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英国维珍银河公司1月23日公布了其亚轨道太空旅游飞船及其载机的设计.根据设计,未来想找刺激的人将可以乘坐一种漂亮的飞船到太空边缘观光旅游.称为"太空船二号"的飞船将挂载在庞大的"白骑士二号"双体载机下部升空.  相似文献   

21世纪初,美国、俄罗斯、欧洲(含各国)、日本以及印度等国家或地区纷纷出台了一系列新的深空探测发展战略和相应的规划与计划.为了实现这些战略和计划,首要之举就是突破关键技术.目前各国正在为月球、火星和更远天体的科学探测任务研发各类关键技术.  相似文献   

电子系统的电磁脉冲效应及防护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
侯民胜  问建 《航天电子对抗》2007,23(3):15-17,24
电磁脉冲对电子系统具有很强的干扰和破坏作用.为研究电磁脉冲对电子系统的影响,进行了静电放电电磁脉冲对单片机系统的辐照效应实验.实验表明,单片机系统在静电放电电磁脉冲作用下,会出现多种故障现象.在效应实验基础上,研究了单片机加固技术.  相似文献   

作者根据多年的实践经验,对该文献中重要部分进行了点评,指出:空间系统的结构设计要"严格"按照环境设计来进行考核,而环境试验的目的除了筛选工艺质量之外,更重要的是验证设计载荷是否合理.文章还分别对声、振动和冲击试验中的关键步骤和内容进行了解析和说明.  相似文献   

引言遂宁近距导航台为NDB导航台,始建于1980年5月,于1982年正式启用。该台站站址距遂宁机场跑道北端1025m,台站工作频率为465kHz,识别信号为M。于2002年8月26日因校飞时信号偏  相似文献   


(八)综合电子系统技术 综合电子系统将深空探测器的遥测、遥控、自主控制和管理等功能综合在一个以微处理机为主的系统中,达到信息共享.关键技术包括嵌入式计算机系统技术、数据总线技术、大容量存储技术和微型元器件技术.发展方向是小型化和集成化.  相似文献   

俄罗斯主管军事工业的第一副总理伊万诺夫1月23日在俄联邦航天局理事会会议上说,如航天发射仍是俄在该领域的唯一业务,俄将有变成"太空出租司机"的危险.他说:"俄航天局如今赚得的大部分收入是靠发射外国卫星.  相似文献   

<正>CASC formally issued its fifth annual Social Responsibility Report for 2013 in 2014.The Report comprehensively introduced CASC activities and achievements in 2013 with respect to the county’s interests for responsibility and peaceful development,economic responsibility and sustainable development,social responsibility and harmonious development,environmental responsibility and green development.Besides drawing a conclusion for the year,the report also  相似文献   

The Beijing Institute of Space Mechanics and Electricity,CAST completed the first phase tests of the landing stability testing for the 3rd phase of the Lunar Exploration Project.The tests fully verified the impacts on the Chang’e 5 probe landing stability of the landing initial parameters of the simulator in 8 working states and 18 operating modes,landing surface terrain and mechanical param-  相似文献   

A ground hot firing test of an overall rocket engine using liquid oxygen and coal-derived kerosene as propellant was conducted on April 12,2015.The success of the test proved that coal-derived kerosene could be used for aerospace application as petroleum-derived aerospace kerosene.It was the first attempt not only for China but also for the whole world to use coal-derived kerosene in  相似文献   

<正>As an important event,to record achievement of national space efforts of the year,the China Space News has organized an appraisal of the national top ten space news each year for several years now.In early January 2015,the top ten space news for 2014 were voted and announced by the selection committee,chaired by Yu Menglong,Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   

GF-4 Undergoes Test GF-4 is the first geosynchronous orbit Earth observation satellite with high resolution.The Beijing Institute of Control Engineering,CAST conducted a verification test for the complete satellite fuelling procedure,simulated the whole cycle of parallel propellant tanks filling of the propulsion subsystem.  相似文献   

<正>It was announced at the beginning of 2015 that CAST had completed installation of payload equipment of the application system onboard Tiangong 2 space lab,which had been delivered for electric test.It was a key point in the integation process of the Tiangong 2 space lab.Compared with the former Tiangong 1 target spacecraft,the application system of Tiangong 2 consists of brand  相似文献   

航天飞机在进入太空飞行后不久,各种与航天或航天员相关的太空微重力研究便应运而生,航天员的生理和心理需求自然也成为备受关注的焦点之一。为保持航天员良好的工作状态,NASA在分析航天员对太空生活及食品的反馈后认为,如果能够像  相似文献   

<正>The service module of Chang’e 5-T1 has been conducting an in-orbit demonstration for the Chang’e-5 mission since it was left in space.The service module departed Earth-Moon L2 point finishing its extended L2 point fly-by tests on January 4and entered a 127-minute circumlunar round orbit on January 13 with an altitude of 200km and inclined angle of 43.7degrees after three braking actions at perilune on January 11,12 and 13.During the L2 point fly-by,the cameras on-  相似文献   

<正>China’s most advanced Earth observation satellite,GF-2,was put into service on March 6,2015.The GF-2 satellite is the second of seven satellites that will be launched for the High Resolution Earth Observation project mission before 2020.The project was initiated in May 2010 and GF-1 was launched  相似文献   

<正>The FY-2G meteorological satellite was launched into space by a LM-3A launch vehicle at 09:02(Beijing time)on December 31,2014 from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center.24 minutes after the liftoff,the satellite separated from the rocket and entered its preset orbit.The satellite was positioned in a geosynchronous orbit above the  相似文献   

The manufacturer of the FY-2G meteorological satellite delivered the satellite to its customer CMA at an in-orbit delivery ceremony held on April 29 in Beijing.The FY-2G meteorological satellite developed by the Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology(SAST),is the second satellite in the third batch of FY-2geostationary meteorological satellite program and was launched on Decem-  相似文献   

美国加速研制"标准导弹"3   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2007年12月18日,日本采用"标准导弹"3(SM-3)BlocklA导弹对中程弹道导弹成功地进行了拦截试验.此次试验成功标志着日本成为世界上第二个能在海上拦截导弹的国家,也表明日美防务合作取得了重大进展.同时,此次试验对亚洲乃至世界的军事格局都将产生深刻的影响.  相似文献   

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