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对科研生产一体化事业部人力资源评价进行了探讨与研究,在对人力资源状况进行具体分析的基础上,给出了其评价指标体系,并采用层次分析法理论对其评价模型进行了权重确定。通过案例分析,提出了科研生产一体化人力资源评价的改进方向。  相似文献   

阐述了质量控制信息与科研生产管理信息系统的关系,研究分析了一体化实施的风险、对策和方法;并提出了实施的具体功能和要求;为企业一体化实施提供了一个真实的案例。  相似文献   

吸收和借鉴现代化人事管理的科学手段和方法,使人事考核工作科学化、规范化、制度化,为人力资源开发工作提供可靠的基础.实例以高校某系副主任职务为对象,用上述方法对其进行在岗表现评价.  相似文献   

2月2目,民航局空管局下发了《民航空管系统2009年人力资源工作要点》(以下简称《要点》),对今年全系统的人力资源工作进行了全面规划。印发《要点》,这在空管一体化以来还是第一次。今年的人力资源工作将会有哪些新变化?“三定”、工改等重点工作将有哪些新进展?围绕这些热点问题,记者近期走访了民航局空管局人力资源处处长曹胜利。  相似文献   

为实现航天事业的跨越式发展和人力资源管理以人为本的理念,就要引入以胜任力特征模型为基础的新的人力资源管理模式,针对航天科研的特点,采用问卷调查为主、行为事件访谈和专家小组座谈为辅的方法,提取优秀科技人员的能力素质特点,形成航天科研领域专业人员胜任力特征模型,并以此为基点更有效地开展人力资源管理与开发工作.  相似文献   

本文通过管控模式差异化、研制模式平台化、技术经济一体化深入实施,进一步深化“0.6+”型号科研生产模式。在推动与实施过程中充分发挥“集权化、模块化、标准化、最优化、外包”五大杠杆作用,将科研生产模式向核心产品配套单位延伸,从硬件为主到软硬结合,促进“0.6+”型号科研生产模式更加成熟,更加定型。  相似文献   

3月10—12日,民航空管系统人力资源工作会在昆明召开。会议全面总结了空管系统一体化管理以来的人力资源工作,部署安排了今年各项人力资源工作,并进行了干部选拔任用工作培训。民航局人教司高英战副司长、民航局空管局周毅洲书记出席会议并作重要讲话。空管系统各单位主要领导、人力资源部门负责人参加了会议。  相似文献   

该文阐述了人力资源会计的定义、目的和意义,对人力资源会计涉及的会计问题,如会计假设、会计归属等作了探讨,并对人力资源成本会计和人力资源价值会计进行了理论性的阐述.  相似文献   

国防工业基础能力是一国在与国防产品(或服务)相关的活动中所具有的技能、水平与能力的表征,其物化部分是与武器装备发展相关的科研、生产设备设施和人力资源,其非物化部分表现为一系列科学、技术、知识与管理。国防工业基础能力是衡量一国国防工业实力和水平的重要标志,已成为世界军事强国的重要战略威慑力量之一。  相似文献   

使用区位商法分别计算京津冀三地高校人力资源集中度、河北省各设区市高校人力资源集中度。根据量化结果,对雄安新区未来高校人力资源规模做出建设性预测。雄安新区高等教育体系的建设应"对接专业需求、高端先行、立足本地、辐射河北",在保证雄安新区未来需求的基础上促进京津冀一体化的进程。  相似文献   

火星是人类深空探测的重要目标之一。利用火星上的大气、水等资源原位制备液氧、甲烷等推进剂,不仅为火星探测器返回地球、开展长周期火星探测等提供能源,也为人类建立火星生命保障系统提供必要的物质基础。分析了火星推进剂原位制备的重要性,对推进剂原位制备的资源、技术方案进行了对比分析,并重点叙述了CO_2捕集、水资源获取等方面的研究进展,以期为该领域相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the implications of increasing mission lengths of manned spaceflight for the design of future space systems from a human factors point of view. It is argued that the increase in mission duration has brought about a number of new problems, which have not been sufficiently addressed in space research. Therefore, a review of analogue work environments is carried out to make up for the paucity of space research found in the area of human performance in long-duration spaceflight. This resulted in an evaluation of seven analogue environments concerning their similarity to space with industrial process control and nuclear submarines coming out as the closest match on the technical dimension. Finally, some recommendations are given from the lessons learned in spaceflight, simulation studies and appropriate analogue environments.  相似文献   

全寿命费用的概念是由美国国防部于20世纪60年代初提出来的,经过几十年的发展目前在美国和其他一些西方国家,装备的全寿命费用管理已处于成熟阶段,其主要装备都通过全寿命费用分析、设计和监控来完成研制和生产,从而节约了大量资源和时间,我国从20世纪80年代开始研究装备的全寿命问题,目前全寿命费用控制管理已经运用到装备的全寿命周期管理中,本文结合军事供应链中可靠性管理的相关理论,浅析如何更好地在全寿命周期背景下做好军事装备采购的风险监督。  相似文献   

Human space exploration since Apollo appears to lack an overall context. There has been an overall context for the world's space efforts. But it is an unofficial one and it is outmoded, because it was based on a false assumption. This is the space exploration plan articulated by Von Braun in the 1950s and restated as the Integrated Space Program - 1970–1990, whose principal aim is to send humans to explore Mars. The critical underlying assumption of this plan was that Mars is a planet much like Earth, with an active biosphere. This Program has persisted nearly two decades after this underlying assumption has been shown to be false. There is a competing context re-emerging for human space exploration and development which is better fitted to the needs of human society in the post-Cold War era than the Mars program embraced by NASA and, to a large extent, the USSR during the period of US-Russian competition. The original space program uses the resources of free space and provides an economic rationale for human space activity.  相似文献   

为实现航天事业的跨越式发展和人力资源管理以人为本的理念,就要引入以胜任力特征模型为基础的新的人力资源管理模式,针对航天科研的特点,采用问卷调查为主、行为事件访谈和专家小组座谈为辅的方法,提取优秀科技人员的能力素质特点,形成航天科研领域专业人员胜任力特征模型,并以此为基点更有效地开展人力资源管理与开发工作。  相似文献   

GPS/惯性组合导航系统导航性能的仿真与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从卡尔曼滤波的基本原理和几何精度因子GDOP的物理意义出发,并结合实例的仿真计算结果,讨论GPS/惯性组合导航系统的定位和测速精度。结果表明:由于位置和速度的双重组合,且由于卡尔曼滤波具有利用以前所有测量值的能力,以及综合利用GPS和惯导信息的能力,所以组合系统的精度虽仍与GDOP有关,但却高于单独利用GPS接收机点解法得到的定位和测速精度,其中定位精度的提高更为显著。  相似文献   

Issues about commercialization of space have been a growing concern in the past decade for the space community. This paper focuses on the work from a team of 51 students attending the Summer Session Program of the International Space University in Bremen, Germany. CASH 2021 (Commercial Access and Space Habitation) documents a plan that identifies commercial opportunities for space utilization that will extend human presence in space, and will chart the way forward for the next 20 years. The group selected four commercial sectors that show the most promise for the future: tourism, entertainment, space system service, assembly and debris removal, and research and development/production. The content of this document presents the results of their research. Historical activities in each of the commercial sectors are reviewed along with the current market situation. To provide a coherent background for future commercialization possibilities a scenario has been developed. This scenario includes a postulated upon ideal future and includes social, political and economic factors that may affect the space industry over the timeline of the study. The study also presents a roadmap, within the limited optimistic scenario developed, for the successful commercialization of space leading to future human presence in space. A broad range of commercially viable opportunities, not only within the current limits of the International Space Station, but also among the many new developments that are expected by 2021 are discussed.  相似文献   

软环境对科技创新与发展具有重大影响;剖析科技发展软环境制约因素,主要包括思想观念因素、管理体制与运行机制因素、人力资源因素、法治建设因素、配套服务因素和社会道德与诚信因素等。未来廊坊市的科技发展应着重开发人力资源,在不断创新服务的同时,注重配套服务质量与经济效益的提高。  相似文献   

In order to justify high expenditure during this period of financial crisis, Space Agencies have attempted to increase the returns on their investments in Space missions by encouraging the commercial use of advanced technologies. The development of a technology transfer process from Space to Earth not only benefits the Aerospace industry but also the network of national companies. Technology transfer has been shown to stimulate innovation in business and commerce, support economic growth and provide a return on public investment in research and development (R&D). The aim of this paper is to systematically review the Space technology transfer literature and to suggest directions for future research. The range of research and studies in the literature on this topic requires a systematic review to summarize the results in an unbiased and balanced manner and to interpret these in a way that highlights the research gaps. This article presents an overview of the dominant thinking (explicit in selected articles from 1995 to present), indicating the problems of analysis, research gaps and a future research program.  相似文献   

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