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“和平”号空间站由6个相继发射的舱体对接而成,其中 的自然舱为一遥感舱。装有各种类型的遥感器,主要用来增强“和平”号空间站的地球遥感能力,研究地球生态状况。文章对这些仪器逐一介绍。  相似文献   

联盟TM-9(续) “和平”号空间站的“结晶”舱还带去了1965kg的货物。“和平”号空间站联合体的对称结构的恢复降低了对姿态控制的要求。次日使用Ljappa机械臂系统将“结晶”舱转移到“量子2”舱对面花了1个小时的时间,而后乘组进入“结晶”舱并开始激活该舱。  相似文献   

Priroda(自然)遥感舱是和平号空间站最后增加的一个舱。它于1996年4月23日用质子号火箭从拜科努尔发射入轨,4月26号与和平号空间站对接。其主要目的是为了增加和平号空间站的地球遥感能力,主要用于研究地球的生态环境。 它的地球遥感能力包括以下几个方面: ·监测大工业区的生态状态,估计生态环境的人为影响。  相似文献   

“和平”号空间站是苏联第三代多功能、多用途、多接口(6个)的永久性的轨道站。由对接舱、生活舱、工作舱和发动机舱(服务舱)四部分构成。采用先进的舱段式组合结构,利用站载计算机实现最大限度的自动化。“和平”号质量21吨,长13.13米,最大直径4.2米。自1986年2月20日发射入轨一年来成功地进行了多次重大的空间活动,诸如与“联盟”T-15号、TM-1号交会和对接;与“进步”25号~28号对接;“和平”号-“联盟”T-15-“进步”25号三者联合飞行以及“和平”号-“联盟”T-15号-“进步”26号三者联合飞行等。  相似文献   

空间站建造规模庞大,结构极为复杂,因此在其建造和应用过程中难免出现设备故障、人为失误以及意外事故。作为世界上第一个多舱空间站,“和平”号空间站超期服役10年,期间出现故障千余次;国际空间站建站以来的十年间,也是故障频发,本文将从舱外作业和舱内作业两方面分别讨论这两个空间站的建造和维修情况。  相似文献   

李裴 《中国航天》1993,(3):31-31
1992年7月末,俄罗斯和平号空间站接待了其第12批机组(乘坐联盟 TM—15飞船来的法俄航天员)之后,预计在1993年将增加两个20吨重的大型科学舱段——光谱舱和自然舱。它们将对接在和平1号空间站上。1993  相似文献   

庞之浩 《航天》2010,(9):36-39
2010年2月8日,美国“奋进”号航天飞机上天,为国际空间站送去了第三个、也是最后的节点舱——“宁静”号节点3号舱,以及欧洲“嘹望塔”号观测舱。这标志着国际空间站非俄罗斯舱段的建造已完成,国际空间站的建造工程已完成了90%。此后,航天飞机还将执行4次国际空间站任务。届时,耗时25年、花费数百亿美元的国际空间站将基本建成,航天飞机也将光荣退役。  相似文献   

和平号空间站最终建成俄罗斯和平号空间站的最后一个组件自然号舱4月26日对接成功,从而完成了这座空间站的全部建造工作。和平号空间站的设想是在美国和前苏联两家还处在敌对状态时提出的,而如今在其建成之际,两国已成为航天领域的合作伙伴。该站的核心舱于1986...  相似文献   

国际空间站“换班” 美国发现号航天飞机3月8日升空执行了一次国际空间站组装飞行任务。这次飞行送去了该站的第二个三人长期机组,并接回了第一个机组。第二个机组的指令长是俄罗斯的乌萨切夫。发现号此行携带了由意大利制造的多功能增压后勤舱( MPLM),又称莱昂纳多号舱。该舱重 11吨,长6.4米,装有约4.5吨科研设备和其它装置,包括命运号实验室舱的6个搁架。它先对接到节点1号舱上,卸货后再装上要带回地球的货物和垃圾由航天飞机运回地面。意共将为国际空间站计划制造3个这样的可重复使用增压舱。发现号已于3月2…  相似文献   

苏联去年成功地发射了“和平”号空间站.这种首次在近地点轨道上建立的模块式空间站标志着苏联在航天科技领域内具有相当雄厚的实力.苏联采用第三代宇宙飞船“联盟TM”来完成该空间站与地球间的往返运输.“联盟TM”号是在“联盟T”的基础上改进的,其外表与后者很相似,但其送载能力却大为提高.  相似文献   

This remote assistance trial, performed within the framework of the manned space flight Altaïr, was carried out by CADMOS (CNES), with the cooperation of the Sub-directorate of CNES Operational Systems, Medes, LBM of Tours and Christol Consultants. It consisted of supplying the cosmonaut performing the Orthostatism experiment (echograph acquisition) on board the Mir station with realtime assistance by an expert (LBM of Tours) working from the ground on the CADMOS premises. The various steps of the approach followed during the preparation phase are described, as well as the technical means of communication used between the Mir station and CADMOS.  相似文献   

Kanas N  Ritsher J 《Acta Astronautica》2005,56(9-12):932-936
In isolated and confined environments, two important leadership roles have been identified: the task/instrumental role (which focuses on work goals and operational needs), and the supportive/expressive role (which focuses on morale goals and emotional needs). On the International Space Station, the mission commander should be familiar with both of these aspects of leadership. In previous research involving a 135-day Mir space station simulation in Moscow and a series of on-orbit Mir space station missions during the Shuttle/Mir program, both these leadership roles were studied. In new analyses of the Shuttle/Mir data, we found that for crewmembers, the supportive role of the commander (but not the task role) related positively with crew cohesion. For mission control personnel on the ground, both the task and supportive roles of their leader were related positively to mission control cohesion. The implications of these findings are discussed in terms of leadership on board the International Space Station.  相似文献   

New, innovative joint safety policies and requirements were developed in support of the Shuttle/Mir program, which is the first phase of the International Space Station program. This work has resulted in a joint multinational analysis culminating in joint certification for mission readiness. For these planning and development efforts, each nation's risk programs and individual safety practices had to be integrated into a comprehensive and compatible system that reflects the joint nature of the endeavor. This paper highlights the major incremental steps involved in planning and program integration during development of the Shuttle/Mir program. It traces the transition from early development to operational status and highlights the valuable lessons learned that apply to the International Space Station program (Phase 2). Also examined are external and extraneous factors that affected mission operations and the corresponding solutions to ensure safe and effective Shuttle/Mir missions.  相似文献   

Miao  J.  Stark  J.P.W. 《Space Debris》2000,2(2):109-121
Hypervelocity impacts on the retrieved Hubble Space Telescope (HST) solar array was investigated by our extended Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) model and the result matches well with the measured data in most of the particle mass range. The revelation of the altitude dependence of particles flux onto the retrieved surfaces provides some insight in understanding the observed higher flux onto Mir space station relative to that onto Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF). Our analysis suggests that a slightly higher primary flux onto Mir space station would be possible even without taking into account the secondary impacts, as a result of the existence of the highly eccentric orbits of small-sized debris. It is, furthermore, predicted that 43% of the measured impact flux onto Mir station in PIE experiment may be from secondary impacts, and a corresponding 7% for the detectors in Echantillions experiment.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of light flashes (LF) in eyes for people in space has been investigated onboard Mir. Data on particles hitting the eye have been collected with the SilEye detectors, and correlated with human observations. It is found that a nucleus in the radiation environment of Mir has roughly a 1% probability to cause an LF, whereas the proton probability is almost three orders of magnitude less. As a function of LET, the LF probability increases above 10 keV/micrometer, reaching about 5% at around 50 keV/micrometer.  相似文献   

The Microgravity Research Program (MRP) participated aggressively in Phase 1 of the International Space Station Program using the Russian Mir Space Station. The Mir Station offered an otherwise unavailable opportunity to explore the advantages and challenges of long duration microgravity space research. Payloads with both National Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA) and commercial backing were included as well as cooperative research with the Canadian Space Agency (CSA). From this experience, much was learned about long-duration on-orbit science utilization and developing new working relationships with our Russian partner to promote efficient planning, operations, and integration to solve complexities associated with a multiple partner program.

This paper focuses on the microgravity research conducted onboard the Mir space station. It includes the Program preparation and planning necessary to support this type of cross increment research experience; the payloads which were flown; and summaries of significant microgravity science findings.  相似文献   

This article presents main scientific and practical results obtained in course of scientific and applied research and experiments on Mir space station. Based on Mir experience, processes of research program formation for the Russian Segment of the ISS are briefly described. The major trends of activities planned in the frames of these programs as well as preliminary results of increment research programs implementation in the ISS' first missions are also presented.  相似文献   

Among the principal objectives of the Phase 1 NASA/Mir program were for the United States to gain experience working with an international partner, to gain working experience in long-duration space flight, and to gain working experience in planning for and executing research on a long-duration space platform. The Phase 1 program was to provide the US early experience prior to the construction and operation of the International Space Station (Phase 2 and 3). While it can be argued that Mir and ISS are different platforms and that programmatically Phase 1 and ISS are organized differently, it is also clear that many aspects of operating a long-duration research program are platform independent. This can be demonstrated by a review of lessons learned from Skylab, a US space station program of the mid-1970s, many of which were again “learned” on Mir and are being “learned” on ISS. Among these are optimum crew training strategies, on-orbit crew operations, ground support, medical operations and crew psychological support, and safety certification processes.  相似文献   

《Acta Astronautica》1987,15(9):703-706
The Mir station of new generation, that was inserted into the orbit on February 20, 1986, went through its systems check during the automatic and man-controlled modes of flight and entered into a new operation phase being permanently manned.The concept of modular space station with six docking units makes it possible to perform docking with manned spacecraft, cargo vehicles and specialized scientific modules, to increase its functional capabilities and to transform the station into a multipurpose permanent orbital complex. Technical capabilities for performing a wide range of experiments, including joint projects for international cooperation program are extended. The main principles that are realized in the new Mir station, as well as scientific problems that are solved during the station operation, are considered in the article.  相似文献   

The started assembly of the International Space Station (ISS) and its further operation will call for a great number of extravehicular activity sorties (EVA) to be performed by ISS crews. Therefore, of great importance is to make use of the EVA experience gained by cosmonauts in the process of 15-year operation of the Mir orbiting station (OS). Over the 15-year period, Mir crewmembers wearing Orlan type semi-rigid space suits have accumulated 158 man/sorties from the orbiting station. Crewmembers used 15 suits in orbit and some of the suits were in operation for more than 3 years. The paper presents principal design features, which provide effective and safe operation of orbit-based suits, and briefly describes procedures for preparation and maintenance of suit systems, which ensure long-term operation of space suit in orbit. The paper gives results of the space suit modifications, presents suit performance characteristics and lists novel or upgraded components of the space suit and its systems. The paper also summarizes improvements in the Orlan type suits described in some earlier publications. They refer, in the first run, to the improvement of space suit operations characteristics and reliability, and the utilization of the Orlan type space suit in the ISS program. The paper analyses the experience gained and drawbacks detected and observations made, and gives statistical data on long-term space suit operations aboard the Mir station. The paper reviews certain problems in the process of EVAs performed from the station, and describes the ways of their solution as applied to the further utilization of the suit within the ISS program.  相似文献   

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