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The present knowledge of the structure of low-mass X-ray binary systems is reviewed. We examine the orbital period distribution of these sources and discuss how the orbital periods are measured. There is substantial observational evidence that the accretion disks in low-mass X-ray binaries are thick and structured. In a number of highly inclined systems, the compact X-ray emitting star is hidden from direct view by the disk and X-radiation is observed from these only because photons are scattered into the line of sight by material above and below the disk plane. In such systems the X-ray emission can appear extended with respect to the companion star, which can lead to partial X-ray eclipses. There are substantial variations in the thickness of the disk rim with azimuth. These give rise to the phenomenon of irregular dips in the X-ray flux which recur with the orbital period, or to an overall binary modulation of the X-ray flux if the source is extended. The X-ray spectra of low-mass X-ray binaries can be used to probe the innermost emission regions surrounding the compact star. The spectra of the bright Sco X-1 variables can be fitted with two components which are provisionally identified as originating in the inner disk and the boundary layer between the disk and the neutron star respectively. The characteristic energy dependent flaring of the Sco X-1 sub-class may be a geometric effect triggered by an increase in the thickness of the inner disk or boundary layer. The X-ray spectra of the lower luminosity systems, including the bursters, are less complex, and in many cases can be represented by a single power law with, in some sources, a high energy cut-off. Iron line emission is a characteristic of most low-mass X-ray binaries, irrespective of luminosity.  相似文献   

The observational information on X-ray binaries that was collected with the 80 cm2 auxiliary X-ray detector onboard the COS-B gamma-ray satellite is reviewed. The results illustrate that in the study of X-ray binaries observations of long duration are extremely effective, even when using a small instrument.  相似文献   

The observational information on X-ray binaries that was collected with the 80 cm2 auxiliary X-ray detector onboard the COS-B gamma-ray satellite is reviewed. The results illustrate that in the study of X-ray binaries observations of long duration are extremely effective, even when using a small instrument.  相似文献   

以小尺寸O型橡胶密封圈为研究对象,借助自制的胶圈切割刀研究了切取胶圈横截面的方法。阐述了自制工具的使用方法,并使用VMU自动影像测量仪对胶圈截径进行重复测量,对新方法与传统方法进行了对比试验。  相似文献   

We discuss evolutionary processes in binaries where the primary becomes a red giant with a deep convective envelope before it fills its Roche lobe. Such binaries (late Case B or late Case C, if they evolve conservatively) ought to suffer drastic mass transfer, on a hydrodynamic timescale. In some circumstances this may lead to a common envelope, spiral-in, and finally either a very short-period binary or coalescence. But there appear to be other circumstances in which the outcome is an ordinary Algol, or a wide binary with a white dwarf companion as in Barium stars and some symbiotics. We try to demonstrate that stellar-wind mass loss, enhanced one or two orders of magnitude by tidal interaction with a companion, can vitally affect the approach to RLOF, and indeed may prevent RLOF in binaries with periods over 1000 d. Such mass loss is probably accompanied by angular momentum loss, by magnetic braking combined with tidal friction. The result is that it will not be easy to predict definitively the outcome of evolution in a given zero-age binary.  相似文献   

We discuss evolutionary processes in binaries where the primary becomes a red giant with a deep convective envelope before it fills its Roche lobe. Such binaries (late Case B or late Case C, if they evolve conservatively) ought to suffer drastic mass transfer, on a hydrodynamic timescale. In some circumstances this may lead to a common envelope, spiral-in, and finally either a very short-period binary or coalescence. But there appear to be other circumstances in which the outcome is an ordinary Algol, or a wide binary with a white dwarf companion as in Barium stars and some symbiotics. We try to demonstrate that stellar-wind mass loss, enhanced one or two orders of magnitude by tidal interaction with a companion, can vitally affect the approach to RLOF, and indeed may prevent RLOF in binaries with periods over 1000 d. Such mass loss is probably accompanied by angular momentum loss, by magnetic braking combined with tidal friction. The result is that it will not be easy to predict definitively the outcome of evolution in a given zero-age binary.  相似文献   

Random noise radar has recently been used in a variety of imaging and surveillance applications. These systems can be made phase coherent using the technique of heterodyne correlation. Phase coherence has been exploited to measure Doppler and thereby the velocity of moving targets. The Doppler visibility, i.e., the ability to extract Doppler information over the inherent clutter spectra, is constrained by system parameters, especially the phase noise generated by microwave components. Our paper proposes a new phase noise model for the heterodyne mixer as applicable for ultrawideband (UWB) random noise radar and for the local oscillator in the time domain. The Doppler spectra are simulated by including phase noise contamination effects and compared with our previous experimental results. A genetic algorithm (GA) optimization routine is applied to synthesize the effects of a variety of parameter combinations to derive a suitable empirical formula for estimating the Doppler visibility in dB. According to the phase noise analysis and the simulation results, the Doppler visibility of UWB random noise radar depends primarily on the following parameters: 1) the local oscillator (LO) drive level of the receiver heterodyne mixer, 2) the saturation current in the receiver heterodyne mixer, 3) the bandwidth of the transmit noise source, and 4) the target velocity. Other parameters such as the carrier frequency of the receiver LO and the loaded quality factor of the LO have a small effect over the range of applicability of the model and are therefore neglected in the model formulation. The Doppler visibility curves generated from this formula match the simulation results very well over the applicable parameter range within 1 dB. Our model may therefore be used to quickly estimate the Doppler visibility of random UWB noise radars for trade-off analysis  相似文献   

应用第一性原理方法优化了TiAl金属间化合物晶胞的晶体结构,比较和分析了该晶胞与Ti晶胞以及Al晶胞的键长、体积、体弹性模量、杨氏弹性模量、泊松比等力学性质,分析和解释了TiAl合金具有高强度和脆性等性能的根本原因。并且分析了该晶胞的电子态密度-能级曲线,证实TiAl合金是导电性较高的良导体。最后展望了TiAl合金工艺的发展方向。  相似文献   

掺杂锆再结晶石墨微观结构及其性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用煅烧石油焦作填料、煤沥青作粘结剂、锆粉作添加剂,采用热压工艺制备了一系列不同质量配比的掺杂锆再结晶石墨。考察了不同质量配比的添加锆对再结晶石墨的热导率、电阻率和抗折强度的影响以及微观结构的变化。实验结果表明,与相同工艺条件下制备的纯石墨材料相比较,掺杂锆再结晶石墨的导热、导电以及力学性能均有较大的提高。当锆掺杂量为6wt%时,再结晶石墨电阻率有明显的降低;而当锆掺杂量超过6wt%时,对再结晶石墨的电阻率影响不大。室温下,RG-Zr-12再结晶石墨的层面方向热导率可达410W/(m·K)。微观结构分析表明,随着锆掺杂量的增加,石墨微晶的石墨化度以及微晶尺寸增大,晶面层间距降低。原料中掺杂锆量为12wt%时,再结晶石墨的石墨化度为97.7%,微晶参数La为475nm。XRD及SEM分析表明,锆元素在再结晶石墨中以碳化锆的形式存在。锆对再结晶石墨制备过程的催化作用可以用液相转化机理来解释。  相似文献   

Phased-Mission Systems(PMS) are widely applied in aerospace, telecommunication and intelligent systems for multiple, consecutive and non-overlapping phases of missions. The phasedependent stresses and system structure cause some difficulties to the reliability analysis of PMSs.In this paper, we analyze the physical isolation effects on the degradation speeds and across-phase damage accumulations of failure mechanisms. And, some corresponding reliability and unreliability formulas are derived. Be...  相似文献   

Variations in the magnetic pressure and flux blocking by starspots during the magnetic cycle of the cool semidetached component of an Algol binary may cause cyclic changes in the quadrupole moment and moment of inertia of the star which can cause alternate period changes. Since several different processes and timescales are involved, the orbital period changes may not correlate strongly with the indicators of magnetic activity. The structural changes in the semidetached component can also modulate the mass transfer rate. Sub-Keplerian velocities, supersonic turbulence, and high temperature regions in circumstellar material around the accreting star may all be a consequence of magnetic fields embedded in the flow. Models for the evolution of Algols which include the effects of angular momentum loss (AML) through a magnetized wind may have underestimated the AML rate by basing it on results from main sequence stars. Evolved stars appear to have higher AML rates, and there may be additional AML in a wind from the accretion disk.  相似文献   

Variations in the magnetic pressure and flux blocking by starspots during the magnetic cycle of the cool semidetached component of an Algol binary may cause cyclic changes in the quadrupole moment and moment of inertia of the star which can cause alternate period changes. Since several different processes and timescales are involved, the orbital period changes may not correlate strongly with the indicators of magnetic activity. The structural changes in the semidetached component can also modulate the mass transfer rate. Sub-Keplerian velocities, supersonic turbulence, and high temperature regions in circumstellar material around the accreting star may all be a consequence of magnetic fields embedded in the flow. Models for the evolution of Algols which include the effects of angular momentum loss (AML) through a magnetized wind may have underestimated the AML rate by basing it on results from main sequence stars. Evolved stars appear to have higher AML rates, and there may be additional AML in a wind from the accretion disk.  相似文献   

From October 1982 through May 1983 an extensive weather clutter registration program was executed near the Dutch coast. Coherent echo series of 2 s were obtained from a cluster of adjacent antenna pencil beams every 10 or 15 min., mainly between 16:00 and 08:30 h and on the weekends. The beam cluster was pointed toward the intensity maximum of the clutter volume. The radar operated at 5650 MHz. Spectra with 10 Hz Doppler resolution have been computed by averaging over 19 discrete Fourier transforms of overlapping and tapered subseries of 200 echo vectors. To quantify the deviation from a Gaussian shape a spectral variability is defined which is computed for every estimated spectrum. It is found that the deviation from Gaussian is considerable in about one-fourth of the spectra. A selection of "typical worst case" spectra is presented.  相似文献   

讨论了正十七烷与正十八烷(C17,C18)对燃料运动黏度、密度、表面张力理化性能的影响,探究了直链烷烃对SMD(Sauter mean diameter)的影响.将Key's混合规律、Tat混合规律和多项式拟合应用于密度公式的拟合,并将Key's混合规律与对数拟合应用于运动黏度公式的拟合,得出的理化性能拟合公式精度较高;通过测量纯煤油及C17,C18混合油雾化的SMD,实验发现随着直链烷烃的质量分数的增加,混合油的运动黏度增加,SMD也随之增加,雾化效果与纯航空煤油的相比较差,而C18混合油的SMD要比C17混合油要大,并且利用密度、运动黏度的拟合公式对SMD进行预测的偏差小于0.3%.   相似文献   

In the helicopter transmission systems, it is important to monitor and track the tooth damage evolution using lots of sensors and detection methods. This paper develops a novel approach for sensor selection based on physical model and sensitivity analysis. Firstly, a physical model of tooth damage and mesh stiffness is built. Secondly, some effective condition indicators(CIs) are presented, and the optimal CIs set is selected by comparing their test statistics according to Mann–Kendall test. Afterwards, the selected CIs are used to generate a health indicator(HI)through sen slop estimator. Then, the sensors are selected according to the monotonic relevance and sensitivity to the damage levels. Finally, the proposed method is verified by the simulation and experimental data. The results show that the approach can provide a guide for health monitoring of helicopter transmission systems, and it is effective to reduce the test cost and improve the system's reliability.  相似文献   

SiC颗粒影响SiCp/Cu复合材料物理性能的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
运用多元回归分析方法,研究了SiC颗粒含量、粒度及纯度对SiCp/Cu复合材料热膨胀系数和导热率的影响规律。研究表明,影响材料热膨胀系数和导热率的主要因素为SiC颗粒含量。随着SiC颗粒含量的增加,复合材料的热膨胀系数和导热率降低;SiC颗粒越小,热膨胀系数越低,而导热率越好;适当增加杂质含量有利于获得较高的导热率。  相似文献   

The ELDORA/ASTRAIA airborne Doppler weather radar was recently placed in service by US and French atmospheric sciences research laboratories. The ELDORA/ASTRAIA radar is designed to provide high resolution measurements of the air motion and rainfall characteristics of atmospheric storms which are too large, remote or fast-moving to be adequately observed by ground-based radars. This paper discusses the measurement requirements and the design goals of the radar and presents sample measurements from a recent weather research field program  相似文献   

The effect of the clutter-to-noise ratio on the performance of a Doppler filter is considered. Clutter is assumed to have a power level which is unknown and varies in range. The assessment of the performance of a Doppler filter is based on the gain of the filter, which is the normalized output signal-to-interference ratio improvement at a given Doppler. The gain is generally a complex function of the statistics of the clutter. New upper and lower bounds on the gain differential between the expected design point clutter-to-noise ratio and the actual clutter-to-noise ratio are found. These bounds are independent of the clutter covariance matrix and are only a function of the unknown clutter-to-noise ratio. The bounds are valid for both Gaussian and non-Gaussian noise and for arbitrary linear filters. The upper and lower bounds differ by the theoretical coherent integration gain, 10 logN dB, where N is the number of pulses. A tighter lower bound is found for the case when the filters are matched filters. A simple exact expression is found for matched filters assuming a Gaussian Markov clutter model as the clutter spectral width approaches zero. An easily implementable adaptive procedure is given which improves performance due to the unknown clutter-to-noise ratio. This work extends a previous result, valid for the Emerson filter, that shows the effect of clutter-to-noise ratio on performance in terms of an average quantity, the improvement factor  相似文献   

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