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雷声公司空间和机载系统分部(SAS)已经向美军方交付了第一批F-35“联合攻击战斗机”(JSF)专用的GPS定位系统,这些系统将安装在F-35试验飞机上。  相似文献   

航天技术曾被列为20世纪影响人类社会进步和文明生活的20项重大科学技术之一,并将在21世纪继续扩大其影响力和渗透力。航天技术及其在国民经济和社会生活中的广泛应用,已经或者正在成为我们每个人日常生活的一部分。不管是外出旅行和经商,或是居家生活,我们都会感受到它的存在。例如2000年的悉尼奥运会,如果没有通信卫星,全世界35亿人根本不可能同时在家中观看当天的实况转播。冷战结束之前,各国航天活动的主要目的是为政治、军事、科研和公共事业服务,是一种以国家投资为主的政府行为。最近10年来,随着通信广播卫星…  相似文献   

本文主要通过分析九五以来河北省高技术产业的现状,针对其规模小、产量化程度低、技术开发投入强度低、知识产权意识差等问题,提出今后的发展方向及对策。  相似文献   

九五以来河北省高技术产业发展状况分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要通过分析九五以来河北省高技术产业的现状,针对其规模小、产量化程度低、技术开发投入强度低、知识产权意识差等问题,提出今后的发展方向及对策。  相似文献   

目前,高技派建筑得到广泛认可。高技派建筑在经过对技术的纯粹化的追求后,在技术不断发展的今天,高技派建筑师回归到对人文精神、地域性的关注上,使高技派建筑在信息技术时代焕发出新的生命力。本文论述了高技派建筑的适用技术观,通过分析揭示了高技派建筑的适用技术观对于建筑师的启示。  相似文献   

目前,高技派建筑得到广泛认可.高技派建筑在经过对技术的纯粹化的追求后,在技术不断发展的今天,高技派建筑师回归到对人文精神、地域性的关注上,使高技派建筑在信息技术时代焕发出新的生命力.本文论述了高技派建筑的适用技术观,通过分析揭示了高技派建筑的适用技术观对于建筑师的启示.  相似文献   

文章介绍了导航战产生的背景及内涵,分析了导航战给高技术战争带来的影响,针对未来我军面临严峻的导航对抗形势,重点阐述了我军在增强导航战能力方面应该做的工作。  相似文献   

<正>记者日前从中国航天科工集团公司了解到,今年上半年,航天科工型号科研生产势头良好,飞行试验成功率大幅提升,国家重点型号试验成功率达100%。上半年,航天科工以下发责任令和召开形势任务报告会等方式,落实责任,全力营造完成国家重点型号任务的良好氛围。  相似文献   

正At 20:43 on November 3,a LM-5launch vehicle soared into space from the Hainan Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site.Then the Yuanzheng upper stage separated from the LM-5 launch vehicle,and continued to place the SJ-17 satellite into its preset orbit,signifying that the maiden flight of LM-5 developed by CASC was a complete success.As a milestone project in the upgrade of China’s carrier rockets,LM-5  相似文献   

<正>China’s first manned space docking mission between Shenzhou 9 spaceship and Tiangong1 target spacecraft achieved a complete success when all the three astronauts aboard climbed out of the Shenzhou 9 recoverable capsule in good physical condition on June 29. Jing Haipeng, commander of the Shenzhou 9, climbed out of the  相似文献   

It has been almost three years since the great Geostationary Orbit Earth (GEO) Ka-band filing rush concluded at the FCC. The majority of filers have gone on to register their systems with the ITU, creating the most congested new Spectrum band at system startup that the world has ever seen. However, for all the hype, none of the GEO systems are thought yet to have begun to bend metal. All appear consumed with the requirement to find partners with whom to share the business risks, costs and rewards.

This Paper will examine the current state of progress of Kaband systems. Assessments will be made with respect to criteria such as: announced target markets and their appropriateness for the technology proposed; availability of desired technology to enable these systems to achieve their stated goals and a realistic assessment of when these technologies will be deployed; the availability of alternative terrestrial systems to address the same applications and their impact on the GEO Ka-band system target markets; and regulatory issues and paths to insure commercial access.  相似文献   

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