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The purpose of the integrated physiologico-hygienic and biotechnological laboratory experiment was to evaluate the effect of life support subsytems placed inside a sealed cabin on the cabin environment and, consequently, on the human performance and activity, and also to assess the operability of subsystems by the crewmen and disclose any resulting difficulties.  相似文献   

This research was aimed at obtaining a closed control system. This was achieved by placing all the technological processes providing for human vital activities within the hermetically sealed space, and by transferring the entire control and guidance of these processes to people inhabiting the system. In contrast to existing biological life support systems, man has been included not only as a participant of metabolism, but as an operator who is the central figure in collecting information, making decisions and controlling all technological processes. To tackle this problem, the "BIOS-3" experimental complex was created for performing long-term experiments using different structures of biological life-support system. The experiment lasted six months and consisted of three stages. During the first stage the system was comprised of two equivalent phytotrons with the culture of wheat and an assortment of vegetable plants, and the living compartment. At the second stage, one of the phytotrons was removed while a compartment of chlorella cultivators was introduced. The third stage differed from the second, the former using wheat phytotron and the latter employing phytotron with an assortment of vegetable cultures. Three men inhabited the system simultaneously. The experiment demonstrated that a biological life support system controlled autonomously from the inside is feasible within a small confined space. However, immunological and microbiological research shows, that the medium created by the system is not fully adequate for man. In conclusion, some prospects have been outlined for further studies of biological life support systems.  相似文献   

长期空间飞行会对航天员的身心健康造成一定的不利影响,开展航天员生命保障的研究是非常必要的。核磁共振技术是疾病检查诊断的重要手段,同样在航天员生命保障医疗中将发挥重要的作用。文章结合国内外相关研究进展以及航天员选拔、训练和航天员医监医保的相关知识,探究了超导核磁共振技术在航天员生命保障中的应用前景。  相似文献   

Differences in the isotope content of the biogenous chemicals of cosmonaut habitats are given a theoretical consideration. Rationale is given to the hypothesis according to which the biochemical and biophysical processes in plants. animals, and humans must be impacted by the isotopes of all the biogenous chemicals in cosmonaut habitats. Organisms were found to persistently make preference of lighter fractions of stable isotopes from the biogenous chemicals. In most of the compounds the light fraction of stable isotopes constitutes the greater portion by mass. However, the optimal isotope composition of biogenous chemicals is still unknown and necessitates biochemical, toxicological, biological and other kinds of research. The functions of a life support system should also include production and maintenance of an optimal isotope composition for habitats, i.e. water, oxygen, food stuffs in order to improve metabolism in and performance of cosmonauts.  相似文献   

This paper presents a revolutionary architecture of the end-to-end ground system to reduce overall mission support costs. The present ground system of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) is costly to operate, maintain, deploy, reproduce, and document. In the present climate of shrinking NASA budgets, this proposed architecture takes on added importance as it should dramatically reduce all of the above costs. Currently, the ground support functions (i.e., receiver, tracking, ranging, telemetry, command, monitor and control) are distributed among several subsystems that are housed in individual rack-mounted chassis. These subsystems can be integrated into one portable laptop system using established Multi Chip Module (MCM) packaging technology and object-based software libraries. The large scale integration of subsystems into a small portable system connected to the World Wide Web (WWW) will greatly reduce operations, maintenance and reproduction costs. Several of the subsystems can be implemented using Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) products further decreasing non-recurring engineering costs. The inherent portability of the system will open up new ways for using the ground system at the “point-of-use” site as opposed to maintaining several large centralized stations. This eliminates the propagation delay of the data to the Principal Investigator (PI), enabling the capture of data in real-time and performing multiple tasks concurrently from any location in the world. Sample applications are to use the portable ground system in remote areas or mobile vessels for real-time correlation of satellite data with earth-bound instruments; thus, allowing near real-time feedback and control of scientific instruments. This end-to-end portable ground system will undoubtedly create opportunities for better scientific observation and data acquisition.  相似文献   

为全面评价网络电磁空间作战情报保障的效能,提出将网络电磁空间作战情报保障效能评估指标体系划分为三层结构,并进一步研究各层次的效能指标,最终形成完整的效能评估指标体系.  相似文献   

建立了某型号运载火箭动力系统试验用承力环的非破坏性静力试验方案,以评估该承力环的强度和刚度。为模拟发动机关机时的载荷冲击,将静力试验最大载荷设定为发动机额定总推力的2倍,包含水平和垂直两个分量,均分为8个载荷步加载。在承力环上设置了27个三向应变测点和12个轴向位移测点,以监测一些关键点的应力和位移。测量结果显示,在最大载荷下,当量应力达到303 MPa,低于材料屈服强度;轴向变形达到3.16 mm,低于设计许用变形;应力最大点位于支腿销孔处。对销孔孔距的变化进行了测量,并对附近的钢板表面进行了MT探伤。数据结果表明,该承力环在两倍的动力系统试验额定载荷下有足够的强度和刚度,可用于该试验。  相似文献   

弋东明 《火箭推进》2005,31(1):52-54
给出了解决大型振动试验中静支撑和稳定性问题的方法及悬挂辅助支撑系统的设计过程和使用范围。  相似文献   

NASA has had a decades-long problem with cost growth during the development of space science missions. Numerous agency-sponsored studies have produced average mission level cost growths ranging from 23% to 77%.A new study of 26 historical NASA Science instrument set developments using expert judgment to reallocate key development resources has an average cost growth of 73.77%. Twice in history, a barter-based mechanism has been used to reallocate key development resources during instrument development. The mean instrument set development cost growth was −1.55%. Performing a bivariate inference on the means of these two distributions, there is statistical evidence to support the claim that using a barter-based mechanism to reallocate key instrument development resources will result in a lower expected cost growth than using the expert judgment approach.Agent-based discrete event simulation is the natural way to model a trade environment. A NetLogo agent-based barter-based simulation of science instrument development was created. The agent-based model was validated against the Cassini historical example, as the starting and ending instrument development conditions are available. The resulting validated agent-based barter-based science instrument resource reallocation simulation was used to perform 300 instrument development simulations, using barter to reallocate development resources. The mean cost growth was −3.365%. A bivariate inference on the means was performed to determine that additional significant statistical evidence exists to support a claim that using barter-based resource reallocation will result in lower expected cost growth, with respect to the historical expert judgment approach.Barter-based key development resource reallocation should work on spacecraft development as well as it has worked on instrument development. A new study of 28 historical NASA science spacecraft developments has an average cost growth of 46.04%. As barter-based key development resource reallocation has never been tried in a spacecraft development, no historical results exist, and a simulation of using that approach must be developed. The instrument development simulation should be modified to account for spacecraft development market participant differences. The resulting agent-based barter-based spacecraft resource reallocation simulation would then be used to determine if significant statistical evidence exists to prove a claim that using barter-based resource reallocation will result in lower expected cost growth.  相似文献   

Many aspects of the biomedical systems developed and realized aboard orbital stations, the International space station in the first place, deserve to be regarded as predecessors of the systems for health monitoring and maintenance of future exploration crews. At the same time, there are issues and tasks which have not been yet fully resolved. Specifically, these are prevention of the adverse changes in body systems and organs due to microgravity, reliable protection from the spectrum of space radiation, and elucidation of possible effects of hypomagnetic environment. We should not walk away from search and development of key biomedical technologies such as a system of automated fitness evaluation and a psychodiagnostic complex for testing and optimization of operator′s efficiency, and others. We have to address a large number of issues related to designing the composite life support systems of the utmost autonomy, closure and ecological safety of the human environment that will provide transformation of all kinds of waste. Another crucial task is to define a concept of the onboard medical center and dataware including the telemedicine technology. All the above developments should assimilate the most recent achievements in physiology, molecular biology, genetics, and advanced medical technologies. Biomedical researches on biosatellites also do not lose topicality.  相似文献   

《Space Policy》2014,30(3):143-145
The human exploration of space is pushing the boundaries of what is technically feasible. The space industry is preparing for the New Space era, the momentum for which will emanate from the commercial human spaceflight sector, and will be buttressed by international solar system exploration endeavours. With many distinctive technical challenges to be overcome, human spaceflight requires that numerous biological and physical systems be examined under exceptional circumstances for progress to be made. To effectively tackle such an undertaking significant intra- and international coordination and collaboration is required. Space life and biomedical science research and development (R & D) will support the Global Exploration Roadmap (GER) by enabling humans to ‘endure’ the extreme activity that is long duration human spaceflight. In so doing the field will discover solutions to some of our most difficult human health issues, and as a consequence benefit society as a whole. This space-specific R&D will drive a significant amount of terrestrial biomedical research and as a result the international community will not only gain benefits in the form of improved healthcare in space and on Earth, but also through the growth of its science base and industry.  相似文献   

Analysis of a spacecraft life support system for a Mars mission   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This report summarizes a trade study conducted as part of the Fall 2002 semester Spacecraft Life Support System Design course (ASEN 5116) in the Aerospace Engineering Sciences Department at the University of Colorado. It presents an analysis of current life support system technologies and a preliminary design of an integrated system for supporting humans during transit to and on the surface of the planet Mars. This effort was based on the NASA Design Reference Mission (DRM) for the human exploration of Mars [NASA Design Reference Mission (DRM) for Mars, Addendum 3.0, from the world wide web: http://exploration.jsc.nasa.gov/marsref/contents.html.]. The integrated design was broken into four subsystems: Water Management, Atmosphere Management, Waste Processing, and Food Supply. The process started with the derivation of top-level requirements from the DRM. Additional system and subsystem level assumptions were added where clarification was needed. Candidate technologies were identified and characterized based on performance factors. Trade studies were then conducted for each subsystem. The resulting technologies were integrated into an overall design solution using mass flow relationships. The system level trade study yielded two different configurations--one for the transit to Mars and another for the surface habitat, which included in situ resource utilization. Equivalent System Mass analyses were used to compare each design against an open-loop (non-regenerable) baseline system.  相似文献   

根据CIS(竞争情报系统)理论研究的新进展,按照CIS系统的设计思想与生命周期,通过需求分析、系统设计,运用Java组件技术,采用B/S结构,构建了一个基于intemet环境的CIS系统.  相似文献   

文章回顾了作为人造地球卫星重要分支的遥感卫星及其相关的遥感技术和遥感产业的国内外发展历程,结合未来技术发展趋势和我国新时代发展需求,分别针对高端卫星和商业卫星,探讨我国卫星遥感系统发展进阶路径,提出值得关注的重大技术方向,旨在为卫星系统规划、遥感载荷部署、卫星应用拓展等提供借鉴。  相似文献   

反导系统中的目标识别技术及其发展趋势   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
指出了反导系统目标识别的难点和特点。回顾了反导系统中的红外识别技术和雷达识别技术,并探讨了反导系统目标识别技术的发展趋势。  相似文献   

谭永华 《火箭推进》2010,36(1):1-7,24
从基础理论与设计准则创建、提高产品质量与可靠性、支撑关键技术攻关及引领技术创新发展等层面论述了液体动力技术基础研究的重要性。介绍了俄罗斯、美国、欧洲及日本等相关领域的发展概况,并与国内基础研究情况进行了比较。从优化整合资源、创新体制机制、强化队伍建设及增加研究经费等方面,提出了提升我国液体动力技术基础研究平台能力的对策。  相似文献   

应急系统最大的作用就是应急,平时都是处于热备份的状态。那么。是否可以考虑其它用途,更好地发挥应急系统的作用呢?笔者就如何开发应急系统的延伸服务.并就实践应用与大家进行交流,以供参考。  相似文献   

无人机任务规划系统研究及发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胡中华  赵敏 《航天电子对抗》2009,25(4):49-51,54
无人机任务规划系统是指根据所要完成的任务、无人机的数量及任务载荷的不同,对各架无人机进行任务分配并通过航路规划技术制定飞行路线。首先介绍了无人机任务规划系统的基本功能及组成结构。然后,详细分析了任务规划系统的建模技术及其优化算法的研究现状。最后指出了讨论了无人机任务规划存在的问题,并阐述了无人机任务规划系统的发展趋势。  相似文献   

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