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The design of a high-accuracy digital VOR signal generator is described. The main part of the generator is formed of three digital sinewave generators, one of which is frequency modulated. The equations needed to design these generators are given and the practical realization based on read-only memories is described.  相似文献   

受卫星导航的冲击,甚高频全向信标(VOR)在未来航行系统中将失去它的重要地位,最终可能关闭。为充分利用VOR的频段和设备资源,本文提出了四种VOR发射机改造方案:第一是间断发射的慢速时空调制系统;第二是连续发射的二进制四相时空调制系统;第三是码分有参考信号时空调制系统;第四是时分有参考信号时空调制系统。给出了四种系统信号调制、编码、接收机设计等解决方案。改造系统的主要优点是将数字通信和无线定向综合为一体。  相似文献   

Field conversions of many conventional VOR and VORTAC facilities to remote maintenance monitoring, which includes provisions for automated VOR ground check procedures, has been under way in the United States since 1982. A question that has arisen as a result of this effort concerns the minimum number of ground-check points that must be used in order that the bearing-error function can be resolved into its octantal as well as its quadrantal and "duantal" components. Some fundamental considerations relating to that question are examined here.  相似文献   

A new type of omnirange very-high-frequency omnidirectional radio (VOR), intended to be compatible with existing receivers, is described. It is ``inverted' in the sense that reference phase is transmitted by AM, as in the Doppler VOR (DVOR). Variable phase is radiated as a rotating square-wave FM field, the radiating elements being concentric loop antennas with circumferences equal to integer numbers of wave-lengths. Each loop radiates one term in the Fourier expansion of the variable phase field.  相似文献   

In the vicinity of reflecting objects, a VOR receiver picks up both the direct and reflected signals. This summation adds both amplitude and phase modulation to the signal that were not present at the transmitter. The error due to this phase modulation is fairly evident since the desired directional information is transmitted as a relative phase. What is not so evident is the fact that the amplitude modulation can also produce a phase error. This happens when asymmetrical filters are used to process the amplitude-modulated signal. The asymmetrical filter converts some of the amplitude-modulated sidebands into phase modulation which is recorded as a direct phase error.  相似文献   

This paper covers some important advances in understanding the problems associated with the VOR system, especially in connection with area navigation. Anomalies arising from airborne equipment, operating in the airborne environment, are described and analyzed. Factors contributing to overall system accuracy are treated with respect to VOR receiver response and to rate-limiting, filter means, with special attention to appropriate noise reduction systems providing zero or minimal time delay characteristics. The use of active filters in the VOR receiver is shown to be of major importance with regard to signal improvement and overall system accuracy. Active filters of the constant slew rate type have proved of significant value, both within the VOR receiver as well as in signal processing.  相似文献   

波音737-300型飞机VOR/全向信标系统是一个比较复杂的系统,部件较多,涉及面广,排除故障比较困难。本文着重介绍该系统的原理、线路及维护经验。  相似文献   

详细分析了全向信标/测距仪(VOR/DME)的飞行校验原理及在飞行校验过程中的一些重要参数,明确这些参数在飞行校验系统中的计算方法。以一次全向信标/测距仪实际飞行校验过程中遇到的弯曲参数超限为例,分析了参数超限的原因,并将设备参数调整到标准范围内,为相关人员提供一些技术参考,提高飞行校验效率,有助于机场节约成本。  相似文献   

A rigorous theory is developed for the course scalloping amplitudes observed in the bearing indications of an airborne standard VOR receiver in the presence of multipath signals. The VOR transmitting antenna pattern characteristics, the scattering properties of the multipath source, and the effects of ground reflection are all built into the theory so that their combined effects on the scalloping may be quantitatively investigated. The analysis assumes that the VOR receiver characteristics are ideal.  相似文献   

A computer-oriented general formula is developed to estimate the dynamic bearing errors of an airborne VOR receiver due to arbitrary bent finite wire scatterers located in the vicinity of a VOR. The current in those wires caused by the incident fields from the VOR is computed by a piecewise-sinusoidal reaction technique. The variations in the incident fields over the wire and the mutual coupling effects between close wires are taken into account.  相似文献   

梁飞  効迎春  鲁楠  朱峰 《航空学报》2020,41(8):323705-323705
为了分析电气化铁路高速列车电分相电弧对机场全向信标(VOR)的影响,研究其电磁发射特性。利用电磁干扰接收机与频谱仪,分别以点频和扫频方式,对电气化铁路电分相点和普通点进行了大量辐射测试。分析测试数据的异方差性,改进回归分析方法,拟合出电弧在全向信标频段的幅频特性曲线,分析弓网电弧电磁辐射对机场全向信标的影响。结果表明:电分相电磁辐射是随机的,在电分相处比普通点大;现代电气化铁路高速列车经过电分相的测试数据异方差性比较明显,普通的最小二乘估计方法不适用;当电气化铁路电分相点与飞机距离小于4.944 km时,可能会对VOR信号产生影响。  相似文献   

在排除一起典型波音737飞机VOR/ILSNAV导航系统重复疑难故障的基础上,从数理统计、翻修质量、服务、通告等方面入手对故障进行全面分析和研讨,并提出合理建议。也借此希望能对机务外场电子、电气专业的相应排故有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

数字制造与数字装备   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国制造业信息化的推广和深入,数字车间、数字企业和数字化服务等数字技术已成为企业技术进步的重要标志,也是提高企业核心竞争力的重要手段。  相似文献   

采用基于数字化测量技术的飞机数字化装配测量系统不仅可以大幅度提升现代飞机数字化装配的质量和效率,而且更能适应上层的飞机数字化设计。从而打通从设计、制造到装配的数字化、一体化流程,改变传统的模拟量传递模式。同时,它将带动我国飞机生产模式的深刻变革,有利于实现飞机的先进数字化柔性装配,增强我国航空制造业国际竞争力,必将为我国新一代飞机制造技术赶超国际先进水平做好重要的铺垫。  相似文献   

飞机数字样机是飞机产品的数字化表述,是与飞机相关的所有三维数字信息构成的产品模型集合,可用于工程设计、工程分析(空间分析、运动分析、拆装模拟、加工制造和维护检测)、工程仿真等活动。飞机数字样机的出现从根本上革新了传统飞机协同研制方式,开创了飞机数字化协同研制的新阶段,随着数字化技术、计算机网络技术的不断发展,数字样机在飞机数字化协同研制中的作用和地位也不断发展。从飞机数字化协同研制的发展历程出发总结论述了数字样机的发展历程。  相似文献   

This work investigates the performance of an all-digital, total-power radiometer (TPR), consisting of RF, mixer, and IF stages followed by an analog-to-digital converter (ADC). Square-law detection and smoothing is performed in a digital computer. A figure of merit, the degradation factor, is defined which compares the digital TPR with an ideal analog TPR. Exact results are obtained which include the effects of saturation, finite step size, and finite sampling rate of the ADC. A good approximation is developed which compares favorably with the exact results under certain conditions. The use of a general digital filter for smoothing is considered. A new parameter, the ?equivalent summation number?, is shown to be analogous to the equivalent integration time of an analog TPR.  相似文献   

近年来,气体保护焊接技术经历了飞跃性的变革,无论是焊接设备还是工艺均取得实质性的突破,并在一些领域建立了新的制造标准。变革的起因首先是微电子技术和数字化技术日趋成熟,为数字化技术应用于焊接设备提供了先决条件;其次也得益于新材料的应用,促进了市场对焊接技术更高的需求。Fronius公司  相似文献   

A digital frequency-lock generator has been developed which produces an output pulse train automatically locked to the pulse repetition rate, or frequency, of an input pulse train. This device, which exhibits a wide capture range and has no static output frequency drift, offers several advantages over a phase-lock loop in frequency-locking applications.  相似文献   

随着年轻的“互联网一代”加入航空维修业,通用电气公司(GE)提供的按需式数字化“即时培训”非常实用。通过互联网访问GEnx-1B的中央维护计算机,即可获得最先进的技术培训资料,学习燃油系统的进修课程,选择压气机和高压涡轮叶片涂层修理的专业课程,以及GE90风扇叶片尖隙的检查程序课程等。  相似文献   

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