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Measurements inside a high velocity neutral barium beam show a factor of six increase in plasma density in a moving ionizing front. This region was co-located with intense electric fields (δE ≈ 300 mV/m2) perpendicular to the local geomagnetic field and field aligned currents all fluctuating at frequencies well under the lower hybrid frequency for barium but above the oxygen cycloton frequency. It was determined that these structures were moving with the barium stream near the neutral barium velocity. Large quasi-dc electric and magnetic field fluctuations were also detected. The heart of the ionizing front, a cross beam current of nearly 10 mA/m2, was estimated from the magnetic field variation. This is three orders of magnitude higher than typical auroral zone currents associated with auroral arcs. This current sheet was co-located with fluxes of soft electrons which saturated the particle detector. An Alfvén wave with a finite electric field component parallel to the geomagnetic field was observed to propagate along Bo where it was detected by an instrumented sub-payload.  相似文献   

Thin Current Sheets (TCS) are regularly formed prior to substorm breakup, even in the near-Earth plasma sheet, as close as the geostationary orbit. A self-consistent kinetic theory describing the response of the plasma sheet to an electromagnetic perturbation is given. This perturbation corresponds to an external forcing, for instance caused by the solar wind (not an internal instability). The equilibrium of the configuration of this TCS in the presence of a time varying perturbation is shown to produce a strong parallel thermal anisotropy (T T) of energetic electrons and ions (E>50keV) as well as an enhanced diamagnetic current carried by low energy ions (E<50keV). Both currents tend to enhance the confinement of this current sheet near the magnetic equator. These results are compared with data gathered by GEOS-2 at the geostationary orbit, where the magnetic signatures of TCS, and parallel anisotropics are regularly observed prior to breakup. By ensuring quasi-neutrality everywhere we find, when low frequency electromagnetic perturbations are applied, that although the magnetic field line remains an equipotential to the lowest order in Te/Ti, a field-aligned potential drop exists to the next order in (Te/Ti). Thus the development of a TCS implies the formation of a field-aligned potential drop ( few hundred volts) to ensure the quasi-neutrality everywhere. For an earthward directed pressure gradient, a field-aligned electric field, directed towards the ionosphere, is obtained, on the western edge of the perturbation (i.e. western edge of the current sheet). Thus field aligned beams of electrons are expected to flow towards the equatorial region on the western edge of the current sheet. We study the stability of these electron beams and show that they are unstable to “High Frequency” (HF) waves. These “HF” waves are regularly observed at frequencies of the order of the proton gyrofrequency (fH+) just before, or at breakup. The amplitude of these HF waves is so large that they can produce a strong pitch-angle diffusion of energetic ions and a spatial diffusion that leads to a reduction of the diamagnetic current. The signature of a fast ion diffusion is indeed regularly observed during the early breakup; it coincides with the sudden development of large amplitude transient fluctuations, ballooning modes, observed at much lower frequencies (fH+). These results suggest that the HF waves, generated by field-aligned electron beams, provide the dissipation which is necessary to destabilize low frequency (ballooning) modes.  相似文献   

为了考察环电流区离子的分布情况,采用环电流粒子理论模式,对环电流中10-100 keV的离子进行了模拟研究.这个模式能够根据近地注入区外边界处离子的分布函数得出磁暴主相期间环电流中的主要成分H+,O+,He+3种离子的通量分布.计算结果分析表明,在其他条件相同的情况下,不同种类离子的通量分布的形态结构十分相似.电场强度对环电流离子通量的空间分布具有决定性的作用;晨昏电场强度越强,离子的通量越高;晨昏电场越强,环电流离子的内边界越接近地球.10keV的离子在电场相当弱的时候还是存在着连续的通量分布,但他们的形态和结构随着电场的变化有明显的变化.电场很弱时,离子分布主要集中于内外两个环带,离子通量在晨侧的更多一些,离子通量的最大值基本上是在比较靠近地球的环带上;随着电场的增强,离子分布的内外两个环带逐步合并,离子的分布逐渐靠近地球,通量分布的最大值也移动到了昏侧.环电流离子投掷角分布具有各向异性,投掷角在90°左右的时候,离子通量能达到最大值.   相似文献   

We present an analysis of sporadic and recurrent injections of magnetospheric ions in the midnight auroral oval during substorms and of the associated ionospheric ion outflows. The source of plasma sheet precipitating ions is determined using a simple method, based on the measured relation between the ion inverse velocity and time (l = v × t). This method is applied here to two typical passes of the Interball-Auroral (IA) satellite at distances of 3 RE above the auroral regions. Substorm related ion injections are shown to be mainly due to time of flight effects. In contrast with particle trajectory computations (Sauvaud et al., 1999), the inverse velocity method does not require magnetic and electric field models and can thus be used systematically for the detection of time of flight dispersed ion structures (TDIS). This allowed us to build a large database of TDIS events and to perform a statistical analysis of their spatial distribution. For the cases presented here the source region of the injected ions is found at radial distances from 18 to 30 RE near the equatorial magnetosphere. At Interball altitudes ( 3 RE), ion injections detected at the poleward boundary of the nighside auroral oval are associated with shear Alfvén waves superimposed over large-scale quasi-static current structures. We show that the most poleward TDIS are collocated with a large outflow of ionospheric H+ and O+ displaying pitch-angle distributions peaked in the pitch-angle range 90°–120°. These ions are thus accelerated perpendicularly to the magnetic field not only in the main auroral acceleration region but also up to at least 3 RE. The expanding auroral bulge thus constitutes a significant source of H+ and O+ ions for the mid-tail magnetosphere.  相似文献   

利用MMS观测数据,对磁层顶通量绳内离子惯性尺度(di)的结构进行分析研究.结果发现,许多不同尺度(约1di至数十di)的通量绳内都存在具有di尺度的电流 j m,其方向在磁层顶局地坐标系的-M方向,即与磁层顶查普曼-费拉罗电流同向,由电子在+M方向的运动( v em)携带.这些电流结构具有以下特征:磁鞘与磁层成分混合,磁场为开放形态;离子去磁化,电子与磁场冻结;N方向(即垂直于磁层顶电流片方向)的电场 E n显著增大,幅度达到约20mV·m-1,并伴有明显的尖峰状起伏,该增强和尖峰状起伏的电场对应于霍尔电场.分析表明,电流、电子与离子运动的偏离以及霍尔电场之间遵从广义欧姆定律,三者密切关联.进一步对磁层顶磁重联的探测数据进行分析发现,在很多重联区内也存在与通量绳内相似的结构,其尺度约为di量级,其中霍尔电场 E N、电流 j M和电子速度 v eM均与通量绳内对应物理量的方向相同且幅度相近.基于上述观测事实,采用经典FTE通量绳模型,对通量绳内电流、电子运动和霍尔电场的起源进行了初步探讨,认为其来源于磁层顶无碰撞磁重联区内的相应结构,并且后者在离子尺度通量绳的形成过程中起到重要作用.   相似文献   

Plasma and magnetic field parameter variations through fast forward interplanetary shocks were correlated with the peak geomagnetic activity index Dst in a period from 0 to 3 days after the shock, during solar maximum (2000) and solar minimum (1995–1996). Solar wind speed (V) and total magnetic field (Bt) were the parameters with higher correlations with peak Dst index. The correlation coefficients were higher during solar minimum (r2 = 56% for V and 39% for Bt) than during solar maximum (r2 = 15% for V and 12% for Bt). A statistical distribution of geomagnetic activity levels following interplanetary shocks was obtained. It was observed that during solar maximum, 36% and 28% of interplanetary shocks were followed by intense (Dst  −100 nT) and moderate (−50  Dst < −100 nT) geomagnetic activity, whereas during solar minimum 13% and 33% of the shocks were followed by intense and moderate geomagnetic activity. It can be concluded that the upstream/downstream variations of V and Bt through the shocks were the parameters better correlated with geomagnetic activity level, and during solar maximum a higher relative number of interplanetary shocks can be followed by intense geomagnetic activity than during solar minimum. One can extrapolate, for forecasting goals, that during a whole solar cycle a shock has a probability of around 50% to be followed by intense/moderate geomagnetic activity.  相似文献   

Measurements of the magnetic field and low energy plasma by the GEOTAIL spacecraft have been used to study the relationship between variations of the plasma velocity and of the magnetic field in the distant (100–200 RE) and middle (40–80 RE) tail. The analysis was carried out separately for the tail lobes and the plasma sheet. It is shown that the absolute values of the magnetic field and plasma velocity, as well as their corresponding components (VX and BX, VY and BY, VZ and BZ), are linearly connected in the tail lobes. In the plasma sheet, however, the plasma velocity and the magnetic field do not seem to be related to one another. The distant plasma sheet seems to be in a regime of turbulence. The diffusion coefficients estimated from our data set of the velocity parameters in the plasma sheet are in good agreement with the theoretical predictions of Antonova and Ovchinnikov (1996, 1999).  相似文献   

The initial reduction of the electron density after the injection explosion is shown to be associated with recombination at the adiabatic cooling under the cloud expansion. Primordial thermal ions can disappear in triple collisions almost entirely. Nevertheless, a minor amount of ions is conserved due to the freezing effect. The further rapid increase in the electron concentration may be attributed to the secondary ionization process. It is shown that the cumulative electronic ionization can account for the observed electron density elevation. The modified two-stream instability can provide a longitudinal (anomalous) resistance for the longitudinal electric field required for an avalanche. The electric field and longitudinal currents arise owing to the polarization with ions entrained by the neutral gas across the magnetic field and magnetized electrons moving along the field.  相似文献   

A so-called “ISF” prediction method for geomagnetic disturbances caused by solar wind storms blowing to the Earth is suggested. The method is based on a combined approach of solar activity, interplanetary scintillation (I) and geomagnetic disturbance observations during the period 1966–1982 together with the dynamics of solar wind storm propagation (S) and fuzzy mathematics (F). It has been used for prediction tests for 37 geomagnetic disturbance events during the descending solar activity phase 1984–1985, and was presented in 33rd COSPAR conference. Here, it has been improved by consideration of the three dimensional propagation characteristics of each event, the search for the best radio source and the influence of the southward components of interplanetary magnetic fields on the geomagnetic disturbances. It is used for prediction tests for 24 larger geomagnetic disturbance events that produced space anomalies during the period 1980–1999. The main results are: (1) for the onset time of the geomagnetic disturbance, the relative error between the observation, Tobs, and the prediction, Tpred, ΔTpred/Tobs  10% for 45.8% of all events, 30% for 78.3% and >30% for only 21.7%; (2) for the magnetic disturbance magnitude, the relative error between the observation, ∑Kp,obs, and the prediction, ∑Kp,pred, Δ∑Kp,pred/∑Kp,obs  10% for 41.6% of all events, 30% for 79% and 45% for 100%. This shows that the prediction method described here has encouraging prospects for improving predictions of large geomagnetic disturbances in space weather events.  相似文献   

Mass-injection experiments in space plasmas have been conducted for the last twenty years. These injections trace or stain chemical or physical processes, facilitating diagnosis of the natural state of the space plasma; artificially perturb the space plasma away from equilibrium, isolating and controlling selected parameters; simulate natural or artificial states of space plasmas; and utilize the advantages of space as a laboratory to study fundamental plasma physics.We use the Lagopedo ionospheric-depletion experiments to illustrate the special operational aspects of active experiments, including weather, logistics, communications, and real-time diagnostics. The various objectives and techniques of mass-injection experiments are described by example. The CAMEO experiment, a thermite barium release from a satellite over the nightside polar cap, is an excellent example of the use of barium injections to trace upward ion acceleration. The Periquito Dos experiment provided a “snapshot” view of convection electric fields in the dayside polar cusp region. Project Waterhole, an artificial depletion of the topside auroral ionosphere, attempted to modify the equilibrium character of the field-aligned currents and apparently shut off the aurora in a small space-time volume. The Trigger experiment is another example of an active perturbation experiment, wherein the auroral ionospheric transverse conductivities were modified via a cesium injection. The Buaro experiment, a shaped-charged barium injection perpendicular to the local geomagnetic field, resulted in an ion-beam/background-plasma system being displaced from equilibrium, permitting diagnostics of collisionless coupling of the ion beam to the background plasma.  相似文献   

Using data from the CHEM instrument on the AMPTE/CCE spacecraft, we follow the development of the ring current energy spectra (1–300 keV/e) of the ion species H+, O+, He+, and He++ in the post-noon and pre-noon local time sectors during the geomagnetic storm of February 1986. By comparing displays of phase space density, f, vs. magnetic moment, μ, we can distinguish between enhancements due to newly injected ions and those due to adiabatic energization of a pre-existing population. In both the local time sectors, the initial drop in Dst is associated with enhanced phase space densities of all species. The spectra observed during the pass when the Dst dropped to a minimem of −312 nT show a strong local time asymmetry. In the post-noon sector, the spectra showed the influx of a new population of ions, rich in O+ and He++. In the pre-noon sector, the flux increase was consistent with adiabatic energization of the ion population injected earlier in the storm. This local time difference is consistent with a greatly enhanced convection electric field which brings a new population from the magnetotail to the post-noon, but not the pre-noon local time sector.  相似文献   

Electrons are needed to maintain quasineutrality in a case where positive ions are injected across the magnetic field into a limited volume in a magnetized plasma. In the absence of collisions, a positive potential builds up and traps the electrons which enter the region along the magnetic field. If the added density of ions exceeds the ambient density, large potential differences along the magnetic field can be maintained this way. The process explains several features of the Porcupine xenon ion beam injection experiment, where strong magnetic-field-aligned electric fields were measured in the vicinity of a xenon ion beam which was injected into the ambient ionosphere from a spinning subpayload.  相似文献   

There are a host of factors influencing the excitation of Pc1 geomagnetic pulsations, which are ULF waves in the frequency range between 0.2 and 5 Hz. We have studied carefully the dependence of the pearl-type Pc1 activity at Sodankylä, Finland (L = 5.1) on the plasma density N in front of the magnetosphere, the bulk velocity V of the solar wind, and the intensity B of the IMF. The result is as follows: high values of N and reduced values of V are favorable to appearance of Pc1, whereas the dependence of Pc1 activity on B is practically absent. We also show that the probability of Pc1 occurrence decreases with the interplanetary electric field, and increases with solar wind impact pressure and with the plasma to magnetic pressure ratio “beta”.  相似文献   

This work studies the sudden increases in total electron content of the ionosphere caused by the very intense solar flare on July 14, 2000. Total electron content (TEC) data observed from a Global Positioning System (GPS) network are used to calculate the flare-induced TEC increment, δTECf, and variation rate, dTECf/dt. It is found that both dTECf/dt and δTECf are closely related with the solar zenith angles. To explain the observation results, we derived a simple relationship between the partial derivative of the flare-induced TEC, ∂TECf/∂t, which is a good approximation for dTECf/dt, and the solar zenith angle χ, as well as the effective flare radiation flux If, according to the well-known Chapman theory of ionization. The derived formula predicted that ∂TECf/∂t is proportional to If and inverse proportional to Chapman function ch(χ). This theoretical prediction not only explains the correlation of dTECf/dt and δTECf with χ as shown in our TEC observation, but also gives a way to deduce If from TEC observation of GPS network. Thus, the present work shows that GPS observation is a powerful tool in the observation and investigation of solar flare effects on the ionosphere, i.e., the sudden ionospheric disturbances, which is a significant phenomenon of space weather.  相似文献   

环电流是距离地心2~7 Re的带电粒子围绕地球西向漂移形成的.环电流的增强将引起全球磁场的降低,反映了地磁暴的强度.磁暴主相期间,对流电场驱动等离子体片中的能量粒子经历E×B漂移与俘获注入环电流,进入损失锥的粒子沉降到大气中.本文采用磁暴主相期间环电流离子分布的模型,结合上述因素研究不同离子能量下对流电场对环电流离子通量的直接影响,以及强弱对流电场下环电流能量离子投掷角的变化,并从物理上阐述造成此种通量分布特性的原因.   相似文献   

Ring current ions and relativistic electrons simultaneously measured on board MOLNIYA-1 are analyzed in comparison with the ground-based magnetometer data for the period of a strong magnetic storm (|Dst|max≈230 nT). Injection of >500 keV electrons into the slot region (L≈3) near equatorial plane is occurred on time scale ≈1 hour, when, during the magnetic storm maximum, the extreme low-latitude position of auroral electrojets is reached and ring current becomes more symmetrical. Positions of both the ring current maximum and electron intensity maximum (Lmax) are consistent to our previous result: |Dst|max = 2.75 • 104/L4max. An extreme storm-time low-latitude position of the west electrojet center (for amplitudes of |Dst|max up to 600 nT) is shown to be in a good consistence with this empirical dependence. It is supposed the trapped radiation boundary collapses down to L≈Lmax in the course of the storm main phase.  相似文献   

We review the advantages and possibilities of small satellites. New results of data reduction of the satellite-borne experiment RELICT-1 are presented. For the inflation spectrum of primordial perturbations we obtained the estimate for quadrupole component 6·10−6 <ΔT2/T<3.3·10−6. The RELICT-2 mission will provide a possibility of measurement of CBR anisotropy down to the level less than ΔT2/T = 10−8. We present the results of engineering testing of RELICT-2 measurement system and discuss ways of improving of the radiometers sensitivities.  相似文献   

Collection of electrons by a long conducting cylinder in a flowing plasma is studied by means of numerical simulations. The plasma flow simulates the relative motion between a spacecraft and plasma. The sheath structures and the levels of electron current collections for the cases with and without an ambient magnetic field ( ) are studied. It is found that for the flow perpendicular to the magnetic field, the current is considerably enhanced depending on the relative drift velocity. In the case of a non-zero magnetic field perpendicular to the cylinder axis, the potential structure is a two-dimensional double layer with dimensions L L|, where L and L| are the dimensions perpendicular and parallel to , respectively. L is found to be the current limiting radius given by the Parker-Murphy model. For the flow along , the electron current is found to be smaller than that for the flow perpendicular to . This is explained in terms of the potential structures.  相似文献   

Strong interplanetary scintillations (IPS) of the quasar 2314+03 were recorded at 103 MHz at Thaltej-Ahmedabad, India with a transit type correlation interferometer on 18, 19 and 20 December 1985, as the radio source was predicted to be occulted by the ion tail of the comet Halley.

On 18th through 20th very strong scintillations, with periodicities of 1 sec average were observed, their amplitude progressively decreasing as the source approached the tail-end. The rms variations of scintillating flux of the source on 18, 19 & 20 were about 18, 11 & 4.7 Jy, as against 3.3 Jy on control days 17 and 21 December for solar elongation of 87°.

Assuming Gaussian irregularities with weak scattering, the rms density variations, ΔN, of 10, 6, 3 and 1 elec./cm3 on 18 through 21 December, from the comet nucleus towards its tail-end, varied as (ΔN) ∝ r−3.3 as against (ΔN) ∝ r−2 in the solar plasma.

Quasi-periodic modulations of the enhanced scintillating flux possibly imply 104 km scale-size ion condensations and mean electron density of 103 to 104 electrons/cm3 in the Halley's plasma tail.  相似文献   

Trapped particles of the radiation belts provide a considerable part of plasma pressure at low L-shells. The evaluations of this part during quiet times can be made on the basis of existing trapped radiation models. The radial profiles of plasma pressure at 1.2 < L < 7 were obtained by using the empirical AP8MAX model of trapped radiation (L < 6.6) and the theoretical model of the distribution of the proton fluxes in the Earth's radiation belts (L < 7) developed on the basis of the numerical solution of the radial diffusion equation with dissipation processes. The calculations were compared with AMPTE/CCE data. The contribution of quiet-time plasma pressure profile producing the quiet-time ring current to Dst-variation was obtained about 15 nT which is comparative with the magnetic field disturbances during weak and moderate magnetic storms (Dst = −40 ≈ −100 nT).  相似文献   

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