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In order to maintain valid situation awareness, people need to update the spatial representations of their surroundings as objects, including themselves, move. The present study investigates the properties of spatial updating in the intrinsic frame of reference, where spatial relations are represented with respect to an external object (other than the viewer self) with an intrinsic reference direction. Three experiments were conducted using a task of direction pointing. It was found that given a relatively stable intrinsic reference direction, responses to a small number of salient objects were faster than responses to non-salient objects (Experiment 1 and Experiment 3). The salience effect disappeared when the intrinsic reference direction was no longer stable (Experiment 2). Furthermore, all three experiments revealed a type of orientation dependence similar to that found in egocentric spatial updating. Our results indicate that spatial updating in the intrinsic reference system can be easy only if a fixed reference direction is maintained and the number of objects that need to be tracked is limited.  相似文献   


We propose and systematically formalise a dynamical spatial systems approach for the modelling of changing spatial environments. The formalisation adheres to the semantics of the situation calculus and includes a systematic account of key aspects that are necessary to realize a domain-independent qualitative spatial theory that may be utilised across diverse application domains. The spatial theory is primarily derivable from the all-pervasive generic notion of “qualitative spatial calculi” that are representative of differing aspects of space. In addition, the theory also includes aspects, both ontological and phenomenal in nature, that are considered inherent in dynamic spatial systems. Foundational to the formalisation is a causal theory that adheres to the representational and computational semantics of the situation calculus. This foundational theory provides the necessary (general) mechanism required to represent and reason about changing spatial environments and also includes an account of the key fundamental epistemological issues concerning the frame and the ramification problems that arise whilst modelling change within such domains. The main advantage of the proposed approach is that based on the structure and semantics of the proposed framework, fundamental reasoning tasks such as projection and explanation directly follow. Within the specialised spatial reasoning domain, these translate to spatial planning/re-configuration, causal explanation and spatial simulation. Our approach is based on the hypothesis that alternate formalisations of existing qualitative spatial calculi using high-level tools such as the situation calculus are essential for their utilisation in diverse application domains such as intelligent systems, cognitive robotics and event-based GIS.  相似文献   

应用虚拟基准站(VRS)技术提高测控系统精度   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
虚拟基准站 VRS( Virtual Reference Stations)技术是国外近年发展起来的一项新的 GPS差分技术 ,它综合利用多个基准站的测量信息 ,经过精确的误差修正 ,产生一随用户运动的基准站。始终与用户构成短基线差分 ,该技术有效提高了 GPS差分定位的精度 ,并具有获得高精度解的可靠性。文中分析虚拟基准站的原理与关键技术 ,提供部分试验结果 ,对测控系统利用 VRS技术的可行性进行了探讨  相似文献   

Problem-solving often requires imagining spatial changes. Object-based transformations allow imagining an object in a different orientation. Perspective transformations allow imagining changes in one's viewpoint. Three experiments tested the hypothesis that these two transformations are dissociable and specialized for different situations, by manipulating instructions and task parameters and measuring response times, errors, and introspective reports. Human experience with small objects such as telephones and clothes irons consists mostly of manipulation or observed manipulation, which is characterized by object-based transformations. Consistent with this experience, when participants made judgments about small manipulable objects, they showed a strong tendency to use object-based transformations. Experience with human bodies is more varied, including both object-like interactions and interactions in which one must estimate another's perspective. Accordingly, when making judgments about pictures of bodies, participants' selection of a spatial transformation depended on the type of judgment that needed to be made. When instructions violated these natural mappings, performance was impaired. These data argue for the view that multiple spatial transformation systems evolved to solve different spatial reasoning problems.  相似文献   

The aim of our research is to enable spontaneous and efficient spatial reference to objects in human-robot interaction situations. This paper presents the iterative, empirically based design of a robotic system that uses a computational model for identifying objects on the basis of a range of spatial reference systems. The efficiency of the system is evaluated by two successive empirical studies involving uninformed users. The linguistic analysis points to the striking variability in speakers' spontaneous strategies and preferences, and it motivates a number of modifications of the computational model.  相似文献   

"Mount Everest" is a vague name. That is (on the account here defended) there are many portions of reality all of which have equal claims to serve as its referent. We propose a new account of such vagueness in terms of a theory of what we shall call granular partitions. We distinguish different kinds of crisp and non-crisp granular partitions and we describe the relations between them, concentrating especially on spatial examples. In addition, we describe the practice whereby subjects use systems of reference grids as a means for tempering the vagueness of their judgments for example when they say that Libya straddles the Equator or that the meeting will take place between 2 and 3pm. We then demonstrate how the theory of reference partitions can yield a natural account of this practice, which is referred to in the literature as 'approximation'.  相似文献   


Spatially disoriented adults flexibly conjoin geometric information (macroscopic shape) and nongeometric information (e.g., the color of a wall) to re-establish their bearings. It has been proposed that non-geometric information is incorporated into a geometric frame of reference through the use of spatial language. Support for this assumption comes from dual-task studies in which participants failed to use non-geometric features when they shadowed a verbal message concurrent to the reorientation task. These studies were performed in small rectangular spaces. In contrast, our study was performed in a large square room. Experiment 1 showed that verbal shadowing did not disrupt non-geometric feature use in this environment. In Experiment 2, we found that a spatial shadowing task that required the encoding of frequently changing spatial directions impaired reorientation behavior. Our study shows that nongeometric information can be used for reorientation without recourse to linguistic processes, and suggests that the use of non-geometric features is dependent upon a spatial coding process.  相似文献   

We investigate the effect of granulation on the spatial attributes of regions it is applied to. An informal illustrative treatment, using a single specific granulation and a variety of regions illustrating some key spatial attributes, is followed by a more rigorous theoretical development in which granulations are defined in terms of equivalence relations on the source space. It is found that many spatial attributes are both-ways granularity-sensitive, meaning that the attributes may be gained by some regions, but lost by others, under the same granulation.  相似文献   

Systems science and systems engineering, as a new science and technology domain in modern science and technology, is developing rapidly, and showing greater and greater vitality. QIAN Xuesen is recognized as the pioneer and founder of systems science and systems engineering in China. His whole innovation process from systems thinking to systems practice has made pioneering contributions at different levels from engineering, technology, science to philosophy. These achievements and contributions have very important scientific value and practical significance. Presenting QIAN Xuesen's contribution in systems science and practice, this paper elaborates the development and application of systems science and systems engineering.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the problem of shape-retaining spatial tether configurations in a circular Keplerian orbit. Sufficient conditions of shape retention are described, which are imposed on the geometry of the structure, distribution of mass in the nodes, and parameters of rotation. The paper also mentions classes of structures with different properties of symmetry and motion, as well as specific examples of shaperetaining structures.  相似文献   

任怀宇  张铎 《宇航学报》2005,26(10):100-105
作为导弹总体设计的一项重要内容,结构总体设计优劣影响着导弹最佳总体技术方案成败。现根据型号研制的工程经验,提出了应用于结构总体设计的总体结构优化方法。结合实例,着重从结构最优布局、动力学优化和运动学分析等三方面阐述了具有并行设计特点的总体结构优化内涵。研究表明,总体结构优化是基于并行工程框架的数字化定义、数字化预装配和分析、仿真一体化设计,是解决导弹结构轻质化、提高导弹总体设计水平的有效途径。  相似文献   

任怀宇  张铎 《宇航学报》2005,26(Z1):100-105
作为导弹总体设计的一项重要内容,结构总体设计优劣影响着导弹最佳总体技术方案成败.现根据型号研制的工程经验,提出了应用于结构总体设计的总体结构优化方法.结合实例,着重从结构最优布局、动力学优化和运动学分析等三方面阐述了具有并行设计特点的总体结构优化内涵.研究表明,总体结构优化是基于并行工程框架的数字化定义、数字化预装配和分析、仿真一体化设计,是解决导弹结构轻质化、提高导弹总体设计水平的有效途径.  相似文献   

This paper presents a geometric characterization of geographic objects with vague boundaries. Since the framework is based on ordering geometry and does not rely on numerical concepts, it can be applied to qualitative spatial reasoning. The characterization describes vague regions and gradual transitions between two vague regions. This approach takes into account that the region of all points that definitely belong to an object is also vague, called higher-order vagueness. Higher-order vagueness is usually neglected by theories modeling spatial vagueness. The approach distinguishes firstand second-order vague regions and characterizes the gradual transitions of second-order vague regions. These gradual transitions allow transitions within transitions. In general, it is not possible to reduce higher-order vagueness to first-order vagueness. Using a spatial ordering structure the article shows when second-order vagueness is useful and examines the relationship between first- and second-order vagueness. An example shows how second-order vagueness can be used to represent geographic objects.  相似文献   

空间遥操作机器人系统控制参考模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
丑武胜  战强 《宇航学报》2003,24(4):378-383
从分析智能系统中智能行为机制人手,研究了智能系统中自组织单元基本结构,基于智能工程中的集成单元结构,提出了遥操作机器人系统的递阶嵌套控制参考模型,并应用到遥操作空间机器人模拟实验中,完成了模拟舱内作业任务,验证了其实用性。  相似文献   

人工智能航天领域应用参考模型   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
陈杰  谭天乐  陈萌 《上海航天》2019,36(5):1-10
针对人工智能在航天领域的发展和应用问题,梳理了人工智能涉及的技术内涵和技术范畴,分析了在航天领域应用人工智能的近期迫切需求,给出了人类自然智能功能结构,构建了信息感知、记忆思维、学习适应、行动驱动的人工智能模型。从基础设施、基础技术、应用技术、产品与系统等层次,给出了人工智能技术参考模型,对需要发展的核心关键技术进行了描述。该参考模型可为明确航天领域的人工智能技术发展重点、建立标准体系提供参考。  相似文献   

空间目标的光散射研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
刘建斌  吴健 《宇航学报》2006,27(4):802-805
从太阳辐射理论出发,介绍了漫反射目标的地面光照度计算公式。在高斯随机面元统计散射模型的基础上,提出了目标表面为随机粗糙平板面的空间目标散射太阳光产生地面光照度的散射计算模型。利用该模型计算了风云一号卫星的地面光照度,并与把卫星表面看作朗伯表面计算得到的地面光照度进行了比较。结果表明,把卫星表面看作漫散射体得到的地面照度值要比把卫星表面看作随机粗糙表面得到的地面照度值大。  相似文献   

系统是由相互关联的元素组成的整体。系统思维(Systems Thinking)是一种以整体观点观察事物的方式。基于工程原理和法则的定量化模型方法在管理领域的应用,因为人的动机和行为的复杂性而受到了限制。综合集成是具有系统思维的管理者对现实问题的不同诠释,是认识和解决管理复杂性问题的有效方法。  相似文献   

When the web became popular, people had to develop ways to talk and think about it. In the mid-1990s, we analyzed spatial language in “web talk.” We found that people described pages as places, and search as motion, both passive and active motion. Here we investigate web talk nearly two decades later. Our analysis reveals that some spatial language has stayed the same, and some has changed. Of special interest is how far fewer motion verbs are used nowadays. We argue that people naturally produce spatial metaphors when talking about new technological domains, and that over time, the most useful elements persist.  相似文献   

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