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Richardson potential is an phenomenological interquark interaction taking care of two aspects of QCD, namely the asymptotic freedom and the confinement. The original potential has a scale parameter having value 400 MeV and is well tested in hadronic property calculations. This potential was then used in strange star calculation. Strange stars are very compact stars composed of strange quark matter, i.e. a very high density strange quark phase consisting of deconfined u, d and s quarks. Here the value of the scale parameter was taken as 100 MeV. The argument was that for a deconfined quark system like a strange star, the scale parameter may have a value quite different from that used in hadronic sector. To remove this discrepancy we introduced two scale parameters in the potential, one for the asymptotic freedom part and the other for the confining part. With suitable values of the parameters, this modified potential has been successfully used in both baryonic property and strange star calculations. The Equation of States obtained with the modified potential are also used to obtain mass–radius relations for the strange stars.  相似文献   

Cassini空间探测器光学成像系统(ISS)拍摄的图像中,很多卫星呈现为面元,其轮廓检测是天体测量的重要工作.使用神经网络方法进行ISS图像中面元轮廓检测.每个ISS图像的像素分为轮廓边缘和非轮廓两类.使用神经网络框架TensorFlow,输入每个像素的9个特征,输出每个像素的分类.利用约3.6万个像素训练该网络,通过380幅ISS图像进行测试.与人工标记结果相比,轮廓像素检测的平均精确率为78.26%,平均召回率为73.32%.以检出轮廓像素作为输入,通过椭圆拟合得到面元的轮廓,所得轮廓与面元真实轮廓吻合良好.研究结果表明该方案能够有效检测出面元轮廓,进而给出假图像星的排除范围.   相似文献   

Observations of a large number of different oscillation frequencies in the Sun provide an opportunity for detailed testing of the theory of stellar structure and evolution. At present highly significant discrepancies remain between observed and computed frequencies, and so our models of the solar interior have to be modified. With further improvements in the observations it might become possible to make a direct empirical determination of the density structure throughout the Sun.Similar oscillations have so far not been detected in other stars, but attempts to do so are under way. Theoretical estimates indicate that amplitudes somewhat greater than for the Sun might be expected for early F stars on the main sequence, and that the amplitude increases rapidly with decreasing gravity. Observation of such oscillations would enable investigations of the structure of these stars, and would in addition provide valuable information about the excitation mechanism of the oscillations.  相似文献   

Strange stars with low masses are suggested to exist in reality, the origin of which could be via accretion-induced collapse of white dwarfs. Such a strange star is likely bare, and would thus spin very fast, even to a period of <0.1 ms. Strange stars with low masses may differ from those with solar masses in various astrophysical appearances. Observations to test this “low-mass” idea are proposed.  相似文献   

Time variations of the magnetic field of the Sun, seen as a star (the data 1968–2018, with more than 27 thousand daily measurements of the solar mean magnetic field), allowed to specify the rotation period of the gravitating solar mass: 27.027(6)?days, synodic. This indicates a presumably unknown physical connection between motions of the Sun and the Earth: in the course of a year our star accomplishes nearly 27 half-revolutions, while the planet itself performs an identical number of its spinnings during one complete axial revolution of the Sun. True origin of this strange Sun–Earth resonance is unknown, but it is supposed the phenomenon might be caused by slight coherent perturbations of gravity within the solar system.  相似文献   

We suggest that superbursts from some low mass X-ray binaries may be due to breaking and re-formation of diquark pairs, on the surface of realistic strange stars. Diquarks are expected to break up due to the explosion and shock of the thermonuclear process. After a prolonged accretion when almost all pairs get broken, the subsequent production of copious diquarks may produce sufficient energy to produce the superbursts.  相似文献   

Life, defined as a chemical system capable of transferring its molecular information via self-replication and also capable of evolving, must develop within a liquid to take advantage of the diffusion of complex molecules. On Earth, life probably originated from the evolution of reduced organic molecules in liquid water. Organic matter might have been formed in the primitive Earth's atmosphere or near hydrothermal vents. A large fraction of prebiotic organic molecules might have been brought by extraterrestrial-meteoritic and cometary dust grains decelerated by the atmosphere. Any celestial body harboring permanent liquid water may therefore accumulate the ingredients that generated life on the primitive Earth. The possibility that life might have evolved on early Mars when water existed on the surface marks it as a prime candidate in a search for bacterial life beyond the Earth. Europa has an icy carapace. However, cryovolcanic flows at the surface point to a possible water subsurface region which might harbor a basic life form. The atmosphere and surface components of Titan are also of interest to exobiology for insight into a hydrocarbon-rich chemically evolving world. One-handed complex molecules and preferential isotopic fractionation of carbon, common to all terrestrial life forms, can be used as basic indicators when searching for life beyond the Earth.  相似文献   

A series of Workshops on Exobiology in Earth Orbit held at NASA Ames Research Center has recently concluded. The draft of the final report from these Workshops contains a prioritized list of telescopic observations (possible only from above the Earth's atmosphere) that relate to the origin and evolution of the biogenic elements and compounds from their nucleosynthetic creation within stars to their inclusion in living systems. These orbital observations and the ground based laboratory and theoretical research necessary to support them have been termed Observational Exobiology. The details available on spacecraft, platforms and instrumentation most likely to be launched in the near future by the U.S. and Europe were considered in the Workshops. The purpose was to determine what observational programs would be tractible and what area of interest to exobiology required hardware and/or mission capabilities not yet envisioned. This paper summarizes the exciting opportunities that exist for Observational Exobiology.  相似文献   

With its ability to look at bright galactic X-ray sources with sub-millisecond time resolution, the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) discovered that the X-ray emission from accreting compact stars shows quasi-periodic oscillations on the dynamical timescales of the strong field region. RXTE showed also that waveform fitting of the oscillations resulting from hot spots at the surface of rapidly rotating neutron stars constrain their masses and radii. These two breakthroughs suddenly opened up a new window on fundamental physics, by providing new insights on strong gravity and dense matter. Building upon the RXTE legacy, in the Cosmic Vision exercise, testing General Relativity in the strong field limit and constraining the equation of state of dense matter were recognized recently as key goals to be pursued in the ESA science program for the years 2015–2025. This in turn identified the need for a large (10 m2 class) aperture X-ray observatory. In recognition of this need, the XEUS mission concept which has evolved into a single launch L2 formation flying mission will have a fast timing instrument in the focal plane. In this paper, I will outline the unique science that will be addressed with fast X-ray timing on XEUS.  相似文献   

A novel concept is presented in this paper for a human mission to the lunar L2 (Lagrange) point that would be a proving ground for future exploration missions to deep space while also overseeing scientifically important investigations. In an L2 halo orbit above the lunar farside, the astronauts aboard the Orion Crew Vehicle would travel 15% farther from Earth than did the Apollo astronauts and spend almost three times longer in deep space. Such a mission would serve as a first step beyond low Earth orbit and prove out operational spaceflight capabilities such as life support, communication, high speed re-entry, and radiation protection prior to more difficult human exploration missions. On this proposed mission, the crew would teleoperate landers/rovers on the unexplored lunar farside, which would obtain samples from the geologically interesting farside and deploy a low radio frequency telescope. Sampling the South Pole-Aitken basin, one of the oldest impact basins in the solar system, is a key science objective of the 2011 Planetary Science Decadal Survey. Observations at low radio frequencies to track the effects of the Universe’s first stars/galaxies on the intergalactic medium are a priority of the 2010 Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Survey. Such telerobotic oversight would also demonstrate capability for human and robotic cooperation on future, more complex deep space missions such as exploring Mars.  相似文献   

In a planetarium, the visitor is sitting on Earth and looking into an imaginary space. The Planetarium Inversum is the opposite: visitors are sitting in a space station, looking down on Mother Earth. It is a scientifically-based information show with visitors involvement, its elements being partially virtual (Earth in space has to be projected with highest possible resolution) but also containing real structures, such as the visitors' Earth observatory with adjacent biological systems (plant cultures and other ecological life support components). Its main message concerns the limits and the vulnerability of our home planet, its uniqueness, beauty and above all, its irreplaceableness: Earth does not have an emergency exit. The Earth observatory is part of a ring shaped, rotating space station of the type designed by Wernher von Braun decades ago. Visitors are told that gravity is being substituted by centrifugal force. Both types of life support systems are being demonstrated--self regenerative life based ones and technical ones as a backup (solar electric splitting of water and chemical absorption of respiratory CO2).  相似文献   

Isotopic measurements and, more specifically, ratios of 13C to 12C in organic relative to inorganic deposits, are useful in reconstructing past biological activity on Earth. Organic matter has a lower ratio of 13C to 12C due largely to the preferential fixation of 12C over the heavier isotope by the major carbon-fixation enzyme, ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase, although other factors (e.g., availability of source carbon, fixation by other carboxylating enzymes and diagenesis of organic material) also contribute to fractionation. Would carbon isotope discrepancies between inorganic and organic carbon indicate past biological activity on Mars? In order to answer this question, we analyse what is known about terrestrial biologic and abiologic carbon fixation and its preservation in the fossil record, and suggest what the isotope discrimination during possible biologic and abiologic carbon fixation on Mars might have been like. Primarily because isotopic signatures of abiotically fixed carbon overlap with those of biotic fixation, but also because heterotrophy does not significantly alter the isotopic signature of ingested carbon, fractionation alone would not be definitive evidence for life. However, a narrow range of fractionation, including no fractionation, would suggest biotic processes. Never-the-less, isotopic ratios in organic deposits on Mars would be extremely useful in analysing prebiotic, if not biotic, carbon transformations on Mars.  相似文献   

Geologic and climatologic studies suggest that conditions on early Mars were similar to early Earth. Because life on Earth is believed to have originated during this early period (3.5 billion years ago), the Martian environment could have also been conducive to the origin of life. To investigate this possibility we must first define the attributes of an early Martian biota. Then, specific geographic locations on Mars must be chosen where life may have occurred (i.e. areas which had long standing water), and within these distinct locations search for key signatures or bio-markers of a possible extinct Martian biota. Some of the key signatures or bio-markers indicative of past biological activity on Earth may be applicable to Mars including: reduced carbon and nitrogen compounds, CO3(2-), SO4(2-), NO3-, NO2- [correction of NO2(2)], Mg, Mn, Fe, and certain other metals, and the isotopic ratios of C, N and S. However, we must also be able to distinguish abiotic from biologic origins for these bio-markers. For example, abiotically fixed N2 would form deposits of NO3- and NO2-, whereas biological processes would have reduced these to ammonium containing compounds, N2O, or N2, which would then be released to the atmosphere. A fully equipped Mars Rover might be able to perform analyses to measure most of these biomarkers while on the Martian surface.  相似文献   

Gravity is the only environmental parameter that has remained constant during the period of evolution of living matter on Earth. Thus, it must have been a major force in shaping livimg things. The influence of gravitational loading on evolution of the vertebrate skeleton is well recognized, and scale effects have been studied. This paper, however, considers in addition four pivotal events in early evolution that would seem to have been significant for the later success and diversification of animal life. These are evolution of the cytoskeleton, cell motility (flagellae and cilia), gravity detecting devices (accelerometers), and biomineralization. All are functionally calcium dependent in eukaryotes and all occurred or were foreshadowed in prokaryotes. A major question is why calcium was selected as an ion of great importance to the structure and function of living matter; another is whether gravity played a role in its selection.  相似文献   

The Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS) was launched in 1983 for the purpose of surveying the sky in a broad area of the infrared portion of the spectrum. While the primary objects of interest of IRAS were stars and nebulae, other types of space-related objects could also be observed. These include comets, asteroids, and Earth orbiting objects. Theoretical analysis indicates that IRAS could observe objects with a diameter of 1-mm at a range of 100-km and objects with a diameter of 1-cm at a range of 1000-km, while current ground-based observations of particles in low Earth orbit are limited to objects larger than 1-cm. Thus, these data offer a unique opportunity to ascertain the number density of particles below the present observable limit. At NASA/JSC a preliminary analysis of an IRAS data set has been performed to detect and describe this population, and the results of this study are presented.  相似文献   

The Sun is the nearest stellar and astrophysical laboratory, available for detailed studies in several fields of physics and astronomy. It is a sphere of hot gas with a complex and highly variable magnetic field which plays a very important role. The Sun shows an unprecedented wealth of phenomena that can be studied extensively and to the greatest detail, in a way we will never be in a position to study in other stars. Humans have studied the Sun for millennia and after the discovery of the telescope they realized that the Sun varies with time, i.e., solar activity is highly variable, in tune scales of millennia to seconds. The study of these variabilities helps us to understand how the Sun works and how it affects the interplanetary medium, Earth and the other planets. Solar power varies substantially and greatly affects the Earth and humans. Solar activity has several important periodicities, and quasi-periodicities. Knowledge of these periodicities helps us to forecast, to an extent, solar events that affect our planet. The most prominent periodicity of solar activity is the one of 11 years. The actual period is in fact 22 years because the magnetic field polarity of the Sun has to be taken into account. The Sun can be considered as a non-linear RLC electric circuit with a period of 22 years. The RLC equivalent circuit of the Sun is a van der Pol oscillator and such a model can explain many solar phenomena, including the variability of solar energy with time. Other quasi-periodicities such as the ones of 154 days, the 1.3, 1.7 to 2 years, etc., some of which might be harmonics of the 22 year cycle are also present in solar activity, and their study is very interesting and important since they affect the Earth and human activities. The period of 27 days related to solar rotation plays also a very important role in geophysical phenomena. It is noticeable that almost all periodicities are highly variable with time as wavelet analysis reveals. It is very important for humans to be in a position to forecast solar activity during the next hour, day, year, decade and century, because solar phenomena affect life on Earth and such predictions will help politicians and policy makers to better serve their countries and our planet.  相似文献   

PAMELA is a satellite-borne experiment that has been launched on June 15th, 2006. It is designed to make long duration measurements of cosmic radiation over an extended energy range. Specifically, PAMELA is able to measure the cosmic ray antiproton and positron spectra over the largest energy range ever achieved and will search for antinuclei with unprecedented sensitivity. Furthermore, it will measure the light nuclear component of cosmic rays and investigate phenomena connected with solar and earth physics. The apparatus consists of: a time of flight system, a magnetic spectrometer, an electromagnetic imaging calorimeter, a shower tail catcher scintillator, a neutron detector and an anticoincidence system. In this work a study of the PAMELA capabilities to detect electrons is presented. The Jovian magnetosphere is a powerful accelerator of electrons up to several tens of MeV as observed at first by Pioneer 10 spacecraft (1973). The propagation of Jovian electrons to Earth is affected by modulation due to Corotating Interaction Regions (CIR). Their flux at Earth is, moreover, modulated because every 13 months Earth and Jupiter are aligned along the average direction of the Parker spiral of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field.PAMELA will be able to measure the high energy tail of the Jovian electrons in the energy range from 50 up to 130 MeV. Moreover, it will be possible to extract the Jovian component reaccelerated at the solar wind termination shock (above 130 MeV up to 2 GeV) from the galactic flux.  相似文献   

With a growing number of resident space objects (RSOs), the facilities for near-Earth space surveillance have to cope with increasing workload. It also applies to low-cost small optical surveillance facilities which may present regional, national and global networks. Improved methods of planning and scheduling optical telescopes are required to use these instruments efficiently. Today, optical observations are only feasible if the following quite stringent requirements are met: the object should be illuminated by sunlight, and it should be above while the Sun is below the observer’s horizon. For different orbits, these preconditions result in varying degrees of the space object observability at various ground-based sites. Certainly, satellites in low Earth orbit (LEO) are particularly difficult to observe. This study aims at developing a new technique for assessing observability of a satellite in different types of orbits – namely, low, medium and high Earth orbits, imaging of the opportunity for its visibility in respective diagrams and their analysing for the existing near-Earth population of RSOs. Unlike other researches, wherein one or several observational stations have been chosen as target sites for in-depth analyses of visibility of all the satellites or just the selected ones, the present study focuses on examining the probability of optical surveillance of satellites in a certain orbit from any locations worldwide. It offers considerable scope for automation of surveillance planning and scheduling optical surveillance networks.  相似文献   

Stellar X-ray and radio activities are discussed in connection with the magnetic field and the dynamo mechanism. It is claimed that activities of stars of different species can be quite different from those of the sun-like stars, and in some cases, they are not related to the solar-like dynamo process betraying a simple-minded guess. The cases of very young stars and of early type stars are discussed as examples of these. In contrast, the case of RS CVn stars is discussed as a case in which the action of the solar-like dynamo and the activities related to it may be drastically amplified due to the enhanced differential rotation between the synchronously rotating envelopes and the more-or-less inertially rotating cores in both of the component stars. It is argued that the relaxation and dissipation of the energy built up in the form of the twist of the magnetic ropes created in the sheared layers between the cores and envelopes may be the source of energy of their activities. The magnetic twist in the loops emerged in the active longitude belt relaxes dynamically through magnetic reconnections into the large scale loops interconnecting two stars, and hot loops of the binary scale are formed as the result of the shock heating as well as of the dynamical dissipation of the magnetic twist.  相似文献   

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