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将液滴—固面高速撞击的非线性流体动力学模型应用于固体动力学行为的研究之中,导出了固体可变形系数及其内部应力张量的计算方法,从而使作者提出的非线性理论模型能够计及固体变形性对撞击效应的影响。对刚性和可变形固面的撞击过程进行了比较计算和分析,表明在高速撞击条件下两者有较大的差别,并且固体的可变形性对撞击有着强化—缓解双重作用,这在工程选材时必须加以考虑。同时,本文还给出了工程材料的刚性判据。  相似文献   

本文选用了三种配方的镀液进行化学镀Ni—P的研究。确定出最佳镀液及施镀工艺参数,并对镀层的成分和结构进行了测定和分析。结果表明,镀层具有较高的硬度值(HV800~824),其中含磷量沿镀层纵、横两向分布基本均匀。  相似文献   

以A.Kobayashi等的半经验紧束缚模型和Hjalmarson-Vogh-Wolford-Dow深能级理论为基础,计算了Hg1-xCdxTe中阳离子位替代式杂质(包括N,O,C)与最近邻替代式杂质形成sp3键杂质对后阳离子位杂质A1对称性深能级的变化以及最近邻理想双空位(Vc,Va)的深能级。计算结果表明:阳离子位杂质A1能级的变化取决于与其配对杂质的电负性,杂质对a1能级组分依赖关系dE/dx小于阳离子位单杂质A1能级的dE/dx,大于阴离子位单杂质T2能级的dE/dx,不同杂质对的dE/dx基本相同;理想双空位(Vc,Va)在能隙或近能隙区域产生一个a1态深能级,该能级的dE/dx很小,对于CdTe,位置在0.5eV,对于x<0.37的Hg1-xCdxTe,该能级成为导带共振态。  相似文献   

螺旋桨桨叶1P气动载荷研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
介绍了一种1P载荷实验研究方法-桨叶应变测试法,首先通过桨叶剖面速度三角形及气动力分析给出了1P载荷与测量应变的关系,然后通过地面试验和飞行试验进行了验证。试验结果表明,螺旋桨1P载荷主要由于非对称气流流过桨盘面改变了桨叶剖面速度三角形而引起,迎角,侧滑角的增加,会产生较大的1P载荷;机动飞行,如快速拉杆,荷兰滚等也会产生较大的1P载荷。  相似文献   

语言和思维的关系是个古老而迷人的话题,从古至今,讨论主要集中在语言和思维是否可分,如果可分,是谁决定谁。在众多观点中,针对萨匹尔-沃尔夫假说的争议颇多。以往对萨丕尔沃尔夫假说的讨论并不少,但如同对语言和思维关系的探讨一样,绝大部分研究显得实证不足。基于前人的研究,拟从具体实例研究,即英汉双语对数字概念表达方面的影响为例,重新解读该假说。  相似文献   

螺旋桨1P力矩飞行试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以桨叶1P载荷桨叶应变测量法为基础,研究了螺旋桨1P力矩,阐述了螺旋桨1P力矩计算方法步骤,给出了某型飞机的飞行试验测试结果,针对试验结果分析了螺旋桨1P力矩的影响因素、变化规律以及与飞机飞行状态的关系。  相似文献   

As comet 9P/Tempel 1 approaches the Sun in 2004–2005, a temporary atmosphere, or “coma,” will form, composed of molecules and dust expelled from the nucleus as its component icy volatiles sublimate. Driven mainly by water ice sublimation at surface temperatures T > 200 K, this coma is a gravitationally unbound atmosphere in free adiabatic expansion. Near the nucleus (≤ 102 km), it is in collisional equilibrium, at larger distances (≥104 km) it is in free molecular flow. Ultimately the coma components are swept into the comet’s plasma and dust tails or simply dissipate into interplanetary space. Clues to the nature of the cometary nucleus are contained in the chemistry and physics of the coma, as well as with its variability with time, orbital position, and heliocentric distance. The DI instrument payload includes CCD cameras with broadband filters covering the optical spectrum, allowing for sensitive measurement of dust in the comet’s coma, and a number of narrowband filters for studying the spatial distribution of several gas species. DI also carries the first near-infrared spectrometer to a comet flyby since the VEGA mission to Halley in 1986. This spectrograph will allow detection of gas emission lines from the coma in unprecedented detail. Here we discuss the current state of understanding of the 9P/Tempel 1 coma, our expectations for the measurements DI will obtain, and the predicted hazards that the coma presents for the spacecraft. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

Since its discovery in 1867, periodic comet 9P/Tempel 1 has been observed at 10 returns to perihelion, including all its returns since 1967. The observations for the seven apparitions beginning in 1967 have been fit with an orbit that includes only radial and transverse nongravitational accelerations that model the rocket-like thrusting introduced by the outgassing of the cometary nucleus. The successful nongravitational acceleration model did not assume any change in the comet’s ability to outgas from one apparition to the next and the outgassing was assumed to reach a maximum at perihelion. The success of this model over the 1967–2003 interval suggests that the comet’s spin axis is currently stable. Rough calculations suggest that the collision of the impactor released by the Deep Impact spacecraft will not provide a noticeable perturbation on the comet’s orbit nor will any new vent that is opened as a result of the impact provide a noticeable change in the comet’s nongravitational acceleration history. The observing geometries prior to, and during, the impact will allow extensive Earth based observations to complement the in situ observations from the impactor and flyby spacecraft.  相似文献   

P2P(Peer to Peer)技术以及VoIP(Voice over IP)技术是目前互联网上正在研究的两个热点,将VoIP与P2P两项技术相结合,发挥各自的优势,对于电信业和互联网的发展都有极大的促进作用.从介绍P2P的拓扑结构入手,讨论了基于P2P的VOIP架构,并在此基础上实现了基于P2P的与PSTN通信的语音网关.  相似文献   

In 1998, Comet 9P/Tempel 1 was chosen as the target of the Deep Impact mission (A’Hearn, M. F., Belton, M. J. S., and Delamere, A., Space Sci. Rev., 2005) even though very little was known about its physical properties. Efforts were immediately begun to improve this situation by the Deep Impact Science Team leading to the founding of a worldwide observing campaign (Meech et al., Space Sci. Rev., 2005a). This campaign has already produced a great deal of information on the global properties of the comet’s nucleus (summarized in Table I) that is vital to the planning and the assessment of the chances of success at the impact and encounter. Since the mission was begun the successful encounters of the Deep Space 1 spacecraft at Comet 19P/Borrelly and the Stardust spacecraft at Comet 81P/Wild 2 have occurred yielding new information on the state of the nuclei of these two comets. This information, together with earlier results on the nucleus of comet 1P/Halley from the European Space Agency’s Giotto, the Soviet Vega mission, and various ground-based observational and theoretical studies, is used as a basis for conjectures on the morphological, geological, mechanical, and compositional properties of the surface and subsurface that Deep Impact may find at 9P/Tempel 1. We adopt the following working values (circa December 2004) for the nucleus parameters of prime importance to Deep Impact as follows: mean effective radius = 3.25± 0.2 km, shape – irregular triaxial ellipsoid with a/b = 3.2± 0.4 and overall dimensions of ∼14.4 × 4.4 × 4.4 km, principal axis rotation with period = 41.85± 0.1 hr, pole directions (RA, Dec, J2000) = 46± 10, 73± 10 deg (Pole 1) or 287± 14, 16.5± 10 deg (Pole 2) (the two poles are photometrically, but not geometrically, equivalent), Kron-Cousins (V-R) color = 0.56± 0.02, V-band geometric albedo = 0.04± 0.01, R-band geometric albedo = 0.05± 0.01, R-band H(1,1,0) = 14.441± 0.067, and mass ∼7×1013 kg assuming a bulk density of 500 kg m−3. As these are working values, {i.e.}, based on preliminary analyses, it is expected that adjustments to their values may be made before encounter as improved estimates become available through further analysis of the large database being made available by the Deep Impact observing campaign. Given the parameters listed above the impact will occur in an environment where the local gravity is estimated at 0.027–0.04 cm s−2 and the escape velocity between 1.4 and 2 m s−1. For both of the rotation poles found here, the Deep Impact spacecraft on approach to encounter will find the rotation axis close to the plane of the sky (aspect angles 82.2 and 69.7 deg. for pole 1 and 2, respectively). However, until the rotation period estimate is substantially improved, it will remain uncertain whether the impactor will collide with the broadside or the ends of the nucleus.  相似文献   

李萨如图在磁记忆二维定量检测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据磁记忆二维检测原理,将磁信号法向分量存在过零点,切向分量存在最大值联合起来检测,并引入李萨如图分析法,对用法向分量和切向分量合成的类李萨如图以及将法向分量和切向分量微分后合成的李萨如图进行比较分析,得出可以利用微分后合成的李萨如图封闭区域面积的大小来判断应力集中程度及用在不同的应力集中程度下李萨如图面积数量级作为阈值的结论.从而可为利用李萨如图分析法对磁记忆二维检测进行定量分析的进一步研究提供试验分析依据.  相似文献   

在基于对偶四元数的捷联惯导解算方法的基础上,推导了以惯性系作为导航系的惯导误差方程,在此基础上设计了卡尔曼滤波组合导航算法。通过激光惯导跑车采集数据,进行了仿真分析,试验结果表明,该组合导航算法能有效的消除惯导累积的速度误差和位置误差,相比于目前广泛应用的INS/GPS组合导航算法,本文描述了INS/GPS组合导航的另一种实现方式,获得了相当的精度,具有一定的工程应用价值。  相似文献   

为了保证游戏通信协议具有较好的状态同步和防欺骗能力,提出一种适合P2P MMOG的安全同步算法.该算法在防欺骗协议NEO中加入事件排序和基于事件关联的回滚机制,在保证更新信息安全交换的基础上,对游戏事件进行排序,并对迟到事件进行处理.实验结果表明,该算法保证了较好的回滚次数和响应时间,可以有效维护游戏状态的一致性.在防欺骗和游戏状态同步的基础上维护了游戏的公平性.  相似文献   

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