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The factors which affect the target-handling capacity of an agile-beamelectronically scanned multitarget-tracking radar are reviewed and analyze.Consideration is given to the choice of strategy for dwell allocation amongtargets, the choice of trajectory extrapolation algorithms for target tracking, and the determination of saturation target acquisition rates. Emphasisis placed upon radar systems with control computers having limited speed and memory, and recommendations are made for allocation strategy and targetytracking algorithms, based on uniform sampling, to be used in maximizing thetarget-handling capacity in this situation.  相似文献   

For a planar-array antenna with a monopulse feed horn, this study describes a simple algorithm for the determination of the direction of target echoes. Antenna pattern measurements of the array indicate that the direction sines of a received wavefront can be independently obtained with one simple relation between a normalized difference channel output and a direction sine. This paper determines the accuracy of the algorithm.  相似文献   

A model is presented for estimating the intercept probabilities of radiowave-acquisition receiving systems. The specific architecture of each of the receiving systems is not important, but there must be two or more of them and they must operate in such a manner that for each trial (event) they alarm independently from a statistical point of view. The data giving the number of alarms for each receiver and the number of receivers alarming for each trial is all that is required. These data are used to form estimates of the conditional probabilities of intercept and simultaneous alarm. A least mean square estimator is then used to find the unconditional intercept probabilities.  相似文献   

在多频探测环境下,无源探测接收系统的输出端将产生由于互调和交调而导致的虚假干扰。文中首先给出了两种实际工程上可行的测试方法;并探讨了非线性失真产生的机理及其对整个接收系统所产生的影响,对三阶互调、三阶截点和1 dB压缩点三个衡量接收机线性度的指标作了全面分析;最后研究了系统的三阶截点与各模块的三阶截点、增益以及接收机各级的选择性等指标间的关系。  相似文献   

Adaptive Phased-Array Tracking in ECM using Negative Information   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Target tracking with adaptive phased-array radars in the presence of standoff jamming presents both challenges and opportunities to the track filter designer. A measurement likelihood function is derived for this situation which accounts for the effect of both positive and negative contact information. This likelihood function is approximated a? a weighted sum of Gaussian terms consisting of both positive and negative weights, accounting for the positive and negative contact information. Additionally, recent theoretical results have been reported which have derived an accurate measurement error covariance in the vicinity of the jammer when adaptive beamforming is used by the radar to null the effects of the jammer. We compare the impact of using a likelihood function that accounts for negative contact information and the corrected measurement error covariance by comparing five Kalman filter-based trackers in five different scenarios. We show that only those track filters which use both the negative contact information and the corrected measurement error covariance are effective in maintaining track on a maneuvering target as it passes through the jamming region. This approach can also be generalized to any target tracking problem where the sensor response is anisotropic.  相似文献   

刘辉  张复春  黄国华 《航空学报》2009,30(3):484-489
建立了基于空时分组编码的多输入多输出正交频分复用(MIMO-OFDM)发射模型,提出了基于该发射模型和软输入软输出(SISO)技术的多用户似然迭代接收算法,该算法通过采用分组接收和简化的SISO多用户检测算法,使得接收算法具有较低的复杂度和较快的收敛性能。给出了该算法的具体实现框图,通过仿真实验验证了该算法的快速收敛性和有效性。  相似文献   

设计了基于耦合振荡器阵列的非线性有源天线阵接收波束形成系统,详细分析了阵列线性相位分布控制技术,最后对该接收系统的性能进行了计算机仿真验证。  相似文献   

The effect of an anisotropic reverberation pattern on the performance of various signal processing systems for linear sonar arrays was studied. It was determined that the use of clipping at each array element could seriously affect the performance of the system in comparison on to a similar analog system.  相似文献   

A space diversity method of receiving and processing ILS localizer information has been developed and flight tested. Multiple lateral ly separated antennas are used which sense the ILS signal on and around the approach path. Combining these signals suppresses ILS beam distortion produced by multipath signal interference and provides much improved guidance information to the landing aircraft control system.  相似文献   

基于Intranet环境下教学评估系统设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了基于Intranet框架下,采用ASP技术,开发研制的教学评估系统的原理和设计过程,该系统已用于实际教学的评估。  相似文献   

针对低轨空间科学卫星在轨任意姿态无固定对天面造成的无法连续GPS(Global Positioning System,全球定位系统)定位的问题,在HXMT(Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope,硬X射线调制望远镜)卫星中提出了星载全空间可见的GPS接收系统,并指出了双天线多径干扰对定位精度的影响。建立模型,对双天线下主瓣直达信号和后瓣镜像干扰信号叠加合成的信号进行定位精度分析,结果表明,空间中83.3%以上的GPS卫星信号对该系统带来的定位误差影响不大于单天线的定位误差影响。通过半物理动态仿真验证以及外场试验进行验证,实际工程测试数据结果表明采用剔星策略后定位精度提高约13.4%。从而证明了星载全空间可见的GPS接收系统方案的正确性,并可广泛应用于工程实际。  相似文献   

A 136-MHz to 10-GHz simultaneous-lobing monopulse receiving system, utilizing polarization diversity in both coherent (phase-lock) and noncoherent (nonphase-lock) operational modes, has been developed for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Space Tracking and Data Acquisition Network (STADAN). This sum-and-difference monopulse system, called APDAR (Advanced Polarization Diversity Autotrack Receiver), utilizes a maximalratio polarization diversity combining technique that matches the receiving antenna polarization to the incoming variable polarization from a spin-stabilized or tumbling satellite. Autotrack performance becomes independent of the incoming polarization orientation by continuous in-phase addition of the carrier-signal components from orthogonal antenna elements. This technique relies upon the principle that fading does not occur simultaneously on oppositely polarized receiving channels. APDAR results in improved autotrack performance by eliminating adverse effects of severe (over 30-dB) cross-polarization fading. The predetection diversity combining technique employed provides an average 3-dB signal-to-noise (SNR) improvement. This paper describes a series of 136-MHz satellite tracking tests and analyzes a maximal-ratio predetection diversity combiner, a three-loop phase-lock loop system, and a frequency-switched radiometer.  相似文献   

产业互联网的推进需要管理方法、硬件平台和软件系统的支持。其中,PLM(Product Lifecycle Management)系统是重要的基础平台,可以为整个企业或者产业链的应用提供产品相关数据。同样,互联网环境中的应用也对PLM系统的功能提出新的需求,在应用广度上,促进PLM向前端的销售环节延伸,同时向生产和售后服务拓展,并结合智能终端、RFID与传感、移动互联等技术,呈现出更为丰富的应用特点。  相似文献   

以计算机辅助企业环境管理信息系统建设为方法,阐述了航空企业环境管理信息系统概念,系统分析了企业环境信息对航空工业企业决策的重要性,并讨论了浏览器/服务器模式系统的实施和结构,及环境管理信息系统的发展趋势.  相似文献   

A beamforming technique involving cross correlation of the outputs of two directional arrays is investigated. The performance characteristics of the crossarray system are determined and related to the characteristics of the two individual arrays. It is found that the crossarray beam pattern is the average (in decibels) of the beam patterns of the individual arrays, and that the crossarray gain (rejection of spatially distributed noise) is 1.5 dB greater than the average (in decibels) of the individual array gains. The most interesting applications for this system may be those where the two arrays are quite different, as in the case of a parametric acoustic receiving array (PARRAY) and a broadside line array.  相似文献   

问:处于大型飞机市场垄断地位的波音和空客两大公司对环境控制系统非常重视,并投入了大量的资金进行研究,环境系统的重要性由此可见一斑.请您介绍一下大型飞机上环控系统的重要性具体体现在那些方面?  相似文献   

徐晗  李强 《飞机设计》2021,41(1):54-56,65
风洞试验过程中某一个部分出现故障,极可能造成风洞设备的损坏,甚至人身伤害,带来不可弥补的损失.针对复杂环境风洞变化参数多、耦合关系复杂等特点,兼顾系统的可行性与可靠性的要求,构建了基于以太网的安全联锁系统.该系统对风洞各子系统的运行状态进行实时监控和实时处理,并对设备安全情况进行判断评估,是保障风洞运行安全的重要系统之...  相似文献   

某机增加了大量的需环控系统冷却的航空电子设备,改进设计方案是在原环控系统的基础上增装了一套高压除水制冷系统。对改进设计中的引气系统和高压除水制冷系统的参数调整和流量控制等关键技术进行了阐述。总结了前期方案论证充分、性能分析详细及试验验证充分的设计经验,并分析了由设计缺陷、试验验证不合理、工作界面模糊不清和成品可靠性不高等造成的设计教训。  相似文献   

介绍新制造环境的内容 ,分析了面向新制造环境传统成本管理体系的不足。并在此基础上说明了与新制造环境相适应的新的成本管理体系的特征和方法。  相似文献   

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