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As part of the PROTECT experiment of the EXPOSE-E mission on board the International Space Station (ISS), the mutagenic efficiency of space was studied in spores of Bacillus subtilis 168. After 1.5 years' exposure to selected parameters of outer space or simulated martian conditions, the rates of induced mutations to rifampicin resistance (Rif(R)) and sporulation deficiency (Spo(-)) were quantified. In all flight samples, both mutations, Rif(R) and Spo(-), were induced and their rates increased by several orders of magnitude. Extraterrestrial solar UV radiation (>110?nm) as well as simulated martian UV radiation (>200?nm) led to the most pronounced increase (up to nearly 4 orders of magnitude); however, mutations were also induced in flight samples shielded from insolation, which were exposed to the same conditions except solar irradiation. Nucleotide sequencing located the Rif(R) mutations in the rpoB gene encoding the β-subunit of RNA polymerase. Mutations isolated from flight and parallel mission ground reference (MGR) samples were exclusively localized to Cluster I. The 21 Rif(R) mutations isolated from the flight experiment showed all a C to T transition and were all localized to one hotspot: H482Y. In mutants isolated from the MGR, the spectrum was wider with predicted amino acid changes at residues Q469K/L/R, H482D/P/R/Y, and S487L. The data show the unique mutagenic power of space and martian surface conditions as a consequence of DNA injuries induced by solar UV radiation and space vacuum or the low pressure of Mars.  相似文献   

Bacterial spores have been considered as microbial life that could survive interplanetary transport by natural impact processes or human spaceflight activity. Deposition of terrestrial microbes or their biosignature molecules onto the surface of Mars could negatively impact life detection experiments and planetary protection measures. Simulated Mars solar radiation, particularly the ultraviolet component, has been shown to reduce spore viability, but its effect on spore germination and resulting production of biosignature molecules has not been explored. We examined the survival and germinability of Bacillus subtilis spores exposed to simulated martian conditions that include solar radiation. Spores of B. subtilis that contain luciferase resulting from expression of an sspB-luxAB gene fusion were deposited on aluminum coupons to simulate deposition on spacecraft surfaces and exposed to simulated Mars atmosphere and solar radiation. The equivalent of 42 min of simulated Mars solar radiation exposure reduced spore viability by nearly 3 logs, while germination-induced bioluminescence, a measure of germination metabolism, was reduced by less than 1 log. The data indicate that spores can retain the potential to initiate germination-associated metabolic processes and produce biological signature molecules after being rendered nonviable by exposure to Mars solar radiation.  相似文献   

To understand the chemical behavior of organic molecules in the space environment, amino acids and a dipeptide in pure form and embedded in meteorite powder were exposed in the PROCESS experiment in the EXPOSE-E facility mounted on the European Technology Exposure Facility (EuTEF) platform on board the International Space Station (ISS). After exposure to space conditions for 18 months, the samples were returned to Earth and analyzed in the laboratory for reactions caused by solar UV and cosmic radiation. Chemical degradation and possible racemization and oligomerization, the main reactions caused by photochemistry in the vacuum ultraviolet domain (VUV, wavelength range 100-200?nm for photon energy from 6.2 to 12.4?eV) were examined in particular. The molecules were extracted and derivatized by silylation and analyzed by gas chromatograph coupled to a mass spectrometer (GC-MS) to quantify the rate of the degradation of the compounds. Laboratory exposure in several wavelength ranges from UV to VUV was carried out in parallel in the Cologne Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) Center and Centre de biophysique moléculaire (CBM) laboratories. The results show that resistance to irradiation is a function of the chemical nature of the exposed molecules and the wavelengths of the UV light. The most altered compounds were the dipeptide, aspartic acid, and aminobutyric acid. The most resistant were alanine, valine, glycine, and aminoisobutyric acid. Our results also demonstrate the protective effect of meteorite powder, which reemphasizes the importance of exogenic contribution to the inventory of prebiotic organics on early Earth.  相似文献   

The RF SRC—Institute of Biomedical Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences, developed Biorisk hardware to study the effects of long-term exposure of dormant forms of various organisms to outer space and used it to complete a series of experiments on the Russian Module (RM) of the International Space Station (ISS).The experiments were performed using prokaryotes (Bacillus bacteria) and eukaryotes (Penicillium, Aspergillus, and Cladosporium fungi), as well as spores, dormant forms of higher plants, insects, lower crustaceans, and vertebrates. The biological samples were housed in two containers that were exposed to outer space for 13 or 18 months. The results of the 18-month experiment showed that, in spite of harsher temperature than in the first study, most specimens remained viable.These experiments provided evidence that not only bacterial and fungal spores but also dormant forms of organisms that reached higher levels of evolutionary development had the capability to survive a long-term exposure to outer space. This observation suggests that they can be transferred on outer walls of space platforms during interplanetary missions.  相似文献   

Radiation Risk Radiometer-Dosimeter E (R3DE) served as a device for measuring ionizing and non-ionizing radiation as well as cosmic radiation reaching biological samples located on the EXPOSE platform EXPOSE-E. The duration of the mission was almost 1.5 years (2008-2009). With four channels, R3DE detected the wavelength ranges of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR, 400-700?nm), UVA (315-400?nm), UVB (280-315?nm), and UVC (<280?nm). In addition, the temperature was recorded. Cosmic ionizing radiation was assessed with a 256-channel spectrometer dosimeter (see separate report in this issue). The light and UV sensors of the device were calibrated with spectral measurement data obtained by the Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment (SORCE) satellite as standard. The data were corrected with respect to the cosine error of the diodes. Measurement frequency was 0.1?Hz. Due to errors in data transmission or temporary termination of EXPOSE power, not all data could be acquired. Radiation was not constant during the mission. At regular intervals of about 2 months, low or almost no radiation was encountered. The radiation dose during the mission was 1823.98 MJ m(-2) for PAR, 269.03 MJ m(-2) for UVA, 45.73 MJ m(-2) for UVB, or 18.28 MJ m(-2) for UVC. Registered sunshine duration during the mission was about 152 days (about 27% of mission time).The surface of EXPOSE was most likely turned away from the Sun for considerably longer. R3DE played a crucial role on EXPOSE-EuTEF (EuTEF, European Technology Exposure Facility), because evaluation of the astrobiology experiments depended on reliability of the data collected by the device. Observed effects in the samples were weighted by radiation doses measured by R3DE.  相似文献   

The Lithopanspermia space experiment was launched in 2007 with the European Biopan facility for a 10-day spaceflight on board a Russian Foton retrievable satellite. Lithopanspermia included for the first time the vagrant lichen species Aspicilia fruticulosa from Guadalajara steppic highlands (Central Spain), as well as other lichen species. During spaceflight, the samples were exposed to selected space conditions, that is, the space vacuum, cosmic radiation, and different spectral ranges of solar radiation (λ?≥?110, ≥200, ≥290, or ≥400?nm, respectively). After retrieval, the algal and fungal metabolic integrity of the samples were evaluated in terms of chlorophyll a fluorescence, ultrastructure, and CO(2) exchange rates. Whereas the space vacuum and cosmic radiation did not impair the metabolic activity of the lichens, solar electromagnetic radiation, especially in the wavelength range between 100 and 200?nm, caused reduced chlorophyll a yield fluorescence; however, there was a complete recovery after 72?h of reactivation. All samples showed positive rates of net photosynthesis and dark respiration in the gas exchange experiment. Although the ultrastructure of all flight samples showed some probable stress-induced changes (such as the presence of electron-dense bodies in cytoplasmic vacuoles and between the chloroplast thylakoids in photobiont cells as well as in cytoplasmic vacuoles of the mycobiont cells), we concluded that A. fruticulosa was capable of repairing all space-induced damage. Due to size limitations within the Lithopanspermia hardware, the possibility for replication on the sun-exposed samples was limited, and these first results on the resistance of the lichen symbiosis A. fruticulosa to space conditions and, in particular, on the spectral effectiveness of solar extraterrestrial radiation must be considered preliminary. Further testing in space and under space-simulated conditions will be required. Results of this study indicate that the quest to discern the limits of lichen symbiosis resistance to extreme environmental conditions remains open.  相似文献   

Two major parameters influencing the survival of Bacillus subtilis spores in space and on bodies within the Solar System are UV radiation and vacuum, both of which induce inactivating damage to DNA. To date, however, spore survival and DNA photochemistry have been explored only at the extremes of Earth-normal atmospheric pressure (101.3 kPa) and at simulated space vacuum (10(-3)-10(-6) Pa). In this study, wild-type spores, mutant spores lacking alpha/beta-type small, acid-soluble spore proteins (SASP), naked DNA, and complexes between SASP SspC and DNA were exposed simultaneously to UV (254 nm) at intermediate pressure (1-2 Pa), and the UV photoproducts cis,syn-thymine-thymine cyclobutane dimer (c,sTT), trans,syn-thymine-thymine cyclobutane dimer (t,sTT), and "spore photoproduct" (SP) were quantified. At 101.3 kPa, UV-treated wild-type spores accumulated only SP, but spores treated with UV radiation at 1-2 Pa exhibited a spectrum of DNA damage similar to that of spores treated at 10(-6) Pa, with accumulation of SP, c,sTT, and t,sTT. The presence or absence of alpha/beta-type SASP in spores was partly responsible for the shift observed between levels of SP and c,sTT, but not t,sTT. The changes observed in spore DNA photochemistry at 1-2 Pa in vivo were not reproduced by irradiation of naked DNA or SspC:DNA complexes in vitro, suggesting that factors other than SASP are involved in spore DNA photochemistry at low pressure.  相似文献   

《Acta Astronautica》2013,82(2):532-544
During the last three decades a wide variety of surfaces have been brought back to Earth after being exposed to space environment. The impact features found on these surfaces are used to evaluate the damages caused to spacecraft and can give clues to the characteristics of the orbital debris and meteoroids that created them. In order to derive more precisely the particle parameters and to improve the analysis of projectile remnants, we have performed an extensive analysis of craters caused by the impact of high velocity particles on thick ductile targets, using a micro-particle accelerator. We show that from the geometry of the craters and from the analysis of the remnants it is possible to derive the main characteristics of the projectiles. In particular, using up-to-date instrumentation, scanning electron microscope (SEM) and Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectrometer, we found that even small residues inside craters can be identified. However, this study shows that a velocity resolution better than 1 km/s would be appropriate to obtain a fair calibration of the impact processes on a ductile target. This would allow to decipher with precision impact features on ductile surfaces exposed to space environment.  相似文献   

Complex analysis is performed for five active regions on the Sun where strong X-class solar flares occurred in 2011–2012. Radio emissions from the regions were investigated based on daily multi-wave observation of the Sun with the RATAN-600 radio telescope in the 1.6–8.0 cm wavelength range. It is shown that, as in eruptive events that were investigated earlier using the RATAN-600 radio telescope, 1–2 days (in some cases 14–17 h) prior to a strong flare one observes a developing source over the neutral line of photospheric magnetic field, which is projected on the region of the maximum approach of fields of opposite signs. In most cases this source became a dominant component in the microwave emissions of the active region prior to a flare. Simultaneously, analyzing magnetographic measurements of the same active regions, based on the data of the SDO space observatory, it has been shown that development of X-class flares proceeds at sufficiently high levels (F ~1022 Mx) of magnetic flux in groups of sunspots and at sharp growth of flux gradient (G ~ 20 × 1020 Mx/deg), which reflects the geometric approach of sunspots with opposite polarities of the magnetic field. These results can be used to develop methods for forecasting strong flares on the Sun.  相似文献   

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