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We present the evolution of magnetic field and relationship with the magnetic (current) helicity in solar active regions from a series of photospheric vector magnetograms obtained at Huairou Solar Observing Station near Beijing, and also longitudinal magnetograms by MDI of SOHO, white light and 171 Å images by TRACE and soft X-ray images by Yohkoh.The conclusions in the analysis of the formation process of complex and delta magnetic configuration in some super active regions are the following: (1) The magnetic shear and gradient provide the non-potentiality of the magnetic field of active regions reflecting the existence of electric current. (2) Some of large-scale delta active regions could be due to the emergence of highly sheared non-potential magnetic flux bundles from the subatmosphere with amount of magnetic helicity, in addition to the emergence of twisted magnetic ropes. (3) We also present some results on the study of the magnetic (current) helicity in solar active regions.  相似文献   

The generation of solar non-axisymmetric magnetic fields is studied based on a linear α2–Ω dynamo model in a rotating spherical frame. The model consists of a solar-like differential rotation, a magnetic diffusivity varied with depth, and three types of α-effects with different locations, i.e. the tachocline, the whole convective zone and the sub-surface. Some comparisons of the critical α-values of axisymmetric (m = 0) and longitude-dependent modes (m = 1,2,3) are presented to show the roles of the magnetic diffusivity in the problem of modes selection. With the changing of diffusivity intensity for the given solar differential rotation system, the dominant mode possibly changes likewise and the stronger the diffusivity is, the easier the non-axisymmetric modes are excited. The influence of the diffusivity and differential rotation on the configurations of the dominant modes are also presented.  相似文献   

We build a single vertical straight magnetic fluxtube spanning the solar photosphere and the transition region which does not expand with height. We assume that the fluxtube containing twisted magnetic fields is in magnetohydrostatic equilibrium within a realistic stratified atmosphere subject to solar gravity. Incorporating specific forms of current density and gas pressure in the Grad–Shafranov equation, we solve the magnetic flux function, and find it to be separable with a Coulomb wave function in radial direction while the vertical part of the solution decreases exponentially. We employ improved fluxtube boundary conditions and take a realistic ambient external pressure for the photosphere to transition region, to derive a family of solutions for reasonable values of the fluxtube radius and magnetic field strength at the base of the axis that are the free parameters in our model. We find that our model estimates are consistent with the magnetic field strength and the radii of Magnetic bright points (MBPs) as estimated from observations. We also derive thermodynamic quantities inside the fluxtube.  相似文献   

By analyzing the vector magnetograms of Huairou Solar Observing Station (HSOS) taken at the line center (0.0 Å) and the line wing (−0.12 Å) of FeI λ5324.19 Å, we make an estimate of the measured errors in transversal azimuths (δ?) caused by Faraday rotation. Since many factors, such as the magnetic saturation and scattered light, can affect the measurement accuracy of the longitudinal magnetic field in the umbrae of sunspots, we limit our study in the region ∣Bz∣ < 800 G. The main mean azimuth rotations are about 4°, 6°, 7° and 9°, while ∣Bz∣ are in the ranges of 400–500 G, 500–600 G, 600–700 G and 700–800 G, respectively. Moreover, we find there is also an azimuth rotation of about 8° at the wavelength offset −0.12 Å of the line compared against a previous numerical simulation.  相似文献   

The mid-term periodicities of polar faculae are studied separately for the total disk, northern and southern hemispheres of the Sun for a time interval from 1951 August to 1998 December. Apart from the 11-year Schwabe cycle which is the fundamental period and is found in all of the three time series, the following prominent results are found: (1) the rotational periodicity of solar activity at high latitudes is approximately from 28 to 32 days; (2) a large number of quasi-periods appearing in low-latitude solar activity (annual variation, 1.3–1.7 years, quasi-biennial oscillation, and 4–5 years) also exist in polar faculae; (3) the periodicities on both hemispheres are not identical.  相似文献   

The analysis of turbulent processes in sunspots and pores which are self-organizing long-lived magnetic structures is a complicated and not yet solved problem. The present work focuses on studying such magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) formations on the basis of flicker-noise spectroscopy using a new method of multi-parametric analysis. The non-stationarity and cross-correlation effects taking place in solar activity dynamics are considered. The calculated maximum values of non-stationarity factor may become precursors of significant restructuring in solar magnetic activity. The introduced cross-correlation functions enable us to judge synchronization effects between the signals of various solar activity indicators registered simultaneously.  相似文献   

Accurate measurements of the solar differential rotation parameters are necessary for understanding the solar dynamo mechanism. We use the orthogonalization process to estimate these parameters. The advantage of the orthogonalization of the data in the tracer motion statistical analysis is outlined. The differential rotation is represented in terms of various types of polynomials. We compare the quality of a set of models of the solar differential rotation using the Akaike information criterion and choose the best one. Applying the proposed method, we studied the solar differential rotation and its North-South asymmetry using observations of coronal holes. A statistical analysis of observations from the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) on Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) reveals the differential rotation pattern of coronal holes and its North-South asymmetry.  相似文献   

The maximum entropy formalism and dimensional analysis are used to derive a power-law spectrum of accelerated electrons in impulsive solar flares, where the particles can contain a significant fraction of the total flare energy. Entropy considerations are used to derive a power-law spectrum for a particle distribution characterised by its order of magnitude of energy. The derivation extends an earlier one-dimensional argument to the case of an isotropic three-dimensional particle distribution. Dimensional arguments employ the idea that the spectrum should reflect a balance between the processes of energy input into the corona and energy dissipation in solar flares. The governing parameters are suggested on theoretical grounds and shown to be consistent with solar flare observations. The flare electron flux, differential in the non-relativistic electron kinetic energy E, is predicted to scale as E-3. This scaling is in agreement with RHESSI measurements of the hard X-ray flux that is generated by deka-keV electrons, accelerated in intense solar flares.  相似文献   

We have performed the analysis of the magnetic topology of active region NOAA 10486 before two large flares occurring on October 26 and 28, 2003. The 3D extrapolation of the photospheric magnetic field shows the existence of magnetic null points when using two different methods. We use TRACE 1600 Å and 195 Å brightenings as tracers of the energy release due to magnetic reconnections. We conclude on the three following points:
1. The small events observed before the flares are related to low lying null points. They are long lasting and associated with low energy release. They are not triggering the large flares.

2. On October 26, a high altitude null point is found. We look for bright patches that could correspond to the signatures of coronal reconnection at the null point in TRACE 1600 Å images. However, such bright patches are not observed before the main flare, they are only observed after it.

3. On October 28, four ribbons are observed in TRACE images before the X17 flare. We interpret them as due to a magnetic breakout reconnection in a quadrupolar configuration. There is no magnetic null point related to these four ribbons, and this reconnection rather occurs at quasi-separatrix layers (QSLs).

We conclude that the existence of a null point in the corona is neither a sufficient nor a necessary condition to give rise to large flares.  相似文献   

We have studied the effect of both solar magnetic polarity and the solar wind velocity on the Bz-component of the interplanetary magnetic field, IMFBz, for the minimum activity of the solar cycles 21, 22, 23 and 24. We made a statistical study of IMFBz in the first section which is considered as an extension of Lyatsky et al. (2003). They made a statistical study of IMFBz for two periods of minimum solar activity 22 and 23 related to 1985–1987 and 1995–1997 when the solar magnetic field had opposite polarity. Our results seem to be consistent with the results obtained by Lyatsky et al. (2003). We found that there is a dependence of IMFBz on the IMFBx and the solar magnetic polarity for the minimum periods of the selected four solar cycles. In addition, we found that there is a dependence of IMFBz on the solar wind velocity.  相似文献   

Coronal mass ejections (CMEs), which are among the most magnificent solar eruptions, are a major driver of space weather and can thus affect diverse human technologies. Different processes have been proposed to explain the initiation and release of CMEs from solar active regions (ARs), without reaching consensus on which is the predominant scenario, and thus rendering impossible to accurately predict when a CME is going to erupt from a given AR. To investigate AR magnetic properties that favor CMEs production, we employ multi-spacecraft data to analyze a long duration AR (NOAA 11089, 11100, 11106, 11112 and 11121) throughout its complete lifetime, spanning five Carrington rotations from July to November 2010. We use data from the Solar Dynamics Observatory to study the evolution of the AR magnetic properties during the five near-side passages, and a proxy to follow the magnetic flux changes when no magnetograms are available, i.e. during far-side transits. The ejectivity is studied by characterizing the angular widths, speeds and masses of 108 CMEs that we associated to the AR, when examining a 124-day period. Such an ejectivity tracking was possible thanks to the multi-viewpoint images provided by the Solar-Terrestrial Relations Observatory and Solar and Heliospheric Observatory in a quasi-quadrature configuration. We also inspected the X-ray flares registered by the GOES satellite and found 162 to be associated to the AR under study. Given the substantial number of ejections studied, we use a statistical approach instead of a single-event analysis. We found three well defined periods of very high CMEs activity and two periods with no mass ejections that are preceded or accompanied by characteristic changes in the AR magnetic flux, free magnetic energy and/or presence of electric currents. Our large sample of CMEs and long term study of a single AR, provide further evidence relating AR magnetic activity to CME and Flare production.  相似文献   

Over the last few years, dynamo theorists seem to be converging on a basic scenario as to how the solar dynamo operates. The strong toroidal component of the magnetic field is produced in the tachocline, from where it rises due to magnetic buoyancy to produce active regions at the solar surface. The decay of tilted bipolar active regions at the surface gives rise to the poloidal component, which is first advected poleward by the meridional circulation and then taken below the surface to the tachocline where it can be stretched to produce the toroidal component. The mathematical formulation of this basic model, however, involves the specification of some parameters which are still uncertain. We review these remaining uncertainties which have resulted in disagreements amongst various research groups and have made it impossible to still arrive at something that can be called a standard model of the solar dynamo.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional dynamical radiative-photochemical model of the ozonosphere including aerosol physics is used to examine the changes of the Earth's ozone layer occurred during the 21st and 22nd solar cycles. The calculated global total ozone changes in the latitude range 60°S—60°N caused by 11-year variation of solar UV radiation, volcanic eruptions, and anthropogenic atmospheric pollution containing CO2, CH4, N2O and chlorine and bromine species are in a rather good agreement with the observed global ozone trend. The calculations show that the anthropogenic pollution of the atmosphere is a main reason of the ozone depletion observed during the last two solar cycles. However, the 11-year solar UV variation as well as volcanic eruptions of El Chichon and Mt. Pinatubo also gave a significant contribution to the observed global ozone changes.  相似文献   

磁异常探测是一种在地球物理领域有着广泛应用的探测方法,磁异常场的空间分布规律信息是磁异常探测的主要理论依据。对矩形铁磁性物体空间磁场模型进行了推导,利用ANSYS Maxwell分析了大型铁磁性物体近场的磁异常场空间分布规律。针对不同地磁场方向条件,得到了近场空间磁感应强度总量分布及矢量分布规律,揭示了在不同条件下磁感应强度模量场和矢量场都具有普遍的对称性和规律性。通过对仿真模型进行缩比试验,测量了类似条件下模型近场的磁感应强度模量场和矢量场信息,验证了仿真得到的磁异常场空间分布规律的一致性和正确性。   相似文献   

We first briefly review the current trend in the studies of coronal mass ejections (CMEs), then summarize some recent efforts in understanding the CME initiation. Emphasis has been put on the studies of Earth-directed CMEs whose associated surface activity and large scale magnetic source have been well identified. The data analysis by combining the MDI full disc magnetograms, vector magnetograms of active regions, EUV waves and dimmings, non-thermal radio sources, and the SOHO LASCO observations has shed new light in understanding the CME magnetism. However, the current studies seem to invoke new observations in a few aspects: (1) The observations which enable us to trace CMEs from the earliest associated surface activity to its initial acceleration and key development in the low corona in the height of 1–3 R; (2) The imaging spectroscopic observations which can be used to diagnose the early plasma outflow and the line-of-sight velocity in understanding the kinematics of CMEs; (3) The accurate timing from primary magnetic energy release, manifested by chromospheric activity, non-thermal radio bursts, and EUV, X-ray and γ-ray emissions, to the CME initiation, early acceleration and propagation, and the consequences in the interplanetary space and magnetosphere. The Kuafu Mission will meet the basic requirement for the new observations in CME initiation studies and serve as a monitor of space weather of the Sun–Earth system.  相似文献   

The Solar Feature Catalogues for sunspots and active regions measured with SOHO/MDI instrument and Ca II K3 spectroheliograph of the Paris-Meudon Observatory are analyzed with the automated classification technique for sunspot groups and active region polarities. We report the first classification results for daily variations of tilt angles (normal and trigonometric ones) in sunspot groups (SG) and active (AR) regions in the cycle 23. The average normal tilts are presented for every year at the ascending and descending phases of the cycle 23 which are similar to those deduced by other authors for the cycles 19–22. The normal tilts of both the sunspot groups and active regions are shown to increase in the ascending phase and a decrease in the descending phase. Similar to SG and AR areas, the trigonometric tilts are shown to have the noticeable North–South asymmetry with the Southern hemisphere dominant in the selected ascending and descending periods. The normal tilt variations with latitude follow Joy’s law revealing a periodicity along the meridian of about 10° and reaching the maximum of 14° at the latitude of about 32° corresponding to the top of the ‘royal zone’ where the sunspots appear. The variations of polarity separation with a latitude are in an anti-phase with those of the tilts reaching a maximum at the latitude of 35° and showing a small positive separation for the groups/active regions in a vicinity of the average tilts ±40°. The ratio R of the polarity separation to the trigonometric tilt fits the linear function of a latitude φ as R = −0.0213φ − 0.1245 confirming positive separation for the polarities of active regions with the average tilts, or the dominance of activity in the Southern hemisphere activity, for the selected period of observations.  相似文献   

We present observations of a C9.4 flare on 2002 June 2 in EUV (TRACE) and X-rays (RHESSI). The multiwavelength data reveal: (1) the involvement of a quadrupole magnetic configuration; (2) loop expansion and ribbon motion in the pre-impulsive phase; (3) gradual formation of a new compact loop with a long cusp at the top during the impulsive phase of the flare; (4) appearance of a large, twisted loop above the cusp expanding outward immediately after the hard X-ray peak; and (5) X-ray emission observed only from the new compact loop and the cusp. In particular, the gradual formation of an EUV cusp feature is very clear. The observations also reveal the timing of the cusp formation and particle acceleration: most of the impulsive hard X-rays (>25 keV) were emitted before the cusp was seen. This suggests that fast reconnection occurred during the restructuring of the magnetic configuration, resulting in more efficient particle acceleration, while the reconnection slowed after the cusp was completely formed and the magnetic geometry was stabilized. This observation is consistent with the observations obtained with Yohkoh/Soft X-ray Telescope (SXT) that soft X-ray cusp structures only appear after the major impulsive energy release in solar flares. These observations have important implications for the modeling of magnetic reconnection and particle acceleration.  相似文献   

We present a comparison of large and sharp solar wind dynamic pressure changes, observed by several spacecraft, with fast disturbances in the magnetospheric magnetic field measured by the GOES-8, 9 and 10 geosynchronous satellites. Almost 400 solar wind pressure changes in the period 1996–2003 were selected for this study. Using the large statistics we confirmed that increases (decreases) in the dynamic pressure always results in increases (decreases) in the magnitude of geosynchronous Bz component. The amplitude of the geosynchronous Bz response strongly depends on the location of observer relative to the noon meridian, from the value of solar wind pressure before the disturbance arriving and firstly – from the amplitude of the pressure change.  相似文献   

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