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在航天飞机1984年4月的第13次飞行期间,宇航员们将执行一次修理太阳峰年卫星的任务。航宇局的太阳峰年卫星是在1980年2月发射入轨的。后来由于其保险丝出故障,发射10个月后即1980年12月就基本上停止工作了。该卫星是美国观测太阳的一只仅有的“轨道眼睛”。在10个月的时间  相似文献   

太阳峰年卫星的寿命已经终止,在其9年半的寿命中获得了大量有关太阳的数据,其突出的贡献如下: 1.太阳常数数据:卫星的有源空腔辐射计发送回太阳常数的精确数据——太阳可见光能量输出速率。这种数据显示出以前从未见过的变化率, “它表明太阳正在发生某些变化”。 2.太阳擦掠彗星:卫星观测到10个彗星掠过或接近掠过太阳。最  相似文献   

太阳质子耀斑X射线辐射特征及质子事件警报   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
太阳质子耀斑X射线辐射特征的研究, 为太阳质子事件的警报提供一个重要的途径和方法。本文分析了第21周太阳活动峰年(1977—1986)期间质子耀斑和相应的GOES和SMM卫星观测的X射线辐射资料, 结果表明:大部分质子耀斑的硬X射线峰值流量FHX≥104s/c;积分流量F0≥106counts;硬X射线辐射到达峰值时间TR≥100s;持续时间TD≥103s;X光子最高能量Ex≥300keV;平均能谱指数√r≤3.5;高能时延TL≥10s。利用这些X射线暴的特征参数, 对第21周峰年大质子事件作警报检验, 结果是:报准率为94%, 虚报率为40%。   相似文献   

据华盛顿12月14日消息,航天飞机宇航员暂定于1983年12月在空间修理一颗失效的太阳监视卫星,这项大胆的操作将首次论证航天飞机不但能发射卫星,而且还能在轨道上回收甚至修理价值几百万美元的卫星。这颗太阳监视卫星叫太阳峰年卫星,价值6700万美元,是1980年2月发射入轨的,只是由于电子设备故障使七台科学仪器巾的四台失去了效能。太阳峰年卫星目前的轨道高度为545公里,正在缓慢地下降。它的高度是很重要的,因为低于大约458公里时,就可能使卫星难于被空间操作的宇航员控制。目前,太阳峰年卫星  相似文献   

航宇局计划于1983年底派航天飞机宇航员在轨道上修理早已失灵的太阳峰年卫星。这颗太阳监视卫星是1980年2月发射的,由于电子设备故障,于1981年1月停止工作。目前该卫星正在540多公里高的地球轨道上,以每秒0.8—0.9度绕其长轴旋转着,轨道高度逐渐降低。为使太阳峰年卫星得到及时修理使其继续执行观测任务到1986年,航  相似文献   

图1 这是宇航员驾驶马丁公司研制的背负式机动飞行装置在距地球467公里上空飞行于航天飞机和太阳峰年卫星之间的草图。宇航员携带一个“飞行抓钩”用于抓住卫星使其稳定,然后在卫星太阳帆板的间隙安装一个抓获装置,以便让机械臂捕获卫星。  相似文献   

太阳耀斑显著的热和非热事件的统计特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文利用GOES卫星和SMM卫星软、硬X射线耀斑观测资料,分析耀斑中软、硬X射线辐射流量的分布,发现太阳耀斑存在着显著的热事件(PT事件)和显著的非热事件(PNT事件),它们主要特征是:(1)PT事件为缓变型耀斑,PNT事件为脉冲型耀斑;(2)PT事件的硬X射线谱较软,PNT事件能谱较硬;(3)PNT事件非热能量释放速率比PT事件快3—10倍;(4)耀斑发展趋缓慢,PT事件中软X射线峰值流量越大;(5)耀斑中PNT事件约占60%,PT事件约占40%.最后定性讨论了产生PT和PNT事件的可能机制.   相似文献   

最近,美国宇航员正在完成这样的设想:“我们把卫星拿在手中,修理它,再把它送入轨道。”今年4月11日,美国“挑战者”号航天飞机成功地对卫星进行了修复工作,并使其重新进入轨道,在距地球308英里的太空中绕地球运行。一种与强大的太阳耀斑有关的阻力,不断地作用于“太阳峰年”卫星;因此,经过一段时间以后,卫星轨道会变得越来越靠近地球。倘若它距地球的距离减少到大约230英  相似文献   

NASA网站2021年8月5日报道,利用系外行星凌星巡天卫星(TESS)的观测结果,研究发现发生振荡现象的红巨星遍布整个天空.相关研究结果发表在The Astrophysical Journal上. 在恒星表面之下,热气体上升后逐渐冷却随后下沉并被再次加热,这种运动产生了反应压力变化声波.声波相互作用最终产生了周期为数分钟的稳定振荡,导致恒星发生微小的亮度变化.例如,振荡引发的太阳亮度变化仅为百万分之几,而质量与太阳接近的巨型恒星的振荡则要慢得多,因此亮度变化程度是太阳的数百倍.  相似文献   

第21,22周峰年太阳射电爆发中毫秒级精细结构的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对第21周的2840MHz及22周峰年的2545MHz,2645MHz和2840MHz波段上所观测到的285个快速事件进行分析,发现两个峰年的快速事件具有多种多样的快速活动(快速精细结构).它们与耀斑的对应关系也做了统计分析.  相似文献   

The solar atmosphere exhibits a diverse range of wave phenomena, where one of the earliest discovered was the five-minute global acoustic oscillation, also referred to as the p-mode. The analysis of wave propagation in the solar atmosphere may be used as a diagnostic tool to estimate accurately the physical characteristics of the Sun’s atmospheric layers.In this paper, we investigate the dynamics and upward propagation of waves which are generated by the solar global eigenmodes. We report on a series of hydrodynamic simulations of a realistically stratified model of the solar atmosphere representing its lower region from the photosphere to low corona. With the objective of modelling atmospheric perturbations, propagating from the photosphere into the chromosphere, transition region and low corona, generated by the photospheric global oscillations the simulations use photospheric drivers mimicking the solar p-modes. The drivers are spatially structured harmonics across the computational box parallel to the solar surface. The drivers perturb the atmosphere at 0.5?Mm above the bottom boundary of the model and are placed coincident with the location of the temperature minimum. A combination of the VALIIIC and McWhirter solar atmospheres are used as the background equilibrium model.We report how synthetic photospheric oscillations may manifest in a magnetic field free model of the quiet Sun. To carry out the simulations, we employed the magnetohydrodynamics code, SMAUG (Sheffield MHD Accelerated Using GPUs).Our results show that the amount of energy propagating into the solar atmosphere is consistent with a model of solar global oscillations described by Taroyan and Erdélyi (2008) using the Klein-Gordon equation. The computed results indicate a power law which is compared to observations reported by Ireland et al. (2015) using data from the Solar Dynamics Observatory/Atmospheric Imaging Assembly.  相似文献   

The vertical total electron content (VTEC) time series obtained at São José dos Campos (23.2°S, 45.9°W), Brazil, were statistically analyzed to study the low latitude ionosphere in the Brazilian sector during the year of 2006 (a period of low solar activity). Statistical analysis showed that Probability Density Functions (PDFs) and kurtosis have an intermittent behavior on small-scales (periods from minutes to one day) and presence of two functions on large-scales (periods from 3 to 30 days). The skewness result suggests the presence of some kind of waves due to the action of tropospheric sources (lower atmospheric origin). Results obtained by wavelet transform show strong oscillations with scale-sizes between 3 and 30 days, possibly associated with the planetary oscillations. According to these statistical and wavelet analyses we conjecture that there exist two important factors regarding the ionospheric effects: one factor is due to turbulent states found in small scales and the other factor consists in a more or less deterministic state provided by planetary waves (3–16 days or full solar rotation (27–28 days)). Further, these strong oscillations were also noted in multifractal analysis. We found a decrease of multifractality degree of the same scale-sizes.  相似文献   

The presence of small-amplitude oscillations in prominences is well-known from long time ago. These oscillations, whose exciters are still unknown, seem to be of local nature and are interpreted in terms of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves. During last years, observational evidence about the damping of these oscillations has grown and several mechanisms able to damp these oscillations have been the subject of intense theoretical modelling. Among them, the most efficient seem to be radiative cooling and ion-neutral collisions. Radiative cooling is able to damp slow MHD waves efficiently, while ion-neutral collisions, in partially ionised plasmas like those of solar prominences, can also damp fast MHD waves. In this paper, we plan to summarize our current knowledge about the time and spatial damping of small-amplitude oscillations in prominences.  相似文献   

Short review of ground-based observations of the Sun and of solar gravity modes detection is presented with the emphasize on 160m oscillation as predominant, long-time phase-coherent oscillation. The limitations imposed by the influence of Earth's atmosphere and geoseismic waves on observations of solar oscillations are pointed out together with a necessity of the observations of solar oscillations with the aid of space-probes.  相似文献   

利用赤道异常峰区台站(Okinawa)观测的, f0F2资料(1977—1990), 分析计算了赤道电离层行星波周期振荡(2日、3—4日、5—7日及10—16日)的特征及其变化规律, 发现其在一年四季都有出现, 但相对强度在冬、夏季较大, 且冬季更强;其振荡周期也随季节有所变化, 以2日波而言, 夏季更接近于2日, 而冬季则多在2日多至2日半区间振荡;更长周期的波的所谓夏季峰值的出现, 还有向夏初和夏末过渡的趋势。并发现振荡与太阳活动性呈负相关, 即低年的相对幅度要强于高年, 并且周期越长负相关越显著;同时显示出振荡的出现率及频率变化受到QBO的调制, QBO东风相期间比西风相更易于出现长周期振荡。这些结果说明赤道电离层明显受到中低层大气动力学变化的向上耦合的影响。   相似文献   

Ions produced by ionization of the cometary neutrals interact with the solar wind protons to produce large amplitude oscillations of the ambient magnetic field. Such oscillations are convected towards the comet at the unperturbed solar wind speed far from the shock and at a lower speed closer to the shock (due to the solar wind mass loading); hence, they can energize the incoming ions by Fermi acceleration. The spatial extension of the acceleration region is of the order of 106 km and the resulting energy spectrum is harder than in the Earth's bow shock case. The energization of cometary ions produces an additional deceleration of the solar wind. It is suggested that Comet Halley may be the most efficient “cosmic ray shock” in the solar system.  相似文献   

We study the Propagation and damping properties of Alfvén gravity waves in the presence of the vertical magnetic field in the viscous solar plasma under influence of the background flow by deriving a fourth order dispersion relation in terms of the Doppler shifted frequency. We derive the dispersion relation under WKB and Boussinesq approximation. We study the damping of Alfvén gravity waves for the wave frequencies less than and greater than the Brunt-Väisälä frequency. We find that the Brunt-Väisälä frequency divides the frequency ranges where the weakly or strongly damped oscillations occur. The background flow exhibits a strong effect on weakly damped oscillations and a weak effect on the strongly damped oscillations. We also notice that the damping of both the strong and weakly damped oscillations depend on the Brunt-Väisälä frequency and wave number. The effect of the background flow is also being governed by the Brunt-Väisälä frequency and wave number. We also study the properties of gravity wave mode after filtering the Alfvén wave mode by minimizing the magnetic field and noticed that the background flow shows a very strong effect on the gravity wave mode.  相似文献   

The influence of horizontal eddy diffusion on photochemical oscillations of minor gas constituents in the mesopause region of the Earth’s atmosphere is investigated. It is shown that, when the spectrum of oscillations contains a pronounced second subharmonic (nonlinear response of the photochemical system to diurnal variations of solar radiation), reaction-diffusion waves in the form of travelling fronts and pulses of the phase of two-day oscillations may be excited in this region of the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Observations of a large number of different oscillation frequencies in the Sun provide an opportunity for detailed testing of the theory of stellar structure and evolution. At present highly significant discrepancies remain between observed and computed frequencies, and so our models of the solar interior have to be modified. With further improvements in the observations it might become possible to make a direct empirical determination of the density structure throughout the Sun.Similar oscillations have so far not been detected in other stars, but attempts to do so are under way. Theoretical estimates indicate that amplitudes somewhat greater than for the Sun might be expected for early F stars on the main sequence, and that the amplitude increases rapidly with decreasing gravity. Observation of such oscillations would enable investigations of the structure of these stars, and would in addition provide valuable information about the excitation mechanism of the oscillations.  相似文献   

The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory is designed to address basic questions concerning the Sun and Heliosphere. In this paper our present understanding of coronal heating, solar wind generation and solar oscillations is described. The proposed model SOHO instrument payload is outlined and it is shown how it would contribute to our understanding in the above three fields.  相似文献   

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