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On the basis of numerical experiments the theoretical possibility of long-time (longer than 1 month) and superlong-time (longer than 1 year) existence in orbit of technogenic microparticles (MPs) with radii of a few hundredths of a micrometer is demonstrated. MPs are injected into the near-Earth space (NES) in elongated elliptical low-perigee orbits with parameters, corresponding to Molniya satellite’s orbital parameters. Calculations were carried out taking into account disturbing effects on the MP orbital motion in NES of the following factors: the gravitational disturbance caused by polar oblateness of the Earth, the solar pressure force (calculated with using the techniques of the Mie theory), the drag force of a neutral component of background gas, as well as the electrodynamic forces caused by interaction of electric charge, induced on MPs, with the magnetic and electric fields of the NES.  相似文献   

Extraterrestrial disposal, while not the only alternative (there is at least one very safe terrestrial method), nevertheless assures definite and irreversible removal of the most toxic and long-lived waste from the biosphere. In the foreseeable future, there is far less need to retrieve nuclear waste for later use then to dispose of it in a publicly acceptable manner, beginning in the near future (middle 1980s). It is, therefore, more important to assure safety in the weakest link of this disposal process—transportation into near-Earth orbit—than to engage in a retrievable disposal beyond Earth. The disposal “site” should lie at minimum safe transfer energy level. Primary candidate is the space between Venus and Earth. The number of propulsion phases should be a minimum, preferably only one (out of near-Earth orbit). Lunar gravity assist can be helpful to achieve higher inclination of the heliocentric orbit relative to the ecliptic.Solidified spent fuel isotopes and actinides, sufficient to reduce the residual terrestrial waste to the radiation level of natural uranium deposits after 30–40 yr instead of 1000–1500 yr, is deposited into heliocentric orbits. Transportation systems, requirements, costs and the associated socio-economic benefit potentials of an environmentally more benign and a more vigorous nuclear power generation program are presented.Prior to solidification, an interim storage of 10 yr, following removal from the reactor, may be required. The Shuttle, with one Orbiter modified as Nuclear Waste Carrying Orbiter (NWCO) and an out of near-Earth orbit booster, provides a safe and economic transportation system at (1979$) disposal mission costs from surface to disposal orbit of less than 0.5¢/kWhe or ? 0.1¢/kWhe (some 70% of overall exo-disposal cost), depending on level of orbital operations (this at basic Shuttle flight cost of $30M). The orbital operations mode can be selected according to lead time and costs, and can be advanced sequentially, lowering disposal costs while at the same time financing the development of orbital operations techniques needed also for other and larger-scale exo-industrial activities. An average of 10–15 disposal missions of the NWCO is required annually, at the given conditions, to service the spent fuel of 173 reactors 1978 in operation in W. Europe, Japan and North America.  相似文献   

Based on the results of plasma and magnetic measurements at three different points of the heliosphere and telescopic observations of the Sun from these points we study simultaneously high-speed streams (HSS) of the solar wind (SW) near the Earths’s orbit and coronal holes (CH) that have generated them. The data from spacecraft STEREO-A, STEREO-B, ACE, and SOHO are used together with ground-based observations from March 2007 to May 2008. In this period there existed HSS whose sources represented CH of various polarity, geometry, and location relative to the heliographic and heliomagnetic equators. Dependence of SW parameters on mutual positions of spacecraft with respect to CH and heliospheric current sheet, and also on heliolatitude and geometry of the CH is revealed. A difference of more than 5° in locations of spacecraft with respect to the heliospheric current sheet in November 2007 allowed us to discover a heliolatitude velocity gradient of the SW streams between the STEREO-A and STEREO-B spacecraft. On the average this gradient at that time was equal to 20 km/s per degree. Substantial variations in SW streams associated with variations of the HSS SW sources during a few hours or days were also observed. This variability makes it difficult to use the data of spacecraft STEREO-B for sufficiently accurate prediction of SW properties in the near-Earth space by the method of simple advanced ti me shift due to heliolongitude difference between a spacecraft and the Earth even in solar activity minimum.  相似文献   

Within observational constraints and analytic orbit determinations, potential NEO hazards and mitigations are characterized in terms of orbit displacements to establish (arbitrary) “safe” closest approach distances and corresponding energies that must be externally applied to achieve appropriate orbit displacements from the Earth. Required orbital velocity changes depend on projected closest Earth approach distances and time to (near) impact. Energy to achieve orbital displacement depends on NEO mass, required orbital velocity change, and the energy–momentum coupling coefficient. Errors in these parameters introduce uncertainties into hazard index and mitigation procedures. Hazard avoidance levels and mitigation indices for nine near-Earth asteroids, including 1997 XF11 and 1999 AN10, with non-zero Earth-impact probabilities are computed as examples of the proposed methodology, generating insight into the dilemma of predicting near impacts. This zeroth order approximation should not be construed as solving an orbital mechanics problem, nor establishing a particular set of criteria for mitigation action, but rather as a “survival index”.  相似文献   

The value of a space traffic management system must weigh the historical and legally entrenched concept of the freedom of operation in near-Earth orbit against the potential benefits of a new regulatory regime. Most spacefaring nations do not yet exert control over the selection of orbital parameters for new space systems within their own countries, much less in an international context. The need for and potential effectiveness of such intrusive space traffic management in the foreseeable future have not yet been clearly established.  相似文献   

Problems of situational investigations during the planning and control of the space experiment in the near-Earth space are considered in this paper. It gives the concept of the orbital torus and shows its application in various problems of situational investigations: the forecast of intersections of the orbit with the magnetopause and bow shock, regions of satellites radiovisibility from the ground observation post and others.  相似文献   

All significant short-term disturbances of the near-Earth space are caused exclusively by solar flare events and regions in the solar corona with the magnetic field open into the interplanetary space (coronal holes). Flare processes occur as a consequence of the interactions of new emerging magnetic fluxes within (flares) and outside (filament ejections) the active regions with already existing magnetic fields. The observation of emerging new magnetic fluxes and the estimate of their magnitude and the emerging rate allow one to forecast solar flares and filament ejections and estimate their degree of geoeffectiveness. The main agents that visualize the propagation of disturbance from solar flares and filaments in the solar corona and the interplanetary space are coronal mass ejections, the characteristics of which ideally allow one to estimate the possible disturbance of the geomagnetic field, the possible growth of high-energy charged particle fluxes in the near-Earth space. For successful forecast of geoeffective active phenomena on the Sun and their consequences in the near-Earth space, it is necessary to know the situation on the Sun for the last 3 days taking into account the development and characteristics of the current cycle and the epoch of solar activity.  相似文献   

To estimate the protective properties of a space suit against cosmic radiation the dose rates were calculated for extravehicular activity in the ISS orbit for a number of representative points of critical organs of the human body. The screening functions of the Orlan-M space suit obtained by the authors earlier are used in the calculations. In addition, the effect of East-West asymmetry of the fluxes of high-energy protons trapped by the geomagnetic field is taken into account. It is shown that during passages through the South Atlantic Anomaly, choosing the optimal orientation of astronauts in relation to the cardinal directions, one can achieve for the most critical body organs a dose rate reduction by a factor of ∼1.5–1.8 (in the maximum of solar activity) and by a factor of ∼2–2.5 (in the solar activity minimum). The obtained results can serve for obtaining more accurate estimation of radiation risk for astronauts working in the Orlan-M space suit in the near-terrestrial orbits and for elaborating practical recommendations to reduce their radiation exposures.  相似文献   

The efficiency of using the light pressure of solar radiation for increasing the semimajor axis of the orbit of an Earth Satellite carrying a solar sail is estimated. The orbit is nearly circular and has an altitude of about 900 km. The satellite is in the mode of single-axis solar orientation: it rotates at an angular velocity of 1 deg/s around the axis of symmetry, which traces the direction to the Sun. This mode is maintained by the solar sail, which serves in this case as a solar stabilizer. The following method of increasing the semimajor axis of the orbit (which is equivalent to increasing the total energy of the satellite's orbital motion) is considered. On those sections of the orbit, where the angle between the light pressure force acting upon the sail and the vector of geocentric velocity of the satellite does not exceed a specified limit, the sail is functioning as a solar stabilizer. On those sections of the orbit, where the above-indicated angle exceeds this limit, the sail is furled by way of turning the edges of the petals towards the Sun. Such a control increases the semimajor axis by more than 150 km for three months of flight. In this case, the accuracy of solar orientation decreases insignificantly.  相似文献   

Kuznetsov  N. V.  Nymmik  R. A.  Panasyuk  M. I.  Sosnovets  E. N.  Teltsov  M. V. 《Cosmic Research》2004,42(3):203-209
We consider cases of simultaneous detection of the absorbed doses produced by proton fluxes of powerful solar events onboard the Mir and ISS orbital stations and the Ekspress A3 geosynchronous satellite. Experimental data are analyzed using a software package that takes into account the energy spectra of protons at the Earth's orbit depending on the time of event evolution, as well as their penetration to near-earth orbits and through the protective shields of spacecraft. Based on a comparison of the experimental data of dosimeters with the calculation of absorbed doses under the action of solar proton events, we developed a method of estimating the effective thickness of the shielding of dosimeters and made some estimates. A possibility is considered for predicting the radiation hazard onboard orbital stations upon the appearance of solar proton events using dosimeter data from a geosynchronous orbit.  相似文献   

We present the results of a cross-correlation analysis made on the basis of Spearman’s rank correlation method. The quantities to correlate are daily values of the fluence of energetic electrons at a geosynchronous orbit, intensities of ground and interplanetary ultra-low-frequency (ULF) oscillations in the Pc5 range, and parameters of the solar wind. The period under analysis is the 23rd cycle of solar activity, 1996–2006. Daily (from 6 h to 18 h of LT) magnetic data at two diametrically opposite observatories of the Intermagnet network are taken as ground-based measurements. The fluxes of electrons with energies higher than 2 MeV were measured by the geosynchronous GOES satellites. The data of magnetometers and plasma instruments installed on ACE and WIND spacecraft were used for analysis of the solar wind parameters and of the oscillations of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). Some results elucidating the role played by interplanetary ULF waves in the processes of generation of magneospheric oscillations and acceleration of energetic electrons are obtained. Among them are (i) high and stable correlation of ground ULF oscillations with waves in the solar wind; (ii) closer link of mean daily amplitudes of both interplanetary and ground oscillations with ‘tomorrow’ values of the solar wind velocity than with current values; and (iii) correlation of the intensity of ULF waves in the solar wind, normalized to the IMF magnitude, with fluxes of relativistic electrons in the magnetosphere.  相似文献   

In recent years, great experience has been accumulated in manned flight astronautics for rendezvous in near-Earth orbit. During flights of Apollo spacecraft with crews that landed on the surface of the Moon, the problem of docking a landing module launched from the Moon’s surface with the Apollo spacecraft’s command module in a circumlunar orbit was successfully solved. A return to the Moon declared by leading space agencies requires a scheme for rendezvous of a spacecraft launched from an earth-based cosmodromee with a lunar orbital station. This paper considers some ballistic schemes making it possible to solve this problem with minimum fuel expenditures.  相似文献   

Space sustainability is emerging as a core element of national policy and international initiatives. At this time, however, a coherent strategy and supporting policies have not been developed. To initiate a conversation to develop such a strategy, the authors have applied the principles developed by Elinor Ostrom for terrestrial common-pool resource (CPR) governance to near-Earth orbit in space. A concern arises as to whether Ostrom's eight principles are a good “fit” for application to space CPR because of the unique physical characteristics of space and the legal underpinnings of our presence there. This commentary will address selected issues raised by Weeden and Chow, and suggest alternative ways to approach near-Earth orbit sustainability.  相似文献   

Estimates of drag characteristics of the space vehicles with orbit heights of 450–540 and 700–900 km before and after strong (with a magnitude M ≥ 6.5) crust earthquakes of 2000–2006 are presented. The method of estimation of seismic orbital effects is presented using as an example the small Mozhaets-4 spacecraft. Two weeks prior to earthquakes, variations in the drag of low-orbital spacecraft increase. 3–6 days prior to strong crust earthquakes with epicenters on the land, the drag of low-orbit spacecraft in the upper atmosphere increases. The effect of increased viscosity of the neutral component of the atmosphere at spacecraft heights 3–6 days prior to strong crust earthquakes is consistent with the results of studies of disturbances in the ionization density variations in the ionospheric F region prior to earthquakes. No anomalies are found in the day of the earthquake. In the future, it is proposed to use elements of space debris for diagnostics of seismic orbital effects and disturbances of the upper atmosphere.  相似文献   

目前的空间外热流分析软件和在航天器稳态热平衡试验中模拟的外热流都不包括帆板对航天器表面的红外加热,而有时帆板的红外加热并不小,应该叠加到模拟的外热流中.文章针对一种低轨道航天器,计算了帆板红外加热的强度,给出了在热平衡试验中叠加的方法,并讨论了在固定帆板方位的同时保持其红外热流等效的可能性.结果表明,可以精确计算帆板红外加热,对任意的帆板方位均可以保持其红外加热的等效.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the orbital disturbed spacecraft motion near an asteroid. The equations of the asteroidocentric spacecraft motion have been used with regard to three perturbations from celestial bodies, the asteroid’s nonsphericity, and solar radiation pressure. It has been shown that the orbital parameters of the main spacecraft and a small satellite with a radio beacon can be selected such that the orbits are rather stable for a fairly long period of time, i.e., a few weeks for the main spacecraft with an orbit initial radius of ~0.5 km and a few years before approaching Apophis with the Earth in 2029, for a small satellite at an orbit initial radius of ~1.5 km. The initial orientation of the spacecraft orbital plane perpendicular to the sunward direction is optimal from the point of view of the stability of the spacecraft flight near an asteroid.  相似文献   

A developed method of determination of orbital parameters allows one to estimate, along with orbit elements, some additional parameters that characterize solar radiation pressure and perturbing accelerations due to unloadings of reactiion wheels. A parameterized model of perturbing action of solar radiation pressure on the spacecraft motion is described (this model takes into account the shape, reflecting properties of surfaces, and spacecraft attitude). Some orbit determination results are presented obtained by the joint processing of radio measurements of slant range and Doppler, laser range measurements used to calibrate the radio measurements, optical observations of right ascension and declination, and telemetry data on spacecraft thrusters’ firings during an unloading of reaction wheels.  相似文献   

The near-Earth orbital debris population will continue to increase in the future due to ongoing space activities, on-orbit explosions, and accidental collisions among resident space objects. Commonly adopted mitigation measures, such as limiting postmission orbital lifetimes of satellites to less than 25 years, will slow down the population growth, but will be insufficient to stabilize the environment. To better limit the growth of the future debris population, the remediation option, i.e., removing existing large and massive objects from orbit, needs to be considered. This paper does not intend to address the technical or economical issues for active debris removal. Rather, the objective is to provide a sensitivity study to illustrate and quantify the effectiveness of various remediation options. An effective removal criterion based upon mass and collision probability is developed. This study includes simulations with removal rates ranging from 5 to 20 objects per year, starting in the year 2020. The outcome of each simulation is analyzed and compared with others. The summary of the study serves as a general guideline for future debris removal consideration.  相似文献   

Low fluxes of protons with energies 0.3–10 MeV were studied during 21–23 solar cycles as a function of the MgII index using the data of the instruments CPME, EIS (IMP8), and EPHIN (SOHO). It has been shown that a) during quiet time of solar activity the fluxes of protons (background protons) have a positive correlation with the MgII index value throughout the solar cycle, b) specific features of variations of the MgII index during the solar minima of 1986–1987 and 1996–1997 can be considered, as well as variations of background fluxes of low energy charged particles, to be manifestations of the 22-year magnetic cycle of the Sun, and c) periods of the lowest value of the MgII index are also characterized by the smaller values of the ratio of intensities of protons and helium nuclei than in other quiet periods. A hypothesis is put forward that acceleration in a multitude of weak solar flares is one of the sources of background fluxes of low energy particles in the interplanetary space.  相似文献   

The results of determining the rotational motion of the Mir orbital station are presented for four long segments of its unmanned uncontrolled flight in 1999–2000. The determination was carried out using the data of onboard measurements of the Earth's magnetic field intensity. These data, taken for a time interval of several hours, were jointly processed by the least squares method with the help of integration of the equations of station motion relative to its center of mass. As a result of this processing, the initial conditions of motion and the parameters of the mathematical model used were evaluated. The technique of processing is verified using the telemetry data on angular velocity of the station and its attitude parameters. Two types of motion were applied on the investigated segments. One of them (three segments) presents a rotation around the axis of the minimum moment of inertia. This axis executes small oscillations with respect to a normal to the orbit plane. Such a motion was used for the first time on domestic manned orbital complexes. The second type of motion begins with a biaxial rotation which, in a few weeks, goes over into a motion very similar to the rotation around the normal to the orbit plane, but around the axis of the maximum moment of inertia.  相似文献   

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