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随着计算机仿真技术的发展,可以结合实际雷达工作流程和处理算法来实现装备的数字孪生,从而脱离传统射频设备或半实物硬件平台。本文介绍了主动雷达搜索、跟踪及SAR成像的信号级仿真,被动雷达搜索、跟踪的功能级仿真流程和相关实现算法,并通过主被动雷达仿真基础运行软件进行算法集成,在闭环仿真验证平台下与控制、散射源和辐射源分系统进行交互,根据其输入的控制指令与回波数据实现各模式下的雷达处理,最后反馈给控制分系统,实现了闭环工作模拟。试验结果验证了该仿真技术的工作流程与信号处理算法的正确性,所给出的部分干扰过程分析进一步说明该技术在机载主被动雷达设备的预研和复盘中具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

基于专家控制系统的发动机入口压力闭环控制方案   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
液体火箭发动机在地面试验过程中,试车台推进剂供应系统必须保证发动机的入口压力在任务要求的范围内,而目前采用压力继电器控制进气电磁阀来调节入口压力,这种方式调节精度低,响应滞后。根据试车台增压系统的特点和增压系统开环控制数年所积累的经验,提出基于专家控制思想和以孔板矩阵作为执行机构的压力闭环控制方案。该控制方法无需精确的数学模型,又能按照设定的精度智能调节增压孔板矩阵,使发动机入口压力自动跟随设定值而变化。  相似文献   

Culbertson F 《Acta Astronautica》2004,54(11-12):793-797
The Commander of the International Space Station Expedition Three describes what the space station looks like. The tour includes the American communications link, the Express rack for science experiments, the Node with its collapsible water containers, the Airlock, the FGB, and living space in the Service Module.  相似文献   

有关大型空间平台(空间站和航天飞机)在国家空间安全中的应用.尤其是军事应用问题.无论是在国内或是在国外,长期以来一直受到人们的关注。  相似文献   

国际空间站是当代规模最大的航天工程,也是涉及国家数量最多的大型国际航天合作项目。经过美国和前苏联多次载人航天飞行经验证明,人在太空飞行条件下不但可以很好地生存,而且还能进行各种操作,完成多种飞行任务。例如,随着载人航天技术的发展,美国航天员阿姆斯特朗和斯科特于1  相似文献   

Due to the difficulty and expense it costs to resupply manned-spacecraft habitats, a goal is to create a closed loop atmosphere revitalization system, in which precious commodities such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water are continuously recycled. Our aim is to test other sorbents for their capacity for future spacecraft missions, such as on the Orion spacecraft, or possibly lunar or Mars mission habitats to see if they would be better than the zeolite sorbents on the 4-bed molecular sieve. Some of the materials being tested are currently used for other industry applications. Studying these sorbents for their specific spacecraft application is different from that for applications on earth because in space, there are certain power, mass, and volume limitations that are not as critical on Earth. In manned-spaceflight missions, the sorbents are exposed to a much lower volume fraction of CO2 (0.6% volume CO2) than on Earth.LiLSX was tested for its CO2 capacity in an atmosphere like that of the ISS. Breakthrough tests were run to establish the capacities of these materials at a partial pressure of CO2 that is seen on the ISS. This paper discusses experimental results from benchmark materials, such as results previously obtained from tests on Grade 522, and the forementioned candidate materials for the Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) system.  相似文献   

In the recent years the Russian Orlan-M space suits have been improved as applied to their operational requirements for the ISS. A special attention is paid to enhancement of EVA crew efficiency and safety. The paper considers the main problems regarding specific features of the Russian space suit operation in the ISS, and analyses measures on their solution. In particular, the problems associated with the following are considered: enhancement of the anthropometric range for the EVA crewmembers; use of some US EMU elements and unified NASA equipment elements; Orlan-M operation support in the wide range of the ISS thermal conditions; use of Simplified Aid For Extravehicular activity Rescue (SAFER) designed as a self-rescue device, which will be used for an EVA crewmember return in the event that he (she) breaks away inadvertently from the ISS surface. The paper states the main space suit differences with reference to solution of the above problems. The paper presents briefly the design of space suit arms developed for crewmembers with small anthropometric parameters, as well as peculiarities and test results for the gloves with enhanced thermal protection. Measures on further space suit development with the purpose to improve its performances are considered.  相似文献   

The European Space Agency (ESA) initiated a joint project with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and industry partners for improved authoring and execution of Operations Data File (ODF) procedures. The system consists of an authoring tool and a viewer. The authoring tool is currently used by NASA and ESA to write/convert ODF procedures. The viewer will be used onboard the International Space Station (ISS) starting from Flight Increment 11. The new system, thanks to its interaction capability, will help astronauts and operators in the execution of checklist and logic flow procedures that ensure precise performance of experiments and smooth operation of the various systems.  相似文献   

An essential part of increment preparation for the ISS is the training of the flight crews. Each international partner is responsible for the basic training of its own astronauts, where a basic knowledge is taught on space science and engineering, ISS systems and operations and general astronaut skills like flying, diving, survival, language, etc. The main parts of the ISS crew training are the Advanced Training, e.g., generic ISS operations; nominal and malfunction systems operations and emergencies, and the Increment-Specific Training, i.e., operations and tasks specific to a particular increment. The Advanced and Increment-Specific Training is multilateral training, i.e., each partner is training all ISS astronauts on its contributions to the ISS program. Consequently, ESA is responsible for the Basic Training of its own astronauts and the Advanced and Increment-Specific Training of all ISS crews after Columbus activation on Columbus Systems Operations, Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV), and ESA payloads.

This paper gives an overview of the ESA ISS Training Program for Columbus Systems Operations and ATV, for which EADS Space Transportation GmbH is the prime contractor. The key training tasks, the training flow and the training facilities are presented.  相似文献   

Using the data of high-sensitivity dosimetric units DB-8, variations of the radiation environment onboard the International Space Station (ISS) during the year 2008 are analyzed. Very low level of solar activity was observed throughout this time, and no proton events occurred. It is shown that the variations of the mean daily dose rate during this period were caused by variations in the height of the ISS flight.  相似文献   

Belingheri M  Mirra C 《Acta Astronautica》2003,53(4-10):651-657
ESA astronauts' ISS flight opportunities are considered as a vital source to meet the utilisation, operation and political objectives that Europe has established for participating in the International Space Station programme. Recent internal ESA assessments have demonstrated that a rate of three flights per year for European Astronauts should be maintained as a minimum objective. The current flight rate is lower than this. In order to improve this situation, in the context of the activation of the ESA ISS Commercialisation programme, ESA is developing the conditions for the establishment of commercially based human spaceflights with the financial support of both ESA and the private sector or, in the future, only the latter. ESA is working in a Partnership with the space industry to facilitate the implementation of such projects and support customers with a range of end-to-end commercial services. The opportunities and challenges of a "commercial human spaceflight", involving a member of the European Astronaut Corps, or a privately employed flight participant, are discussed here.  相似文献   

The different acceleration components on the ISS that are responsible for the generation of convective motions in a fluid cell either in the presence of density gradients or in quasi-isodense processes, are analyzed. The NASA measurements of the quasi-steady and periodic acceleration on the ISS are considered and their effects on fluid-dynamic experiments are computed and discussed under different assumptions. In particular, numerical simulations are carried out to identify the relative importance of linear and pendular accelerations, due to possible rotations of the P/L around its center of mass. The effects caused by variable accelerations created by an isolation mount that exhibits an attenuation factor not constant within the payload volume, caused by the reaction forces of the umbilicals, are computed and analyzed.  相似文献   

The system of countermeasures used by Russian cosmonauts in space flights on board of International Space Station (ISS) was based on the developed and tested in flights on board of Russian space stations. It included as primary components: physical methods aimed to maintain the distribution of fluids at levels close to those experienced on Earth; physical exercises and loading suits aimed to load the musculoskeletal and the cardiovascular systems; measures that prevent the loss of fluids, mainly, water-salt additives which aid to maintain orthostatic tolerance and endurance to gravitational overloads during the return to Earth; well-balanced diet and medications directed to correct possible negative reactions of the body to weightlessness. Fulfillment of countermeasure's protocols inflight was thoroughly controlled. Efficacy of countermeasures used were assessed both in- and postflight. The results of studies showed that degrees of alterations recorded in different physiological systems after ISS space flights in Russian cosmonauts were significantly higher than those recorded after flights on the Russian space stations. This phenomenon was caused by the failure of the ISS crews to execute fully the prescribed countermeasures' protocols which was as a rule excused by technical imperfectness of exercise facilities, treadmill TVIS particularly.  相似文献   

A comprehensive goal of the Canadian Space Agency studies (CCISS, Vascular and BP Reg) has been to investigate the efficacy of current exercise countermeasures to maintain cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health on return to Earth after up to 6-months in space. Results from the CCISS experiments revealed no significant change of in-flight heart rate during daily activities or sleep, and small, but variable between astronauts, post-flight elevation. The between astronaut differences were exaggerated during measurement of spontaneous baroreflex slope, which was reduced post-flight (P<0.05) during paced breathing with 3 astronauts having significant correlations between reduced baroreflex and reduced RR-interval (consistent with reduced fitness). Cerebrovascular autoregulation and CO2 response were mildly impaired after flight. Some loss of in-flight fitness of astronauts in Vascular was reflected by the increase in HR at a work rate of 161±46 W of 12.3±10.5 bpm, 10.4±5.9 bpm and 13.4±5.7 bpm for early-flight, late-flight and R+1, respectively. On return to gravity, changes in resting heart rate for supine (5.9±3.5 bpm), sit (8.1±3.3 bpm) and stand (10.3±10.0 bpm) were small but variable between individuals (from −5 bpm to +20 bpm in post-flight standing) and not related to the change in exercise heart rate. In Vascular astronauts, pulse wave transit time measured to the finger tended to be reduced post-flight and carotid artery distensibility was significantly reduced (P=0.03, and n=6). The heart rate and baroreflex data suggest that some astronauts return with cardiovascular deconditioning in spite of the exercise regimes. However, greater arterial stiffness is common among all astronauts studied to date. The new CSA project, BP Reg, will monitor inflight blood pressure in an attempt to identify astronauts in greater need for countermeasures. Future research should focus on whether Vascular changes in astronauts might make them an appropriate model to study the mechanisms of arterial aging on Earth.  相似文献   

This article presents main scientific and practical results obtained in course of scientific and applied research and experiments on Mir space station. Based on Mir experience, processes of research program formation for the Russian Segment of the ISS are briefly described. The major trends of activities planned in the frames of these programs as well as preliminary results of increment research programs implementation in the ISS' first missions are also presented.  相似文献   

The results of measuring the dose and the energy spectrum of neutrons inside the Russian segment of the International Space Station (ISS) from March 21 until November 10, 2002 are presented. Statistically reliable results of measurement are obtained by using thorium- and uranium-based fission detectors with cadmium and boron filters. The kits of the detectors with filters have been arranged in three compartments within assembled passive detectors in the BRADOS space experiment. The ambient dose rate H* = 139 μSv day and an energy spectrum of neutrons in the range of 10–2–104 MeV is obtained as average for the ISS compartments and is compared with the measurements carried out inside the compartments of the MIR space station. Recommendations on how to improve the procedure for using the fission detectors to measure the characteristics of neutron fields inside the compartments of space stations are formulated.  相似文献   

A new upper stage for the Shuttle called Orbiter Transfer Vehicle (OTV) is planned by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) for a broad range of missions including transfer of very large spacecraft, unmanned and manned servicing at Geosynchronous orbit (GEO). Leading OTV configurations use 13 to 34 tonnes of cryogenic propellants in vehicles based on the existing Centaur or new designs. These OTVs can deliver to Geosynchronous orbit more than double the payload possible with the solid propellant Intertial Upper Stage (IUS), which is currently being developed. This high performance reduces the number of shuttle launches required to deliver a given total mass of payloads. After delivery of current size spacecraft, OTV could be returned to the Orbiter for reuse, saving the cost of building a new stage. OTV performance and flexibility will create the opportunity for the next generation of spacecraft such as Geostationary Platform. In these three ways, the high-performance OTV will provide economic benefits to Space Transportation Systems.  相似文献   

With the installation of a new module and the relocation of three other modules, including multiple hand-offs from the station arm (SSRMS) to the shuttle arm (SRMS), International Space Station (ISS) assembly mission 10A/STS-120 was anticipated to be one of the most complicated ISS assembly missions ever attempted. The assembly operations became even more complex when a solar array wing (SAW) on the relocated Port-6 (P6) truss segment ripped while being extended. Repairing the torn SAW became the single most important objective for the remainder of STS-120, with future ISS assembly missions threatened by reduced power generation capacity if the SAW could not be repaired. Precise coordination between the space shuttle and ISS robotics teams led to an operational concept that combined the capabilities of the SRMS and SSRMS robotic systems in ways far beyond their original design capacities. Benefits of consistent standards for ISS robotic interfaces have been previously identified, but the advantages of having two such versatile and compatible robotic systems have never been quite so spectacular. This paper describes the role of robotics in the emergency SAW repair and highlights how versatility within space robotics systems can allow operations far beyond the intended design scenarios.  相似文献   

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