nucleus and within cerebellar eurydendroid cells, which in teleosts possibly resemble the deep cerebellar nucleus of higher vertebrates. Non-vestibulum related nuclei did not respond to hyper-gravity in a significant way. The effect of hyper-gravity found was much less distinct in adult animals as compared to the circumstances seen in larval fish (Anken et al., Adv. Space Res. 17, 1996), possibly due to a development correlated loss of neuronal plasticity.  相似文献   

The ALTEA project participates to the quest for increasing the safety of manned space flights. It addresses the problems related to possible functional damage to neural cells and circuits due to particle radiation in space environment. Specifically it aims at studying the functionality of the astronauts' Central Nervous Systems (CNS) during long space flights and relating it to the peculiar environments in space, with a particular focus on the particle flux impinging in the head. The project is a large international and multidisciplinary collaboration. Competences in particle physics, neurophysiology, psychophysiology, electronics, space environment, data analyses will work together to construct the fully integrated vision electrophysiology and particle analyser system which is the core device of the project: an helmet-shaped multi-sensor device that will measure concurrently the dynamics of the functional status of the visual system and passage of each particle through the brain within a pre-determined energy window. ALTEA is scheduled to fly in the International Space Station in late 2002. One part of the multi-sensor device, one of the advanced silicon telescopes, will be launched in the ISS in early 2002 and serve as test for the final device and as discriminating dosimeter for the particle fluences within the ISS.  相似文献   

Regulation of autonomic nervous system in space and magnetic storms.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Variations in the earth's magnetic field and magnetic storms are known to be a risk factor for the development of cardiovascular disorders. The main "targets" for geomagnetic perturbations are the central nervous system and the neural regulation of vascular tone and heart rate variability. This paper presents the data about effect of geomagnetic fluctuations on human body in space. As a method for research the analysis of heart rate variability was used, which allows evaluating the state of the sympathetic and parasympathetic parts of the autonomic nervous system, vasomotor center and subcortical neural centers activity. Heart rate variability data were analyzed for 30 cosmonauts at the 2nd day of space flight on transport spaceship Soyuz (32nd orbit). There were formed three groups of cosmonauts: without magnetic storm (n=9), on a day with magnetic storm (n=12) and 1-2 days after magnetic storm (n=9). The present study was the first to demonstrate a specific impact of geomagnetic perturbations on the system of autonomic circulatory control in cosmonauts during space flight. The increasing of highest nervous centers activity was shown for group with magnetic storms, which was more significant on 1-2 days after magnetic storm. The use of discriminate analysis allowed to classify indicated three groups with 88% precision. Canonical variables are suggested to be used as criterions for evaluation of specific and non-specific components of cardiovascular reactions to geomagnetic perturbations. The applied aspect of the findings from the present study should be emphasized. They show, in particular, the need to supplement the medical monitoring of cosmonauts with predictions of probable geomagnetic perturbations in view of the prevention of unfavorable states appearances if the adverse reactions to geomagnetic perturbations are added to the tension experienced by regulatory systems during various stresses situations (such as work in the open space).  相似文献   

Cosmic ray modulation in the outer heliosphere is discussed from a modeling perspective. Emphasis is on the transport and acceleration of these particles at and beyond the solar wind termination shock in the inner heliosheath region and how this changes over a solar cycle. We will show that by using numerical models, and by comparing results to spacecraft observations, much can be learned about the dependence of cosmic ray modulation on solar cycle changes in the solar wind and heliospheric magnetic field. While the first determines the heliospheric geometry and shock structure, the latter results in a time-dependence of the transport coefficients. Depending on energy, both these effects contribute to cosmic ray intensities in the inner heliosheath changing over a solar cycle.  相似文献   

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