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正值《航空标准化与质量》改版一周年之际,我们特此刊登一八五厂柳翔宇同志专为本刊撰写的一首热情洋溢的诗,以表达我们对柳翔宇同志以及广大热心读者的衷心谢意!借此机会,也祝愿一直关心、支持《航空标准化与质量》的各级领导、作者和读者工作顺利,身体健康!  相似文献   

<正>中国首艘全碳纤维游艇横空出世中国首艘全碳纤维游艇亮相本届上海游艇展。该游艇由上海联亚游艇投资管理有限公司、中科院上海高等研究院和汕头扬帆海天游艇制造有限公司,共同研发打造。这也是目前中国唯-的一艘全碳纤维游艇。低成本复合碳纤维制造技术是中科院的重大科研成果,其在游艇上的充分应用,不只是打造现代绿色船艇,也是中国高端制造业的巨大进步。  相似文献   

三大传统航空联盟存在已久,为各自成员带来了可观的收益。而民航业的生力军——廉价航空的首个联盟也在今年年初宣告成立,这将成为业界的一股新潮流吗?我们拭目以待。  相似文献   

堪称北宋作家之冠的苏轼,以其二千七百余首诗,近三百首词和卷帙浩繁的散文,对我国的民族文化做出了一定的贡献。以他一生的政治活动、行勾方式,对我们民族性格与民族心理的形成也产生过一定的影响。但论者往往以一个“杂”字将其盖棺定论。对“杂”字的解释,有的贬斥过多,有欠公允;有的则含糊不清,褒贬不明。笔者认为,对苏轼这样的封建政治家、古代正直的知识分子、著名文学家给以公允评价,对弘扬民族文化,批判地继承祖国优秀的文化遗产大有裨益。本文对苏轼的人品及文品提出了若干尽管不成熟但却明确的见解,希望得到方家指正。  相似文献   

董帼雄 《大飞机》2021,(4):48-51
20多年前,当GE的工程师们广泛征集客户对飞机发动机性能的诉求时,在收到的约300项的长清单上,"燃油效率"跃然其首.这个答案也是意料之中的,毕竟燃油成本要占航空公司运营成本的近五分之一.  相似文献   

本文讨论了α-β与α-β一γ滤波器首参数α的选取问题。假设系统状态方程存在递推截断误差,观测方程存在随机误差。当滤波器进入稳态时,以滤波器的输出误差协方差阵谱模范数达到最小为最优准则,为确定滤波器增益矢量中的首参数α,导出了一种选取首参数的算法。按此算法计算验证,其结果是令人满意的。  相似文献   

10月12日,备受期待的南方航A380广州-洛杉矶航线正式开通,这是A380超大型客机执飞的首条中美航线。也是其执飞的首条国际航线。据介绍,南方航将与因航共同运营这条航线,A380航班将实现代码共享。目前南方航共有4架A380飞机,  相似文献   

5月16日,中国订购的首架A34O远程宽体客机安全平稳地降落在上海虹桥机场,落户中国东方航空公司。这是中国自1985年与欧洲空中客车公司合作以来引进的首架A34O客机,也是东方航空公司在“九五”期间将引进的8架A340中的首架。  相似文献   

<正>您手中的这期《导航定位与授时》是2015年的第1期,也是更名创刊后的第4期。请接受我们最诚挚的新年祝福!过去的2014年,二月取得公开发行刊号,三十年的坚守付出终成正果,我们喜悦激动。随后的"首刊发布"、"首届编委会成立大会"和"PNT技术学术交流会"立刻将我们带入到紧张繁忙的筹备工作之中。组稿审稿、版式设计、会议组织、选择征文……事无巨细,千头万绪,一切都是新的,一切都需要重新筹划。唯有读者和编委对我们的关爱是不变的,是我们全心投入的动力!  相似文献   

正6月13日上午,成都航空一架"客改货"改装的ARJ21飞机搭载近5吨普货快件从成都飞往深圳,这是成都航空执行的首个"客改货"航班,也是ARJ21飞机首个"客改货"航班。成都航空称,对ARJ21飞机进行"客改货"改装后,一架飞机载货量增幅达90%。此次率先选择对ARJ21飞机进行"客改货"改装,进一步拓展了ARJ21飞机的运行能力和国产民机运营模式。  相似文献   

为了保持竞争力,欧洲的飞机工业要求降低开发和使用成本,短期和长期分别降低20%和50%。为了实现这一目标,欧盟在框架计划下支持了一系列复合材料加筋结构后屈曲技术相关的研究项目。飞机复合材料加筋板具有较强的后屈曲承载能力,在飞机设计中可大幅提高结构的承载效率。本文介绍了欧盟在该领域的发展概况,从项目背景、目标、开展的工作、分析方法以及研究成果等方面阐述了欧盟在第五、第六和第七框架及其他项目下支持的复合材料加筋结构后屈曲设计分析技术相关研究项目,并分析了该领域技术的发展趋势及带来的启示。  相似文献   

This paper presents a collection of tools for conceptual structure design. The underlying model is the ‘free material optimization’ problem. This problem gives the best physically attainable material and is considered as a generalization of the sizing/shape optimization problem. The method is supported by powerful optimization and numerical techniques, which allow us to work with bodies of complex initial design and with very fine finite-element meshes. The computed results are realized by composite materials. We consider a particular class of fibre-reinforced composite materials, manufactured by the so-called tape-laying technology. In the post-processing phase, stress/strain-trajectories are plotted which indicate how to place these tapes; they also show the proposed thickness of the tapes. Several examples demonstrate the efficiency of this approach to conceptual design of engineering structures.  相似文献   

马克思相对剩余价值理论的当代启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马克思的相对剩余价值生产理论,揭示了资本主义生产方式的特殊运动规律,为我们提供了一把认识当代资本主义生产发展和技术进步的钥匙。其所阐明的许多具有普遍性的商品经济基本原理,如关于协作和分工在生产中的作用,以及机器与自动化体系在生产中的应用等论述,对我国发展社会主义市场经济无疑具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

建立科学良好的航空器材管理信息系统,能够:改进管理办法,提高工作效率;快速组织传递信息,有效共享数据;详细准确核算,加强成本控制;盘活资产,合理地使用航空器材资金。  相似文献   

The cratering event produced by the Deep Impact mission is a unique experimental opportunity, beyond the capability of Earth-based laboratories with regard to the impacting energy, target material, space environment, and extremely low-gravity field. Consequently, impact cratering theory and modeling play an important role in this mission, from initial inception to final data analysis. Experimentally derived impact cratering scaling laws provide us with our best estimates for the crater diameter, depth, and formation time: critical in the mission planning stage for producing the flight plan and instrument specifications. Cratering theory has strongly influenced the impactor design, producing a probe that should produce the largest possible crater on the surface of Tempel 1 under a wide range of scenarios. Numerical hydrocode modeling allows us to estimate the volume and thermodynamic characteristics of the material vaporized in the early stages of the impact. Hydrocode modeling will also aid us in understanding the observed crater excavation process, especially in the area of impacts into porous materials. Finally, experimentally derived ejecta scaling laws and modeling provide us with a means to predict and analyze the observed behavior of the material launched from the comet during crater excavation, and may provide us with a unique means of estimating the magnitude of the comet’s gravity field and by extension the mass and density of comet Tempel 1.  相似文献   

Especially in the case of large transonic transport aircraft, flight conditions change considerably during a typical mission. This is accounted for by multiple but fixed design points which compromise aircraft performance. Employing adaptive wing technology where the wing geometry, or other means of flow control, adjusts the flow development to the changing freestream and load conditions allows us to explore fully the flow potential at each point of the flight envelope. Various means of flow control by geometric adaptation and by direct boundary layer control have been investigated within the German national program ADIF and the EU-project EUROSHOCK II and their potential explored. Here, corresponding results are presented and discussed, indicating the applicability and benefits of the adaptive control methods considered. It is also demonstrated that, generally, flow control must be adaptive to work in real aeronautical conditions since these conditions change within the mission flight envelope.  相似文献   

叶片颤振抑制技术的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
宋兆泓 《航空动力学报》1988,3(4):327-332,384
本文简要介绍了近年来在叶片颤振抑制技术方面所做的研究工作,包括全频段叶片颤振预估;叶片三心设计与抑制颤振特性;叶片错频抑颤特性;叶片气动弹性剪裁抑颤技术和“叶片颤振系列”实验等问题。  相似文献   

In this work we will try to give the most general panorama, comparatively with the conciseness, on SS Cygni which is the brightest dwarf nova.The dwarf novae form a sub-class of the more vaste panorama of the Cataclysmic Variables (CVs). For this reason firstly we will describe in general the CVs and the current theories which attempt to describe their physical behaviour (Sections 2 and 3). The up-to-date observational properties of SS Cygni (Section 4) and a discussion on their explanation within the framework of theories (Section 5) will allow us to draw the conclusions (Section 6) and to argue the most convenient line of investigation (Section 7) both experimental and theoretical for a better understanding of the underlying physics of these systems.  相似文献   

计划维修任务间隔是反映飞机可靠性和经济性的重要指标,而飞机服役后维修及故障数据的累积对 维修间隔调整提供依据。通过梳理飞机维修任务间隔优化的流程,确定数据抽样样本量的方法;给出基于数据 拟合的故障趋势分析方法对间隔优化的必要性进行判断;定义维修间隔优化的假设检验准则,对提出的优化方 法进行算例验证。结果表明:本文的方法能够对新维修任务间隔的可行性进行判断,指导维修大纲的更新。  相似文献   

旋翼反扭矩系统结构参数对其气动特性的影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对一种新型的横流风扇式旋翼反扭矩系统,对该系统的流场进行了数值模拟.通过CFD计算,分析了这种新型反扭矩系统的结构参数对其流场的影响,找出该反扭矩系统的最优几何参数,使得这种新型反扭矩系统能够获得更好的性能.  相似文献   

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