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VSAR: a high resolution radar system for ocean imaging   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The velocity synthetic aperture radar (VSAR) is a conceptual synthetic aperture radar (SAR)-based sensor system for high resolution ocean imaging. The VSAR utilizes data collected by a multielement SAR system, to extract information not only about the radar reflectivity of the observed area, but also about the radial velocity of the scatterers in each pixel. This is accomplished by making use of the phase information contained in multiple SAR images, and not just the magnitude information as in conventional SAR. Using this velocity information, the VSAR attempts to compensate for the velocity distortion inherent in conventional SAR and to reconstruct the ocean reflectivity. We present the basic theory of the VSAR system and its performance. We also provide an analysis of the VSAR imaging mechanism for a statistical model of the radar returns, designed to capture the effects of speckle and of resolution degradation due to the decorrelation of the radar returns  相似文献   

In a decentralized detection scheme, several sensors perform a binary (hard) decision and send the resulting data to a fusion center for the final decision. If each local decision has a constant false alarm rate (CFAR), the final decision is ensured to be CFAR. We consider the case that each local decision is a threshold decision, and the threshold is proportional, through a suitable multiplier, to a linear combination of order statistics (OS) from a reference set (a generalization of the concept of OS thresholding). We address the following problem: given the fusion rule and the relevant system parameters, select each threshold multiplier and the coefficients of each linear combination so as to maximize the overall probability of detection for constrained probability of false alarm. By a Lagrangian maximization approach, we obtain a general solution to this problem and closed-form solutions for the AND and OR fusion logics. A performance assessment is carried on, showing a global superiority of the OR fusion rule in terms of detection probability (for operating conditions matching the design assumptions) and of robustness (when these do not match). We also investigate the effect of the hard quantization performed at the local sensors, by comparing the said performance to those achievable by the same fusion rule in the limiting case of no quantization  相似文献   

The performances of the importance sampling (IS) techniques are improved by using multiparametric distortions of the input random processes. The analysis of different constant false-alarm rate (CFAR) algorithms confirms the usefulness of this method. The potential of this new approach is fully exploited if optimization techniques are used to obtain the optimum distortions and to avoid bias in the estimates  相似文献   

Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is an airborne (or spaceborne) radar mapping technique for generating high resolution maps of surface target areas including terrain. High resolution is achieved by coherently combining the returns from a number of radar transmissions. The resolution of the images is determined by the parameters of the emissions, with more data giving greater resolution. A requirement of the Microwave Radar Division's SAR radar is to provide classification of targets. This paper presents a technique for enhancing slant range resolution in SAR images by dithering the carrier centre frequency of the transmitted signal. The procedure controls the radar waveforms so they will optimally perform the classification function, rather than provide an image of best quality. It is shown that a Knowledge-Based engineering approach to determining the waveform of the radar gives considerably improved performance as a classifier of targets (of large radar cross-section), even though the corresponding image is degraded  相似文献   

航班量快速增长提高了机场的机位利用密度,机位附近的滑行过程更加复杂,容易引发航班延误,必须优化航班滑行过程,减少机坪区滑行冲突.通过详细分析机坪区及其附近区域的滑行规则,归纳出实用的知识库,建立起知识库模型,再利用Java+MySql平台进行实现,最后以厦门高崎机场厦门航空公司的专有机坪和厦航的实际航班数据为仿真实例,进行系统仿真.通过比较仿真结果和机坪调度人员的实际操作,可知仿真相似度高.该研究结果是可行、有效的,能够提供机坪调度的实时方案,有利于减轻机坪调度人员的工作负荷,同时该结果也可以作为调度问题的预测等相关问题研究的参考.  相似文献   

为在既有硬件条件下提高工业计算机层析成像(computed tomography,CT)系统空间分辨率,分析了提高采样频率的半像素错位工业CT扫描方法,提出了一种基于代数迭代技术的直接重建算法,以面积权值对采集到的投影数据进行交替迭代,实现高分辨率图像重建.利用星型空间分辨率模型开展了计算机仿真分析,重建图像截止频率处的调制度达到0.8,表明了该方法提高空间分辨率的潜力.标准空间分辨率测试卡工业CT扫描重建实验结果进一步验证了其可行性和有效性.该方法简单、易行,在工业CT系统中有良好工程应用前景.   相似文献   

Space silicon solar cell technology has matured to the extent that large-area planar silicon cells can be fabricated in sizes up to 8 cm×8 cm with efficiencies up to approximately 15%. In order to achieve substantially higher efficiencies, cells based on GaAs are required. It is shown that, subject to certain boundary conditions, the efficiency of GaAs/Ge cells can reach 24% when used in the dual-junction configuration or approximately 19.5% if the Ge substrate is passive. The electrooptical properties of these cells are reviewed, and prospects for achieving these efficiency goals are presented. Experimental performance data are given  相似文献   

In this paper, the problem of parameter estimation of the combined radar signal adopting chaotic pulse position modulation (CPPM) and linear frequency modulation (LFM), which can be widely used in electronic countermeasures, is addressed. An approach is proposed to estimate the initial frequency and chirp rate of the combined signal by exploiting the second-order cyclostationarity of the intra-pulse signal. In addition, under the condition of the equal pulse width, the pulse repetition interval (PRI) of the combined signal is predicted using the low-order Volterra adaptive filter. Simulations demonstrate that the proposed cyclic autocorrelation Hough transform (CHT) algorithm is theoretically tolerant to additive white Gaussian noise. When the value of signal noise to ratio (SNR) is less than 4 dB, it can still estimate the intra-pulse parameters well. When SNR = 3 dB, a good prediction of the PRI sequence can be achieved by the Volterra adaptive filter algorithm, even only 100 training samples.  相似文献   

针对数字阵列雷达搜索、跟踪和成像任务的资源调度问题,提出一种数字阵列雷达(DAR)任务的优化调度算法。该算法以脉冲交错技术为基础,在对目标搜索与跟踪的同时,利用基于压缩感知的稀疏孔径认知逆合成孔径雷达(ISAR)成像方法对部分精密跟踪目标成像,并采用观测时间动态调整策略以提高雷达系统的自适应能力。仿真结果表明,与传统雷达资源调度算法相比,该算法可以将成像任务考虑到优化调度模型中并合理分配资源,实现雷达多任务并行的调度,获得更高的资源利用率与期望的成像质量。  相似文献   

邵鹏  李亚超  李学仕  邢孟道 《航空学报》2015,36(5):1606-1616
针对大气扰动及飞行平台不稳引起机载合成孔径雷达(SAR)图像散焦的问题,提出了一种新的自聚焦算法来估算运动误差。该算法是基于运动误差函数及场景散射函数平滑特性的差异来进行估计的,利用复对数变换将图像的幅度与相位信息分离,进而分别对相位及幅度信息进行处理。运动误差通常为慢变函数,而场景的散射信息具有某种随机特性。因此,经过复对数变换后,运动误差及散射信息可以通过滤波器进行分离,将相位中的随机噪声去除,从而保留了慢变的运动误差函数。为了去除噪声信息,需要建立一个平滑滤波器,利用Daubechies小波的尺度函数构造Riesz基向量,从而建立了正交子空间,通过所建立信号子空间及噪声子空间组建平滑滤波器,最终可以获得准确的运动误差。在实验部分,分别利用仿真数据及实测数据对本文方法进行验证,最终结果分析表明该方法具有很高的估计精度及执行效率。  相似文献   

Radar with the linear frequency-modulated signal may range the target. Its range resolution is decided by the signal frequency bandwidth. This paper proposes an interpolation algorithm based on fast Fourier transform to improve the accuracy of range estimation without increasing the frequency bandwidth. The algorithm application in practice is described. The simulation result of estimation accuracy is also given  相似文献   

A system impulse response with low sidelobes is critical in synthetic aperture radar(SAR) images because sidelobes contribute to noise and interfere with nearby scatterers. However,the conventional tricks of sidelobe suppression are unable to be exactly applied to the case of spaceborne sliding spotlight SAR due to great azimuth shifts in both time and frequency domains. In this paper, an extended chirp scaling algorithm is presented for spaceborne sliding spotlight SAR data imaging. The proposed algorithm firstly uses the spectral analysis(SPECAN) technique to avoid the azimuth spectrum folding effect and then employs the chirp scaling(CS) algorithm to achieve data focusing, i.e., the so-called two-step approach. To suppress the sidelobe level, an efficient strategy for the azimuth spectral weighting which only involves matrix multiplications and short fast Fourier transformations(FFTs) is proposed, which is a post-process executed on the focused SAR image and particularly simple to be implemented. The SAR image processed by the proposed extended CS algorithm is very precise and perfectly phase-preserving. In the end, computer simulation results verify the analysis and confirm the validity of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

悬浮光力系统具有高灵敏度、高稳定性和低耗散等特点,有望发展成为新型高性能力学传感器。针对目前悬浮光力系统存在的反馈控制器兼容性差、软硬件成本高、集成度低等问题,提出了一种兼容多种反馈控制模式的软硬件设计方案,并研制了一套高度集成的反馈控制器,在160 mm×170 mm×42 mm的尺寸上集成了六通道模数/数模转换器、滤波器、现场可编程门阵列+微处理器(FPGA+ARM)等功能模块,并且开发了基于数字锁相环和比例积分微分(PID)控制器的控制算法,最终在同一套硬件系统上实现了跨尺度微粒的运动信息采集和反馈控制,以及数十赫兹至亚兆赫兹的感知带宽。实验结果表明,该集成反馈控制器能够实现超高真空(10-6 Pa量级)下亚微米及微米尺度微粒的稳定悬浮和运动控制。在扩展系统感知带宽的同时减小了整体体积,为悬浮光力传感技术的器件化奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Regenerative Fuel Cell System (RFCS) technology for energy storage has been a NASA power system concept for many years. Compared to battery-based energy storage systems, RFCS has received relatively little attention or resources for development because the energy density and electrical efficiency were not sufficiently attractive relative to advanced battery systems. Even today, RFCS remains at a very low technology readiness level (TRL of about 2 indicating feasibility has been demonstrated). Commercial development of the Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) fuel cells for automobiles and other terrestrial applications and improvements in lightweight pressure vessel design to reduce weight and improve performance make possible a high energy density RFCS energy storage system. The results from this study of a lightweight RFCS energy storage system for a remotely piloted, solar-powered, high altitude aircraft indicate an energy density up to 790 wh/kg with electrical efficiency of 53.4% is attainable. Such an energy storage system would allow a solar-powered aircraft to carry hundreds of kilograms of payload and remain in flight indefinitely for use in atmospheric research, Earth observation, resource mapping, and telecommunications. Future developments in the areas of hydrogen and oxygen storage, pressure vessel design, higher temperature and higher pressure fuel cell operation, unitized regenerative fuel cells, and commercial development of fuel cell technology will improve both the energy density and electrical efficiency of the RFCS  相似文献   

A major technology barrier to the application of pulse compression for the meteorological functions required by a next generation ATC radar is range/time sidelobes which mask and corrupt observations of weak phenomena occurring near areas of strong extended meteorological scatterers. Techniques for suppressing range sidelobes are well known but without prior knowledge of the scattering medium's velocity distribution their performance degrades rapidly in the presence of Doppler. Recent investigations have presented a “doppler tolerant” range sidelobe suppression technique. The thrust of the work described herein is the extension of previous simulations to actual transmitted dispersed/coded waveforms using the S-band surveillance radar located at Rome Laboratory Surveillance Facility. The objectives of the experiment are: 1) to extend the verification of the simulation of the Doppler tolerant technique; and 2) to demonstrate that the radar transmitter, waveform generator, and receiver imperfections do not significantly degrade resolution, performance or reliability of meteorological spectral moment estimates  相似文献   

Structures for radar detection in compound Gaussian clutter   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The problem of coherent radar target detection in a background of non-Gaussian clutter modeled by a compound Gaussian distribution is studied here. We show how the likelihood ratio may be recast into an estimator-correlator form that shows that an essential feature of the optimal detector is to compute an optimum estimate of the reciprocal of the unknown random local power level. We then proceed to show that the optimal detector may be recast into yet another form, namely a matched filter compared with a data-dependent threshold. With these reformulations of the optimal detector, the problem of obtaining suboptimal detectors may be systematically studied by either approximating the likelihood ratio directly, utilizing a suboptimal estimate in the estimator-correlator structure or utilizing a suboptimal function to model the data-dependent threshold in the matched filter interpretation. Each of these approaches is studied to obtain suboptimal detectors. The results indicate that for processing small numbers of pulses, a suboptimal detector that utilizes information about the nature of the non-Gaussian clutter can be implemented to obtain quasi-optimal performance. As the number of pulses to be processed increases, a suboptimal detector that does not require information about the specific nature of the non-Gaussian clutter may be implemented to obtain quasi-optimal performance  相似文献   

目标选择能力是末制导雷达的一个效能指标,阐述了在定义该效能指标的基础上,给出了定量计算该指标的计算方法.  相似文献   

一种特种阀流量特性计算的经验公式迭代方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过分析特种流量调节阀(简称特种阀)的结构特点,建立该特种阀的流量特性数学模型,对其流量特性进行研究,提出一种利用经验公式求解流出系数的快速迭代计算方法。采用该经验公式迭代方法,计算特种阀的流量系数和气体质量流量,并与发动机高空模拟试验数据进行对比分析,验证迭代方法的有效性。对比结果显示,该迭代方法计算的质量流量与实测值具有很好的吻合度,该迭代方法可用于特种阀的工作流量特性计算。  相似文献   

A rank detector is used to detect instantaneous received power fades in a tracking radar. On detection of a fade, censorship of the angular position measurement is implemented in a Kalman tracking filter. It is shown that this technique can typically give a 15% angular tracking improvement on highly dynamic targets  相似文献   

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