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The principle of establishing and maintaining a gravitropic set point angle depends on gravisensing and a subsequent cascade of events that result in differential elongation of the responsive structures. Since gravity acts upon masses, the gravisensing mechanisms of all biological systems must follow the same principle, namely the sensing of some force due to differential acceleration of the perceiving entity and a reference structure. This presentation will demonstrate that gravisensing can be accomplished by various means, ranging from cytoskeletal organization, mechano-elastic stress to perturbation of electric signals. However, several arguments indicate that sedimentation of either dense plastids (statoliths), the entire protoplast, or a combination of these represents the primary step in graviperception in plants. In fungi, nuclei and cytoskeletal proteins are believed to form a network capable of gravisensing but sedimenting organelles that may function as statoliths have been identified. Theoretical and practical limitations of gravisensing and detection of acceleration forces necessitate microgravity experiments to identify the primary perceptor, subsequent biochemical mechano-transduction, and biological response processes.  相似文献   

Gravitropically tip-growing cell types are attractive unicellular model systems for investigating the mechanisms and the regulation of gravitropism. Especially useful for studying the mechanisms of positive and negative gravitropic tip-growth are characean rhizoids and protonemata. They originate from the same cell type, show the same overall cell shape, cytoplasmic zonation, arrangement of actin and microtubule cytoskeleton, use statoliths for gravisensing, but show opposite gravitropism. In both cell types, actin microfilaments are complexly organized in the apical dome,where a dense spherical actin array is colocalized with spectrin-like epitopes and a unique endoplasmic reticulum aggregate, the structural center of the Spitzenk?rper. The opposite gravitropic responses seem to be based on differences in the actin-organized anchorage of the Spitzenk?rper and the actin-mediated transport of statoliths. In negatively gravitropic (upward bending) protonemata, the statoliths-induced drastic upward shift of the cell tip is preceded by a relocalization of dihydropyridine-binding calcium channels and of the apical calcium gradient to the upper flank (bending by bulging). Such relocalizations have not been observed in positively gravitropically responding (downward growing) rhizoids in which statoliths sedimentation is followed by differential flank growth (bending by bowing). This paper reviews the current knowledge and hypotheses on the mechanisms of the opposite gravitropic responses in characean rhizoids and protonemata.  相似文献   

Our understanding of gravitational effects (inertial effects in the vicinity of 1 x g) on cells has matured to a stage at which it is possible to define, on the basis of experimental evidence, extracellular effects on small cells and intracellular effects on eukaryotic gravisensing cells. Yet undetermined is the nature of response, if any, of those classes of cells that are not governed solely by extracellular physical events (as are prokaryotes) and are devoid of obvious mechanical devices for sensing inertial forces (such as those possessed by certain plant cells and sensory cells of animals). This "in-between" class of cells needs to be understood on the basis of the combination of intracellular and extracellular gravity-dependent processes that govern experimentally-measurable variables that are relevant to the cell's responses to modified inertial forces. The forces that certain cell types generate or respond to are therefore compared to those imposed by approximately 1 x g in the context of cytoskeletal action and symmetry-breaking pathways.  相似文献   

Gravitropic tip growth of Chara rhizoids is dependent on the presence and functional interaction between statoliths, cytoskeleton and the tip-growth-organizing complex, the Spitzenkorper. Microtubules are essential for the polar cytoplasmic zonation but are excluded from the apex and do not play a crucial role in the primary steps of gravisensing and graviresponse. Actin filaments form a dense meshwork in the subapical zone and converge into a prominent apical actin patch which is associated with the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) aggregate representing the structural center of the Spitzenkorper. The position of the statoliths is regulated by gravity and a counteracting force mediated by actomyosin. Reducing the acceleration forces in microgravity experiments causes a basipetal displacement of the statoliths. Rhizoids grow randomly in all directions. However, they express the same cell shape and cytoplasmic zonation as ground controls. The ultrastructure of the Spitzenkorper, including the aggregation of ER, the assembly of vesicles in the apex, the polar distribution of proplastids, mitochondria, dictyosomes and ER cisternae in the subapical zone is maintained. The unaltered cytoskeletal organization, growth rates and gravitropic responsiveness indicate that microgravity has no major effect on gravitropic tip-growing Chara rhizoids. However, the threshold value of gravisensitivity might be different from ground controls due to the altered position of statoliths, a possibly reduced amount of BaSO4 in statoliths and a possible adaptation of the actin cytoskeleton to microgravity conditions.  相似文献   

Space flight, microgravity, stress, and immune responses.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Exposure of animals and humans to space flight conditions has resulted in numerous alterations in immunological parameters. Decreases in lymphocyte blastogenesis, cytokine production, and natural killer cell activity have all been reported after space flight. Alterations in leukocyte subset distribution have also been reported after flight of humans and animals in space. The relative contribution of microgravity conditions and stress to the observed results has not been established. Antiorthostatic, hypokinetic, hypodynamic, suspension of rodents and chronic head-down tilt bed-rest of humans have been used to model effects of microgravity on immune responses. After use of these models, some effects of space flight on immune responses, such as decreases in cytokine function, were observed, but others, such as alterations in leukocyte subset distribution, were not observed. These results suggest that stresses that occur during space flight could combine with microgravity conditions in inducing the changes seen in immune responses after space flight. The biological/biomedical significance of space flight induced changes in immune parameters remains to be established. Grant Numbers: NCC2-859, NAG2-933.  相似文献   

Exposure to heavy particles can affect the functioning of the central nervous system (CNS), particularly the dopaminergic system. In turn, the radiation-induced disruption of dopaminergic function affects a variety of behaviors that are dependent upon the integrity of this system, including motor behavior (upper body strength), amphetamine (dopamine)-mediated taste aversion learning, and operant conditioning (fixed-ratio bar pressing). Although the relationships between heavy particle irradiation and the effects of exposure depend, to some extent, upon the specific behavioral or neurochemical endpoint under consideration, a review of the available research leads to the hypothesis that the endpoints mediated by the CNS have certain characteristics in common. These include: (1) a threshold, below which there is no apparent effect; (2) the lack of a dose-response relationship, or an extremely steep dose-response curve, depending on the particular endpoint; and (3) the absence of recovery of function, such that the heavy particle-induced behavioral and neural changes are present when tested up to one year following exposure. The current report reviews the data relevant to the degree to which these characteristics are common to neurochemical and behavioral endpoints that are mediated by the effects of exposure to heavy particles on CNS activity.  相似文献   

The effects of microgravity on Jurkat cells--a T-lymphoid cell line--was studied on a sounding rocket flight. An automated pre-programmed instrument permitted the injection of fluorescent labelled concanavalin A (Con A), culture medium and/or fixative at given times. An in-flight 1 g centrifuge allowed the comparison of the data obtained in microgravity with a 1 g control having the same history related to launch and re-entry. After flight, the cells fixed either at the onset of microgravity or after a or 12 minute incubation time with fluorescent concanavalin A were labelled for vimentin and actin and analysed by fluorescence microscopy. Binding of Con A to Jurkat cells is not influenced by microgravity, whereas patching of the Con A receptors is significantly lower. A significant higher number of cells show changes in the structure of vimentin in microgravity. Most evident is the appearance of large bundles, significantly increased in the microgravity samples. No changes are found in the structure of actin and in the colocalisation of actin on the inner side of the cell membrane with the Con A receptors after binding of the mitogen.  相似文献   

Knowledge on air pressure impacts on plant processes and growth is essential for understanding responses to altitude and for comprehending the way of action of aerial gasses in general, and is of potential importance for life support systems in space. Our research on reduced air pressure was extended by help of a new set-up comprising two constantly ventilated chambers (283 L each), allowing pressure gradients of +/-100 kPa. They provide favourable general growth conditions while maintaining all those factors constant or at desired levels which modify the action of air pressure, e.g., water vapour pressure deficit and air mass flow over the plants. Besides plant growth parameters, transpiration and CO2 gas exchange are determined continuously. Results are presented on young tomato plants grown hydroponically, which had been treated with various combinations of air pressure (400-700-1000 hPa), CO2 concentration and wind intensity for seven days. At the lowest pressure transpiration was enhanced considerably, and the plants became sturdier. On the other hand growth was retarded to a certain extent, attributable to secondary air pressure effects. Therefore, even greater limitations of plant productivity are expected after more extended periods of low pressure treatment.  相似文献   

The role of Ca2+ in the gravitropic perception and/or response mechanism of Coprinus cinereus was examined by treating stipes with inhibitors of Ca2+ transport and calmodulin. Inhibitors had no effect on gravity perception but significantly diminished gravitropism. It is concluded that, under the conditions tested, Ca2+ is not involved in gravity perception by Coprinus stipes, but does contribute to transduction of the gravitropic impulse. The results would be consistent with regulation of the gravitropic bending process requiring accumulation of Ca2+ within a membrane-bound compartment. Treatment of stipes with an actin inhibitor caused a significantly delayed response, a result not observed with the Ca2+ inhibitors. This suggests that cytoskeletal elements may be involved directly in perception of gravity by Coprinus stipes while Ca(2+)-mediated signal transduction may be involved in directing growth differentials.  相似文献   

Among the late effects of exposure to the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, none looms larger than radiation related malignancies. Indeed, the late effects of A-bomb radiation on mortality appear to be limited to an increase in malignant tumors. At present, it can be shown that cancers of the breast, colon, esophagus, lungs, stomach, thyroid, and urinary tract as well as leukemia and multiple myeloma increase in frequency with an increase in exposure. No significant relationship to radiation can as yet be established for malignant lymphoma, nor cancers of the rectum, pancreas or uterus. Radiation induced malignancies other than leukemia seem to develop proportionally to the natural cancer rate for the attained age. For specific age-at-death intervals, both relative and absolute risks tend to be higher for those of younger age at the time of bombing. Other late effects include radiation-related lenticular opacities, disturbances of growth among those survivors still growing at the time of exposure, and mental retardation and small head sizes among the in utero exposed. Chromosomal abnormalities too are more frequently encountered in the peripheral leukocytes of survivors, and this increase is functionally related to their exposure. Some uncertainty continues to surround both the quantity and quality of the radiation released by these two nuclear devices, particularly the Hiroshima bomb. A recent reassessment suggests that the gamma radiation estimates which have been used in the past may be too low at some distances and the neutron radiation estimates too high at all distances; moreover, the energies of the neutrons released now appear "softer" than previously conjectured. These uncertainties are not sufficiently large, however, to compromise the reality of the increased frequency of malignancy, but make estimates of the dose response, particularly in terms of gamma and neutron exposures, tentative.  相似文献   

Early and late mammalian responses to heavy charged particles.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This overview summarizes murine results on acute lethality responses, inactivation of marrow CFU-S and intestinal microcolonies, testes weight loss, life span shortening, and posterior lens opacification in mice irradiated with heavy charged particles. RBE-LET relationships for these mammalian responses are compared with results from in vitro studies. The trend is that the maximum RBE for in vivo responses tends to be lower and occurs at a lower LET than for inactivation of V79 and T-1 cells in culture. Based on inactivation cross sections, the response of CFU-S in vivo conforms to expectations from earlier studies with prokaryotic systems and mammalian cells in culture. Effects of heavy ions are compared with fission spectrum neutrons, and the results are consistent with the interpretation that RBEs are lower than for fission neutrons at about the same LET, probably due to differences in track structure. Issues discussed focus on challenges associated with assessments of early and late effects of charged particles based on dose, RBE and LET, and with the concordance or discordance of results obtained with in vivo and in vitro model systems. Models for radiation damage/repair and misrepair should consider effects observed with in vivo as well as in vitro model systems.  相似文献   

Future space missions will involve long-term travel beyond the magnetic field of the Earth, where astronauts will be exposed to radiation hazards such as those that arise from galactic cosmic rays. Galactic cosmic rays are composed of protons, alpha particles, and particles of high energy and charge (HZE particles). Research by our group has shown that exposure to HZE particles, primarily 600 MeV/n and 1 GeV/n 56Fe, can produce significant alterations in brain neurochemistry and behavior. However, given that protons can make up a significant portion of the radiation spectrum, it is important to study their effects on neural functioning and on related performance. Therefore, these studies examined the effects of exposure to proton irradiation on neurochemical and behavioral endpoints, including dopaminergic functioning, amphetamine-induced conditioned taste aversion learning, and spatial learning and memory as measured by the Morris water maze. Male Sprague-Dawley rats received a dose of 0, 1.5, 3.0 or 4.0 Gy of 250 MeV protons at Loma Linda University and were tested in the different behavioral tests at various times following exposure. Results showed that there was no effect of proton irradiation at any dose on any of the endpoints measured. Therefore, there is a contrast between the insignificant effects of high dose proton exposure and the dramatic effectiveness of low dose (<0.1 Gy) exposures to 56Fe particles on both neurochemical and behavioral endpoints.  相似文献   

Vestibular and visual information are two major factors fish use for controlling their posture under 1 G conditions. Parabolic flight experiments were carried out to observe the fish behavior under microgravity for several different strains of Medaka fish (Oryzias latipes). There existed a clear strain-difference in the behavioral response of the fish under microgravity: Some strains looped, while other strains did not loop at all. However, even the latter strains looped under microgravity conditions when kept in complete darkness, suggesting the contribution of visual information to the posture control under microgravity. In the laboratory, eyesight (visual acuity) was checked for each strain, using a rotating striped-drum apparatus. The results also showed a strain-difference, which gave a clue to the different degree of adaptability to microgravity among different strains. Beside loopings, some fish exhibited rolling movement around their body axis. Tracing each fish during and between parabolas, it was shown that to which side each fish rolls was determined specifically to each individual fish, and not to each strain. Thus, rolling direction is not genetically determined. This may support the otolith asymmetry hypothesis. Fish of a mutant strain (ha strain, having homozygous recessive of one gene ha) have some malfunction in otolith-vestibular system, and their behavior showed they are not dependent on gravity. Morphological abnormalities of their ear vesicles during the embryonic and baby stages were noted. Their eyesight and dorsal light responses were also studied. Progress in the project of establishing a new strain which has good eyesight and, at the same time, being deficient in otolith-vestibular system was reported. Crosses between the strain of good eyesight and ha strain were made, and to some extent, F2 fish have already shown such characteristics suited for living under microgravity conditions.  相似文献   

In the general control perspective, the CELSS concept implies a very complex system and presents challenges at every level. These challenges are generated by: (1) the prospect that the system will be inherently unstable, (2) the prospective difficulty of establishing an adequate mathematical model of the system for the purpose of control law synthesis (dimensionality is high, and the dynamics and interactive processes of some of the subsystems are not understood well), (3) assuring control law robustness (assuring that the resulting control law(s) will be effective over the domain of the specified uncertainties), (4) hardware realization of the control law, (5) hardware system robustness ("fault tolerance") and (6) achieving the logistics of the automation (or "management") aspects of the problem. A suggested organization of the problem, a sketch of the issues related to perceived difficulties, a commentary/evaluation of the issues, a review of methods available to address the issues, and a suggested strategy to address the broad CELSS systems control problem are presented.  相似文献   

In order to improve our understanding about functions of the gravity sensors, we have conducted four experiments in goldfish: 1) To define the effect of visual information influx on the static labyrinthine response, the dorsal light response (DLR) which had been proposed by von Holst as a model for postural adjustment in fish was reexamined with a newly designed, rotatory illumination device. The fish responded to illumination from the upper half of the visual field and a narrow range around 180 degrees of the lower half visual field. The maximal tilting angle of normal fish was about 40 degrees under horizontal illumination. 2) Under the changes of the gravito-inertial force level produced by a linear sled, the threshold of the gravity sensors was determined from postural adjustment responses. 3) Under hypogravic conditions during the parabolic flight of an airplane, the light-dependent behavior was investigated in intact and labyrinthectomized goldfish. 4) As one of the most likely candidates of the neural centers for the DLR, the valvula cerebelli, which receives its visual information not through the optic tectum but through the pretectal areas, is confirmed by the brain lesion experiments.  相似文献   

The development of the theory of high charge and energy (HZE) ion transport is reviewed. The basic solution behavior and approximation techniques will be described. An overview of the HZE transport codes currently available at the Langley Research Center will be given. The near term goal of the Langley program is to produce a complete set of one-dimensional transport codes. The ultimate goal is to produce a set of complete three-dimensional codes which have been validated in the laboratory and can be applied in the engineering design environment. Recent progress toward completing these goals is discussed.  相似文献   

Early and late murine tissue responses to single or fractionated low doses of heavy charged particles, fission-spectrum neutrons or gamma rays are considered. Damage to the hematopoietic system is emphasized, but results on acute lethality, host response to challenge with transplanted leukemia cells and life-shortening are presented. Low dose rates per fraction were used in some neutron experiments. Split-dose lethality studies (LD 50/30) with fission neutrons indicated greater accumulation of injury during a 9 fraction course (over 17 days) than was the case for gamma-radiation. When total doses of 96 or 247 cGy of neutrons or gamma rays were given as a single dose or in 9 fractions, a significant sparing effect on femur CFU-S depression was observed for both radiation qualities during the first 11 days, but there was not an earlier return to normal with dose fractionation. During the 9 fraction sequence, a significant sparing effect of low dose rate on CFU-S depression was observed in both neutron and gamma-irradiated mice. CFU-S content at the end of the fractionation sequence did not correlate with measured LD 50/30. Sustained depression of femur and spleen CFU-S and a significant thrombocytopenia were observed when a total neutron dose of 240 cGy was given in 72 fractions over 24 weeks at low dose rates. The temporal aspects of CFU-S repopulation were different after a single versus fractionated neutron doses. The sustained reduction in the size of the CFU-S population was accompanied by an increase in the fraction in DNA synthesis. The proliferation characteristics and effects of age were different for radial CFU-S population closely associated with bone, compared with the axial population that can be readily aspirated from the femur. In aged irradiated animals, the CFU-S proliferation/redistribution response to typhoid vaccine showed both an age and radiation effect. After high single doses of neutrons or gamma rays, a significant age- and radiation-related deficiency in host defense mechanisms was detected by a shorter mean survival time following challenge with transplantable leukemia cells. Comparison of dose-response curves for life shortening after irradiation with fission-spectrum neutrons or high energy silicon particles indicated high initial slopes for both radiation qualities at low doses, but for higher doses of silicon, the effect per Gy decreased to a value similar to that for gamma rays. The two component life-shortening curve for silicon particles has implications for the potential efficacy of radioprotectants. Recent studies on protection against early and late effects by aminothiols, prostaglandins, and other compounds are discussed.  相似文献   

Concepts of biologically-based regenerative life support systems anticipate the use of photosynthetic organisms for air revitalization. However, mismatches in the rates of production and uptake of oxygen or carbon dioxide between the crew and the plants will lead to an accumulation or depletion of these gases beyond tolerable limits. One method for correcting these atmospheric changes is to use physicochemical devices. This would conflict with the constraint of minimal size and weight imposed upon the successful development of a competitive bioregenerative system. An alternate control strategy is based upon reducing the gas exchange mismatch by manipulation of those environmental parameters known to affect plant or algae gas exchange ratios. We have initiated a research program using a dual approach of mathematical modelling and laboratory experimentation aimed at examining the gas exchange characteristics of artificial animal/plant systems closed to the ambient atmosphere. Our goal is to develop control techniques and management strategies for maintaining the atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide and oxygen at physiological levels. A mathematical model simulating the atmospheric behavior in these systems has been developed and an experimental gas-closed system has been constructed. These will be described and preliminary results will be presented.  相似文献   

Spores of different strains of Bacillus subtilis and the Escherichia coli plasmid pUC19 were exposed to selected conditions of space (space vacuum and/or defined wavebands and intensities of solar ultraviolet radiation) in the experiment ER 161 "Exobiological Unit" of the Exobiology Radiation Assembly (ERA) on board of the European Retrievable Carrier (EURECA). After the approximately 11 months lasting mission, their responses were studied in terms of survival, mutagenesis in the his (B. subtilis) or lac locus (pUC19), induction of DNA strand breaks, efficiency of DNA repair systems, and the role of external protective agents. The data were compared with those of a simultaneously running ground control experiment. The survival of spores treated with the vacuum of space, however shielded against solar radiation, is substantially increased, if they are exposed in multilayers and/or in the presence of glucose as protective, whereas all spores in "artificial meteorites", i.e. embedded in clays or simulated Martian soil, are killed. Vacuum treatment leads to an increase of mutation frequency in spores, but not in plasmid DNA. Extraterrestrial solar ultraviolet radiation is mutagenic, induces strand breaks in the DNA and reduces survival substantially; however, even at the highest fluences, i.e. 3 x 10(8) J m-2, a small but significant fraction of spores survives the insolation. Action spectroscopy confirms results of previous space experiments of a synergistic action of space vacuum and solar UV radiation with DNA being the critical target.  相似文献   

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