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1996年春节航天京区计量座谈会上的讲话刘晓林1996年是实施“九五”计划的第一年,是贯彻落实《航天总公司改革与发展纲要》的一年,也是航天型号研制生产任务十分繁重和非常关键的一年。工作繁重,形势严峻。为确保各项工作按时完成,圆满成功,总公司下发了19...  相似文献   

国外新型运载火箭研制计划与发展现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵颖 《国际太空》2002,(10):22-27
□□20世纪90年代中期,美、欧、日、俄开始研制新一代运载火箭。至今,这些火箭的研制已取得了重大发展。新型运载火箭的型号种类高达20余种,其中既包括中小型运载火箭,又包括大型或超大型运载火箭。由于具有更高的性能和更低的发射价格,因而新型运载火箭的陆续登场必将对未来的国际航天发射市场产生重大影响。 1 美国“改进型一次性使用运载火箭”计划 1.1 计划背景 1994年,美国空军提出研制“改进型一次性使用运载火箭”(EELV)。其任务是,通过竞争的方式选择方案并在21世纪初研制成功一系列可以代替现役“大力神”、“德尔他…  相似文献   

反馈位移传感器是伺服机构系统的重要组成部分,在航天型号的研制中发挥着重要作用。对目前伺服机构系统配套反馈位移传感器的功能原理、特点及应用情况进行了介绍,并对其它类型的位移传感器的性能特点进行了分析,探讨了其用于航天伺服机构系统的可行性。同时,对伺服反馈位移传感器的发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

计量保证工作是航天型号任务质量保障的基础,关系着型号任务的成败。主要介绍了航天型号任务中计量保证工作的现状和不足,结合航天型号任务的全流程工作,提出在型号任务各环节的计量保证工作建议。  相似文献   

建立了“四体系一平台”航天计量保证体系,成为保障航天型号研制生产的重要技术基础。面临科技创新、军民融合等战略发展机遇,航天计量将发挥自身优势,为型号产品研制生产和国防科技工业发展助力护航。  相似文献   

1M-5运载火箭的研制计划和设计目标1997年2月14日,日本利用M-5固体运载火箭在鹿儿岛航天中心成功发射了1颗称为Muses-B的射电天文卫星。M-5是日本最新研制的一种新型运载火箭,而且它也是目前世界上最大的固体运载火箭。1987年以前,由于受日本航天政策的限制,日本宇宙科学研究所(ISAS)只能生产外部直径不超过1.4m的一次性运载火箭。但随着ISAS发射任务的增加,日本空间活动委员会重新修改了空间政策,并确定ISAS能够生产直径达到2.5m的运载火箭。M巧的设计即反映了新的航天政策。M-5是日本M系列运载火箭中第6个型号,前5…  相似文献   

阿斯特里姆航天运输公司将根据与欧空局新签的1.12亿欧元(约1.5亿美元)合同继续研制阿里安5火箭的升级型号,即“阿里安5中期演进(ME)”。阿里安5ME计划2008年底获欧空局成员国政府的部分批准。  相似文献   

针对航天型号产品研制过程的质量成本管控方法展开研究,构建了面向航天型号研制过程的多层次、变粒度、闭环控制的质量成本管控总体模型,该模型将集团-院-厂所3级组织体系与型号研制过程和质量成本管理策略融为一体.针对不同管控层次在控制粒度、过程与内容的不同,分别给出了面向集团、院、厂所的质量成本管控方案.方案将管控过程分成事前、事中和事后3个阶段,并将相应的分析方法、工具、信息融入各阶段,从而构成了各层次质量成本管控闭环.设计开发了支持多级协同的分布式质量成本管理系统——QQ-WebCost,并成功应用于某企业信息化建设项目中.   相似文献   

为了有效地解决在航天系统以及其它复杂大系统的研制中由于量值不准确、不统一、不衔接、不协调所带来的问题,以航天系统型号试验为例,对系统的研制和鉴定以及系统工程中统一计量的必要性、主要内容和工作步骤进行了阐述。开展统一计量工作能够提高系统研制的质量、试验和运行的成功率,加快研制速度,并可大量节约资金。论述内容对其它各分系统、武器系统和民用大系统的研制和运行也可提供参考。  相似文献   

《航天标准化》是航天工业部标准化研究所主办的综合性标准化技术刊物。本刊主要宣传国家和航天专业标准化的工作方针政策及标准化工作在型号研制、生产管理中的作用;交流开展标准化工作的经验;刊登航天标准化科研成果、学术论文和技术报告;介绍航天专业标准的制(修)订、贯彻的情况、方法和经验;报道国外航天标准工作动态、情  相似文献   

This paper proposes a procedure for managing the risk of reentering space objects and risk assessment methodologies used for the process. The proposed procedure comprises three phases encompassing the whole reentry stages of space objects. Mathematical models for assessing the impact risk of the reentering space objects by utilizing the information available during different risk management phases and the recommended risk analysis results for public communication are presented. The concept of the conditional casualty expectation is proposed as the metric representing the reentry risk and the method to compute its profile is introduced. A case study on the risk management procedure with the dataset on an actual reentry event is conducted to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed procedure.  相似文献   

风险分析是大型工程,特别是具有高风险的航天系统可行性研究、案论证和方案评审等的主要内容之一。已经开发的对费用、进度、性能进行综合风险分析的计算机软件,如GERT,VERT,RISNET,SLAM 等,要求分析人员经过专门的培训,且工作量大,使用不便。文章给出了等风险轮廓线法、风险参数法和概率事件分析法三种快速、简便的风险分析方法,适合于一般工程技术人员,特别是管理人员在实际工作中应用。  相似文献   

航天器微流星体及空间碎片环境与风险分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
微流星体及空间碎片的高速撞击威胁着长寿命、大尺寸航天器的安全运行 ,导致其严重的损伤和灾难性的失效。文章对低地球轨道微流星体及空间碎片环境进行了分析 ,给出了微流星体及空间碎片对航天器威胁方向的确定方法 ,得到了空间碎片撞击航天器相对撞击角的概率分布以及地球对微流星体遮挡的影响。编制了风险分析软件 ,以采用单防护屏防护结构的柱状低地球轨道航天器为例进行风险分析。  相似文献   

本文一般性地介绍了国际空间保险业务的新近发展和现状,并浅近地谈了一些空间保险、风险等有关问题。  相似文献   

Like all natural hazards, space weather exhibits occasional extreme events over timescales of decades to centuries. Historical events provoked much interest, and sometimes alarm, because bright aurora becomes visible at mid-latitudes. However, they had little economic impact because the major technologies of those eras were not sensitive to space weather. This is no longer true. The widespread adoption of advanced technological infrastructures over the past 40 years has created significant sensitivity. So these events now have the potential to disrupt those infrastructures – and thus have profound economic and societal impact. However, like all extreme hazards, such events are rare, so we have limited data on which to build our understanding of the events. This limitation is uniquely serious for space weather since it is a global phenomenon. Many other natural hazards (e.g. flash floods) are highly localised, so statistically significant datasets can be assembled by combining data from independent instances of the hazard recorded over a few decades. Such datasets are the foundation on which reliable risk assessment methodologies are built. But we have a single instance of space weather so we would have to make observations for many centuries in order to build a statistically significant dataset. We show that it is not practicable to assess the risk from extreme events using simple statistical methods. Instead we must exploit our knowledge of solar-terrestrial physics to find other ways to assess these risks. We discuss three alternative approaches: (a) use of proxy data, (b) studies of other solar systems, and (c) use of physics-based modelling. We note that the proxy data approach is already well-established as a technique for assessing the long-term risk from radiation storms, but does not yet provide any means to assess the risk from severe geomagnetic storms. This latter risk is more suited to the other approaches, but significant research is needed to make progress. We need to develop and expand techniques to monitoring key space weather features in other solar systems (stellar flares, radio emissions from planetary aurorae). And to make progress in modelling severe space weather, we need to focus on the physics that controls severe geomagnetic storms, e.g. how can dayside and tail reconnection be modulated to expand the region of open flux to envelop mid-latitudes?  相似文献   

Methods used to project risks in low-Earth orbit are of questionable merit for exploration missions because of the limited radiobiology data and knowledge of galactic cosmic ray (GCR) heavy ions, which causes estimates of the risk of late effects to be highly uncertain. Risk projections involve a product of many biological and physical factors, each of which has a differential range of uncertainty due to lack of data and knowledge. Using the linear-additivity model for radiation risks, we use Monte-Carlo sampling from subjective uncertainty distributions in each factor to obtain an estimate of the overall uncertainty in risk projections. The resulting methodology is applied to several human space exploration mission scenarios including a deep space outpost and Mars missions of duration of 360, 660, and 1000 days. The major results are the quantification of the uncertainties in current risk estimates, the identification of factors that dominate risk projection uncertainties, and the development of a method to quantify candidate approaches to reduce uncertainties or mitigate risks. The large uncertainties in GCR risk projections lead to probability distributions of risk that mask any potential risk reduction using the "optimization" of shielding materials or configurations. In contrast, the design of shielding optimization approaches for solar particle events and trapped protons can be made at this time and promising technologies can be shown to have merit using our approach. The methods used also make it possible to express risk management objectives in terms of quantitative metrics, e.g., the number of days in space without exceeding a given risk level within well-defined confidence limits.  相似文献   

The space radiobiology program in Russia is aimed at obtaining fundamental data for developing radiation safety criteria. These criteria are necessary for long-term space missions. This program includes : -substantiation of radiation hazard estimation principles based on the radiation risk conception, -investigation of the radiation affection regularities under the combined influence of the spaceflight factors, -experimental investigation of the HZE-particle delayed effects and acute somatic effects induced by protons and electrons, -individual radiosensitivity investigation, -mathematic modeling of radiobiological effects , -radiobiological basis of control and forecast of radiation influence in space, -development of methods and means of an organism's radioresistance increase.  相似文献   

创新通信技术在国家重大空间技术开发计划中有着巨大的需求。本文综述了基于网络编码的空间通信技术,旨在探索未来基于网络编码的空间通信技术的可行性和潜力。首先讨论了空间通信的特点,并给出了不同编码方法的概述;详细介绍了基于网络编码的批量稀疏编码(BATS码)创新技术。BATS码作为一种潜在的应用技术可以很好地解决多跳中继网络中严重丢包问题;给出一个BATS码原型设计和实现,实验结果证明BATS码比现有技术具有明显优势;最后,讨论了BATS码在空间通信中的应用前景。  相似文献   

NASA's Office of Space Science is changing its approach to all its missions, both current and future. Budget realities are necessitating that we change the way we do business and the way we look at NASA's role in the U.S. Government. These challenges are being met by a new and innovative approach that focuses on achieving a balanced world-class space science program that requires less U.S. resources while providing an enhanced role for technology and education as integral components of our Research and Development (R&D) programs. Our Mars exploration plans, especially the Mars Surveyor program, are a key feature of this new NASA approach to space science. The Mars Surveyor program will be affordable, engaging to the public with global and close-up images of Mars, have high scientific value, employ a distributed risk strategy (two launches per opportunity), and will use significant advanced technologies.  相似文献   

航天员受银河宇宙线辐射的剂量计算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在近地空间(LEO)和深空探测中,航天员遭受的辐射风险主要来自于银河宇宙线(GCR)照射.银河宇宙线的辐射剂量是航天员辐射风险评价的基础.国际放射防护委员会(ICRP)于2013年提出了新的航天员空间辐射剂量估算方法,以更准确给出空间重离子辐射的剂量.基于此方法,开发了宇宙线粒子在物质中输运的蒙特卡罗程序,并在程序中实现用中国成年男性人体数字模型来仿真航天员.采用该程序计算了粒子(Z=1~92)各向同性照射航天员时器官的通量-器官剂量转换因数,并估算出航天员在近地轨道空间受银河宇宙线辐射的剂量.  相似文献   

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