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The fault-tolerant air data/inertial reference unit (ADIRU) described is a key part of a fault-tolerant air data/inertial reference system (ADIRS) designed to be the inertial and air data reference for the ARINC 651 Integrated Modular Avionics (IMA) distributed architecture. The ADIRU has been designed to meet the commercial aviation market demands for low life cycle cost and high integrity fault detection, fault isolation, and redundancy management. The ADIRU's internal redundant resources provide quad channel redundancy that is one level higher than conventional triple redundant systems, allowing it to provide deferred maintenance capability. Robust partitioning, simple serial internal interfaces, and simple voting planes ensure that internal redundant components are properly utilized to provide high integrity system outputs. This relieves systems using it from having to perform their own redundancy management of the air data and inertial outputs from multiple sources required by conventional systems  相似文献   

A novel symmetrically skewed configuration for an attitude reference system (ARS) using three dynamically tuned gyros (DTGs) is developed. Simple schemes for autonomous detection and identification of a faulty DTG in real time and subsequent reconfiguration of the attitude estimation algorithm are proposed. The performance of the present configuration is shown to be better than that of configurations proposed earlier, and it is shown to have better features. It tolerates all types of failures of DTG failures, requires very simple computations, and gives less error in attitude estimate than the other configurations  相似文献   

A systematic reliability analysis procedure for evaluating fault-tolerant inertial measurement unit (IMU) architectures is described. The procedure is based on modeling the system architecture, the component reliabilities, and the redundancy management. The component reliabilities are based on constant failure rates and exponential failure distributions. The overall reliability of the IMU and the major contributors to IMU reliability are computed. Three state-of-the-art fault-tolerant IMU architectures are evaluated and compared using the procedure  相似文献   

This paper considers the purpose, principles of construction, algorithms of generating output signals and the functional diagram of a simulator of aircraft air signals that is built based on the vortex sensor of aerodynamic angle and true airspeed.  相似文献   

陀螺标度因数误差是影响长航时船用旋转调制惯导系统的关键误差源,其与地球自转和载体运动的耦合误差,可导致惯导系统误差发散。针对此问题,结合船用惯导使用特点,采用外航向、内俯仰的双轴旋转框架结构。在此基础上,提出了一种基于惯性系的双轴旋转惯导系统多位置转停调制方案,通过补偿地球自转和载体运动在双轴旋转惯导内外框架旋转轴上的投影分量,可显著降低陀螺标度因数误差对长航时导航精度的影响。数学仿真和船载试验结果表明,在载体航向角运动的场景下,该方法与传统的双轴旋转调制方案相比可有效抑制地球周期项振幅的增大,系统导航位置误差的发散也降低50%以上。  相似文献   

针对国际适航认证(FAR25)及300m垂直间距空中交通管制(RVSM)等对大气系统校准提出的高精度参考基准要求,提出了直观的标准空速管法,通过对初步试验结果的分析,发现了直接校准的缺陷和偏差根源。提出了“飞行检定”观点,改进了校准原理、观测模型和数据处理方法,建立了基准空速管法。实际飞行试验及误差分析讨论,表明该方法可满足相关领域的严格要求。  相似文献   

The development of a strapdown inertial navigation system (SINS) for aerodynamically controlled vehicles, which are limited to altitudes below 30 km (that is, a small distance compared with the Earth's radius of about 7000 km), or using the so-called flat-Earth model (FEM), is the principal objective of this work. In dealing with the FEM equations, the north, east, down (NED) frame on the surface of the Earth is taken as an inertial reference frame. Although, this frame is both accelerating and rotating, the accelerations associated with the Earth's rotation are negligible compared with the acceleration that can be produced by a maneuvering aircraft. Also, in this model, the gravity is taken as constant. In developing the SINS for the FEM, the aerodynamic force and moment have dominant roles, depending primarily on such variables as the angle of attack and sideslip, their derivatives, components of the angular velocity of the aircraft, and the control inputs. On the other hand, the SINS deals with such variables as the small-angle rotation vectors. Thus, it was necessary to link both set of variables as state variables of the strapdown FEM as is done in this work. The developed model is relevant for small (less than 200) angles of attack and sideslip.  相似文献   

为克服传统的大气数据传感系统的不足,对嵌入式大气数据系统展开了研究。以某飞翼布局飞行器为研究对象,通过风洞试验和CFD数据,研究了针对嵌入式大气数据系统的模糊逻辑建模方法。以模型表面若干测压点的压力或压力系数作为模糊逻辑系统的输入,以迎角、侧滑角、来流速度和海拔高度作为输出,分别采用自适应和固定形状参数的隶属函数作为模型组成部分,混合使用梯度下降法和最小二乘法来识别模糊逻辑系统的参数,从而建立针对该嵌入式大气数据系统的模糊逻辑模型。建模结果表明,相比以往仅使用梯度下降法和固定形状参数的隶属函数的模糊逻辑模型,自适应隶属函数的引入使得模型精度与求解速度得到提高。  相似文献   

<正>南京28所生产的NEWMEN 2000空管自动化系统输出的飞行计划数据是以IFPL、ICHG和IPLN电报的形式进行传输的,一直以来,这类电报特别是IFPL电报,包含着丰富而且实时的信息,却长期被人们所忽略。本文通过对一份IFPL电报的解析,逐步发掘这类电报所蕴含的丰富信息以及相关应用。  相似文献   

Multiposition alignment of strapdown inertial navigation system   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The authors demonstrate that the stationary alignment of strapdown inertial navigation system (SDINS) can be improved by employing the multiposition/technique. Using an observability analysis, it is shown that an optimal two-position alignment not only satisfies complete observability conditions but also minimizes alignment errors. This is done by analytic rank testing of the stripped observability matrix and numerical calculation of the error covariance. It is also shown that an optimal three-position alignment accelerates the convergence of the alignment error compared with two-position alignment  相似文献   

The Secondary Air System (SAS) plays an important role in the safe operation and performance of aeroengines. The traditional 1D-3D coupling method loses information when used for secondary air systems, which affects the calculation accuracy. In this paper, a Cross-dimensional Data Transmission method (CDT) from 3D to 1D is proposed by introducing flow field uniformity into the data transmission. First, a uniformity index was established to quantify the flow field parameter distribution characteristics, and a uniformity index prediction model based on the locally weighted regression method (Lowess) was established to quickly obtain the flow field information. Then, an information selection criterion in 3D to 1D data transmission was established based on the Spearman rank correlation coefficient between the uniformity index and the accuracy of coupling calculation, and the calculation method was automatically determined according to the established criterion. Finally, a modified function was obtained by fitting the ratio of the 3D mass-average parameters to the analytical solution, which are then used to modify the selected parameters at the 1D-3D interface. Taking a typical disk cavity air system as an example, the results show that the calculation accuracy of the CDT method is greatly improved by a relative 53.88% compared with the traditional 1D-3D coupling method. Furthermore, the CDT method achieves a speedup of 2 to 3 orders of magnitude compared to the 3D calculation.  相似文献   

The statement and a technique for solving a problem of parametric synthesis and rational choice of structural parameters for a stationary multichannel flow-type aerometric receiver using the results of the experiment being planned are clarified. The scheme of a design model and a receiver structure that provide an increase in noise immunity and extension of working velocities in the helicopter air data system are described.  相似文献   

临近空间无人飞行器导航系统的故障直接影响到飞行器的任务执行和飞行安全,因此必须能够长时间地保持稳定性和精确性,为达到此目的必须设计由惯性导航、卫星导航等多种导航传感器组成的多源多余度容错导航系统,提高系统的可靠性。针对临近空间飞行器制导控制对导航信息的需求,提出了一种标准的三余度导航系统架构,并设计了采用新型加权平均表决子算法,具备故障检测和隔离以及故障重构功能的容错重构算法,构建了适用于临近空间无人飞行器的多余度容错导航系统,通过实测试验数据仿真验证了容错导航系统的性能,展示了系统一次故障工作的故障容错能力。所研究内容也可被其他类型的无人飞行器借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

平台式惯性导航系统是现代导航的重要设备,由于其所处环境和制造工艺各不相同,导致各个体之间的可靠性有着明显的差异。如果对收集到的性能误差数据进行统一处理,无法准确地反映个体之间的差异性,不利于掌握平台式惯性导航系统个体的可靠性规律。针对该问题,对平台式惯性导航系统的在线可靠性评估方法进行了重点研究。结合平台式惯性导航系统使用过程中的性能变化特点和失效机理,利用复合Poisson过程建立了其性能退化模型,并给出了性能参数评估方法。通过算例分析,说明建立的性能退化模型能够较好地描述平台式惯性导航系统的性能退化规律,有助于掌握平台式惯性导航系统的可靠性水平。  相似文献   

对捷联惯导系统的误差源进行了深入分析,结果表明当陀螺仪刻度系数误差较大时,捷联惯导系统定位误差闭合现象较明显,即飞机返场时,误差有明显减小的现象;分析了舒拉调谐周期对惯导系统位置误差的影响并进行仿真,仿真结果验证了舒拉调谐对误差的调制作用,即在舒拉周期振荡分量的影响下,惯导系统的累积误差在某段时间内存在误差减小现象。  相似文献   

In this paper, a problem of measuring the altitude-speed helicopter performance in the range of low and near-zero flight velocities is considered. The structural functional scheme of the omnidirectional helicopter air data system based on the stationary aerometric multichannel transducer (AMT) as well as the jet-convective measuring channels is shown and algorithms for the formation of the system output signals are presented. In order to extend the lower bound of operating speeds, it is proposed that the omnidirectional system be integrated with the aeromechanical measuring computer system that realizes the VIMI method with Luenberger’s observer. Also given is the algorithm support and the accuracy of the integrated system operation is estimated.  相似文献   

赵建博  杨树兴  熊芬芬 《航空学报》2019,40(10):323191-323191
为了在不依赖导弹间实时通信与导弹绝对位置信息的情况下实现无导引头也无惯导导弹的"发射后不管",考虑为无导引头也无惯导导弹安装两个捷联探测器,从而可对有导引头导弹上的两个特定目标点进行探测。在此基础上,针对静止点目标分别采用一般的负反馈控制方法以及有限时间收敛原理设计了2种协同末制导律,并针对静止面目标采用动态逆控制设计了1种协同末制导律。上述协同制导律均可在有导引头导弹命中目标前实现无导引头也无惯导导弹的速度方向指向其攻击目标,而此后无导引头也无惯导导弹只需要作直线运动即可命中其攻击目标。仿真结果验证了上述协同制导律的有效性以及优势。  相似文献   

This research describes a technique and a performance analysis of a fiber-optic strapdown inertial system with sensing cluster continuous rotation around the vertical body axis of the vehicle. The bias errors of these inertial sensors, gyros and accelerometers with cluster rotation, will have periodically varying corresponding components along the body axes. The modulated sensor errors produce reduced system errors. Simulation results indicate that, compared with the conventional method, the proposed approach attenuates the navigation errors and alignment errors due to the gyros' error and the accelerometers' error.  相似文献   

Fast alignment and calibration algorithms for inertial navigation system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Algorithms for fast estimating the azimuth misalignment angle and calibrating gyro drift rates are approached from the point of view of control theory. By introducing the Lyapunov transformation, the equivalence of Strapdown Inertial Navigation System (SINS) and Gimbaled Inertial Navigation System (GINS) is discussed, and it shows that the analysis results of GINS can be applied to SINS directly by using such kind of equivalence. A similar transformation that based on physical essence is introduced, so that the true states can be replaced by the so-called pseudo-states, and then the observable states of INS can be dynamically decoupled with the unobservable states. Consequently, the best completely observable subsystem model of INS can be obtained. Based on the simplified subsystem model of INS, the algorithms for fast estimating the azimuth misalignment angle and calibrating gyro drift rates are proposed. The proposed algorithms show that the azimuth misalignment angle and gyro drift rates can be estimated from the rates of leveling misalignment angles without using the gyro output signals.  相似文献   

Strapdown inertial navigation system algorithms based on dual quaternions   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The design of strapdown inertial navigation system (INS) algorithms based on dual quaternions is addressed. Dual quaternion is a most concise and efficient mathematical tool to represent rotation and translation simultaneously, i.e., the general displacement of a rigid body. The principle of strapdown inertial navigation is represented using the tool of dual quaternion. It is shown that the principle can be expressed by three continuous kinematic equations in dual quaternion. These equations take the same form as the attitude quaternion rate equation. Subsequently, one new numerical integration algorithm is structured to solve the three kinematic equations, utilizing the traditional two-speed approach originally developed in attitude integration. The duality between the coning and sculling corrections, raised in the recent literature, can be essentially explained by splitting the new algorithm into the corresponding rotational and translational parts. The superiority of the new algorithm over conventional ones in accuracy is analytically derived. A variety of simulations are carried out to support the analytic results. The numerical results agree well with the analyses. The new algorithm turns out to be a better choice than any conventional algorithm for high-precision navigation systems and high-maneuver applications. Several guidelines in choosing a suitable navigation algorithm are also provided.  相似文献   

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