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作战使用能力和经济可承受性是美国联合攻击机(JSF)计划的两个关键性目标,而这两个目标往往是难以协调的.为此,JSF计划研究组在这方面作了大量的努力.JSF飞机子系统综合技术或一体化技术试验计划(J/IST,JSF/Integrated Subsystems Tech-nology)实际上就是通过对飞机子系统进行综合优化,来提高飞机的总体性能水平,降低飞机的研制成本.过去改善飞机性能水平的做法通常是:优化各个飞机  相似文献   

JSF制造技术综述   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
美国先进联合攻击战斗机 (JSF)项目在充分提高飞机性能的基础上 ,利用先进制造技术 ,最大限度地节约了成本。本文介绍了数字化技术、精益生产、高速加工技术、先进复合材料技术及质量保证技术在JSF制造中的应用  相似文献   

联合攻击战斗机(JSF)是美国计划大规模生产的新一代作战飞机。本文概述了美国航空工业在制造方式、管理方法上的改进以及新技术的应用;详述了JSF项目在国际合作中的一些新举措、新要求同时兼顾保密技术的可转让性问题。  相似文献   

《JSF联合攻击战斗机》本书采用图文并茂的形式较系统地介绍了美国JSF联合攻击战斗机计划、研制背景、竞争选型等情况,素材全面、内容丰富、形象直观。它以最新的信息、翔实的内容、大量的数据、精彩的图片,对JSF计划发展过程、飞机的技术、研制状况、研制厂商及国际市场预测进行了全面的介绍。本书对我国从事飞机系统发展管理、综合论证、研制设计人员和广大航空爱好者了解JSF联合攻击战斗机研制情况和未来发展趋势具有较大的参考价值。主编:陈林定价:24元出版日期:2006年7月《邮票上的航空人物》飞机的发明是20世纪最重大的科技成就…  相似文献   

随着轻型飞机的大量使用,其可靠性和和可用性不断面临新的挑战。因此,轻型飞机的健康管理与预测(PHM)技术显得日益重要,它不仅能够保证飞行安全,同时也可以降低使用成本、合理安排维修计划。针对目前尚未成熟的PHM技术,本文首先对轻型飞机PHM系统的框架以及受益进行了分析。其次,讨论了轻型飞机PHM系统设计与分析中的关键问题。最后,阐述了轻型飞机PHM技术应用的关键技术难题以及未来发展方向。  相似文献   

针对现代商用飞机的设计特点和运营要求,剖析了在PHM技术基础上采用视情维修策略提升飞机市场竞争力的重要意义。深入分析了PHM技术对飞机维修保障活动的影响,探讨了商用飞机增强视情维修策略的基本思想和实施路径。  相似文献   

90年代末美国人提出了自主后勤这一全新的后勤保障概念,并在第四代飞机和无人机等高技术武器装备中得到应用。预测与健康管理技术是自主后勤保障的核心技术,它在传统的健康监控和故障诊断的基础上,强调早期故障预测和跨子系统智能推理,能够实时评估和管理飞机的健康状况,为飞机的维修保障提供决策支持。本文对无人机预测与健康管理系统的体系结构以及相关的关键技术进行了深入的研究,提出一种无人机PHM系统顶层设计方案。无人机PHM技术的开发和应用对有效地降低飞机的维修保障费用,提高飞机战备完好率和任务成功率,使飞机系统能够安全、可靠地运行具有重要意义。  相似文献   

对联合攻击机(JSF)隐身性和机动性的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
综合介绍了兰德(RAND)公司在JSF飞机正式研制之前,根据美国空军的请求,对JSF飞机的隐身性和机动性要求进行分析论证的情况以及所给出的结论性意见。  相似文献   

第四代战斗机的性能指标分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对美国的第四代战斗机F-22和JSF飞机基本性能的分析,指出了下一代战斗机应在以下性能方面注重改善:超声速巡航能力;隐身性能;高机动性和敏捷性;足够的有效载荷、大航程、高可用性;多目标攻击和超视距攻击能力;短距起降性能和高可靠性和维护等.  相似文献   

数字化产品的过去、现在和未来   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
简要分析了国内外飞机数字化设计、制造、管理方面的发展历程,并以JSF飞机的数字化应用体系为样板,设想了我们飞机数字化的未来发展方向。  相似文献   

军用飞机故障预测与健康管理(PHM)系统设计与工程应用存在设计标准缺失、复杂度高、准确率低等问题。通过对PHM系统数据、结构、功能维度的设计需求分析,提出三维多相迭代设计准则;基于三维多相设计准则对PHM系统设计流程进行梳理;提出基于软硬件协同加速的健康管理实时化、基于知识图谱的知识逻辑可视化、基于MBSE的PHM系统模型化的三化一体设计架构,并通过多领域模型联合仿真进行验证。结果表明:该设计架构实现了5.63倍的加速计算效果与82.7%的计算功耗缩减,提升了PHM系统知识与设计需求管理的可追溯性。  相似文献   

军用航空发动机PHM发展策略及关键技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提出了军用航空发动机预测与健康管理(prognostics and health management,简称PHM)系统的发展策略和关键技术.首先回顾了国外航空发动机PHM技术的发展历史,简要分析了各个阶段具有代表性的技术特点;其次,详细论述了航空发动机PHM技术发展应当妥善处理的关系和重要问题,主要包括PHM技术发展与空军军事需求、PHM技术发展与技术成熟度体系、立足三代机平台发展PHM技术、在发动机全寿命管理体系引入PHM系统、建议的航空发动机PHM功能和结构等;接着,结合国内技术发展水平,给出了应当重点优先发展关键技术的建议;最后,简要总结了制约国内PHM技术发展的因素,展望了瞄准的技术发展目标.   相似文献   

Prognostics and health management (PHM) significantly improves system availability and reliability, and reduces the cost of system operations. Design for testability (DFT) developed concurrently with system design is an important way to improve PHM capability. Testability modeling and analysis are the foundation of DFT. This paper proposes a novel approach of testability modeling and analysis based on failure evolution mechanisms. At the component level, the fault progression-related information of each unit under test (UUT) in a system is obtained by means of failure modes, evolution mechanisms, effects and criticality analysis (FMEMECA), and then the failure-symptom dependency can be generated. At the system level, the dynamic attributes of UUTs are assigned by using the bond graph methodology, and then the symptom-test dependency can be obtained by means of the functional flow method. Based on the failure-symptom and symptom-test dependencies, testability analysis for PHM systems can be realized. A shunt motor is used to verify the application of the approach proposed in this paper. Experimental results show that this approach is able to be applied to testability modeling and analysis for PHM systems very well, and the analysis results can provide a guide for engineers to design for testability in order to improve PHM performance.  相似文献   

How Engineers Can Conduct Cost-Benefit Analysis for PHM Systems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Individuals who work in the field of Prognostic and Health Management (PHM) technology have come to understand that PHM can provide the ability to effectively manage the operation, maintenance, and logistic support of individual assets or groups of assets through the availability of regularly updated and detailed health information. Naturally, prospective customers of PHM technology ask: "How will the implementation of PHM benefit my organization?" Typically, the response by individuals in the field is: "Anecdotal evidence indicates that PHM decreases maintenance costs, increases operational availability, and improves safety." This information helps the prospective customer understand the practical benefits of the technology, but that customer stills needs more information to justify their investment in the technology. The customer needs a calculated return on investment (ROI) figure for their particular asset that provides financial assessment of the benefit of the investment. The data, time, and expertise required to conduct a rigorous cost benefit analysis makes the effort seem daunting to the average engineer with little to no fimancial analysis training. The reality is that with a cursory understanding of the asset operation, maintenance, and logistic issues, a useful cost-benefit analysis can be conducted by engineers without business school training. Our purpose herein is to provide a general methodology for conducting a preliminary cost-benefit analysis that calculates an ROI for PHM implementation. We discuss the general types of information needed for the analysis, the quantifying of expected benefits, and the types of supporting data required to validate the benefit assumptions as well as an outline for the costing of PHM technology.  相似文献   

先进战斗机的飞行控制计算机系统研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
 先进战斗机具有超声速巡航、隐身性、敏捷性和短距/垂直起降(STOVL)等技术特征。这要求先进战斗机不但在气动外形和推进系统与传统战斗机不同,而且还必须改善飞行控制系统的结构和功能。首先详细分析了F-22战斗机和联合攻击机(JSF)的飞行控制计算机系统组成和结构,并对它们的典型特征进行了分析。随后,根据中国目前的微电子工业技术和软件技术水平,探讨了研制适合中国的下一代战斗机飞控计算机系统的多项关键技术和发展思路。  相似文献   

Prognostics and health management (PHM) is very important to guarantee the reliability and safety of aerospace systems, and sensing and test are the precondition of PHM. Integrating design for testability into early design stage of system early design stage is deemed as a fundamental way to improve PHM performance, and testability model is the base of testability analysis and design. This paper discusses a hierarchical model-based approach to testability modeling and analysis for heading attitude system health management. Quantified directed graph, of which the nodes represent components and tests and the directed edges represent fault propagation paths, is used to describe fault-test dependency, and quantitative testability information is assigned to nodes and directed edges. The fault dependencies between nodes can be obtained by functional fault analysis methodology that captures the physical architecture and material flows such as energy, heat, data, and so on. By incorporating physics of failure models into component, the dynamic process of a failing or degrading component can be projected onto system behavior, i.e., system symptoms. Then, the analysis of extended failure modes, mechanisms and effects is utilized to construct fault evolution-test dependency. Using this integrated model, the designers and system analysts can assess the test suite’s fault detectability, fault isolability and fault predictability. And heading attitude system application results show that the proposed model can support testability analysis and design for PHM very well.  相似文献   

故障预测与健康管理(PHM)技术的现状与发展   总被引:40,自引:5,他引:40  
曾声奎  吴际 《航空学报》2005,26(5):626-632
 结合故障预测与健康管理(PHM)的技术发展过程,阐述了PHM的应用价值。论述了PHM技术系统级应用问题,提出了故障诊断与预测的人-机-环完整性认知模型,并依此对蓬勃发展的故障诊断与故障预测技术进行了分类与综合分析,给出了PHM技术的发展图像。针对故障诊断与预测的不确定性特征,对故障诊断与预测技术的性能要求、定量评价与验证方法进行了分析。最后,以PHM技术的工程应用为线索,提出了PHM技术发展中的几个问题。  相似文献   

综合模块化航空电子系统软件体系结构综述   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
褚文奎  张凤鸣  樊晓光 《航空学报》2009,30(10):1912-1917
作为降低系统生命周期费用(LCC)、控制软件复杂性、提高软件复用程度的重要手段之一,软件体系结构已成为航空计算领域的一个主要研究方向。阐述了综合模块化航空电子(IMA)的理念,分析了推动IMA产生和发展的主要因素。总结了ARINC 653,ASAAC,GOA以及F-22通用综合处理机(CIP)上的软件体系结构研究成果,并讨论了IMA软件体系结构需要解决的若干问题及其发展趋势。在此基础上,对中国综合航电软件体系结构研究提出了一些见解。  相似文献   

IEEE Standards for Prognostics and Health Management   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recently operators of complex systems such as aircraft, power plants, and networks have been emphasizing the need for on-line health monitoring for purposes of maximizing operational availability and safety. The discipline of prognostics and health management (PHM) is being formalized to address the information management and prediction requirements for addressing these needs. Herein, we will explore how standards currently under development within the IEEE can be used to support PHM applications. Particular emphasis will be placed on the role of PHM and PHM-related standards with Department of Defense (DOD) automatic test systems-related research.  相似文献   

The idea of this work is the use of a vertical antenna (antenna placed in the orbit plane) for a spaceborne radar. This surprising geometry is proven to work properly and to simplify the design of the instrument, particularly when it is associated with a short antenna length (<5 m, along speed vector). The number of antenna control points is greatly reduced, which saves cost and mass of an active antenna. A single pencil beam allows all the incidences and modes to be achieved. Viewing on both sides of the satellite track is enabled. Spotlight mode is no longer needed and therefore most of the operational constraints attached to high resolution are removed. Merits of the geometry are not limited to the instrument, a cascade of other innovations converges into a radically new design of the whole satellite for an ultimate goal of simplification and cost reduction, this is radar SAIL concept. The merits and cost savings of short vertical antenna are illustrated with a 1 m resolution X band mission, and the extra merits of the integrated SAIL architecture with respect to the standard satellite architecture are discussed  相似文献   

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