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A likelihood receiver for a Gaussian random signal process in colored Gaussian noise is realized with a quadratic form of a finite-duration sample of the input process. Such a receiver may be called a "filtered energy detector." The output statistic is compared with a threshold and if the threshold is exceeded, a signal is said to be present. False alarm and detection probabilities may be estimated if tabulated distributions can be fitted to the actual distributions of the test statistic which are unknown. Gamma distributions were fitted to the conditional probability densities of the output statistic by equating means and variances, formulas for which are derived assuming a large observation interval. A numerical example is given for the case in which the noise and signal processes have spectral densities of the same shape or are flat. The optimum filter turns out to be a band-limited noise whitener. The factors governing false alarm and detection probabilities are the filter bandwidth, the sample duration, and the signal level compared to the noise. Two sets of receiver operating characteristic curves are presented to complete the example.  相似文献   

Detection of random signals via spectrum matching   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using a priori knowledge of the signal power spectral density (PSD), a spectrum matching approach which effectively utilizes the available signal spectral shape is developed for random signal detection. Two spectrum matching detector (SMD) structures, which are implemented by correlogram and periodogram, respectively, are examined. Theoretical calculation of their false alarm rates is derived and confirmed by simulations. It is also demonstrated that the proposed detectors outperform the standard periodogram, Bartlett method, and energy detector under constant false alarm rate (CFAR) condition for two different random signals.  相似文献   

The average likelihood ratio detector is derived as the optimum detector for detecting a target line with unknown normal parameters in the range-time data space of a search radar, which is corrupted by Gaussian noise. The receiver operation characteristics of this optimum detector is derived to evaluate its performance improvement in comparison with the Hough detector, which uses the return signal of several successive scans to achieve a non-coherent integration improvement and get a better performance than the conventional detector. This comparison, which is done through analytic derivations and also through simulation results, shows that the average likelihood ratio detector has a better performance for different SNR values. This result is justified by showing the disadvantages of the Hough method, which are eliminated by the optimum detector. To have an estimate for the location of the detected target line in the optimum detection method as the Hough method, which detects and localizes the target lines simultaneously, we present the maximum a posteriori probability estimator. The estimation performance of the two methods is then compared and it is shown that the maximum a posteriori probability estimator localizes the detected target lines with a better performance in comparison with the Hough method.  相似文献   

The optimum rank detector structure, in the Neyman-Pearson sense and under Gaussian noise conditions, is approximated by a suboptimum structure that depends on an adjustable parameter. This new rank detector, which operates on radar video signal, includes other well-known detectors as particular cases. The asymptotic relative efficiency (ARE) of the proposed rank detector is computed, with its maximum value the ARE of the locally optimum rank detector (LORD). The detection probability versus signal-to-noise ratio, and the effects of interfering targets are also calculated by Monte-Carlo simulations for different parameter values.  相似文献   

It is shown how to compute the detection probability of certain signals by numerical integration of the Laplace inversion integral involving the characteristic function or the moment-generating function of the detection statistic. The contour of integration is taken as the path of steepest descent of the integrand and is determined numerically as the integration proceeds. The method is applied to calculating the performance of the optimum detector of a Gaussian stochastic signal in white noise when the signals actually present have a different average s.n.r. from that assumed in the design. Results are presented for narrowband signals with Lorentz and rectangular spectral densities. The detectability of the former is shown to be more sensitive than that of the latter to the value of the design s.n.r. The relative disadvantage of the threshold detector, also assessed by this method, is smaller for signals with a rectangular than for those with a Lorentz spectral density.  相似文献   

Joint maximum likelihood estimators are presented for the signal amplitude and noise power density in a coherent PCM channel with white Gaussian noise and a correlation receiver. The estimates are based upon the correlation coefficient outputs of the receiver. From these estimators, an estimator for the quantity (received signal energy)/bit/,(noise power)/(unit bandwidth) upon which the error probabilities depend, is derived. This estimator is shown to be useful as 1) a point estimator for the signal-to-noise ratio for the higher values of this ratio (about 4 dB or greater), and 2) an easily calculated statistic upon which to base data acceptance or rejection criteria. The acceptance or rejection levels are obtained by the use of confidence interval curves in conjunction with word error probability data.  相似文献   

The binary detection problem is considered. Under an arbitrary noise environment, the input sample space can be transformed into a multinomial vector. Based on observations of this vector, the Neyman-Pearson optimal detector is developed for a known signal. When the signal strength is unknown, the likelihood ratio principle is followed to obtain consistent tests which use the Pearson's chisquare statistic. The resulting detectors are compared to others in terms of asymptotic relative efficiency under some actual noise distributions.  相似文献   

A method is presented for calculating the performance of linear and square-law detectors in detection schemes that employ noncoherent integration. The method consists of transforming the coherent characteristic function, which is usually easy to obtain to a noncoherent moment generating function describing the test statistic of a linear or square-law detector. The method provides a single mathematical framework for many signal models (both classical and new) and can be implemented using standard numerical routines. Although the method is not always optimum in terms of computing speed for specific classical models, its common approach for all signal models makes it very efficient in term of learning and implementation times. Classical results as well as results for an extended set of target models consisting of an arbitrary number of constant amplitude random phase returns are presented to demonstrate the technique. It is shown for the signal parameters considered that the performance difference between the linear and square-law detectors is relatively insignificant  相似文献   

 许多作者讨论过非参量秩检测器在雷达信号处理中的应用。秩检测器首先把接收波形样本转换为秩。如果检验单元和参考单元的噪声样本独立和分布,则无信号时检验单元的秩具有离散均匀分布,与输入噪声的分布无关。所以秩检测器可能提供分布自由的恒虚警率性能。量化秩检测器(QRD)只对二进量化秩进行积累,所以它实现起来很经济。本文分析QRD的检测性能。证明QRD有一最佳秩量化门限(ORQT)。确定高斯和韦伯噪声中的ORQT。另外,把QRD同高斯噪声中的局部最佳秩检测器和最佳参量检测器进行比较。  相似文献   

We study the design of constant false-alarm rate (CFAR) tests for detecting a rank-one signal in the presence of background Gaussian noise with unknown spatial covariance. We look at invariant tests, i.e., those tests whose performance is independent of the nuisance parameters, like the background noise covariance. Such tests are shown to have the desirable CFAR property. We characterize the class of all such tests by showing that any invariant decision statistic can be written as a function of two basic statistics which are in fact the adaptive matched filter (AMF) statistic and Kelly's generalized likelihood ratio statistic. Further, we establish an optimum test in the limit of low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), the locally most powerful invariant (LMPI) test. We also derive the bound for the probability of detection of any invariant detector, at a fixed false-alarm rate, and compare the LMPI and the published detectors (Kelly and AMF) to it  相似文献   

The application of existing estimation theory to the problem of specification and performance of passive sonar spectral estimators is considered. The classification function is addressed, so that the signal is assumed to be present, and so that the energy arrival angle is known. The spatial filter considered is a line array of M equally spaced omnidirectional hydrophones. Signal and ambient noise are both zero-mean, wide-sense, stationary Gaussian random processes that differ in their spatial correlation across the face of the array. The signal is a plane wave that can be made totally spacially corrected between array elements by inserting delays between sensors to invert the signal propagation delay. The noise correlation is a function of frequency, bandwidth, element separation, and the relative time delay between sensors. Under these assumptions, the Cramer-Rao lower bound is derived for the class of unbiased estimates of signal power in a narrow frequency band at the hydrophone in the presence of correlated ambient noise of known power. The bound is examined numerically, resulting in a threshold phenomenon with M that constitutes a new design consideration. In addition, there is a striking insensitivity to realistic values of ambient noise correlation, and there are ranges in signal-to-noise ratio for which one gains more by increasing M than by increasing the bandwidth-time product. Specific processors, including a new unbiased estimator when noise power is unknown, are developed.  相似文献   

An analysis is presented of the performance of a logarithmic detector or followed by a low-pass filter, under the assumption of a large ratio of IF bandwidth to postdetection bandwidth. This allows for the probability of detection and similar quantities to be computed in a straightforward manner. The mean and variance of the filter output are found by first deriving the autocorrelation function of the logarithmic detector output and then obtaining the power spectral ral density. A useful engineering approximation is made for the variance which is valid for all signal-to-noise ratios.  相似文献   

Cumulant-based blind optimum beamforming   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sensor response, location uncertainty, and use of sample statistics can severely degrade the performance of optimum beamformers. We propose blind estimation of the source steering vector in the presence of multiple, directional, correlated or coherent Gaussian interferers via higher order statistics. In this way, we employ the statistical characteristics of the desired signal to make the necessary discrimination, without any a-priori knowledge of array manifold and direction-of-arrival (DOA) information about the desired signal. We then improve our method to utilize the data in a more efficient manner. In any application, only sample statistics are available, so we propose a robust beamforming approach that employs the steering vector estimate obtained by cumulant-based signal processing. We further propose a method that employs both covariance and cumulant information to combat finite sample effects. We analyze the effects of multipath propagation on the reception of the desired signal. We show that even in the presence of coherence, cumulant-based beamformer still behaves as the optimum beamformer that maximizes the signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR). Finally, we propose an adaptive version of our algorithm simulations demonstrate the excellent performance of our approach in a wide variety of situations  相似文献   

The problem of achieving the optimum moving target indicator (MTI) detection performance in strong clutter of unknown spectrum when the set of data available to the estimation of clutter statistics is small due to a severely nonhomogeneous environment is studied. A new adaptive implementation, called the Doppler domain localized generalized likelihood ratio processor (DDL-GLR), is proposed, and its detection performance is studied in detail. It is shown that the DDL-GLR is a data-efficient implementation of the high-order optimum detector and has several advantages of practical importance over the adaptive processors  相似文献   

针对统计MIMO雷达各观测通道统计特性不一致的情况,提出了一种多通道融合检测技术。该技术利用均匀性判定规则,选择一组均匀的、"被认为是具有较高信杂噪比"的局部检验统计量来构建全局检验统计量,即新的检测器。给出了新检测器的设计步骤和均匀性判定规则,并利用全概率公式证明了新检测器的虚警概率与每一操作步骤中过门限概率的关系,从而为仿真得出检测门限提供了理论基础。仿真结果表明,在不同通道间信噪比分布类型条件下,新检测器的检测性能具有较强的稳健性,且与不同条件下性能最优的检测器相比,其性能损失很小。  相似文献   

The discrete time detection of a known constant signal in white stationary Laplace noise is considered. Exact expressions describing the performance of both the Neyman-Pearson optimal detector and the suboptimal linear detector are presented. Also, graphs of the receiver operating characteristics are given. The actual performance of the Neyman-Pearson optimal detector is compared to that predicted by a Gaussian approximation to the distribution of the test statistic.  相似文献   

A method is presented for selecting the asymptotically optimum sample size M for detecting a sudden change in the statistics of an observed process. The test statistic is assumed to be a sum of M consecutive values of some single sample detector and the optimization criterion is to minimize the mean time to detection MD for a given mean time between false alarms MF. It is shown that for large MF and MD the solution can be expressed as a function of the single variable ?MF? (or alternatively ?MD?) where ? is a measure of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR).  相似文献   

We derive the optimum radar receiver to detect fluctuating and non-fluctuating targets against a disturbance which is modeled as a mixture of coherent K-distributed and Gaussian-distributed clutter. In addition, thermal noise, which is always present in the radar receiver, is considered. We discuss the implementation of the optimum coherent detector, which derives from the likelihood ratio test under the assumption of perfectly known disturbance statistics, and evaluate its performance via a numerical procedure, when possible, and via Monte Carlo simulation otherwise. Moreover, we compare the performance of the optimum detector with those of two detectors which are optimum for totally Gaussian and totally K-distributed clutter respectively, when they are fed with such a mixed disturbance. We conclude that, though the optimum detector has a larger computational cost, it provides sensibly better detection performance than the mismatched detectors in a number of operational situations. Thus, there is a need to derive suboptimum target detectors against the mixture of disturbances which trade-off the detection performance and the implementation complexity  相似文献   

The parametric Rao test for a multichannel adaptive signal detection problem is derived by modeling the disturbance signal as a multichannel autoregressive (AR) process. Interestingly, the parametric Rao test takes a form identical to that of the recently introduced parametric adaptive matched filter (PAMF) detector for space-time adaptive processing (STAP) in airborne surveillance radar systems and other similar applications. The equivalence offers new insights into the performance and implementation of the PAMF detector. Specifically, the Rao/PAMF detector is asymptotically (for large samples) a parametric generalized likelihood ratio test (GLRT), due to an asymptotic equivalence between the Rao test and the GLRT. The asymptotic distribution of the Rao test statistic is obtained in closed form, which follows an exponential distribution under the null hypothesis H 0 and, respectively, a noncentral Chi-squared distribution with two degrees of freedom under the alternative hypothesis H 1. The noncentrality parameter of the noncentral Chi-squared distribution is determined by the output signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) of a temporal whitening filter. Since the asymptotic distribution under H 0 is independent of the unknown parameters, the Rao/PAMF asymptotically achieves constant false alarm rate (CFAR). Numerical results show that these results are accurate in predicting the performance of the parametric Rao/PAMF detector even with moderate data support.  相似文献   

An adaptive threshold detector to test for the presence of a weak signal in additive non-Gaussian noise of unknown level is discussed. The detector consists of a locally optimum detector, a noise level estimator, and a decision device. The detection threshold is made adaptive according to the information provided by the noise level estimator in order to keep a fixed false-alarm probability. Asymptotic performance characteristics are obtained indicating relationships among the basic system parameters such as the reference noise sample size and the underlying noise statistics. It is shown that, as the reference noise sample size is made sufficiently large, the adaptive threshold detector attains the performance of a corresponding locally optimum detector for detecting the weak signal were the noise level known.  相似文献   

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