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《Acta Astronautica》2014,93(2):517-520
Insights from the robust field of risk communication and perception have to date been almost totally absent from the policy debate regarding the relative risks and merits of Active SETI or Messaging to Extraterrestrial Intelligence (METI). For many years, the practice (or proposed practice) of Active SETI has generated a vigorous and sometimes heated policy debate within the scientific community. There have also been some negative reactions in the media toward the activities of those engaged in Active SETI. Risk communication is a scientific approach to communication regarding situations involving potentially sensitive or controversial situations in which there may be high public concern and low public trust. The discipline has found wide acceptance and utility in fields such as public health, industrial regulation and environmental protection. Insights from the scientific field of risk communication (such as omission bias, loss aversion, the availability heuristic, probability neglect, and the general human preference for voluntary over involuntary risks) may help those who have participated in either side of the debate over Active SETI to better understand why the debate has taken on this posture. Principles of risk communication and risk perception may also help those engaged in Active SETI to communicate more effectively with other scientists, the public, with the media, and with policy makers regarding their activities and to better understand and respond to concerns expressed regarding the activity.  相似文献   

Space technology can make an immense contribution to solving the problems of the world as a whole, and the developing nations in particular. This report summarizes the use of satellites by developing countries in the fields of communications, remote sensing, disaster management and space science. India and China, in particular, have built up impressive capabilities in several of these areas, but the great majority of developing countries still do not have access to this technology. The author addresses a number of proposals to the international community for bringing the satellite revolution to the developing world.  相似文献   

Technology assessment in space activities: status and outlook   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Space technology is not only a matter for engineers. In various ways, political authorities and other sections of society are interested in space activities. An of space activities provides a scientific basis on which to tender guidance and advice to decision makers. The authors discuss the growing use of technology assessment in the space field with particular reference to German activities and analyse why it will become more important in the future.  相似文献   

OLTARIS (On-Line Tool for the Assessment of Radiation In Space) is a space radiation analysis tool available on the World Wide Web. It can be used to study the effects of space radiation for various spacecraft and mission scenarios involving humans and electronics. The transport is based on the HZETRN transport code and the input nuclear physics model is NUCFRG. This paper describes the tools behind the web interface and the types of inputs required to obtain results. Typical inputs are mission parameters and slab definitions or vehicle thickness distributions. Radiation environments can be chosen by the user. This paper describes these inputs as well as the output response functions including dose, dose equivalent, whole body effective dose equivalent, LET spectra and detector response models.  相似文献   

航天器磁性测量误差因素及精度评估与航天器结构尺寸、磁矩量级、内部磁性分布特征,以及所用的磁测试方法和测试设备等有密切关系。近场分析法是航天器磁偶极矩测定中经典有效的测试方法。文章就该法在航天器磁测试中的系统误差、随机误差因素及精度评估逐一进行详细论述和深入剖析;针对中大尺度航天器正置态磁测试中垂向磁矩测试结果存在的误差,提出提高测试精度和改进误差评估的有效方法和措施;给出航天器磁测试有效性综合评估的基本条件和评判标准,得到不同尺度航天器磁测试误差的预估参考范围。文章所述航天器磁测试误差因素及精度评估技术对于提高航天器磁测试精度、有效控制航天器磁性具有指导意义。  相似文献   

Disaster events have always been with us. Success or failure of a disaster response is often determined by timely access to communication and the exchange of reliable information. Especially, crucial is information acquired by on-site first responders responsible for initial disaster assessment. The rapid progress in satellite communication development is laying a foundation for a future where lack of communications will no longer be a limiting or paralyzing factor in disaster response. This paper discusses emerging satellite communications tools that can enhance on site assessment and change the way disaster management is viewed and carried out in the next century.  相似文献   

《Acta Astronautica》2007,60(4-7):313-321
The paper focuses on the strong correlation between unmitigated symptoms exhibited by post Space flight astronauts, and symptoms associated with postural deficiency syndrome (PDS) that can be correctly assessed, identified, and monitored via a neurophysiological ocular–vestibular monitoring system (OVMS). From examining clinical data taken over a 10-year period from patients experiencing PDS related acute and chronic post-traumatic medical conditions, the authors show the potential for current assessment and monitoring techniques to examine better the impacts on astronaut neurophysiology. The data presented provide strong evidence that this biomedical monitoring and assessment methodology along with appropriate technology can lead to a better understanding of astronaut post-flight neurophysiology, which is necessary if human exploration in Space is to continue on a successful path.  相似文献   

RA-2 is a second generation spaceborne radar altimeter designed and developed by ALENIA AEROSPAZIO (ALS) in the frame of the European Space Agency (ESA) ENVISAT programme. The project, started at beginning of 1990, reached its completion in October 1998 with the delivery of the Instrument Flight Model to Daimler-Benz Aerospace, Dornier (the mission prime contractor of ENVISAT) for its integration on the platform.

RA-2 only partly resembles in its characteristics those of ERS-1 / ERS-2 first generation Radar Altimeters, designed by ALS. Principal innovative features of the RA-2 are: dual frequency operation (Ku and S band) for ionospheric bias correction of the range measurements, enhanced precision range measurements over oceans, capability of including in the instrument telemetry data down linked to ground In-phase and Quadrature samples of individual Ku band radar echoes, resolution adaptivity and robust tracking algorithms to allow range measurements and radar echoes collection not only over open oceans but also at land-ocean boundaries, ice and land regions with the real objective of continuous global Earth topography mapping.

Aim of this paper is to provide an overview of the instrument key design characteristics and to present instrument pre-launch performance results derived from the evaluation of the test results gathered during the instrument integration and characterisation campaign of the Flight Model (FM).  相似文献   

Now that the Cold War is over, the authors of this Viewpoint believe that in the interests of the USA as well as the rest of the world international cooperation should become a more fundamental element of US space policy. Cooperative agreements will not always be easy to reach and will require creative statecraft. To that end the USA should take the initiative in establishing a high-level international policy forum to facilitate discussions on the main goals and objectives to be served by international cooperation in space.  相似文献   

This article investigates the impact that domain expertise has on risk assessment when analyzing uncertain geographical and sensor data. The differences between novice and expert air traffic operators were examined taking into account the performance of identifying and classifying threatening targets, the time needed to carry out such classifications, and the confidence reported for each decision. The results show that confidence was significantly higher for the expert group. This was supported by the after-test questionnaire because none of the novice participants reported being more confident with the visualizations of uncertainty provided. No significant differences regarding time and performance were found between the groups, even if experts needed, on average, more time to make a decision. Based on the collected logs, the experienced participants more often accessed the detailed information for each object presented by the tool tip. Both the time taken and the data accessed might indicate that experts had better situation awareness. Finally, the experts reported higher workload values related to performance.  相似文献   

This paper explores how the WTO process may affect the development of commercial space industries in Asia. It does so by examining how the ever greater reach of trade rules may constrain industrial and technology policies aimed at developing an indigenous space capability. The role of the USA is also examined, as it is the US industry that will be among the most affected by increased competition in satellite and launcher services.  相似文献   

Historically, colony-forming units as determined by plate cultures have been the standard unit for microbiological analysis of environmental samples, medical diagnostics, and products for human use. However, the time and materials required make plate cultures expensive and potentially hazardous in the closed environments of future NASA missions aboard the International Space Station and missions to other Solar System targets. The Limulus Amebocyte Lysate (LAL) assay is an established method for ensuring the sterility and cleanliness of samples in the meat-packing and pharmaceutical industries. Each of these industries has verified numerical requirements for the correct interpretation of results from this assay. The LAL assay is a rapid, point-of-use, verified assay that has already been approved by NASA Planetary Protection as an alternate, molecular method for the examination of outbound spacecraft. We hypothesize that standards for molecular techniques, similar to those used by the pharmaceutical and meat-packing industries, need to be set by space agencies to ensure accurate data interpretation and subsequent decision making. In support of this idea, we present research that has been conducted to relate the LAL assay to plate cultures, and we recommend values obtained from these investigations that could assist in interpretation and analysis of data obtained from the LAL assay.  相似文献   

This paper presents the sample return mission to a primitive Near-Earth Asteroid (NEA) MarcoPolo-R proposed to the European Space Agency in December 2010. MarcoPolo-R was selected in February 2011 with three other missions addressing different science objectives for the two-year Assessment Phase of the Medium-Class mission competition of the Cosmic Vision 2 program for launch in 2022. The baseline target of MarcoPolo-R is the binary NEA (175706) 1996 FG3, which offers an efficient operational and technical mission profile. A binary target also provides enhanced science return. The choice of a binary target allows several scientific investigations to occur more easily than through a single object, in particular regarding the fascinating geology and geophysics of asteroids. MarcoPolo-R will rendezvous with a primitive, organic-rich NEA, scientifically characterize it at multiple scales, and return a bulk sample to Earth for laboratory analyses. The MarcoPolo-R sample will provide a representative sample from the surface of a known asteroid with known geologic context, and will contribute to the inventory of primitive material that is probably missing from the meteorite collection. The MarcoPolo-R samples will thus contribute to the exploration of the origin of planetary materials and initial stages of habitable planet formation, to the identification and characterization of the organics and volatiles in a primitive asteroid and to the understanding of the unique geomorphology, dynamics and evolution of a binary asteroid that belongs to the Potentially Hazardous Asteroid (PHA) population.  相似文献   

The human exploration of multiple deep space destinations (e.g. Cis-Lunar, NEAs), in view of the final challenge of sending astronauts to Mars, represents a current and consistent study domain especially in terms of its possible scenarios and mission architectures assessments, as proved by the numerous on-going activities about this topic and moreover by the global exploration roadmap. After exploring and analysing different possible solutions to identify the most flexible path, a detailed characterisation of several Design Reference Missions (DRMs) represents a necessity in order to evaluate the feasibility and affordability of deep space exploration missions, specifically in terms of enabling technological capabilities.The study presented in this paper was aimed at defining an evolutionary scenario for deep space exploration in the next 30 years with the final goal of sending astronauts on the surface of Mars by the end of 2030 decade. Different destinations were considered as targets to build the human exploration scenario, with particular attention to Earth–Moon Lagrangian points, NEA and Moon. For all the destinations selected as part of the exploration scenario, the assessment and characterisation of the relative Design Reference Missions were performed. Specifically they were defined in terms of strategies, architectures and mission elements. All the analyses were based on a pure technical approach with the objective of evaluating the feasibility of a long term strategy for capabilities achievement and technological development to enable future space exploration.This paper describes the process that was followed within the study, focusing on the adopted methodology, and reports the major obtained results, in terms of scenario and mission analysis.  相似文献   

“Mars Direct”, is an approach to the space Exploration Initiative that allows for the rapid initiation of manned Mars exploration, possibly as early as 1999. The approach does not require any on-orbit assembly or refueling or any support from the Space Station or other orbital infrastructure. Furthermore, the Mars Direct plan is not merely a “flags and footprints” one-shot expedition, but puts into place immediately an economical method of Earth-Mars transportation, real surface exploratory mobility, and significant base capabilities that can evolve into a mostly self-sufficient Mars settlement. This paper presents both the initial and evolutionary phases of the Mars Direct plan. In the initial phase, only chemical propulsion is used, sendig 4 persons on conjunction class Mars exploratory missions. Two heavy lift booster launches are required to support each mission. The first launch delivers an unfueled Earth Return Vehicle (ERV) to the martian surface, where it fills itself with methane/oxygen bipropellant manufactured primarily out of indigenous resources. After propellant production is completed, a second launch delivers the crew to the prepared site, where they conduct regional exploration for 1.5 years and then return directly to Earth in the ERV. In the second phase of Mars Direct, nuclear thermal propulsion is used to cut crew transit times in half, increase cargo delivery capacity, and to create the potential for true global mobility through the use of CO2 propelled ballistic hopping vehicles (“NIMFs”). In this paper we present both phases of the Mars Direct plan, including mission architecture, vehicle designs, and exploratory strategy leading to the establishment of a 48 person permanent Mars base. Some speculative thoughts on the possibility of actually colonizing Mars are also presented.  相似文献   

K. Rawer   《Acta Astronautica》1987,15(12):1051
Reference is given to two early publications of the author about tether applications for scientific purposes.  相似文献   

The recent discovery of methane in the martian atmosphere is arguably one of the most important discoveries in the field of astrobiology. One possible source of this methane could be a microorganism analogous to those on Earth in the domain Archaea known as methanogens. Methanogens are described as obligately anaerobic, and methods developed to work with methanogens typically include anaerobic media and buffers, gassing manifolds, and possibly anaerobic chambers. To determine if the time, effort, and supplies required to maintain anaerobic conditions are necessary to maintain viability, we compared anaerobically washed cells with cells that were washed in the presence of atmospheric oxygen. Anaerobic tubes were opened, and cultures were poured into plastic centrifuge tubes, centrifuged, and suspended in fresh buffer, all in the presence of atmospheric oxygen. Washed cells from both aerobic and anaerobic procedures were inoculated into methanogenic growth media under anaerobic conditions and incubated at temperatures conducive to growth for each methanogenic strain tested. Methane production was measured at time intervals using a gas chromatograph. In three strains, significant differences were not seen between aerobically and anaerobically washed cells. In one strain, there was significantly less methane production observed following aerobic washing at some time points; however, substantial methane production occurred following both procedures. Thus, it appears that aerobic manipulations for relatively short periods of time with at least a few species of methanogens may not lead to loss of viability. With the discovery of methane in the martian atmosphere, it is likely that there will be an increase in astrobiology-related methanogen research. The research reported here should simplify the methodology.  相似文献   

Understanding the abiotic fixation of nitrogen and how such fixation can be a supply of prebiotic nitrogen is critical for understanding both the planetary evolution of, and the potential origin of life on, terrestrial planets. As nitrogen is a biochemically essential element, sources of biochemically accessible nitrogen, especially reduced nitrogen, are critical to prebiotic chemistry and the origin of life. Loss of atmospheric nitrogen can result in loss of the ability to sustain liquid water on a planetary surface, which would impact planetary habitability and hydrological processes that shape the surface. It is known that NO can be photochemically converted through a chain of reactions to form nitrate and nitrite, which can be subsequently reduced to ammonia. Here, we show that NO can also be directly reduced, by FeS, to ammonia. In addition to removing nitrogen from the atmosphere, this reaction is particularly important as a source of reduced nitrogen on an early terrestrial planet. By converting NO directly to ammonia in a single step, ammonia is formed with a higher product yield (~50%) than would be possible through the formation of nitrate/nitrite and subsequent conversion to ammonia. In conjunction with the reduction of NO, there is also a catalytic disproportionation at the mineral surface that converts NO to NO? and N?O. The NO? is then converted to ammonia, while the N?O is released back in the gas phase, which provides an abiotic source of nitrous oxide.  相似文献   

A M Parfitt 《Acta Astronautica》1981,8(9-10):1083-1090
During the manned Skylab flights mineral losses from the calcaneum and changes in external calcium balance were in the ranges found for healthy subjects at bedrest. Calcium balance reached a nadir of -200 mg/day by two months with no change thereafter; the negative balance was due to increased urinary excretion with no change in net absorption. The total calcium loss averaged 18 g in the longest flight of 84 days; the densitiometric data suggested that about two-thirds of this came from trabecular bone and about one-third from cortical bone. These data could represent reversible bone loss due to increased birth rate of normal osteoclasts and osteoblasts and consequent increase in bone turnover and in reversible mineral deficit, or irreversible bone loss due to overactive osteoclasts and/or underactive osteoblasts. If the former explanation is correct, significant bone loss is unlikely whatever the duration of future flights, except in older persons already losing bone; if the latter explanation is correct, space flights longer than six months may lead to a significant increase in fracture risk in later life. Neither terrestrial immobilization nor unwilling animals in orbit are ideal models for the effects of space flight on human bone. To choose between reversible and irreversible mechanisms of bone loss, and to determine the effects of space flight on lifelong fracture risk, future astronauts and cosmonauts must undergo adequate histologic study of bone after in vivo tetracycline labeling.  相似文献   

Ray Harris   《Space Policy》2003,19(4):955-296
The role of remote sensing in promoting sustainable development, its general benefits and easing access to remotely sensed images, especially for developing countries, have all been examined by the International Policy Advisory Committee of the ISPRS in 2003. This report, a slightly revised version of an article that appears in the September 2003 issue of the ISPRS's Highlights magazine, presents the committee's findings and recommendations.  相似文献   

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