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民族文化类主题公园作为一种旅游项目,必然具有其经济性,而其民族文化的特点又带有浓厚的文化性.论文简要地讨论了其经济性和文化性之间的关系,并相应的对民族文化类主题公园的功能进行了简单的讨论.  相似文献   

广西北部湾经济区具有丰富的民族文化资源,为了充分发挥民族区域优势、优化民族文化资源配置,民族文化产业需构建其品牌特色。论文分析了广西北部湾经济区民族文化产业发展现状,从挖掘民族文化产业品牌内涵;推进精品战略,带动“集群化”民族品牌优势;发挥对东盟开放传播作用三方面提出民族文化产业品牌建设思路。  相似文献   

民族关键符号是最能体现民族特点的文化符号,在民族认同和族际认同中具有重要的作用。广西是我国民族团结的“四个模范”,世代居住的十二个民族在长期的历史中和睦相处,共生共荣。广西的民族关键符号体现出了和谐的民族关系。从民族关键符号的角度分析广西多民族和谐关系的原因主要有:广西原著民族的同源性和外来民族与原著民族族源的相近性、广西各民族文化内核的一致性、广西各民族宗教信仰上的相似性和文化性格的包容性等。  相似文献   

广西民族文化特色和民族旅游商品开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以广西少数民族传统文化元素为启示,分析了广西少数民族传统文化元素的艺术特征及价值,并结合现代少数民族地区旅游商品的开发,分析民族文化元素与民俗文化旅游商品合理契合的方法与途径,并在此基础上,以旅游、服饰、建筑、民俗为切入点,从视觉、触觉、听觉、嗅觉等方面提出了一系列具有广西少数民族文化特色的产品设计构思,为开发拓展民族文化产品市场,创造更多的产品文化形式提供服务。  相似文献   

在面临全球化这一新的历史遭遇时,如何继承与发扬民族文化,本文通过对20世纪前后百年间文化交流的回望,以历时性的反思探讨民族文化的建设.  相似文献   

西晋之后,北方中国的社会环境纷乱复杂,各支少数民族政权纷纷登场,在激烈的统治权斗争中,拓跋鲜卑凭借强大的决心和持续汉化的进取心脱颖而出。一个狩猎民族进化为农耕民族需要的不仅仅是虚心的学习,更是文化的沉淀。本文通过分析拓跋鲜卑在文化改造中的过程,告诉大家文化转型中所面临的各种因素。  相似文献   

龙胜民族饮食文化旅游开发研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中华民族饮食文化源远流长,富有浓郁的地方民族特色。饮食文化与旅游活动的相结合,对于提升民族文化的经济价值,促进旅游业、餐饮业和地方经济的发展,无疑有着十分重要的意义。对民族饮食文化资源的旅游开发,应深层次的挖掘旅游产品的文化内涵,突出地方民族特色,坚持开发与保护并重,注意保护旅游生态环境,实现旅游业的可持续发展。本文是以龙胜各族自治县民族饮食文化资源在旅游领域中的开发为例,以此作为引子,对民族地区饮食文化资源的旅游开发做一深入探讨。  相似文献   

胡锦涛指出:"当今时代,文化越来越成为民族凝聚力和创造力的重要源泉、越来越成为综合国力竞争的重要因素,丰富精神文化生活越来越成为我国人民的热切愿望。要坚持社会主义先进文化前进  相似文献   

中国优秀传统文化蕴含着民族精神与品格。廊坊市在城市建设中将传统技艺、传统节日、传统建筑、传统美食等传统文化因素与城市的地域属性、历史文化记忆融合在一起,提升人民的归属感和文化认同,提升城市文化品位,创建了和谐、文明、向上的城市环境形象。  相似文献   

非物质文化遗产共同承载着人类社会的文明,是珍贵且无法替代的民族文化的代表,民间智慧的结晶。民族戏曲是其中的一个主要类别。文章以广西彩调为例,从分析当前彩调发展存在的困境人手,探析彩调艺术传承和保护的策略,为民族地区戏曲类非物质文化遗产的传承保护提供参考。  相似文献   

当今社会英语毫无疑问是最为普及和最具有影响力的一种语言。我国在普及英语教育的同时,出现了传统文化内容缺失、本国文化失语的现象。在英语教育中树立中国文化的主体意识,已经成为我国如何应对全球化影响、对抗后殖民主义以及提升国家软实力的迫切要求。  相似文献   

The French space adventure started more than 40 years ago. Its rich and long scientific and technical tradition made France able to occupy the place which is hers today. But what does happen to the world of arts, to which the French culture brought so much? Beyond some French artists belonging to the community of the space artists, do arts constitute a true dimension of the French space activity? Conversely, did space influence the national artistic culture? This paper proposes to tackle these questions according to a retrospective historical glance and to offer some prospective reflexions.  相似文献   

随着计算机和通讯技术的迅猛发展,人类社会开始全面迈进网络时代。互联网作为信息传播的新媒体,不仅为高校大学生思想教育工作提供了丰富的信息来源和快捷的传播方式,拓展了教育空间,使教育工作更趋人性化,同时在舆论导向、价值取向、民族文化传承、学风建设等方面也给高校大学生思想教育工作带来了严峻的的挑战和困惑。  相似文献   

A member of the Cal Space group convened to study ways of capitalizing on the past 20 years of investment in space, Philip R. Harris here outlines how he believes the US space effort can be galvanized to meet the challenges of the next decade. A new space ethos must be fostered within the national culture by broadening popular involvement in space enterprise. NASA should also be reformed to give it more independence and initiative. This calls for transformational leadership, committed to creating and communicating the vision of change.  相似文献   

文化商数是关于管理和组织心理学范畴的一种理论,它认为理解个体背后的文化背景对于提高商务交流至关重要,同时也是衡量个人成功融入外部环境能力高低的标准。文化商数包括三个组成部分,即认知、行为,以及情绪动机。新制度经济学主张看待和分析经济问题,必须结合制度环境。文化作为一种隐性的机制存在于不同的民族、群体和组织当中。文化商数的提高对于吸引跨国投资,推动区域经济发展并实现首都经济圈建设具有重大意义。  相似文献   

In this study, we analyze the economic effects from the Korean Astronaut Program (KAP) and the subsequent Science Culture Diffusion Activity (SCDA). Korea has had a huge practical effect on the development of science and technology and has increased international awareness of Korea by producing Korea's first astronaut. There has also been a large, ripple effect on space related industries. In addition, the KAP has exercised a far-reaching influence on Korean society and culture by boosting all science and engineering and inspiring national pride. After the KAP, astronauts' outreach activities, such as lectures for the general public; interviews on television, newspapers and magazines; participating in children's science camps; and distributing publications and DVDs about astronaut program for general public, were instituted for diffusing science culture. Thus, positive effects such as the promotion of Korea's level of technology, student interest in science and engineering fields, and the expansion of the industrial base were reinforced after the KAP. This study is aimed at evaluating the economic significance and the value of return through analyzing the effects of the KAP and the subsequent Science Culture Diffusion Activity.  相似文献   

The word “exploration” threads its way through every discussion of human space flight and often headlines national policy statements about the US space agency. Yet this concept, so rooted in our culture, remains remarkably ill-defined. In this paper, we examine various presumptions implicit in the term and its ramifications for federally supported space endeavors. We argue that historical examples of exploration, widely used by policy makers, often make poor models for contemporary space travel. In particular, historical precedents of exploration set up a land-biased view of discovery, a restriction which impedes full expression of the Vision for Space Exploration and its possible scientific returns. These same precedents also set up a view of discovery that is biased toward in situ human presence, a view that modern technology is rendering increasingly absurd.  相似文献   

大学生民族精神的培育面临社会变迁的挑战,社会变迁对大学生的民族精神有不利影响。大学生民族精神培育体系的改进对策有:巩固民族精神培育的基本渠道和拓展民族精神培育的具体方法等。  相似文献   

This paper argues that a better understanding of strategic decision making processes in different space agencies is relevant to the successful carrying out of international cooperative undertakings in space and that this kind of information should be taken into account when decisions are to be made on engaging in a new partnership. In this context, the paper provides a general framework for the study of strategic decision making in space organisations, with particular emphasis on the influence of culture. Additionally, it offers practical examples of how differences in policy priorities, decision making environments and practices amongst space organisations can affect international cooperative endeavours. A particular concern is with the role of national and corporate cultures in creating and reflecting differences between space agencies. In order to gather information on strategic decision making processes in the space sector, a series of 30 interviews was conducted with top decision makers from NASA, ESA and the space organisations of Brazil, France, Canada, Russia, The Netherlands and the UK.  相似文献   

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