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The electric field transported by charged aircraft during free flight can be observed quantitatively in distances of up to some 100 m. A system of three plane sensors arranged in the corners of a triangle or the Earth surface is described, by which the flight path of aircraft is detected in the range of 40 to 500 m with velocities of approximately 50 m/s. The theory and typical experimental results are discussed.  相似文献   

The Electric Field Instrument (EFI) was designed to measure ionospheric ion flow velocities, temperatures and distribution functions at the ram face of the European Space Agency’s Swarm spacecraft. These flow velocities, combined with the known orbital velocity of the satellite and local magnetic field, will be used to infer local electric fields from the relation E=?v×B. EFI is among a class of many particle sensors and flow meters mounted on satellites to monitor in situ plasma conditions. The interpretation of the measurements made with EFI and similar sensors relies on a spacecraft sheath model. A common approach, valid in the relatively cold and dense ionospheric plasma, is to assume a potential drop in a thin sheath through which particle deflection and energisation can be calculated analytically. In such models, sheath effects only depend on the spacecraft floating potential, and on the angle of incidence of particles with respect to the normal to the surface. Corrections to measurements are therefore local as they do not depend on the geometry of nearby objects. In an actual plasma, satellites are surrounded by electrostatic sheaths with a finite thickness. As a result, local corrections to particle distribution functions can only be seen as an approximation. A correct interpretation of measured particle fluxes or particle distribution functions must, at least in principle, account for the extent and shape of the sheath in the vicinity of the measuring instrument. This in turn requires a careful analysis of the interaction of the satellite with the surrounding plasma, while accounting for detailed aspects of the geometry, as well as for several physical effects. In this paper, the validity of the thin sheath model is tested by comparing its predictions with detailed PIC (Particle In Cell) calculations of satellite-plasma interaction. Deviations attributed to sheath finite thickness effects are calculated for EFI measurements, with representative plasma parameters encountered along the planned Swarm orbit. Finite thickness effects of the plasma sheaths are found to induce EFI velocity measurement errors not exceeding 37 m/s, with larger errors occurring in plasmas that are simultaneously tenuous (109 m?3 or lower) and warm (0.5 eV or higher).  相似文献   

Electric Charging and Discharging Processes of Moving Projectiles   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Every type of missle is electrically charged during free flight. The physical mechanism, leading to the electric charging and discharging effects, was investigated by measuring the electric field surrounding projectiles while leaving the muzzle region, during free flight, and on impact on targets. The electric charge on projectiles is 10-13 108C. Numerous experimental results were obtained with calibers 4-155 mm and velocities 50-120lm/ s. A physical model about the complex charging effects is derived.  相似文献   

研究了基于电场传感器阵列的水下运动目标检测与参数估计方法。在背景噪声为高斯白噪声和目标作匀速直线运动的假设下,利用电场传感器阵列获取的船舶水下准静态电场空时特征,通过广义似然比检测和随机搜索寻优算法,可实现对海水中运动船舶的目标检测和参数估计。仿真试验结果表明:在信噪比大于0 dB时能够取得较好的估计精度;在信噪比低至10 dB时仍能有效检测目标。  相似文献   

轴频电场是可在水下探测到的一种运动舰船特征物理场,由于海水的衰减作用,其信号十分微弱。文章提出了一种基于小波包分解和滑动功率谱的微弱舰船轴频电场信号检测方法。首先,利用小波包变换对观测信号进行多子带分解;然后,分别提取各子带信号功率作为检测特征量,使用浮动门限对其进行滑动检测。实测数据和仿真数据处理表明,该方法能够在较低的信噪比条件下有效工作,性能优于传统的功率谱检测方法。  相似文献   

A technique that allows simultaneous heating of the heat-exchange surface and estimation of its local temperature from the corresponding electrical resistance of the heating element is presented. The systematic error in measurements of the local heat transfer coefficient has been analyzed. A relation that takes possible heat loss into account and minimizes the measurement errors has been obtained.  相似文献   

在介绍旋转式电场仪测量电场强度的机理及测量系统构成的基础上,针对在特高压直流输电线路下地面合成电场测量中,各电场仪的输出电压与被测电场强度的特性曲线不一致,外场较恶劣测量环境对测量结果造成干扰影响测量准确度等问题,提出了相应的解决方法(特性曲线归一化处理和双路消噪差动测量法)。所述方法便于用户现场使用,提高了旋转式电场仪抗干扰能力和测量准确度。  相似文献   

基于Maxwell 2D和Simplorer联合仿真平台,以1台额定功率20 kW的电动汽车牵引用永磁同步电机为研究对象,建立考虑电机饱和问题和损耗影响的电机牵引系统仿真模型。通过分析恒转矩工作区间id=0控制与MTPA控制、高速运行区间id=0控制与弱磁控制的牵引特性,具体对比了电机的磁链、电流、转矩脉动、驱动效率等特性。通过试验测试,验证了仿真方法的正确性,为电动汽车牵引电机调速系统的控制仿真提供了参考。  相似文献   

研究了LF6合金薄靶在GCr15高速粒子斜撞击下的损伤行为。研究表明 ,薄靶的损伤行为随粒子速度和入射角度的不同而不同。当粒子入射角α小于某一临界入射角αc 时 ,粒子在靶材的表面会发生跳弹现象 ,如果粒子在碰撞时粉碎 ,一部分粒子碎片可能击穿薄靶 ,一部分粒子碎片可能在靶材表面发生弹跳现象。发生跳弹现象的临界入射角度αc 随粒子速度v0 的增大而减少。当α >αc 时 ,高速粒子在LF6合金靶表面不会发生跳弹现象 ,粒子或击穿薄靶或嵌入到靶材中。发生跳弹现象时 ,LF6薄靶表现出不击穿、极限不击穿和被击穿三种损伤形式  相似文献   

用五孔针对带射流冲击的单排短扰流柱内的流场作了详细的测量,得到并分析了带射流冲击的短扰流柱排内的速度分布规律及流场内的漩涡分布.在实验中清楚地探测到流动在靠近扰流柱表面附近速度较大,在对称中心区域发现了一大片低速区,并有回流和漩涡产生.实验发现由于端壁效应和扰流柱表面的流动分离造成扰流柱排内有较强的漩涡流动,扰流柱根部有马蹄涡产生,扰流柱后尾迹区有湍流涡的发展,流道内侧向压力分布不均匀可形成通道涡.与无射流情况比较发现扰流柱表面分离点后移,尾迹区明显减小.  相似文献   

离心叶轮内三维湍流流场的LDV测量   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
应用激光多普勒测速仪和旋转编码器实现了对后弯闭式离心叶轮内三维湍流流场的测量。较详细地描述了设计工况下回转流面上主流速度的分布特点 ;绘出了径向流面上速度矢量分布图 ,结果表明在旋转流场中 ,流体粘性对气流方向具有不可忽视的作用 ;实验测量还得到了在曲率和旋转因素的综合作用下 ,流道中部和出口处产生的由强到弱的二次流涡 ,涡面垂直于主流方向  相似文献   

为了掌握双旋流燃烧室流场特性,利用粒子图像测速仪(PIV)对双旋流、低排放燃烧室的冷态流场进行测量。并对流场在不同供气压降、不同测量截面上的分布特性进行试验研究。结果表明:随着进气速度的增大,回流区的面积及回流强度有所增加,回流区长度变长,燃烧室头部气流更稳定,燃烧效率更高。随着距旋流器出口距离的增加,截面上环形流场的强度有所减弱。研究结果为进一步研究利用多级旋流器实现燃烧室内稳定燃烧并降低排放提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

The Electric Field Instrument (EFI) for THEMIS   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The design, performance, and on-orbit operation of the three-axis electric field instrument (EFI) for the NASA THEMIS mission is described. The 20 radial wire boom and 10 axial stacer boom antenna systems making up the EFI sensors on the five THEMIS spacecraft, along with their supporting electronics have been deployed and are operating successfully on-orbit without any mechanical or electrical failures since early 2007. The EFI provides for waveform and spectral three-axis measurements of the ambient electric field from DC up to 8 kHz, with a single, integral broadband channel extending up to 400 kHz. Individual sensor potentials are also measured, providing for on-board and ground-based estimation of spacecraft floating potential and high-resolution plasma density measurements. Individual antenna baselines are 50- and 40-m in the spin plane, and 6.9-m along the spin axis. The EFI has provided for critical observations supporting a clear and definitive understanding of the electrodynamics of both the boundaries of the terrestrial magnetosphere, as well as internal processes, such as relativistic particle acceleration and substorm dynamics. Such multi-point electric field observations are key for pushing forward the understanding of electrodynamics in space, in that without high-quality estimates of the electric field, the underlying electromagnetic processes involved in current sheets, reconnection, and wave-particle interactions may only be inferred, rather than measured, quantified, and used to discriminate between competing hypotheses regarding those processes.  相似文献   

王小飞  代颖  罗建  黄闯 《航空动力学报》2018,45(4):110-115, 121
基于Ansys多物理场仿真分析平台,对1台车用异步电机进行多物理场耦合分析。仿真电机连续运行在额定工况和峰值工况下的温升和热应力,对电机各部分温度场分布进行深入分析,预测电机峰值工况的最长允许时间。通过热-结构的有限元仿真分析电机内部结构的热应力分布,深入分析转子导条端部与端环焊接位置和机壳与铁心过盈配合面的热应力,校核转子导条端部是否存在开焊的风险,并通过热仿真和应力分析计算机壳与铁心在最高温升工况下不发生滑移或涨开的过盈配合量取值。  相似文献   

脉冲电流在塑性加工中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金属材料塑性变形时通入脉冲电流,在力学性能方面:材料的流变应力下降、塑性变形能力提高,同时有助于内部裂纹的止裂甚至愈合;在微观效应方面:电流的引入可以改善组织状态,加快再结晶过程,细化晶粒。在自阻加热工艺中,电流直接对坯料加热,降低了能耗,电流加热速度快,提高成形效率。举例说明了电流在热冲压技术、轧制技术和超塑成形技术等塑性加工工艺中的应用。在节能和高效成为材料加工领域主题的今天,脉冲电流在塑性加工领域的应用可以有力地推动尖端制造业,尤其是航空航天制造产业的发展。大量研究也已证明脉冲电流在材料加工领域有着深远的研究意义和广泛的应用价值。  相似文献   

Penetration and cratering studies at hypervelocities make use, primarily, of light gas guns and explosive devices to accelerate projectiles for the impact study. The highest velocities achievable to date with other than micron-sized projectiles are obtained from explosive accelerators (shaped charge) or modified light gas guns incorporating a third stage. Such devices produce one or more randomly shaped particles of undetermined mass; and meaningful impact studies at very high velocities require a method of accurate measurement of the mass of a small fragment after acceleration but before impact. An experimental technique for mass measurement, which is simple in concept and operation, has been developed and demonstrated. A high-speed flash X-ray system is used to photograph the projectile or projectiles in flight. A theoretical treatment utilizing the X-ray mass absorption coefficient of the projectile material, and the linearity of the film density as a function of the logarithm of the exposure, is used to demonstrate that the density change over a finite area of the film is directly proportional to the mass in the path of the X-ray beam. The measurement is independent of ``blurring' due to the finite exposure time and tumbling of the projectile. Analysis of the exposed film can be conducted in a few minutes and requires only the measurement of average density at five or six positions on the film. Independent measurements of the masses of all projectiles in the field of view are possible. The demonstrated accuracy of the technique is better than ±5 percent.  相似文献   

利用激光多普勒测速仪(LDV)对后弯闭式离心叶轮内部气流在非设计工况下的流动进行了实验测量。对比描述了大于和小于设计流量时叶轮流道回转流面上主流速度的分布特点,径向流面上的速度矢量图更清晰地说明了不同进口条件导致流道内气流流动产生分离的位置、强度以及发展的差异。二次流矢量图表明流量的改变影响了离心力和哥氏力在流动中的作用,导致在垂直于主流方向引起截然不同的二次涡旋流动。   相似文献   

运动目标的静电场探测仿真分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了对距导弹不同距离下所得的探测电流进行分析对比,建立了相应的导弹模型并进行了计算机仿真。仿真结果表明:远场时,所得探测电流与理论探测电流近似;近场时,则与理论探测电流差异巨大,并且随距离接近,受尖端放电影响,近场中不同距离所得数据也相差甚远。  相似文献   

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