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As an important milestone in the exploration of Mars and small bodies, a new generation space vehicle “Phobos-Grunt” is planned to be launched by the Russian Aviation and Space Agency. The project is optimized around a Phobos sample return mission and follow up missions targeted to study some main asteroid belt bodies, NEOs and short period comets. The principal constraint is use of the “Soyuz-Fregat” rather than the “Proton” launcher to accomplish these challenging goals. The vehicle design incorporates innovative SEP technology involving electrojet engines that allowed us to increase significantly the mission's energetic capabilities, as well as highly autonomous on-board systems. Basic criteria underlining the “Phobos-Grunt” mission scenario, scientific objectives and rationale including Mars observations during the vehicle's insertion into Mars orbit and Phobos approach maneuvers, are discussed and an opportunity for international cooperation is suggested.  相似文献   

Observations of the transient X-ray A0535+26 source with the SIGNE-2MP instrument on-board the Soviet “Prognoz-6” and “Prognoz-7” satellites are considered in the paper.  相似文献   

The measurements of high-energy neutron (with energies 30–300 MeV) and proton (with energies 1–200 MeV) fluxes are being conducted on-board “Mir-Spectr” orbital complex. Neutrons are detected by the undirected (FOV 4π sr) scintillator spectrometer, consisting of 4 identical CsI(Tl) detector units (the effective area for neutrons 30 cm2). The gamma-quanta, which can be also detected by this instrument, are separated from neutrons by the analysis of the scintillator output pulse shape. To exclude registration of charged particles an anticoincidence plastic scintillator shield is realized in each detector unit. The proton fluxes are measured by the telescope based on 3 semiconductor detectors with small geometry factor (1 cm2×sr). As the first result of the experiment the upper limit of the integral flux of local and albedo neutrons in the equatorial region (L<1.1) was estimated. The results of this measurements can be useful for the radiation security. Also, the neutrons of solar flares can be detected in this experiment.  相似文献   

The spectrum of turbulent pulsations induced in the atmosphere by the galactic cosmic rays is defined. A possible manifestation of genesis of fractal dimensions in the system of “spectrum of turbulent pulsations of cosmic plasma – galactic cosmic rays’ spectrum – spectrum of atmospheric turbulent pulsations” is analyzed.  相似文献   

More than 20 years ago V.P. Shabansky suggested that the magnetic system installed aboard the satellite, could be used as a physical instrument for studying the processes which occur in the near Earth space. The corresponding space scales of an artificial “magnetosphere”—“magnisphere”—are 10 m in the experiment with relatively small magnets in the ionosphere and 100 m in the solar wind. The corresponding similarity criteria are estimated. The possible scheme of the experiment with a superconducting magnet (magnetic moment 105 A · m2) installed aboard the satellite is considered. The experimental complex includes a number of systems for measuring the fluxes of charged particles in a wide energy range, DC electric and magnetic fields, the electromagnetic fields in different frequency bands (from X-rays to radio). The scientific objectives are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

Based on the forthcoming second stage of the Japanese Lunar mission ILOM (2013), when an optical telescope will be set on the surface near one of the Lunar poles, the possibility to detect free Lunar modes (Chandler-like wobble and free-core nutation) is considered. The difference between the Lunar Eulerian and Chandler-like wobble is explained. The terms “arbitrary libration” and “free libration” are discussed. The geometrical and physical interpretations of the free polar motion over the Lunar surface are considered from the viewpoints of Lunar surface-based observations and the Lunar Navigation Almanac. The dependencies of the free libration period on the core’s radius, density, and ellipticity are modelled and discussed.  相似文献   

HF radio wave observations have been carried out with an oblique ionospheric sounding (OIS) method on the radio path from St. Petersburg to Longyearbyen (Svalbard), and experimental ionograms were obtained for December 2001. These ionograms have been analysed to investigate the impact of the main ionospheric trough (MIT) and magnetic disturbances on the signals on this path. The observations during weakly disturbed (Kр = 2) magnetic conditions on 14–15 December 2001 were compared with predictions from ray-tracing through a numerical model of the ionosphere. The ray-tracing computer program synthesizes the OIS ionograms by means of the “shooting method”. This method calculates trajectories of HF radio waves for different values of elevation angle and transmission frequency. There was a variety of calculated trajectories, from which we choose those which reach the receiver, and the selected paths provide a synthesis of the oblique ionograms. To simulate HF radio wave propagation, we apply a three-dimensional distribution of the electron density calculated with the mathematical model of the high-latitude ionosphere developed in the Polar Geophysical Institute (PGI). These numerical simulations permit us to interpret specific peculiarities of the OIS data such as abnormal propagation modes, increased delays of signals, enhanced MOF (maximum observed frequency) values etc. New results of the study are summarised as follows. (1) An unusual feature of the propagation along the path is the change of propagation mechanism during substorms on entering a path midpoint (or 1-hop reflection point) to the MIT. (2) Even weak substorms, having the distinguished intensities, lead to the appearance of different types of irregularities observed by the CUTLASS radar and therefore to the different propagation modes and F2MOF values. (3) The PGI model of the ionosphere was first used for ray-tracing at high latitudes. The model results are basically in a good qualitative agreement with experimental observations. This model provides the satisfactory agreement between the calculated and experimental F2MOF values while not correctly representing the fine structure of the experimental OIS ionograms at night. An agreement between the calculated and experimental data is better for day and evening hours than at night.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet spectra (1100–1900 Å) of the sky background of 10 wide angle (6°×6°) regions obtained between 70 000 km and 200 000 km from the Earth with the photoelectric spectrometer “GALACTIKA” on board the satellite “PROGNOZ-6” are considered. The spectral energy distribution of the sky background, after subtraction of the stellar component, is similar for regions on both sides of the Milky Way and exhibits a strong U.V. light contribution. On the contrary, the Milky Way (lII=190° bII=+6°) is less rich in far U.V. light; this can be related to the predominance of an expected selective absorption near the galactic plane. The nature of U.V. excess at high galactic latitudes needs further investigations.  相似文献   

Stars that explode as Type I Supernovae (SNI) are white dwarfs with masses practically equal to the Chandrasekhar limit Mch. These white dwarfs forme either as a result of gas overflow onto a degenerate component in a binary system or due to the evolution of nuclei of the stars whose mass, on the main sequence, was 3 to 7 Mo. The masses of their nuclei are quite close to Mch. It is convenient to consider three types of stellar evolution 1) “hyperbolic”: masses of nuclei formed as a result of evolution are > Mch; such evolution ends in a Type II Supernova (SNII) outburst; 2) “parabolic” - masses of nuclei ≈ Mch, with the evolution ending in an SNI outburst; 3) “elliptical” with nuclei masses < Mch. The latter type of evolution leads to the formation of planetary nebulae and white dwarfs. A new hypothesis is suggested that explains more frequent occurrence of SNI in irregular galaxies by flashes of star formation.  相似文献   

The Chinese Meridian Space Weather Monitoring Project (Meridian Project for short) is a ground-based geospace monitoring chain in China. It consists of a chain of 15 ground-based observatories located roughly along 120°E longitude and 30°N latitude. Each observatory is equipped with multiple instruments to measure key parameters such as the baseline and time-varying geomagnetic field, the middle and upper atmosphere and ionosphere from about 20 to 1000km. This project started collecting data in 2012. Here a brief overview of the Chinese Meridian Project is given, and most recent science results mainly in the ionospheric and atmospheric studies are presented.   相似文献   

The paper presents the analysis of experimental data on electron fluxes with energies 10 keV–10 MeV. Data were obtained during 1978–2005 years in different space experiments (COSMOS-900, MIR Space Station, ACTIVE, SAMPEX, CORONAS-I, CORONAS-F, NOAA POES-17, TATYANA and others). Two areas of electron flux enhancements are studied in the paper: the near-equatorial (L < 1.2) zone and the middle-latitude (1.2 < L < 1.9) zone. It is shown that electron flux enhancements are regularly registered at L < 2 and the observed formations have some typical features. Electron peaks at L < 1.2 appear sporadically while peaks at 1.2 < L < 1.9 are observed regularly. The approximations of spectra by several functions including kappa-function are presented.  相似文献   

The spectra of neutrons >10 MeV and gamma-rays 1.5–100 MeV under the Earth Radiation Belts, restored from the data, obtained onboard orbital complex “SALUTE-7”-“KOSMOS-1686”, are presented. The spectra shapes are similar to those for albedo neutrons and gamma-rays, but absolute values of their fluxes (0.2 cm−2 s−1 for neutrons, 0.8 cm−2 s−1 for gamma-rays at the equator and 1.2 cm−2 s−1, 1.9 cm−2 s−1, accordingly, at L=1.9) are several times as large. It is possibly explained by the fact that most of the detected particles were produced by the cosmic ray interactions with the orbital complex matter. Neutron and gamma-ray fluxes obtained from “CORONAS-I” data are near those for albedo particles.  相似文献   

Energetic neutral atom (ENA) images of the storm-time ring current obtained from the ISEE-1 spacecraft provide information for a “zero-order” global model of the energetic ion distribution. With the assumption of isotropic pressure and magnetostatic, non-convective pressure balance, the global system of electrical currents driven by the ion pressure can be calculated using Euler potentials for the divergenceless current density. Radial pressure gradients drive azimuthal currents, and azimuthal pressure gradients drive radial currents. The radial currents cause current lines in the inner magnetosphere to close in the ionosphere, forming a “partial” ring current. The intensities and locations of these field-aligned currents driven into and out of the ionosphere resemble those of the observed Region 2 current system, but not all observed properties of the Region 2 system are reproduced by the “zero-order” model.  相似文献   

The five main types of antisunward propagating energetic fluxes (particles and emission) may be thought of as well established to date, the effects of which lead to a particilar character of disturbance in the near-terrestrial environment (the Earth's magnetosphere, ionosphere and atmosphere). The strongest global restructuring of the magnetosphere and ionosphere is caused by fluxes of relatively dense n of 1-70 cm-3 at the Earth's orbit) Solar Wind (SW) quasi-neutral, low-energy (E < 10 keV) plasma which cause magnetospheric and ionospheric storms lasting 24 hours or longer. For that reason, main attention is given to their study at the initial stage of research. The physical essence of the method of predicting disturbances in the near-terrestrial space environment, the amplitude of which can be expressed in, for example, the Kp index units, involves:(1) identifying all the most geo-effective SW streams of type, (2) determing their sources on the solar disk,and (3) quantifying the correlations between the characteristics of their solar sources with a maximum value of the Kp-index that is caused by the concerned type of SW stream. Semi-phenomenological relations have been obtained, which relate parameters of type SW stream sources to characteristics of geomagnetic storms:storm commencement, the time at which the storm intensity reaches its maximum values, the storm duration,as well as to the storm amplitude expressed in terms of geomagnetic indeces.   相似文献   

We describe the “Monitor e Imageador de Raios-X” (MIRAX), an X-ray astronomy satellite mission proposed by the high-energy astrophysics group at the National Institute for Space Research (INPE) in Brazil to the Brazilian Space Agency. MIRAX is an international collaboration that includes, besides INPE, the University of California San Diego, the University of Tübingen in Germany, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Space Research Organization Netherlands. The payload of MIRAX will consist of two identical hard X-ray cameras (10–200 keV) and one soft X-ray camera (2–28 keV), both with angular resolution of 5–7. The basic objective of MIRAX is to carry out continuous broadband imaging spectroscopy observations of a large source sample (9 months/yr) in the central Galactic plane region. This will allow the detection, localization, possible identification, and spectral/temporal study of the entire history of transient phenomena to be carried out in one single mission. MIRAX will have sensitivities of 5 mCrab/day in the 2–10 keV band (2 times better than the All Sky Monitor on Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer) and 2.6 mCrab/day in the 10–100 keV band (40 times better than the Earth Occultation technique of the Burst and Transient Source Experiment on the Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory). The MIRAX spacecraft will weigh about 200 kg and is expected to be launched in a low-altitude (600 km) circular equatorial orbit around 2007/2008.  相似文献   

The “twin jet model” for SS 433 is briefly described, and its likely superiorority to other models demonstrated. It is then used as a framework within which the implications of the main observational results are discussed. Many theoretical questions about SS 433 are raised, but only few are answered.  相似文献   

To develop an understanding of near-Earth space's response to solar activities and the coupling among different layers in geospace, China has initiated a ground base program to monitor China's geospace environment called the Meridian Space Weather Monitoring Project (Chinese Meridian Project). The effort consists of a chain of 15 ground-based observatories located roughly along 120°E longitude and 30°N latitude. Each observatory is equipped with multiple instruments to measure key parameters such as the baseline and time-varying geomagnetic field, as well as the middle and upper atmosphere and ionosphere from about 20 to 1000 kilometers. This project started collecting data in 2012. We will give a brief introduction to the Chinese Meridian Project, and present recent scientific results mainly in ionospheric and atmospheric studies.   相似文献   

The thermonuclear model for x-ray burster and “soft transient” is discussed. The mass accretion rate M, the chemical composition of accreted matter, the gravitational potential of the neutron star and thermal state of outer layer / or core/ are the main parameters which determine the burning regime. Importance of nuclear network used for the properties of subsequent flashes is pointed out.  相似文献   

On five occasions in 1977 and 1978, Cygnus X-1 was observed using the Low-Energy Detectors of the UCSD/MIT Hard X-Ray and Low-Energy Gamma-Ray Experiment on the HEAO-1 satellite. Rapid (0.08 s ≤ t ≤ 1000 s) variability was found in the 10 – 140 keV band. The power spectrum was “white” for 10−3 Hz < f ≤ 5 × 10−2 Hz and was proportional to f−1 for 5 × 10−2 Hz ≤ f < 3 Hz, indicating correlations on all time scales < 20 s. If the emission is produced by Comptonization of a soft photon flux in a hot cloud, the heating of the cloud cannot be constant; it must vary on time scales up to 20 seconds. A variable accretion rate could cause the observed effects.  相似文献   

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