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The wind part of the rocket-based empirical model of the middle atmosphere of the Southern Hemisphere is revised on the basis of new rocket and radar data. Wind and temperature values from this empirical model are compared with corresponding values from the satellite-based reference atmosphere compiled by Barnett and Corney. General similarity of the two models is confirmed, though marked discrepancies are sometimes revealed.  相似文献   

Positive ion mobilities are calculated for 40–75 km by computing the theoretical positive ion composition and combining it with laboratory-determined mobilities. Theoretical determinations for mobility appear to be especially apt for the 40–65 km region since oxonium ions are observed to be the principal positive ions and they should be subject to thermodynamic equilibrium. We compute a mean reduced mobility of 2.1 ± 0.1 cm2/V-s for 40–65 km using the 1976 U.S. Standard Atmosphere and a water vapor mixing ratio of 5 ppmv. The results are compared with atmospheric data for mobility. Observations of a lower mobility from about 35 km down to ground level are qualitatively compatible with the onset of the so-called non-proton hydrate ions at about this altitude and extending to lower heights. We note that the laboratory determined mobilities for oxonium ions average about 12 % less than the theoretical Langevin values. The total positive ion conductivity is determined also and compared with in-situ results.  相似文献   

The 2D and 3D numerical simulation is used for the investigation of current sheet (CS) creation above the active region. The current sheet in the solar corona can be created either in vicinity of a magnetic field singular line by focusing disturbances or at the interaction of the super-Alfvenic plasma flow with the perpendicular magnetic field.  相似文献   

On the basis of an ultraviolet spectrum obtained over the north polar region of Mars on board the space sound Mariner-9, the vertical profile of the ozone density is calculated. A density maximum is found at about 25 km height over the surface of the planet. Its value is about 1.10 molecules cm . The obtained result is compared to the results obtained by other authors.  相似文献   

A brief review is given of the development of models of the geomagnetic variation in the thermosphere and exosphere, including some recent models based mainly on satellite-borne gas analyzer measurements. One recent model, derived from ESRO4 data, is described in detail and compared with the model in CIRA72. The limitations of this model are discussed. The model in the MSIS comprehensive model is also examined briefly. There appears to be a serious error in the amplitude of the exospheric temperature increase predicted by the MSIS model.  相似文献   

There is important progress now in the identifications and measurements of primary (parent) molecules in the inner coma of Comet Halley. H2O, CO2 and CO are definitely in the list, CH and some complicate organic molecules are suspected. Gas production rate for water vapor is QH2O 1030 s−1. The bulk of data doesn't contradict to the Whipple model of nucleus (with clathrate modification). Pronounced spatial structure of gaseous flow in the coma was observed, but in general measured properties of neutral gas in the coma of Comet Halley are not very different from predicted. Situation for dust is different. In situ dust measurements show that size spectrum and optical properties of particles in coma are substantively declining from predicted on the base of groundbased photometry. However there are discrepancies between Vega and Giotto dust counter data. Dust in the inner coma didn't prevent the succesful imaging of nucleus by TV on Vega 1 and 2.  相似文献   

The Ca K line has been measured regularly nearly every month since 1974 at Kitt Peak. It is well known that the K1 component of the Ca K line is formed in the temperature minimum region (TMR) of the solar atmosphere. Our study of the data of CaII K profiles over two solar cycles indicates that both in full disc integrated spectra and in center disc spectra, the distance between the red K1 and the blue K1 of the profiles and its average intensity show periodic variations. But the variation for the full disc integrated spectra fluctuates in the same way as the sunspot number does, while that for the center disc spectra has a time delay with respect to sunspot number. Non-LTE computations yield a cyclic temperature variation of about 17 K of the TMR in the quiet-Sun atmosphere and a cyclic variation of about 15–20 km in the height position of the TMR.  相似文献   

Nous pre´sentons les re´sultats pre´liminaires d'un mode`le photochimique de la haute atmosphe`re de Ve´nus (60 – 200 km) en nous plac¸ant dans le cas ou`l'hydroge`ne mole´culaire est abondant ([H2]~10 ppm). L'abondance d'hydroge`ne dans l'exosphe`re est compatible avec un coefficient de diffusion turbulente de 5 · 106 cm2 s?1 et un flux d'e´chappement proche du flux limite.  相似文献   

Firm results concerning the thermal structure, the composition, the seasonal effects of the atmosphere of Titan, as well as the superotation of its stratosphere are reviewed. The nature of the surface of the satellite, the possible presence of argon in the atmosphere and the structure and composition of clouds and aerosols are, among other topics, still speculative. The implications of the observed deuterium enrichment on the origin of ices in the outer part of the nebula are controversial.  相似文献   

The ram current to ion traps and the insensitivity of ion conductivity to compressibility provide the basis of robust techniques for middle atmosphere measurements. Gerdien condensers are more difficult to implement but provide more information. Mesospheric electrical conductivity shows many orders of magnitude variability, with depressions below gas phase model values indicating dominance by aerosol particles. The mobility of these ions has been directly measured and indicates particles of thousands of AMU. Large mesospheric fields have come into question, and diagnostic measurements show that many such measurements may be artifacts. However, some measurements of V/m fields with symmetrical and redundant sensors appear to be real. These fields complicate the “mapping” picture of electrical coupling and may also modulate the transport of aerosol particles. They are probably related to neutral atmosphere dynamics and/or the aerosol particles. Lightning couples much more energy to the middle atmosphere and above than previously suspected, primarily in the ELF-ULF range. There are many important unanswered questions in this relatively unexplored frontier area which may be answered with low cost balloon and sounding rocket experiments.  相似文献   

One of the precise widely used global Zenith Hydrostatic Delay (ZHD) model is based on the gravity value at the centroid of the atmospheric column at the station of observation and gravity value at the centroid is constant in this model for a specific location throughout the year. However, as the content and extent of atmosphere varies temporally, its centroid and consequently gravity value at the centroid also varies. Apart from this, the actual atmospheric condition of different region is not alike. Therefore, there is a need to develop a regional mean gravity model and development of such model has been discussed in this paper. To obtain the mean gravity model, first a regional model of centroid height of atmospheric column was developed as a function of the surface pressure and temperature. It was developed by multiple regressions between estimated centroid of the atmosphere and surface pressure, surface temperature using radiosonde data of five radiosonde stations spread over the Indian subcontinent. Three years radiosonde data from 2006 to 2008 was used for each station. The root mean square error in estimating centroid of the atmospheric column is about ±326 m, which is negligible considering the variability of the atmosphere and its content. The centroid height model has been used to formulate the mean gravity model, considering uniform lapse rate in gravity with height. It is found that proposed mean gravity model provides temporal variation of mean gravity values at the centroid and thus matches with the reality. The interesting advantage of the developed model is that the model shows diurnal variation of mean gravity. The accuracy of ZHD has shown of the order of about 0.3 mm using the developed regional mean gravity model. However, already developed ZHD model has shown a slight inferior result compared to the developed model. These models have shown accuracy of about 0.8 mm and 0.6 mm.  相似文献   

Observations of the atmosphere of Jupiter by the imaging and infrared instruments on the Voyager spacecraft have been analysed to provide new insight into the meteorology of Jupiter. Like the Earth, the atmosphere of Jupiter appears to behave in a quasi-geostrophic manner. For a period prior to the Voyager 1 encounter, the analysis on imaging data indicated that the eddy momentum transfer into the mean zonal flow was a major driving mechanism for the motions. The jet structures are a barotropic phenomena, which the large scale belts and zones depend on for the baroclinicity of the motions and form a family of features. The initial analysis shows that the meteorologies of the Earth and Jupiter have more in common than was previously thought.  相似文献   

Since the publication of the last COSPAR International Reference Atmosphere (CIRA 72), large amounts of ozone data acquired from satellites have become available in addition to increasing quantities of rocketsonde, balloonsonde, Dobson, M83, and Umkehr measurements. From the available archived satellite data, models are developed for the new CIRA using 5 satellite experiments (Nimbus 7 SBUV and LIMS, AEM-2 SAGE, and SME IR and UVS) of the monthly latitudinal and altitudinal variations in the ozone mixing ratio in the middle atmosphere. Standard deviations and interannual variations are also quantified. The satellite models are shown to agree well with a previous reference model based on rocket and balloon measurements.  相似文献   

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