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Spores of Bacillus subtilis (TKJ 3412), cells of Deinococcus radiodurans R1 (wild type) and conidia of Aspergillus ochraceus (strain 3174) have been UV irradiated (254 nm) in the dry state (3% relative humidity, argon) or in aqueous suspension at room temperature, at −55°C to −70°C and at −165°C to −170°C. The following effects have been analyzed: decrease in viability, occurrence of DNA strand breaks (pulsed-field gel electrophoresis) and production of DNA-protein cross-links (membrane filter method). The loss in viability is usually more pronounced at around −70°C than at room temperature, but it is lowest around −170°C. The kind of prevailing DNA damage varies from organism to organism. The amount of UV induced DNA-protein cross-link products steadily decreases with the temperature and is lowest at −170°C. The decrease in highly polymeric DNA by double strand breaks follows no universal pattern. The observed hypersensitivity of the three very different species at −70°C can therefore not be simply explained on the basis of the number of DNA lesions analyzed in the course of this work. We suggest that also the changing state of cellular water below and above about −130°C significantly contributes to the change in photosensitivity.  相似文献   

Relativistic jets are a common property of radio-loud Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN). Understanding jet physical properties is an essential precursor to understanding the mechanisms of energy transport, and ultimately, how energy is extracted from the central black hole. In this paper, I highlight recent developments from Chandra and HST observations of kpc-scale jets in AGN, with particular emphasis on our survey of 17 radio jets in a sample of FRII radio galaxies. These observations show that (1) X-ray and optical emission is common from kpc-scale jets, (2) a large fraction of the bolometric luminosity is emitted at X-rays, and (3) in most sources, a candidate emission process for the X-rays is inverse Compton scattering of the Cosmic Microwave Background off the relativistic electrons in the jet. If the latter scenario holds, the implication is that jets are still relativistic on kpc scales.  相似文献   

Soft X-ray observations by SMM and other spacecraft have shown that the abundance of certain elements in solar corona varies from flare to flare. In this study, observations made by the Yohkoh Bragg Crystal Spectrometer (BCS) in helium-like Ca XIX have been analysed, and Ca abundance determined for 177 flares observed during the first four years of the mission (1991–1995). The average abundance of Ca relative to H for all flares is ACa = (3.64±0.39) × 10−6. As with an earlier study of SMM data, the abundance is found to be enhanced compared to the photosphere ((2.24±0.10) × 10−6), and with only minor variation from flare to flare. However, the absolute value and range of values determined by this study is smaller than in the previous study; these differences are discussed.  相似文献   

COS-B gamma-ray data (70–5000 MeV) in the latitude range 10°< |b| <90° are compared with the expected emission from cosmic-ray interactions with interstellar gas. An additional component is found to be necessary to explain the latitude dependence of the emission. Two possible origins for this component are discussed: a gamma-ray halo around the Galaxy and a local emission region.  相似文献   

We investigate the dark matter distributions in the central region of two clusters of galaxies (A1835 and MKW3S) using Chandra data. N-body simulations in the standard cold dark matter (CDM) model predict the dark matter distribution shows a cuspy dark matter profile: ρ(r) ∝ r, with in the range 1–2, while observations of dwarf and low surface brightness galaxies seem to favor the presence of a relatively flat core: 0 <  < 1. To investigate the dark matter distributions in the central region of clusters of galaxies, we analyze the Chandra data of A1835 and MKW3S with a deprojection method. We derive the mass profiles without the assumption of analytical models. We examine the inner slope of derived mass profiles assuming the dark matter profile is described with a power-law expression. The values of the slope are 0.95 ± 0.10 for A1835 and 1.33 ± 0.12 for MKW3S within the radius of 200 kpc. These are consistent with the result of the CDM simulations. However, within the radius of 100 kpc, the value of is less than unity for A1835 (0.47 ± 0.31). Our result implies that the central dark matter profile of some clusters cannot be described by CDM halos.  相似文献   

First results of pointed and All Sky Survey observations of galaxies with the X-ray observatory satellite ROSAT are reported. During observations of the Magellanic Clouds and the Andromeda galaxy new super-soft X-ray sources have been detected. This new class of luminous X-ray sources may help to solve the millisecond pulsar progenitor problem. Due to the improved sensitivity and longer observation times of ROSAT new X-ray point sources have been resolved in several nearby galaxies. The diffuse emission of the LMC that was already reported by EINSTEIN has been mapped in detail. It shows a lot of fine structure and temperatures around 5 × 106 K. The improved low energy response of ROSAT led to the discovery of 106 K gas from the spiral galaxy M101 and the halo of the starburst galaxy NGC 253. No diffuse emission was detected from the halo of the edge-on spiral galaxy NGC 5907.  相似文献   

A 40.6 cm Newtonian telescope has been interfaced to the Fabry-Perot interferometer at the Arecibo Observatory to make high spectral resolution measurements of Comet Halley emissions at 6562.72 Å (H-alpha) and 6300.3 Å (OI). In March 1986 the H-alpha surface brightness for a 5′.9 field of view centered on the comet nucleus decreased from 39±7.8 rayleighs on 12 March to 16±3.8 rayleighs on 23 March. The atomic hydrogen production rate on 12 March 1986 was 1.62±0.5 × 1030 s−1, and on 23 March 1986 it was 6.76±2.3 × 1029 s−1. Using spectral resolution of 0.196 Å, we found the atomic hydrogen outflow velocity to be approximately 7.9±1.0 km s−1. In general, the H-alpha spectra are highly structured, and indicative of a multiple component atomic hydrogen velocity distribution. An isotropic outflow of atomic hydrogen at various velocities is not adequate to explain the spectra measured at H-alpha. The 6300.3 Å emission of O(1D) had a surface brightness of 81±16 rayleighs on 15 March 1986, and 95±11 rayleighs on 17 March 1986. After adjustment for atmospheric extinction, the implied O(1D) production rate on 15 March is 6.44±3.0 × 1028 s−1, and the production rate on 17 March is 5.66±2.7 × 1028 s−1. These spectra included a feature at 6300.8 Å that we attribute to NH2. The brightness of this emission feature was 37±11 rayleighs on 15 March.  相似文献   

ROSAT All Sky Survey observations of IRAS galaxies have revealed up to now a number of 10 optically non-Seyfert galaxies with X-ray (0.1–2.4) luminosities up to a few 1043erg · s−1 (Boller et al. 1992). The sources are brighter than previous detection limits of a few 1041erg · s−1 as found by Stocke et al. (1991) or Green, Anderson and Ward (1992) for Einstein sources. The optical classification is based on follow-up observations which indicate clearly the non-Seyfert (LINER and HII region-like galaxies) nature. Our investigations reveal that galaxies classified as non-Seyferts on the basis of optical spectroscopy may reach exceptionally high X-ray luminosities which are similar to that of Seyfert galaxies. On the basis of the present observational material we suppose a hidden low luminosity AGN in the centre of these objects as the source of energy production. The objects are of interest when evaluating starburst versus central activity.  相似文献   

We investigated properties of four isolated giant elliptical galaxies with extended X-ray halo using ASCA data. The derived size of X-ray halo, X-ray luminosity, and gravitational mass of the dark halo are unusually large those of X-ray halo of a single galaxy, but are typical for X-ray halos of groups and poor clusters of galaxies. The measured temperatures and abundances of the X-ray halo gas in these galaxies are also similar to those of the groups and poor clusters. Based on these results we identified these galaxies as “isolated X-ray overluminous elliptical galaxy” (IOLEG). The radial profiles of dark halo in these objects were derived from X-ray data. It is found that some are similar to those of compact groups while others are the same as those of normal ellipticals. The dark halos of lOLEGs are thus indistinguishable from those of groups (and poor clusters), which appears to be consistent with a widely believed idea that lOLEGs are a product of dynamical evolution of a compact group. However, mass-to-light ratios of IOLEGs (M200/LB  100–1000) are far greater than those of Hickson compact groups M200/LB  40–60). Since it is hard to consider that total optical luminosity of a compact group decreases by an order of magnitude in the course of dynamical evolution, such difference in the observed mass-to-light ratio between IOLEGs and Hickson compact groups strongly suggests that most IOLEGs have not evolved from compact groups which are observed at present.  相似文献   

The COMPTEL experiment on the Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory is designed to image celestial gamma radiation in the energy range from 0.75–30 MeV within a field of view of 1 steradian. It can locate stronger point sources with an accuracy better than 0.5° and is capable of mapping diffuse emission as well. The Galactic-center region was observed by COMPTEL for several 2-week periods in 1991/1992. These observations show evidence for 1.8 MeV line emission along the Galactic disk (attributed to radioactive 26Al), extending over at least 40 degrees in longitude.  相似文献   

ROSAT HRI images were obtained for two clusters of galaxies which contain strong cooling flows, A2029 and 2A0335+096. These observations confirm that gas is cooling at rates of in A2029 and in 2A0335+096. In both clusters, the X-ray emission from the inner cooling flow regions (r 100 kpc) is very inhomogeneous, with the X-ray surface brightness being dominated by a number of X-ray emitting filaments. Using the crude spectral resolution of the HRI, we show that these filaments are the result of excess emission, rather than foreground X-ray absorption. Although there are uncertainties in the pointing, many of the X-ray features in the cooling flow region of 2A0335+096 correspond to features in H optical line emission. This indicates that the 104 K gas originates through the cooling of hot X-ray emitting gas. The gas is the filaments is too dense to be in hydrostatic equilibrium, and it is likely that other forces such as rotation, turbulence, and magnetic fields influence the dynamical state of the gas. The filaments may be supported in part by magnetic fields and may be connected with the filaments of very strong Faraday rotation seen in several nearly cooling flows.  相似文献   

We present an analysis of sporadic and recurrent injections of magnetospheric ions in the midnight auroral oval during substorms and of the associated ionospheric ion outflows. The source of plasma sheet precipitating ions is determined using a simple method, based on the measured relation between the ion inverse velocity and time (l = v × t). This method is applied here to two typical passes of the Interball-Auroral (IA) satellite at distances of 3 RE above the auroral regions. Substorm related ion injections are shown to be mainly due to time of flight effects. In contrast with particle trajectory computations (Sauvaud et al., 1999), the inverse velocity method does not require magnetic and electric field models and can thus be used systematically for the detection of time of flight dispersed ion structures (TDIS). This allowed us to build a large database of TDIS events and to perform a statistical analysis of their spatial distribution. For the cases presented here the source region of the injected ions is found at radial distances from 18 to 30 RE near the equatorial magnetosphere. At Interball altitudes ( 3 RE), ion injections detected at the poleward boundary of the nighside auroral oval are associated with shear Alfvén waves superimposed over large-scale quasi-static current structures. We show that the most poleward TDIS are collocated with a large outflow of ionospheric H+ and O+ displaying pitch-angle distributions peaked in the pitch-angle range 90°–120°. These ions are thus accelerated perpendicularly to the magnetic field not only in the main auroral acceleration region but also up to at least 3 RE. The expanding auroral bulge thus constitutes a significant source of H+ and O+ ions for the mid-tail magnetosphere.  相似文献   

Microbial processes in frozen food   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Deep freezing of food and storage at −19°C is a standard conservation procedure in food technology. The lower limit of growth of bacteria in food is from about −5°C to about −8°C, whereas the reproduction limit of yeasts is 2 to 3°C lower. Storage temperatures above −10°C should therefore not be used. At −18°C, a commonly used storage temperature, no growth of microorganisms will occur. The microorganisms mainly found at the lower growth limit are Pseudomonas sp. and basidiomycete yeasts. The reduction in the number of microorganisms due to freezing, storage, and thawing is not of practical importance. Microbial enzymes, in particular lipases and proteases, are still active at −18°C. Therefore, the quality of raw products and good hygiene at the production site are most important.  相似文献   

Plasma transport is very important for understanding the space-time variations of the ionosphere. Therefore, following a resolution of URSI Subcommission G4, an effort is made to create a computer code describing the main results of investigations the ionospheric drift which were not considered in IRI-1979.

The experimental data from 23 stations in the Northern Hemisphere were obtained between 1957 and 1970. The worldwide coverage in geographic latitude is 7°N to 71°N (7.5° to 64.1° geomagnetic) and O° to 131°E geographic longitude.

We have developed appropriate procedure which allow us to infer from these data the main parameters of the global ionospheric motions at E- and F-region levels.

An algorithm for computing the zonal and meridional drift components VX, VY can be found in IRI-1990.

The last version of the computer programm called DRIFT which does the test calculation of Ionospheric Drifts Global Model whith printing the tables at the Epson printer is written in Turbo ascal for the IBM PC AT 286/287 compatible computers. Program code (execute module) is about 25 Kbyte. Data files are about 10 Kbyte.

E- and F-region horizontal ionospheric irregularities drift data, worldwide obtained from 1957 to 1970 by D1 and D3 methods, are statistically analysed and a computer code for the average velocity variations in latitude and local time for some solar activity levels is constructed. The PC program DRIFT allows to determine zonal and meridional drift velocities of ionospheric irregularities at the lower (90 < h < = 140 km) and upper (h > 140 km) ionosphere.

The main block of the program DRIFT is the procedure DRIRR for calculating VX and VY for a period (P), geomagnetic (geographic) latitude (FI) and local time (LT) to be specified.

The example of the program DRIFT calculation for F-region (REG=2) and for the whole period of observations (P=1) is in Table. VX > 0 to east, VY > 0 to north. FI is geomagnetic latitude.  相似文献   

We here explore the effects of the SN explosions into the halo of star-forming galaxies like the Milky Way. Successive randomly distributed and clustered SNe explosions cause the formation of hot superbubbles that drive either fountains or galactic winds above the galactic disk, depending on the amount and concentration of energy that is injected by the SNe. In a galactic fountain, the ejected gas is re-captured by the gravitational potential and falls back onto the disk. From 3D non-equilibrium radiative cooling hydrodynamical simulations of these fountains, we find that they may reach altitudes up to about 5 kpc in the halo and thus allow for the formation of the so called intermediate-velocity-clouds (IVCs) which are often observed in the halos of disk galaxies. The high-velocity-clouds that are also observed but at higher altitudes (of up to 12 kpc) require another mechanism to explain their production. We argue that they could be formed either by the capture of gas from the intergalactic medium and/or by the action of magnetic fields that are carried to the halo with the gas in the fountains. Due to angular momentum losses to the halo, we find that the fountain material falls back to smaller radii and is not largely spread over the galactic disk. Instead, the SNe ejecta fall nearby the region where the fountain was produced, a result which is consistent with recent chemical models of the galaxy. The fall back material leads to the formation of new generations of molecular clouds and to supersonic turbulence feedback in the disk.  相似文献   

MXB 0656-072 is an accreting X-ray pulsar with a Be star companion, showing notable emission in H. In October 2003 this system exhibited a large and extended X-ray outburst. RXTE observations during this outburst indicated a pulse period of 160.4 s and a cyclotron resonance scattering feature in the spectrum at 32 keV. This paper presents pulse profile analysis and phase-resolved X-ray spectroscopy of RXTE observations during this outburst.  相似文献   

The double pulsar system, J0737–3039, provides a unique probe of a pulsar magnetosphere due to its edge-on viewing geometry, a tight orbit and a significant rate of advance of the angle of periastron. In this paper, we report on the changes in radio emission from the long period pulsar in this system, J0737–3039B, over a period of 9 months. Observations of this system with Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) show that the duration of the first bright phase of the pulsar centered at 210° orbital longitude from the ascending node is shrinking. These observations will be useful to constrain the proposed models for this system.  相似文献   

New results from Pioneer Orbiter observations indicate a continued vortex organization of the cloud level atmosphere in either hemisphere, centered over respective poles. Significant changes in the magnitude of the cloud level zonal circulation over a period of several years have been detected. A strong signature of the solar tidal circulation has been detected in the atmospheric circulation with the lowest speeds occurring in equatorial latitudes about 20° upstream of the sub-solar point. Finally, a solar-locked persistent spatial structure has been discovered in the variance of the ultraviolet brightness measured from brightness normalized images of Venus. Vega balloons (drifting at about 53 km altitude near 7°N and 7°S latitudes) have also provided some unique observations of atmospheric circulation, significant among them being the strong vertical motions, the zonality of their drift speeds as well as a significant temperature difference between the two balloons. The temperature difference which amounts to 6.5°K on average is currently being interpreted as a temperature variation with longitude or time.

Diagnostic modelling efforts towards simulating the atmospheric circulation on Venus are continuing and have provided some clues about the processes that maintain them but have not yet been successful in explaining the superrotation of the atmosphere.

Knowledge of the Martian atmospheric dynamics on the other hand is still limited by lack of adequate observations. Numerical modelling of the Martian atmosphere continues to provide most of the information about the atmospheric circulation. The situation regarding the paucity of observations should improve with the completion of the proposed Mars Observer mission. The low circular polar orbit planned provides an excellent opportunity to study the Martian atmosphere.  相似文献   

The ROSAT all-sky survey and Guest Observer pointed observations have brought a wealth of high-quality data to the study of the soft X-ray diffuse background. Analysis of the spatial structure of the 1/4 keV flux, including observations of shadows cast by discrete clouds in the interstellar medium, have allowed the separation of the observed flux into foreground and background components supporting a spatially varying local component consistent with previous ideas of the local hot bubble, a highly variable galactic halo component, and an extragalactic background.  相似文献   

We give the first full analysis of the microgravity experiment MKB ( arangoni onvektion im offenen oot) conducted on board of the space shuttle during the D1-mission in 1985, together with that of some ground based experiments on thermocapillary flow in a rectangular liquid volume with free upper surface. Streamlines and velocity profiles under μ-g and l-g are presented and discussed. Strong thermocapillary flow was observed under μ-g after the rupture of a dirt-film suppressing surface tension forces. The Nusselt-number under microgravity due to thermocapillary flow for Ma = 4.6 · 105 is at least Nu = 6 ± 1. Under l-g a separation of the surface tension driven convection roll of hot fluid circulating on top of colder fluid was found for large Ma. The coupling and decoupling of buoyant and thermocapillary forces has been further studied in an experiment varying the temperature gradient along the free surface independently from that in the bulk fluid.  相似文献   

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