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This review emphasizes the large scale, global aspects of the solar wind flow at large heliocentric distances and how that structure derives from coronal and interplanetary phenomena. Particular attention is paid to the solar cycle variation, and speculation on its three-dimensional manifestations in the outer heliosphere is offered. Solar cycle variations in the global solar wind structure may lead to systematic variations in the dynamical properties of the interplanetary medium which may have a significant effect upon galactic cosmic ray modulation and the three-dimensional shape of the heliospheric termination shock.  相似文献   

Observations made with the two Voyager spacecraft confirmed that the solar wind decelerates to form the heliospheric termination shock and that it has begun its merger with the local interstellar medium. The compression ratio of this shock affects galactic cosmic rays when they enter the heliosphere. Hydrodynamic (HD) models show that the compression ratio can have a significant latitude dependence; with the largest value in the nose direction of the heliosphere, becoming significantly less towards the polar regions. The modulation effects of such large latitude dependence are studied, using a well-established numerical drift and shock modulation model. We focus on computing the modulated spectra for galactic protons with emphasis on the radial and polar gradients in the equatorial plane and at a polar angle of θ = 55°, corresponding to the heliolatitude of Voyager 1. Two sets of solutions are computed and compared each time; with and without a latitude dependence for the compression ratio. All computations are done for the two magnetic field polarity cycles assuming solar minimum conditions. Including the termination shock in the model allows the study of the re-acceleration of galactic protons in the outer heliosphere. We find that for the A < 0 polarity cycle the intensity between ∼200 MeV and ∼1 GeV in the vicinity of the shock in the heliospheric equatorial plane may exceed the local interstellar value specified at the heliopause. Unfortunately, at θ = 55°, the effect is reduced. This seems not possible during an A > 0 cycle because significant modulation is then predicted between the heliopause and the termination shock, depending on how strong global gradient and curvature drifts are in the heliosheath. The overall effect of the shock on galactic protons in the equatorial plane is to reduce the total modulation as a function of radial distance with respect to the interstellar spectrum. Making the compression ratio latitude dependent enhances these effects at energies E < 200 MeV in the equatorial plane. At larger heliolatitudes these effects are even more significant. The differences in the modulation between the two drift cycles are compelling when the compression ratio is made latitude dependent but at Earth this effect is insignificant. A general result is that the computed radial gradient changes for galactic protons at and close to the TS and that these changes are polarity dependent. In line with previous work, large polarity dependent effects are predicted for the inner heliosphere and also close to the shock’s position in the equatorial plane. In contrast, at θ = 55°, the largest polarity effect occurs in the middle heliosphere (50 AU), enhanced by the latitude dependence of the compression ratio. At this latitude, the amount of proton modulation between the heliopause and the termination shock is much reduced. If galactic cosmic rays were to experience some diffusive shock acceleration over the 100–1000 MeV range at the shock, the radial gradient should change its sign in the vicinity of the shock, how large, depends on the compression ratio and the amount of drifts taking place in the outer heliosphere. The effective polar gradient shows a strong polarity dependence at Earth but this dissipates at θ = 55°, especially with increasing radial distance. This tendency is enhanced by making the compression ratio latitude dependent.  相似文献   

Observations of galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) from the two Voyager spacecraft inside the heliosheath indicate significant differences between them, suggesting that in addition to a possible global asymmetry in the north–south dimensions (meridional plane) of the heliosphere, it is also possible that different modulation (turbulence) conditions could exist between the two hemispheres of the heliosphere. We focus on illustrating the effects on GCR Carbon of asymmetrical modulation conditions combined with a heliosheath thickness that has a significant dependence on heliolatitude. To reflect different modulation conditions between the two heliospheric hemispheres in our numerical model, the enhancement of both polar and radial perpendicular diffusion off the ecliptic plane is assumed to differ from heliographic pole to pole. The computed radial GCR intensities at polar angles of 55° (approximating the Voyager 1 direction) and 125° (approximating the Voyager 2 direction) are compared at different energies and for both particle drift cycles. This is done in the context of illustrating how different values of the enhancement of both polar and radial perpendicular diffusion between the two hemispheres contribute to causing differences in radial intensities during solar minimum and moderate maximum conditions. We find that in the A > 0 cycle these differences between 55° and 125° change both quantitatively and qualitatively for the assumed asymmetrical modulation condition as reflected by polar diffusion, while in the A < 0 cycle, minute quantitative differences are obtained. However, when both polar and radial perpendicular diffusion have significant latitude dependences, major differences in radial intensities between the two polar angles are obtained in both polarity cycles. Furthermore, significant differences in radial intensity gradients obtained in the heliosheath at lower energies may suggest that the solar wind turbulence at and beyond the solar wind termination shock must have a larger latitudinal dependence.  相似文献   

The observation of the directional distribution of energetic and cosmic ray particles has been done with the Voyager spacecraft over a long period. Since 2002, when the first flux enhancements of charged particles associated with the approach of Voyager 1 to the solar wind termination shock were observed, these anisotropy measurements have become of special interest. They play an important role to understand the magnetic field and shock structure and the basics of the modulation of cosmic ray and anomalous particles at and beyond the termination shock. They also serve as motivation to study the spatial behavior of galactic and anomalous cosmic ray anisotropies with numerical modulation models in order to illustrate how the radial anisotropy, at different energies, change from upstream to downstream of the termination shock. Observations made by Voyager 1 indicate that the termination shock is a complicated region than previously thought, hence the effects of the latitude dependence of the termination shock’s compression ratio and injection efficiency on the radial anisotropies of galactic and anomalous protons will be illustrated. We find that the magnitude and direction of the radial anisotropy strongly depends on the position in the heliosphere and the energy of particles. The effect of the TS on the radial anisotropy is to abruptly increase its value in the heliosheath especially in the A > 0 cycle for galactic protons and in both polarity cycles for anomalous protons. Furthermore, the global effect of the latitude dependence of the shock’s compression ratio is to increase the radial anisotropy for galactic protons throughout the heliosphere, while when combined with the latitude dependence of the injection efficiency this increase depends on modulation factors for anomalous protons and can even alter the direction of the radial anisotropy.  相似文献   

Our understanding of galactic cosmic ray (GCR) modulation has advanced greatly in the last three decades. However, we still need an appropriate knowledge of the GCR intensity gradient. Numerical simulations of the transport particle equation allow interpretation of cosmic ray intensities in the heliosphere. We use the numerical solution of the GCR transport equation during solar maximum epoch to compute the radial and latitudinal gradients. Our analysis indicates that adiabatic energy loss plays an important role in the radial distribution of GCR in the inner heliosphere, while in the outer region the diffusion and convection are the relevant processes. The latitudinal gradient is small.  相似文献   

The effects of changing the position of the solar wind termination shock and the position of the heliopause, and therefore the extent of the heliosheath, on the modulation of cosmic ray protons are illustrated. An improved numerical model with diffusive termination shock acceleration, a heliosheath and drifts is used. The modulation is computed in the equatorial plane and at 35 heliolatitude using recently derived diffusion coefficients applicable to a number of cosmic ray species during both magnetic polarity cycles of the Sun. It was found that qualitatively the modulation results for the different heliopause positions are similar although they differ quantitatively, e.g., clearly different radial gradients are predicted for the regions beyond the termination shock compared to inside the shock. The difference between the modulation for the two solar polarity cycles are less significant at a heliolatitude of 35° than in the equatorial plane. We found that moving the termination shock from 90 to 100 AU, with the heliopause fixed at 120 AU, caused only quantitative differences so that the exact position of the TS in the outer heliosphere seems not crucially important to global modulation. Moving the heliopause outwards, to represent the modulation in the tail region of the heliosphere, causes overall decreases in the cosmic ray intensities but not linearly as a function of energy, e.g., at 1 GeV the effect is insignificant. We conclude from this modelling that the modulation of protons in the heliospheric nose and tail regions are qualitatively similar although, clear quantitative and interesting differences occur.  相似文献   

Time dependent cosmic ray modulation in the outer heliosphere is calculated and results are compared to Voyager 1 and 2 observations using a two-dimensional time-dependent cosmic ray transport model. We predict possible future 133–242 MeV proton observations along the Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft trajectories. Recent theoretical advances in cosmic ray transport parameters are introduced in order to provide a time-dependence for the assumed transport parameters used in the model. This leads to results that are in general compatible with the spacecraft observations in the inner and outer heliosphere over multiple solar cycles. However, for the outer heliosphere, we find that the Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft observations cannot be fitted with an identical set of parameters along both trajectories. This indicates a possible asymmetric heliosphere or a symmetric heliosphere but with different diffusion parameters in the northern and southern hemispheres, respectively. Furthermore, results indicate that Voyager 2 observations are still under the influence of solar cycle related changes because of the large modulation volume between the heliopause and spacecraft location in contrast to Voyager 1 which shows a steady increase in cosmic ray intensities.  相似文献   

Observations made with the two Voyager spacecraft confirmed that the solar wind decelerates to form the heliospheric termination shock. Voyager 1 crossed this termination shock at ∼94 AU in 2004, while Voyager 2 crossed it in 2007 at a different heliolatitude, about 10 AU closer to the Sun. These different positions of the termination shock confirm the dynamic and cyclic nature of the shock’s position. Observations from the two Voyager spacecraft inside the heliosheath indicate significant differences between them, suggesting that apart from the dynamic nature caused by changing solar activity there also may exist a global asymmetry in the north–south (polar) dimensions of the heliosphere, in addition to the expected nose–tail asymmetry. This relates to the direction in which the heliosphere is moving in interstellar space and its orientation with respect to the interstellar magnetic field. In this paper we focus on illustrating the effects of this north–south asymmetry on modulation of galactic cosmic ray Carbon, between polar angles of 55° and 125°, using a numerical model which includes all four major modulation processes, the termination shock and the heliosheath. This asymmetry is incorporated in the model by assuming a significant dependence on heliolatitude of the thickness of the heliosheath. When comparing the computed spectra between the two polar angles, we find that at energies E < ∼1.0 GeV the effects of the assumed asymmetry on the modulated spectra are insignificant up to 60 AU from the Sun but become increasingly more significant with larger radial distances to reach a maximum inside the heliosheath. In contrast, with E > ∼1.0 GeV, these effects remain insignificant throughout the heliosphere even very close to the heliopause. Furthermore, we find that a higher local interstellar spectrum for Carbon enhances the effects of asymmetric modulation between the two polar angles at lower energies (E < ∼300 MeV). In conclusion, it is found that north–south asymmetrical effects on the modulation of cosmic ray Carbon depend strongly on the extent of the geometrical asymmetry of the heliosheath together with the assumed value of the local interstellar spectrum.  相似文献   

A numerical model, based on Parker’s transport equation, describing the modulation of anomalous cosmic rays and containing diffusive shock acceleration is applied. The role of radial perpendicular diffusion at the solar wind termination shock, and as the dominant diffusion coefficient in the outer heliosphere, is studied, in particular the role it plays in the effectiveness of the acceleration of anomalous protons and helium when its latitude dependence is changed. It is found that the latitudinal enhancement of radial perpendicular diffusion towards the heliospheric poles and along the termination shock has a prominent effect on the acceleration of these particles. It results in a ‘break’ in the energy spectrum for anomalous protons at ∼6.0 MeV, causing the spectral index to change from E−1.38 to E−2.23, but for anomalous helium at ∼3.0 MeV, changing the spectral index from E−1.38 to E−2.30. When approaching the simulated TS, the changes in the modulated spectra as they unfold to a ‘steady’ power law shape at energies below 50 MeV are much less prominent as a function of radial distances when radial perpendicular diffusion is increased with heliolatitude.  相似文献   

This brief review addresses the relation between solar activity, cosmic ray variations and the dynamics of the heliosphere. The global features of the heliosphere influence what happens inside its boundaries on a variety of time-scales. Galactic and anomalous cosmic rays are the messengers that convey vital information on global heliospheric changes in the manner that they respond to these changes. By observing cosmic rays over a large range of energies at Earth, and with various space detectors, a better understanding is gained about space weather and climate. The causes of the cosmic ray variability are reviewed, with emphasis on the 11-year and 22-year cycles, step modulation, charge-sign dependent modulation and particle drifts. Advances in this field are selectively discussed in the context of what still are some of the important uncertainties and outstanding issues.  相似文献   

Diffusion perpendicular to the heliospheric magnetic field plays an integral role in the transport of charged particles in the heliosphere. In this study the perpendicular diffusion coefficient of low-energy cosmic ray electrons is calculated, using an equation derived from the random ballistic decorrelation interpretation of nonlinear guiding centre theory. An observationally motivated 2D turbulence power spectrum is assumed and the effects of various turbulence inputs on the resulting perpendicular diffusion coefficient are investigated. The perpendicular diffusion coefficients are first determined at 1 AU, for both magnetostatic and dynamical turbulence conditions. These solutions are also evaluated for radial distances of 0.1 AU to 10 AU to further investigate the values of the perpendicular diffusion coefficients in the very inner heliosphere. The results of this study show that the dissipation range of the turbulence power spectrum provides a negligible contribution towards the perpendicular diffusion coefficient, and that solutions derived using only the energy containing range serve as good approximations for solutions derived assuming the full 2D turbulence power spectrum. Finally, it is shown that the effects of dynamical turbulence, as considered in the present study, do not affect the perpendicular diffusion coefficients derived from the scattering theory considered here.  相似文献   

The modulation of cosmic ray electrons in the heliosphere plays an important role in improving our understanding and assessment of the processes applicable to low-energy galactic electrons. A full three-dimensional numerical model based on Parker’s transport equation is used to study the modulation of 10 MeV galactic electrons, in particular inside the heliosheath. The emphasis is placed on the role that perpendicular diffusion plays in causing the extraordinary large increase in the observed intensities of these electrons in the heliosheath. The modelling is compared with observations of 6–14 MeV electrons from the Voyager 1 mission. Results are shown for the radial intensity profiles of these electrons, as well as the modulation effects of varying the extent of the heliosheath by changing the location of the termination shock and the heliopause and the value of the local interstellar spectrum. We confirm that the heliosheath acts as a modulation ‘barrier’ for low-energy galactic electrons. The significance of this result depends on how wide the inner heliosheath is; on how high the very local interstellar spectrum is at these low energies (E < 100 MeV) and on how small perpendicular diffusion is inside the inner heliosheath.  相似文献   

We developed a one dimensional model of particle transport in the heliosphere. As opposite to widely used models, we apply a method where a quasi-particle is traced back in time. The model gives us the possibility to work on the possible existence of reentrant particles in the heliosphere that can be hardly solved by the traditional forward tracking method. Particles escape from the heliosphere and may reenter back. We estimate how these particles affect the modulation process in the heliosphere. Presented here are the results for different values of particles mean free path in the interstellar space and for different interstellar magnetic field values.  相似文献   

Several years ago, the anisotropic diffusion and convective transport accompanied by adiabatic deceleration were considered as the principal means for cosmic ray propagation. Particles of relatively small energies (~ 1 MeV) can propagate along the force lines of the magnetic field without scattering at distances of several astronomical units in the quiet heliosphere. The theory describing the 11-year variation of galactic cosmic ray intensity and the propagation of solar cosmic rays was founded on this basis. However, the anomalies of the 11-year variation of galactic cosmic ray intensity in 1969–1971 revealed the necessity to take into account the influence of the general electromagnetic field of the heliosphere giving rise to a rapid magnetic drift of particles. The particles drift either from the magnetic axis to the ecliptic plane (in the cycle of 1969–1980) or in the opposite direction depending on the sign of the general magnetic field of the sun. The neutral layers along which the drift velocity is comparable to the particle velocity is of great significance. However, in the presence of sector structure, the time of particle propagation along the neutral layer from the boundary of the modulation region to the earth orbit is substantially increased. Thus a marked adiabatic deceleration is here possible. The time delay observed in the recovery of proton intensities at various energies can be explained in terms of a transient phase of the interplanetary field following the polarity reversal.  相似文献   

An overview is given on what we know about the cosmic ray diffusion process from the modelling of low-energy (MeV) electron transport in the heliosphere. For energies below ∼300 MeV, these electrons give a direct indication of the average mean free paths because they do not experience large adiabatic energy changes and their modulation is largely unaffected by global gradient and curvature drifts. Apart from galactic cosmic ray electrons, the jovian magnetosphere at ∼5 AU in the ecliptic plane is also a relatively strong source of MeV electrons, with energies up to ∼30 MeV. Therefore, when modelling the transport of these particles in the inner heliosphere, a three-dimensional treatment is essential. By comparing these models to observations from the Ulysses, Pioneer and Voyager missions, important conclusions can be made on e.g., the relative contributions of the galactic and jovian electrons to the total electron intensity, the magnitude of the parallel and perpendicular transport coefficients, and the time dependant treatment thereof.  相似文献   

The spatial distributions of galactic and anomalous cosmic rays in the heliosphere at the solar minima of Cycles 20/22 (qA > 0) and of Cycle 21 (qA < 0) are studied, using data from IMP 8, Voyagers 1/2 and Pioneer 10. It is found that the radial dependences of intensities J can be approximated by a power of radial distance r as J  rα with a different value of a constant in the inner and outer heliosphere with a transition at a radial distance of 10–15 AU. To study the physical meaning of these radial intensity profiles we examined the rigidity dependences of the intensity gradients by determining the particle mean free paths, using a simple one-dimensional modulation model. The particle mean free path λ was assumed to be a separable function of distance of the form rγ and rigidity R of Rδ over the range of 0.5–3.0 GV in the inner and outer heliosphere. It was shown that λ of rigidity dependence of R1.6 determined for Cycle 20/22 (qA > 0) with anomalous He is about 4–5 times larger than that of Cycle 21 (qA < 0) with R0.9 at around 1 GV in the outer heliosphere, and that the radial dependences are r1.4 and r1.1, respectively, for Cycles 20/22 and for Cycle 21.  相似文献   

After entering our local astrosphere (called the heliosphere), galactic cosmic rays, as charged particles, are affected by the Sun’s turbulent magnetic field. This causes their intensities to decrease towards the inner heliosphere, a process referred to as modulation. Over the years, cosmic ray modulation has been studied extensively at Earth, utilizing both ground and space based observations. Moreover, modelling cosmic ray modulation and comparing results with observations, insight can be gained into the transport of these particles, as well as offering explanations for observed features. We review some of the most prominent cosmic ray observations made near Earth, how these observations can be modelled and what main insights are gained from this modelling approach. Furthermore, a discussion on drifts, as one of the main modulation processes, are given as well as how drift effects manifest in near Earth observations. We conclude by discussing the contemporary challenges, fuelled by observations, which are presently being investigated. A main challenge is explaining observations made during the past unusual solar minimum.  相似文献   

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