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Gravitropism of plant organs such as roots, stems and coleoptiles can be separated into four distinct phases: 1. perception (gravity sensing), 2. transduction of a signal into the target region and 3. the response (differential growth). This last reaction is followed by a straightening of the curved organ (4.). The perception of the gravitropic stimulus upon horizontal positioning of the organ (1.) occurs via amyloplasts that sediment within the statocytes. This conclusion is supported by our finding that submerged rice coleoptiles that lack sedimentable amyloplasts show no graviresponse. The mode of signal transduction (2.) from the statocytes to the peripheral cell layers is still unknown. Differential growth (3.) consists of a cessation of cell expansion on the upper side and an enhancement of elongation on the lower side of the organ. Based on the facts that the sturdy outer epidermal wall (OEW) constitutes the growth-controlling structure of the coleoptile and that growth-related osmiophilic particles accumulate on the upper OEW, it is concluded that the differential incorporation of wall material (presumably glycoproteins) is causally involved. During gravitropic bending, electron-dense particles ('wall-loosening capacity') accumulate on the growth-inhibited upper OEW. It is proposed that the autotropic straightening response, which is in part due to an acceleration of cell elongation on the curved upper side, may be attributable to an incorporation of the accumulated particles ('release of wall-loosening capacity'). This novel mechanism of autotropic re-bending and its implications for the Cholodny-Went hypothesis are discussed.  相似文献   

Temperature increases in plant reproductive organs such as anthers and stigmas could cause fertility impediments and thus produce sterile seeds under artificial lighting conditions without adequately controlled environments in closed plant growth facilities. There is a possibility such a situation could occur in Bioregenerative Life Support Systems under microgravity conditions in space because there will be little natural convective or thermal mixing. This study was conducted to determine the temperature of the plant reproductive organs as affected by illumination and air movement under normal gravitational forces on the earth and to make an estimation of the temperature increase in reproductive organs in closed plant growth facilities under microgravity in space. Thermal images of reproductive organs of rice and strawberry were captured using infrared thermography at air temperatures of 10–11 °C. Compared to the air temperature, temperatures of petals, stigmas and anthers of strawberry increased by 24, 22 and 14 °C, respectively, after 5 min of lighting at an irradiance of 160 W m−2 from incandescent lamps. Temperatures of reproductive organs and leaves of strawberry were significantly higher than those of rice. The temperatures of petals, stigmas, anthers and leaves of strawberry decreased by 13, 12, 13 and 14 °C, respectively, when the air velocity was increased from 0.1 to 1.0 ms−1. These results show that air movement is necessary to reduce the temperatures of plant reproductive organs in plant growth facilities.  相似文献   

The mechanisms proposed to explain gravity sensing can be divided into two groups, "statolith" and "non-statolith" mechanisms. The traditional estimates of the plausibility of these mechanisms are based on the analysis of the signal-to-noise ratio. The existing data indicate that the problem of plant gravisensing may be related to the general problem of the detection of weak signals in mechanoreceptors. This paper reviews the known mechanisms of plant gravisensing as well as the latest nonlinear stochastic models of mechanoreception in which noise promotes detection and amplification of weak signals. These models based on nonlinear stochastic phenomena may be used to explain plant gravisensing, if the cell is considered a dynamic, spatially distributed system of active intracellular cytoskeletal networks and mechanosensitive proteins.  相似文献   

Rotation at 4, 10, 50 and 100 rpm on a horizontal clinostat and in microgravity exerts limited effects on the morphogenesis of lettuce and cress root statocytes and statoliths if compared with the vertical control or 1 g spaceflight reference centrifuge. However, the average distance of statoliths from the distal wall increases. The pattern of plastid location of microgravity-grown and that of clino-rotated samples has been determined at 10, 50, and 100 rpm. Experiments on the centrifuge-clinostat and spaceflight centrifuge (acceleration forces of 0.005 to 1 g) revealed that the average statolith location depends on the amplitude of acropetally or basipetally directed mass acceleration. Decreasing the acropetally directed force from 1 g to 0.4 g dislocates statoliths towards the cell center possibly mediated by the elastic forces of the cytoskeleton. In statocytes formed on the clinostat or in microgravity, the majority of statoliths are located at the center of the cell. To force the statoliths from the center of the statocyte towards one of its poles, a threshold mass acceleration of 0.01 g is required. Statocytes with centrally-located statoliths are considerably more effective in transducing a gravistimulus than those with distally-located plastids. The latent time of the graviresponse is shorter and the response itself is enhanced in roots grown on the clinostat compared to vertically grown samples. The early phases of graviperception are independent of root growth conditions since presentation time and g-threshold are similar for roots grown stationary and those on a clinostat. We propose a sequence of events in gravitropic stimulation that considers not only the lateral displacement of statoliths, as predicted by the starch-statolith hypothesis, but also its longitudinal motion, together with differential gravisensitivity of mechanotransducing structures along the lower-most longitudinal cell wall.  相似文献   

The debate about whether gravity sensing relies upon statoliths (amyloplasts that sediment) has intensified with recent findings of gravitropism in starchless mutants and of claims of hydrostatic gravity sensing. Starch and significant plastid sedimentation are not necessary for reduced sensing in mutant roots, but plastids might function here if there were a specialized receptor for plastid mass e.g. in the ER. Alternatively, components in addition to amyloplasts might provide mass for sensing. The nucleus is dense and its position is regulated, but no direct data exist for its role in sensing. If the weight of the protoplast functioned in sensing, why would there be specific cytological specializations favoring sedimentation rather than cell mass? Gravity has multiple effects on plants in addition to gravitropism. There may be more than one mechanism of gravity sensing.  相似文献   

Techniques and algorithms to detect and diagnose disorders in plants grown in a controlled environment have been developed. A video camera senses features of plants which are indicative of disorders. Images are calibrated for size and color variations by using calibration templates. Different image segmentation techniques for separating object from background, have been implemented. Plant size and color properties have been investigated, temporal, spectral and spatial variation of leaves were extracted from the segmented images. Neural network and statistical classifiers were used to determine plant condition.  相似文献   

The fundamental question of gravitational biology is how do plants perceive a gravity. Recent experimental results have demonstrated that Ca second-messenger system has an essential role in induction of graviresponsiveness. Our data, that stimuli of various nature cause a rise of hyaloplasm Ca level revealed by means of pyroantimonate method, as well as complete inhibition of the gravitropism in roots of pea seedlings, provide indirect but consistent evidence of this role of Ca ions. A possible explanation for these results is that they may be due to an unbalanced and undirectional influx of Ca ions in statocytes from cell walls or from intracellular Ca stores, while in the presence of the Earths 1 g vector, this process occurs directionally, along this vector. It is possible that a target for the gravity stimulus is the flux mechanism of Ca to statocytes, including participation of the phosphatidylinositol system and calmodulin. The data that have become available from space flight experiments will be reviewed and an attempt will be made to compare these results with ground-based observations.  相似文献   

An axis clinostat was constructed to create micro and negative gravity also a rotated flat disk was constructed with different rotation rates to give increased gravity, by centrifugal force up to 48 g. Rice seeds were grown on agar in tubes at the constant air temperature of 20 degrees C under an average light condition of 110 micromol/m2/sec(PPF). Humidity was not controlled but was maintained above 90%. Since the tube containers were not large enough for long cultivation, shoot and root growth were observed every 12 hours until the sixth day from seeding. The lengths of shoots and roots for each individual plant were measured on the last day. The stem lengths were increased by microgravity but the root lengths were not. Under the negative gravity, negative orthogeotropism and under microgravity, diageotropism was observed. No significant effect of increased gravity was observed on shoot and root growth.  相似文献   

To obtain basic data on adequate air circulation to enhance plant growth in a closed plant culture system in a controlled ecological life support system (CELSS), an investigation was made of the effects of the air current speed ranging from 0.01 to 1.0 m s-1 on photosynthesis and transpiration in sweetpotato leaves and photosynthesis in tomato seedlings canopies. The gas exchange rates in leaves and canopies were determined by using a chamber method with an infrared gas analyzer. The net photosynthetic rate and the transpiration rate increased significantly as the air current speeds increased from 0.01 to 0.2 m s-1. The transpiration rate increased gradually at air current speeds ranging from 0.2 to 1.0 m s-1 while the net photosynthetic rate was almost constant at air current speeds ranging from 0.5 to 1.0 m s-1. The increase in the net photosynthetic and transpiration rates were strongly dependent on decreased boundary-layer resistances against gas diffusion. The net photosynthetic rate of the plant canopy was doubled by an increased air current speed from 0.1 to 1.0 m s-1 above the plant canopy. The results demonstrate the importance of air movement around plants for enhancing the gas exchange in the leaf, especially in plant canopies in the CELSS.  相似文献   

Among other problems the Institute of Biophysics is working on the development of physiological and fundamental aspects of intensive light cultivation of higher plants. These technologies can be used in life support systems for stationary space station such as a Lunar base, a planetary base or a large orbital station. The source of energy may be the Sun or a nuclear reactor. In certain conditions, such sources of energy allow the use of a very broad range of irradiance of plants, in particular in the light energy range up to 2-3 times the solar energy (up to 100-1200 W/m2 PAR). Our Institute was the first to show that under such a high irradiance, some plants (radish, wheat, for example) can actively photosynthesize and exhibit high productivity on a sowing area basis. These results were later confirmed in the laboratory of Prof. Salisbury (USA).  相似文献   

在第21周太阳活动峰年期间,“太阳峰年”卫星和“火鸟”卫星上的硬x射线爆发探测器探测到数千个硬x射线太阳耀斑.研究这些事件的瞬时特性,我们发现它们当中几百个样品具有1秒以下持续时间的快速尖峰结构.我们分析了其中部分观测资料,发现它们之间具有四个共同特征.在这些特征中,准周期振荡使我们认为,在日冕上可能存在着快速振荡.本文导出了它们的周期表达式并讨论了这种振荡的俘获条件.  相似文献   

Comprehensive spectroscopic monitoring of plant health and growth in bioregenerative life support system environments is possible using a variety of spectrometric technologies. Absorption spectrometry and atomic emission spectrometry in combination allow for direct, on-line, reagentless monitoring of plant nutrients from nitrate and potassium to micronutrients such as copper and zinc. Fluorometric spectrometry is ideal for the on-line detection, identification and quantification of bacteria and fungi. Liquid Atomic Emission Spectrometry (LAES) is a new form of spectrometry that allows for direct measurement of atomic emission spectra in liquids. An electric arc is generated by a pair of electrodes in the liquid to provide the energy necessary to break molecular bonds and reduce the substance to atomic form. With a fiber probe attached to the electrodes, spectral light can be transmitted to a photodiode array spectrometer for light dispersion and analysis. Ultraviolet (UV) absorption spectrometry is a long-established technology, but applications typically have required specific reagents to produce an analyte-specific absorption. Nitrate and iron nutrients have native UV absorption spectra that have been used to accurately determine nutrient concentrations at the +/- 5% level. Fluorescence detection and characterization of microbes is based upon the native fluorescent signatures of most microbiological species. Spectral and time-resolved fluorometers operating with remote fiber-optic probes will be used for on-line microbial monitoring in plant nutrient streams.  相似文献   

Progress in plant research in space.   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Progress is reviewed of spaceflight research conducted with plants between 1987 and 1992. Numerous plant experiments have been performed on spacecraft and sounding rockets in the past five years by scientists of the US, the former Soviet Union, Europe, and other areas. The experiments are categorized into three areas: gravity sensing, transduction, and response; development and reproduction; and metabolism, photosynthesis, and transport. The results of these experiments continue to demonstrate that gravity and/or other factors of spaceflight affect plants at the organismal, cellular, subcellular, and molecular levels, resulting in changes in orientation, development, metabolism, and growth. The challenge now is to truly dissect the effects of gravity from those of other spaceflight factors and to identify the basic mechanisms underlying gravity's effects.  相似文献   

In this paper most important data obtained in studies on the effect of space flight conditions on regeneration in the adult newt are summarized. We demonstrate a phenomenon of synchronization of limb and lens regeneration and increase in its rate during and after space flight. We also describe a peculiarities of cell proliferation in lens, limb and tail regenerates and of the process of minced muscle regeneration.  相似文献   

Radiosensibility of higher plant seeds after space flight.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The influence of long-term storage of higher plant seeds under space flight conditions (49 to 827 days) on their radiosensibility was studied in the experiments on the orbital stations Salyut 6 and 7. Short-term storage has been proved to have no effect on radiosensitivity of Crepis capillaris seeds. Only in the case of maximal exposure duration the frequency of chromosome aberrations in post-flight irradiated seeds significantly exceeded the chromosome aberration frequency in the ground-based irradiated control. A statistically significant increase in the number of cells with multiple chromosome aberrations was also observed in this experiment. After gamma-irradiation of Arabidopsis thaliana seeds the germinating ability and survival rate of plants decreased depending on the duration of seed storage. Flight-exposed seeds were more sensitive to irradiations with respect to these parameters. A statistically significant increase in the frequency of recessive lethal mutations was observed only in two experiments of long exposure duration.  相似文献   

With high temporal resolution (12 s) of about two hours duration, data of a coronal hole structure in 171 ÅÅ, 193 ÅÅ and 211 ÅÅ taken from SDO/AIA images is considered for examination of oscillations. After estimating the total DN counts of a whole coronal hole structure in three wavelength bands, the resulting time series are subjected to FFT and wavelet analysis. Significant periods in all the three wavelength bands are detected that are mainly concentrated around 500 s as a fundamental mode and its odd (167, 100, 71, 56, 46, 39, 33, 29, 26, 24 s) harmonics. Computed phases in all the three wavelengths band are estimated to be constant.  相似文献   

Numerous studies, particularly those of H. Dolk in the 1930's, established by means of bio-assay, that more growth hormone diffused from the lower, than from the upper side of a gravity-stimulated plant shoot. Now, using an isotope dilution assay, with 4,5,6,7 tetradeutero indole-3-acetic acid as internal standard, and selected ion monitoring-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry as the method of determination, we have confirmed Dolk's finding and established that the asymmetrically distributed hormone is, in fact, indole-3-acetic acid (IAA). This is the first physico-chemical demonstration that there is more free IAA on the lower sides of a geo-stimulated plant shoot. We have also shown that free IAA occurs primarily in the conductive vascular tissues of the shoot, whereas IAA esters predominate in the growing cortical cells. Now, using an especially sensitive gas chromatographic isotope dilution assay we have found that the hormone asymmetry also occurs in the non-vascular tissue. Currently, efforts are directed to developing isotope dilution assays, with picogram sensitivity, to determine how this asymmetry of IAA distribution is attained so as to better understand how the plant perceives the geo-stimulus.  相似文献   

The ever-present global Atmospheric Electrical Field (AEF) is used by many plant species. There are many natural habitats with electrotropic plants and habitats with no AEF. The plants growing there are not electrotropic, like the plants growing under the canopies of the trees or the Arecibo radio telescope. Examples are given of different plants which belong to one or the other class, and the criteria how to distinguish them. In addition to natural habitat observations, laboratory experiments were run in search of the sensitivity of electrotropic effect to different electric field intensities. During a few years, it was established that in very strong fields (of the order of 1 MV/m) all plants respond immediately to the field. This type of reaction is due to the Coulomb forces, but electrotropism depends on electric field interaction with ions. The "reference field" (130 V/m) was always used with stronger fields in the several kV/m range which enhance plant growth rate and size similar to plant growth hormones. Surprising effects were also observed with reversed and horizontal field polarity. In conclusion electrotropic plants deprived of the electrical field do not develop as expected, as can be seen in Biosphere 2. This is an instructive example of what happens when we forget to provide the plants with this vital natural environmental factor. Electrical fields of different intensity, directions and configurations are cheap and easy to generate.  相似文献   

Rockwool, as an inert medium covered or bagged with polyethylene film, can be effectively used for plant culture in space station. The most important machine is the pump adjusting the dripping rate in the feeding system. Hydro-aeroponics may be adaptable to a space laboratory. The shortening of the light-dark cycles inhibits plant growth and induces an abnormal morphogenesis. A photoperiod of 12-hr-dark may be needed for plant growth.  相似文献   

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