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The fundamental properties of 24 Galactic WN stars are determined from analyses of their optical, UV and IR spectra using sophisticated model atmosphere codes (Hillier, 1987, 1990). Terminal velocities, stellar luminosities, temperatures, mass loss rates and abundances of hydrogen, helium, carbon, nitrogen and oxygen are determined. Stellar parameters are derived using diagnostic lines and interstellar reddenings found from fitting theoretical continua to observed energy distributions.Our results confirm that the parameters of WN stars span a large range in temperature (T*=30–90,000 K), luminosity (log L*/L=4.8–5.9), mass loss (M=0.9–12×10–5 M yr–1) and terminal velocity (v =630–3300 km s–1). Hydrogen abundances are determined, and found to be low in WNEw and WNEs stars (<15% by mass) and considerable in most WNL stars (1–50%). Metal abundances are also determined with the nitrogen content found to lie in the range N/He=1–5×10–3 (by number) for all subtypes, and C/N 0.02 in broad agreement with the predictions of Maeder (1991). Enhanced O/N and O/C is found for HD 104994 (WN3p) suggesting a peculiar evolutionary history. Our results suggest that single WNL+abs stars may represent an evolutionary stage immediately after the Of phase. Since some WNE stars exist with non-negligible hydrogen contents (e.g. WR136) evolution may proceed directly from WNL+abs to WNE in some cases, circumventing the luminous blue variable (LBV) or red supergiant (RSG) stage.  相似文献   

Theoretical logN-logS distributions and (V/V max) tests of gamma-ray bursts in the model of coalescence of neutron star (NS+NS) and/or NS+black hole (NS+BH) binaries are calculated for a flat Universe (=1) with different values of the cosmological constant and under various assumptions about the star formation history. The observed logN-logS distribution and value of (V/V max)=0.33 for 411 bursts with knownC max/C lim from the 2d BATSE catalogue are best fitted with a model for which = 0.2 and primary star formation occurs at redshiftsz5–6.  相似文献   

New ultraviolet (1300 A, 3400 A),HST FOC observations have been used to derive the UV color-magnitude diagram (CMD) of R136, with the main scientific goal of studying the upper end of the stellar mass function at ultraviolet wavelengths where the color degeneracy encountered in visual CMDs is less severe. The CMD has been compared to a set of theoretical isochrones, which have been computed using the latest generation of evolutionary models and model atmospheres for early type stars. Wolf-Rayet stars are included. Comparison of theTheoretical andobserved CMD suggests that there are no stars brighter than M130–11. We use the observed main sequence turn-off and the known spectroscopic properties of the stellar population to derive constraints on the most probable age of R136. The presence of WNL stars and the lack of red supergiants suggests a most likely age of 3±1 Myr. A theoretical isochrone of 3±1 Myr is consistent with the observed stellar content of R136 if the most massive stars have initial masses around 50 M.Bases on Observations with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, obtained at the STScI, which is operated by AURA, Inc., under NASA contract NAS5-26555.Astrophysics Division, Space Science Department, ESA  相似文献   

We present optical spectroscopy and photometry and IUE spectroscopy of the counterpart of the LMC recurrent X-ray transient A0538-66 during an outburst at the end of December 1980 which was consistent with the 16.6 day X-ray period (Skinner, 1980). The optical spectra show steadily increasing Balmer and HeI emission (indicative of a shell phase) superposed on a B2 IV spectrum with a substantial brightness increase of 2m and the sharp turn-on of HeII 686 at the peak. Significant radial velocity changes have been detected but they show no correlation with the 16.6 day period. IUE spectra during a subsequent outburst show very strong and broad (5000 km s–1) emission from C IV 1550 and HeII 1640. This behaviour is compared with other galactic transients and shell/Be stars.  相似文献   

I Present the results of ground-based and Hubble Space Telescope photometry and spectroscopy of the stars in the central region (roughly 7×7 arcmin) of 30 Doradus in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). Using photometric data for over 2400 stars (complete toV18 mag), and spectroscopic observations of over 150 stars in the region, the best estimate of the initial mass function (IMF) yields a slope of =–1.5±0.2 for masses > 12M, where the Salpeter slope is =–1.35. I compare these results to other measurements of the IMF for OB associations in the Magellanic Clouds.  相似文献   

Stratified Non-LTE models for expanding atmospheres became available in the recent years. They are based on the idealizing assumptions of spherical symmetry, stationarity and radiative equilibrium. From a critical discussion we conclude that this standard model is basically adequate for describing real Wolf-Rayet atmospheres and hence can be applied for quantitative spectral analyses of their spectra.By means of these models, the fundamental parameters have been determined meanwhile for the majority of the known Galactic WR stars. Most of them populate a vertical strip in the Herzsprung-Russell diagram at effective temperatures of 35 kK, the luminosities ranging from 104.5 to 105.9 L . Only early-type WN stars with strong lines and WC stars are hotter. The chemical composition of WR atmospheres corresponds to nuclear-processed material (WN: hydrogen burning in the CNO cycle; WC: helium burning). Hydrogen is depleted but still detectable in the cooler part of the WN subclass.Different scenarios for the evolutionary formation of the Wolf-Rayet stars are discussed in the light of the empirical data provided from the spectral analyses. Post-red-supergiant evolution can principally explain the basic observational properties, except the rather low luminosities of a considerable fraction of WN stars. Among the alternative scenarios, close-binary evolution can theoretically produce the least-luminous WN stars. However, final conclusions about the evolutionary formation of the WR stars are not yet possible.  相似文献   

Using the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and the Faint Object Spectrograph (FOS) high signal to noise spectrograms were obtained for 15 OB stars in the Magellanic Clouds***, three of which are of spectral type O3. The data cover the spectral region from 1150 A – 2300 A with a resolution of /1 A. One O8.5 supergiant, OB78#231, in M31is also included in this work. These data are a substantial improvement on previous high resolution IUE observations in the Magellanic Clouds (Walborn et al. 1985 and references therein) because of the smaller aperture and the much better signal to noise ratio, while no high resolution UV spectra of O stars in M31 have been obtained before. In this paper we discuss various morphological aspects of the spectra, concerning metallicity and the stellar winds, compared to galactic analogues.  相似文献   

In this paper we present new results from the Voyager ultraviolet spectrometers and the IUE spacecraft on V356 Sgr and Lyr. The V356 Sgr observations cover, in detail, two eclipses and include one IUE high dispersion SWP image. During both eclipses the total strength of the UV emission lines were found to be invariant. Also, an uneclipsed UV continuum was detected at wavelengths shorter than 1600 Å. The IUE high dispersion SWP spectrum revealed that the emission lines are extremely broad, almost symmetrical lines with weak, slightly blue shifted absorption components. No evidence of carbon is seen in the emission or absorption spectrum of V356 Sgr in eclipse. A model for the origin of the circumstellar matter in this binary system is presented. The Voyager ultraviolet observations of Lyr show a strong far-UV continuum that is detectable down to 912 Å The far-UV continuum flux level was variable on time scales shorter than the orbital period and displayed no obvious orbital modulation or eclipses. The spectral shape of the far-UV continuum closely resembles that of a UX UMa type cataclysmic variable. On 16 August 1985 an rapid brightening of the far-UV continuum was observed which was also reminiscent of cataclysmic variables. Analysis of the Lyr data suggest that the central object must be small, with a radius on the order of 1 R or less.This work is supported by NASA Grants NAGW-587 and NAG5-441.  相似文献   

By extrapolating to O/H = N/H = 0 the empirical correlations Y–O/H and Y–N/H defined by a relatively large sample of 45 Blue Compact Dwarfs (BCDs), we have obtained a primordial 4Helium mass fraction Y p=0.2443±0.0015 with dY/dZ=2.4±1.0. This result is in excellent agreement with the average Y p=0.2452±0.0015 determined in the two most metal-deficient BCDs known, I Zw 18 (Z /50) and SBS 0335–052 (Z /41), where the correction for He production is smallest. The quoted error (1) of 1% is statistical and does not include systematic effects. We examine various systematic effects including collisional excitation of hydrogen lines, ionization structure and temperature fluctuation effects, and underlying stellar Hei absorption, and conclude that combining all systematic effects, our Y p may be underestimated by 2–4%. Taken at face value, our Y p implies a baryon-to-photon number ratio =(4.7+1.0 –0.8)×10–10 and a baryon mass fraction b h 2 100=0.017±0.005 (2), consistent with the values obtained from deuterium and Cosmic Microwave Background measurements. Correcting Y p upward by 2–4% would make the agreement even better.  相似文献   

As Ulysses moved inward and southward from mid-1992 to early 1994 we noticed the occasional occurrence of inter-events, lasting about 10 days and falling between the recurrent events, observed at proton energies of 0.48–97 MeV, associated with Corotating Interaction Regions (CIR). These inter-events were present for several sequences of two or more solar rotations at intensity levels around 1% of those of the neighbouring main events. When we compared the Ulysses events with those measured on IMP-8 at 1 AU we saw that the inter-events appeared at Ulysses after the extended emission (>10 days) of large fluxes of solar protons of the same energy that lasted at least one solar rotation at 1 AU. The inter-events fell completely within the rarefaction regions (dv/dt<0) of the recurrent solar wind streams. The interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) lines in the rarefactions map back to the narrow range of longitudes at the Sun which mark the eastern edge of the source region of the high speed stream. Thus the inter-events are propagating at mid-latitudes to Ulysses along field lines free from stream-stream interactions. They are seen in the 0.39–1.28 MeV/nucleon He, which exhibit a faster decay, but almost never in the 38–53 keV electrons. We show that the inter-events are unlikely to be accelerated by reverse shocks associated with the CIRs and that they are more likely to be accelerated by sequences of solar events and transported along the IMF in the rarefactions of the solar wind streams.  相似文献   

Photoelectric WBVR observations of Be star HDE 245770=V 725 Tau, the optical counterpart of the transient X-ray pulsar A0535+26, having a pulse period of about 104 s, were conducted for more than 10 years. An irregular long-term optical variability of the star with amplitudes of the order of a few tenths of magnitude was found to be a usual phenomenon. In some cases rapid changes of the star's optical luminosity with a characteristic period of a few tens of minutes or a few hours, and an amplitude of several hundredths of magnitude in all the spectral bands used, which have practically coincided or correlated with the X-ray pulsar outbursts detected by X-ray satellites, were observed.Photoelectric recording of the optical flux from HDE 245770 were made in 1981–1982 with a time resolution of 1 second and 10 s, respectively, in theR spectral band (0 7000 Å) and in the narrowH -emission-line band (1/2 75 Å) using a 48-cm reflector of High-Mountain Tien-Shan observatory of the Sternberg Astronomical Institute near Alma-Ata. An analysis of autocorrelation functions of the flux changes from object under study and a comparison with the star BD+26° 876 indicated the variability of luminosity of V 725 Tau in theR spectral band on a time scale of a few tens of second; this variability resembles shot noise with a characteristic time of stochastic bursts of about 15–20 s and their amplitudes of about a few tenths of a percent. InH -emission-line radiation autocorrelation functions and power spectra show quasiperiodic variability of luminosity of HDE 245770 with a characteristic period of about 100–150 s and an amplitude in the neighbour-hood of 0.5%. The latter result is not quite reliable because of not quite fine weather conditions during the observations; independent observations and check-up are required.  相似文献   

The current situation with the cosmological model and fundamental constants is briefly reviewed. Here, we concentrate on evolutionary effects of large-scale structure formation, in particular, the relationship with the quasar distribution and dynamics is discussed. We argue that groups of bright quasars with few or more than dozen of members within regions l LS(100–150)h –1 Mpc found atz<2 may belong to concentrations of young rich clusters of galaxies, and thus be distant Great Attractors like the local GA or the Shapley concentration. These early large-scale galactic structures (i) provide a natural way to bias the distribution of Abell clusters, and (ii) suggest that the spectrum of primordial density perturbations is nearly flat on scales encompassing both the cluster and GAs,l=k –1(10,100)h –1 Mpc: k 2 k 3 P(k) k , =1 –0.4 +0.6 , whereP(k) is the power spectrum of density perturbations.  相似文献   

Gamow was one of the pioneers who studied the possible variability of fundamental physical constants. Some versions of modern Grand Unification theories do predict such variability. The paper is concerned with three of the constants: the fine-structure constant , the ratio of the proton massm p to the electron massm e, and the ratio of the neutron massm n tom e. It is shown on the basis of the quasar spectra analysis, that all the three constants revealed no statistically significant variation over the last 90% of the life time of the Universe. At the 2 significance level, the following upper bounds are obtained for the epoch corresponding to the cosmological redshiftsz2–3: /<1.5×10–3, m p/m p<2×10–3, and m/m<3×10–4, where x is a possible deviation of a quantityx from its present value,m=m p+m n, and the nucleon masses are in units ofm e. (According to new observational data which became known most recently, m p/m p<2×10–4) In addition a possible anisotropy of the high-redshift fine splitting over the celestial sphere is checked. Within the relative statistical error 3 < 1% the values of turned out to be the same in various quadrants of the celestial sphere, which corresponds to their equality in causally disconnected areas. However, at the 2 level a tentative anisotropy of estimated / values is found in directions that approximately coincide with the direction of the relic microwave background anisotropy.The revealed constraints serve as criteria for selection of those theoretical models which predict variation of ,m p orm n with the cosmological time.  相似文献   

Single station solar wind velocity measurements using the Ooty Radio Telescope (ORT) in India (operating at 327 MHz) are reported for the period August 1992 to August 1993. Interplanetary scintillation (IPS) observations on a large number of compact radio sources covering a latitudinal range of ±80° were used to derive solar wind velocities using the method of fitting a power law model to the observed IPS spectra. The data shows a velocity versus heliographic latitude pattern which is similar to that reported by Rickett and Coles (1991) for the 1981–1982 period. However, the average of the measured equatorial velocities are higher, being about 470 km s–1 compared to their value of 400 km s–1. The distribution of electron density variations (N e ) between 50R and 90R was also determined and it was found that N e was about 30% less at the poles as compared to the equator.  相似文献   

A newly formed neutron star in a supernova finds itself in a dense environment, in which the gravitational energy of accreting matter can be lost to neutrinos. For the conditions in SN 1987A, 0.1M may have fallen back onto the central neutron star on a timescale of hours after the explosion, after which the accretion rate is expected to drop sharply. Radiation is trapped in the flow until the mass accretion rate drops to 2×10–4 M yr–1 at which point radiation can begin to escape from the shocked envelope at an Eddington limit luminosity. Between this neutrino limit and the Eddington limit, 3×10–8 M yr–1, there are no steady, spherical solutions for neutron star accretion. SN 1987A should have reached the neutrino limit within a year of the explosion; the current lack of an Eddington luminosity can be attributed to black hole formation or to a clearing of the neutron star envelope. There is no evidence for newly formed neutron stars in supernovae. Radio supernovae, which were initially interpreted as pulsar activity, probably involve circumstellar interaction; SN 1993J shows especially good evidence for outer shock phenomena.  相似文献   

Collective radiation processes operating in laboratory and space plasmas are reviewed with an emphasis towards astrophysical applications. Particular stress is placed on the physics involved in the various processes rather than in the detailed derivation of the formulas. Radiation processes from stable non-thermal, weakly turbulent and strongly turbulent magnetized and unmagnetized plasmas are discussed. The general theoretical ideas involved in amplification processes such as stimulated scattering are presented along with their application to free electron and plasma lasers. Direct radio-emission of electromagnetic waves by linear instabilities driven by beams or velocity anisotropies are shown to be of relevance in space applications. Finally, as an example of the computational state of the art pertaining to plasma radiation, a study of the type III solar radio bursts is presented.

Frequently used Symbols

Latin Symbols teB 0 ambient magnetic field - B 1 perturbed magnetic field - c speed of light - E 1 perturbed electric field - H Heaviside function - I unit dyadic - k wavevector of radiation fields - K D inverse Debye length - m, M electron and ion mass - T e , T i electron and ion temperature - u relativistic velocity - V e , V i electron and ion thermal speeds - V P , V g wave phase and group velocities - W wave spectral energy density Greek Symbols relativistic factor - plasma dielectric tensor - L , T longitudinal and transverse components of in isotropic media (i.e., =kk L /k 2+(lkk/k 2) T ) - index of refraction - angle between k and B 0 - plasma dispersion tensor (i.e. =(c 2/ 2)(kkk 2 l)+) - determinant of - D Debye length - e electron cyclotron frequency - u upper hybrid frequency - wave frequency - e electron plasma frequency Proceedings of the NASA/JPL Workshop on the Physics of Planetary and Astrophysical Magnetospheres.National Research Council/Naval Research Laboratory Research Associate.  相似文献   

As an application of our extensive calculations of energies and intensities of atomic lines in very intense magnetic fields of the order of 1011-1013 G we discuss the possibility of observing magnetically strongly shifted iron lines in the spectra of pulsating X-ray sources. Careful estimates of the relevant parameters lead us to the conclusion that it would be profitable to look for magnetically shifted iron line enission in magnetic neutron stars of low luminosity using spectrometers working in the energy range 10 – 100 keV with sensitivities of 10–4 cm–2 s–1 and energy resolutions E/E 10 – 100.This work was supported in part by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).  相似文献   

The X-ray properties of the supernova remnant G 29.7-0.3 are discussed based on spectral data from the EXOSAT satellite. In the 2 to 10 keV range a featureless power-law spectrum is obtained, the best-fit parameters being: energy spectral index =-0.77, hydrogen column density on the line of sight NH=2.3.1022 cm–2. The incident X-ray flux from the source is (3.6±0.1) 1011 erg cm–2 s–1 in the 2 to 10 keV range corresponding to an intrinsic luminosity of about 2. 1036 erg s–1 for a distance of 19 kpc. The source was not seen with the imaging instrument thus constraining the hydrogen column density to be NH=(3.3 ±0.3) 1022 cm–2 and the energy spectral index =1.0±0.15. This new observation is consistent with emission by a synchroton nebula presumably fed by an active pulsar. An upper limit of 1.5% for the pulsed fraction in the range of periods 32ms to 104 s has been obtained.  相似文献   

The modern state of gamma-ray astronomy is reviewed, the paper being mainly devoted to the theoretical models that describe generation of gamma-ray emission under astrophysical conditions. Basic information on the processes of generation and absorption of gamma-rays, as well as the results of observations for various gamma-ray photon energies are reported.In the region of soft gamma-ray emission (i.e., for energies less than tens of MeV), where emission in gamma-ray lines dominates, we also discuss the nature of gamma-ray bursts, the origin of gamma-ray emission from the galactic centre, etc.Discrete sources and, in particular, the mysterious source Cyg X-3 are discussed in the region of very high (E > 1012 eV) and ultra-high (E > 1015 eV) energy gamma-ray emission.A larger portion of the review is devoted to the analysis of cosmic-ray origin on the basis of the available gamma-ray data in the region from several tens of MeV to several GeV. The peculiarity of this energy range is, in particular, in the fact that the diffuse galactic emission was observed mainly there. We also discuss the problem of determination of the cosmic-ray density gradient from the gamma-ray data.The origin of high-latitude gamma-ray emission, the problem of galactic gamma-ray halo, etc., are discussed.The theoretical models explaining the nature of unidentified gamma-ray sources, as well as the results of measurements and theoretical estimations of a gamma-ray flux from SN1987A are analysed.List of Notations m electron mass, m = 9.108 × 10–28 g, - M proton mass, M = 1.672 × 10–24 g, - e electron charge, e = 4.803 × 10–10 CGS - c velocity of light, c = 2.9979 × 1010 cm s–1, - k Boltzmann constant, k = 1.380 × 10–16 erg grad–1, - e electron - p proton - gamma-ray photon - p antiproton - 0 0-meson - -lepton - e + positron - r, , x radio-frequency, gamma-ray, and X-ray emission bands - E total energy of a particle - E k kinetic energy - p particle momentum - spectral index for particles - spectral index for emission - n particle density (concentration) - H magnetic field strength - T temperature - ph energy of low-energy photons - emission frequency - r H Larmor radius of relativistic particles - k wave number - , z cylindric coordinates, in this case the coordinate (radius) along the galactic disk, z perpendicular to the galactic disk - M solar mass, M = 1.99 × 1033 g.  相似文献   

The interaction between network magnetic fields and emerging intranetwork fields may lead to magnetic reconnection and microflares, which generate fast shocks with an Alfvén Mach number M A<2. Protons and less abundant ions in the solar corona are then heated and accelerated by fast shocks. Our study of shock heating shows that (a) the nearly nondeflection of ion motion across the shock ramp leads to a large perpendicular thermal velocity (v th), which is an increasing function of the mass/charge ratio; (b) the heating by subcritical shocks with 1.1 MA 1.5 leads to a large temperature anisotropy with T/T 50 for O5+ ions and a mild anisotropy with T/T 1.2 for protons; (c) the large perpendicular thermal velocity of He++ and O5+ ions can be converted to the radial outflow velocity (u) in the divergent coronal field lines; and (d) the heating and acceleration by shocks with 1.1 MA 1.5 can lead to u(O5+) v th(O5+) 460 km s–1 for O5+ ions, u(He++) v th(He++) 360 km s–1 for He++ ions, and u(H+) v th(H+) 240 km s–1 for protons at r=3–4 R . Our results can explain recent SOHO observations of the heating and acceleration of protons and heavier ions in the solar corona.  相似文献   

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