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采用球坐标下二维三分量理想MHD模型,研究部分开放多极背景磁场中日冕磁绳的灾变现象.背景磁场由含3个闭合双极场的冕流和带赤道中性电流片的开放场构成,磁绳位于中心双极场的下方,其特性由环向磁通和轴向磁通表征.对给定的环向磁通,存在轴向磁通的一个临界值;对给定的轴向磁通,也存在环向磁通的一个临界值.在该临界值以下,磁绳附着于太阳表面,系统处于平衡状态;该临界值一旦被超越,磁绳将脱离太阳表面向上喷发,说明部分开放多极背景磁场中的日冕磁绳系统存在灾变现象.本文算例表明,灾变点对应的磁能阈值超过对应部分开放场(中心双极场开放,两侧的双极场仍维持闭合)能量约15%,其超过部分可为日冕物质抛射一类太阳爆发提供能源.  相似文献   

本文数值研究了二维磁流体动力学平衡基态下开场区日面冷物质径向喷射所引起的日冕动力学响应。结果表明:(1)在高密度环前方有一弱扰动区近似以Alfvén速度向外传播;(2)高密度环前缘移动速度随着径向距离而增加, 其增加值近似为局地太阳风速度;(3)高密度环中等离子体的最大径向速度约在4个太阳半径处趋于局地逃逸速度;(4)对于强开放场, 环形结构在θ方向上没有明显的扩张。这些结果可以更好地解释伴随有日珥的日冕物质抛射事件。   相似文献   

本文综述了日冕瞬变现象的主要观测特征及其理论模型.日冕瞬变是从太阳日冕中向行星际空间大量抛出物质的过程,每次事件可有5×1015克的物质在103秒的时间内以约500公里/秒的典型速度被驱动流到日球中.日冕瞬变与太阳耀斑和爆发日珥事件有密切的相关性.作为一种新的太阳活动现象,近年来对日冕瞬变提出了许多理论解释.一种数值模拟方法将瞬变看成是由于热力学量或磁力在日冕底部的脉冲增长所产生的结果.许多分析模型认为是由磁环内部的电磁力或外部的磁压力驱动所致,或者是环中磁浮力驱动的结果.考虑到瞬变与耀斑和爆发日珥的相关性,活塞驱动模型认为,瞬变是稠密等离子体喷射,像活塞驱动机制.观测和理论都有待于进一步的研究.   相似文献   

日冕冲浪形成的磁流体动力学模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
应用二维时变可压缩磁流体动力学模拟,数值研究了双极-单极磁场中电阻撕裂模不稳定性引起的磁场重联过程,用于模拟日冕冲浪的形成.结果表明,在包含有三区——双极场、电流片和单极场的磁静力平衡初态下,双极场和单极场中的磁力线将会直接重联,磁场演变成鞭状(whip)结构.由弯曲磁力线支撑的等离子体团向上运动到最高位置后,逐渐下落和弥散.等离子体团上升速度可达到0.10vA(vA为双极场中的Alfv'én速度).模拟结果证实日冕冲浪的形成可能与双极-单极场中的磁场重联密切相关.   相似文献   

利用具有螺旋结构的宁静日珥观测资料,基于:(1)日珥内部的磁场位形具有无力性质;(2)日珥整体电流性质可用Kippenhahn-Schlüter模型描述;从理论上探讨了这些日珥的电流特性。并将所得结果与Kuperus-Raadu日珥模型进行了比较,结果表明:(i)日珥内部的磁场和电流确实具有无力性质;(ii)不考虑虚镜电流的Kippenhahn-Schlüter模型可能是描述宁静日珥电流特性的较好模型;(iii)可能存在两类导致日珥爆发的物理原因。   相似文献   

螺旋结构日珥爆发过程的物理本质   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
用Kuperus-Raadu模型描述日珥与背景场的互作用,Lundquist场描述日珥电流和磁场的分布,综合分析1980年8月18日爆发日珥的观测资料,讨论了该日珥爆发过程的物理本质。结果表明:(1)爆发日珥的物理原因是由于Lundouist场的kink不稳定性;(2)爆发过程中日珥磁能快速释放,从而导致电流强度不断减小,出现日珥上升并逐步趋于稳定;(3)日珥的爆发可能是导致CMEs的重要原因之一。   相似文献   

采用多步隐格式,对在瞬间形成的电流片的触发下的高剪切无力场的磁重联过程进行了数值模拟。磁重联首先在交界面处的非中性电流片区出现,然后向无力场区蔓延。在磁重联过程中,在无力场区形成一高温环状结构,物质向光球层流动。在高温环内侧的新喷发场区,物质向上流动。磁重联主要集中在初始电流片外侧的高剪切无力场区,高温环顶部的温度最高,位置基本固定。在磁重联的过程中,剪切磁场分量的空间梯度减小,无力场因子下降。  相似文献   

建立由太阳光球磁场和日冕偏振亮度等观测约束的单流体太阳风模型,包括日冕和太阳风的等离子体密度、速度和磁场,温度还有待于以后处理.这里采用高山观测台(HAO)MKⅢ的日冕偏振亮度(pB)在1.36Rs上的观测概图,根据Guhathakurta在1996年发展的日冕电子密度反演模型确定日冕的电子密度分布.同时采用Wilcox太阳观测台(WSO)的光球磁场视向分量的观测概图作为底部边界,根据Zhao等在1994年发展的水平电流-电流片(HCCS)模型得到全球磁场.Phillips在1995年及McComas在2003年分别用Ulysses第一次和第二次跨极飞行的观测发现,归一化到1 AU的太阳风动量流密度除了在10°~30°的纬度范围内略低以外几乎不变.根据这一结论,结合已经得到的密度数据,就可以得到日冕和太阳风的速度.将上面的模型应用于1918卡林顿自转周稳态太阳风的研究,结果与太阳活动极小期的观测基本相符,但是与观测相比较低速高密度区偏大,因此密度模型还有待改进.   相似文献   

给出了特殊类型的日冕物质抛射(CME)数值模拟定性结果,这种CME核心闭磁场结构前半部分磁力线的方向与太阳整体偶极场磁力线的方向相反.计算结果表明,这种CME核心闭磁场结构磁力线与太阳整体偶极场反向磁力线之间存在过渡磁场结构,在向外传播时过渡磁场结构所占的面积逐渐增大.这一结果可以用来解释飞船为什么能够观测到一类双极磁云,这类磁云前半部分磁场方向与太阳整体偶极场方向相反.为了模拟这一数值结果,强调需要采用包含嵌套闭磁场的冕流背景结构,并在合适的位置触发CME.  相似文献   

本文用多步隐格式求解包含电阻的磁流体力学方程组, 对双带耀斑的主相作数值模拟, 清晰地展示了中性片区由撕裂模线性重联向准稳态重联的过渡以及后随耀斑环的产生和等离子体团的喷发过程.对于在能量方程中计及和忽略焦耳加热两种情况, 分别作了计算.结果表明, 计及焦耳加热时, 电流片中等离子体的温度显著增加(是初始温度的2—3倍), 但等离子体的运动速度却变化不大.两种情况的计算结果均表明:等离子体的运动速度低于声速, 因此不会形成快激波.计及焦耳加热的计算结果显示了两个新的特征:其一是中性片高密度等离子体的受热膨胀, 增大了电流片的有效厚度, 它使重联速率降低, 并逐渐趋于饱和, 其二是同时形成上升和沉降等离子体团, 后者与耀斑环碰撞, 并合并于后随耀斑环内.   相似文献   

This paper examines a possible mechanism for the initiation of coronal mass ejections by means of the eruption of magnetic flux beneath a closed magnetic structure analogous to a coronal helmet structure. Anumerical computation shows that such an eruption deforms the helmet structure into an expanding bright "loop", followed by a dark cavity due to the expansion of the erupted magnetic field. The morphology and the internal structure of the loop are mainly determined by the background magnetic field whereas its ejective speed is largely controlled by the rate of flux ejection. The present model identifies the loop-like mass ejections with the above plasma structures moving with the frozen-in magnetic field and it may well explain some general properties of such ejections.   相似文献   

A semi-analytical model for the electrodynamic development of two-ribbon flares is presented. A current filament above a bipolar active region starts rising according to the model of Van Tend and Kuperus. Due to this motion large induced electric fields arise at a magnetic neutral line far below the filament, resulting in and associated with magnetic reconnection and the formation of a current sheet. The interaction of this current sheet with the original current filament, the background magnetic field and the boundary layer of the photosphere determine the further electrodynamic development of the flare. The model predicts the energy release, the time of maximum, the height of the energy source and other quantities reasonably well.  相似文献   

利用多卫星多波段的综合观测数据,通过追踪光球表面等离子体速度分析计算了耀斑爆发前后磁螺度的变化,发现耀斑爆发前活动区中光球表面存在强的水平剪切运动,活动区磁螺度的注入主要由这种剪切运动所产生;使用CESE-MHD-NLFFF重建了耀斑爆发前后活动区的磁场位形,推测出耀斑过程中存在磁绳结构的抛射.基于这些分析,给出了这一螺旋状抛射结构的形成机制:爆发前暗条西侧足点的持续剪切运动驱动磁通量绳增加扭转,高度扭缠的通量绳与东侧足点附近的开放磁力线重联并与东侧足点断开,进而向外抛出并伴随解螺旋运动.另外,利用1AU处WIND卫星的观测数据在对应的行星际日冕物质抛射中找到典型磁云的观测特征.这表明除了传统上双足点均在太阳表面的磁云模型,这种单足点固定于太阳表面的磁通量绳爆发图景同样可能在行星系际空间形成磁云结构.研究结果对进一步认识磁云结构具有重要意义.   相似文献   

One phenomena Yohkoh has observed is plasmoid eruption in flares. Thus this is a key factor that must be explained in any flare mechanism. In order to understand the dynamics of a plasmoid, we performed a numerical MHD simulation and investigated the evolution of the coronal magnetic field, which is initially a force-free configuration. The main results are as follows. At first, small amount of dissipation, induced by the initial perturbation, occurs in the current sheet where the plasmoid forms. This plasmoid is slowly going upward by magnetic tension force of the reconnected magnetic fields produced by initial dissipation. The crucial point comes when the perpendicular magnetic fields are washed away from the reconnection point, after that the reconnection proceeds effectively so that the magnetic tension force of the reconnected fields becomes strong, which make the plasmoid be rapidly erupted upward. These are consistent with the observational results, which say that before the main energy release the plasmoid slowly rises and when the flare sets in it is rapidly accelerated upward. In this paper, we emphasize on the role that the perpendicular magnetic fields play in the evolution of flare.  相似文献   

Emission heights of coronal bright points on Fe XII radiance map   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The study of coronal bright points (BPs) is important for understanding coronal heating and the origin of the solar wind. Previous studies indicated that coronal BPs have a highly significant tendency to coincide with magnetic neutral lines in the photosphere. Here we further studied the emission heights of the BPs above the photosphere in the bipolar magnetic loops that are apparently associated with them. As BPs are seen in projection against the disk their true emission heights are unknown. The correlation of the BP locations on the Fe XII radiance map from EIT with the magnetic field features (in particular neutral lines) was investigated in detail. The coronal magnetic field was determined by an extrapolation of the photospheric field (derived from 2-D magnetograms obtained from the Kitt Peak observatory) to different altitudes above the disk. It was found that most BPs sit on or near a photospheric neutral line, but that the emission occurs at a height of about 5 Mm. Some BPs, while being seen in projection, still seem to coincide with neutral lines, although their emission takes place at heights of more than 10 Mm. Such coincidences almost disappear for emissions above 20 Mm. We also projected the upper segments of the 3-D magnetic field lines above different heights, respectively, on to the tangent xy plane, where x is in the east–west and y in the south–north direction. The shape of each BP was compared with the respective field-line segment nearby. This comparison suggests that most coronal BPs are actually located on the top of their associated magnetic loops. Finally, we calculated for each selected BP region the correlation coefficient between the Fe XII intensity enhancement and the horizontal component of the extrapolated magnetic field vector at the same xy position in planes of different heights, respectively. We found that for almost all the BP regions we studied the correlation coefficient, with increasing height, increases to a maximal value and then decreases again. The height corresponding to this maximum was defined as the correlation height, which for most bright points was found to range below 20 Mm.  相似文献   

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