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We have performed monitoring of the space system that includes the Earth, the Moon, the Sun, and the GPS satellite group. We have discovered semi-diurnal and diurnal periodicities in the number of satellites detected as well as in the altitude, latitude and longitude by a GPS receiver. We have revealed tidal deformations related to changes in the Earth?s orientation with respect to the Moon and the Sun.  相似文献   

Hormones are important effectors of the body's response to microgravity in the areas of fluid and electrolyte metabolism, erythropoiesis, and calcium metabolism. For many years antidiuretic hormone, cortisol and aldosterone have been considered the hormones most important for regulation of body fluid volume and blood levels of electrolytes, but they cannot account totally for losses of fluid and electrolytes during space flight. We have now measured atrial natriuretic factor (ANF), a hormone recently shown to regulate sodium and water excretion, in blood specimens obtained during flight. After 30 or 42 h of weightlessness, mean ANF was elevated. After 175 or 180 h, ANF had decreased by 59%, and it changed little between that time and soon after landing. There is probably an increase in ANF early inflight associated with the fluid shift, followed by a compensatory decrease in blood volume. Increased renal blood flow may cause the later ANF decrease. Erythropoietin (Ep), a hormone involved in the control of red blood cell production, was measured in blood samples taken during the first Spacelab mission and was significantly decreased on the second day of flight, suggesting also an increase in renal blood flow. Spacelab-2 investigators report that the active vitamin D metabolite 1 alpha, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 increased early in the flight, indicating that a stimulus for increased bone resorption occurs by 30 h after launch.  相似文献   

空间电子对抗系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在详细分析电子战具体内涵的演变和特点基础上,进而阐述了空间信息战的作战理论发展脉络,分析空间电子对抗技术装备状况和发展趋势,以空间态势感知、防御性空间对抗、进攻性空间对抗等三个方面的任务需求作为出发点,提出空间电子对抗系统建设方案、体系架构和关键技术。  相似文献   

对数字化环境中型号标准体系建设的原则以及数字化设计环境下现阶段标准制定、管理办法的编制进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

雷红涛 《中国航天》2006,(11):16-18
上世纪90年代初冷战的结束,使美国等西方主要军事国家的军工企业面临着军费锐减、军品订货数量减少的挑战。如何降低成本,既满足军方经济承受力的要求,又使企业能够占领更广大的市场,成为军工企业迫切需要解决的问题。美国麻省理工学院技术、政策与工业发展中心在对日本丰田汽车公司的生产模式进行研究后指出。  相似文献   

现代作战越来越依赖空间信息系统,它已成为关乎战争胜负的重要资源。从空间信息支援、空间信息防御、空间信息攻击等方面分析了空间信息对抗能力和作战应用能力,并对空间信息对抗的发展提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

在论述宇航标准顶层设计目的与需求的基础上,分析我国建立宇航标准所处的技术环境特点以及需要重点考虑的问题,并提出建立我国宇航标准体系的原则及途径的建议.  相似文献   

NASA has had a decades-long problem with cost growth during the development of space science missions. Numerous agency-sponsored studies have produced average mission level cost growths ranging from 23% to 77%.A new study of 26 historical NASA Science instrument set developments using expert judgment to reallocate key development resources has an average cost growth of 73.77%. Twice in history, a barter-based mechanism has been used to reallocate key development resources during instrument development. The mean instrument set development cost growth was −1.55%. Performing a bivariate inference on the means of these two distributions, there is statistical evidence to support the claim that using a barter-based mechanism to reallocate key instrument development resources will result in a lower expected cost growth than using the expert judgment approach.Agent-based discrete event simulation is the natural way to model a trade environment. A NetLogo agent-based barter-based simulation of science instrument development was created. The agent-based model was validated against the Cassini historical example, as the starting and ending instrument development conditions are available. The resulting validated agent-based barter-based science instrument resource reallocation simulation was used to perform 300 instrument development simulations, using barter to reallocate development resources. The mean cost growth was −3.365%. A bivariate inference on the means was performed to determine that additional significant statistical evidence exists to support a claim that using barter-based resource reallocation will result in lower expected cost growth, with respect to the historical expert judgment approach.Barter-based key development resource reallocation should work on spacecraft development as well as it has worked on instrument development. A new study of 28 historical NASA science spacecraft developments has an average cost growth of 46.04%. As barter-based key development resource reallocation has never been tried in a spacecraft development, no historical results exist, and a simulation of using that approach must be developed. The instrument development simulation should be modified to account for spacecraft development market participant differences. The resulting agent-based barter-based spacecraft resource reallocation simulation would then be used to determine if significant statistical evidence exists to prove a claim that using barter-based resource reallocation will result in lower expected cost growth.  相似文献   

The translation of man from terrestrial to an extra terrestrial environment is accompanied by an upset in the servo-control of movement engendered by the removal of the normal gravitational signal. Unfortunately the "natural" response of the nervous system, to ocular and vestibular confusion, is to cause varying degrees of sickness which can only be avoided by choice of suitable space travellers i.e., those who are least upset by gravitational chaos. This will remain so until much more is learned about the fundamental physiological mechanisms whereby man maintains a correct head/trunk, head/eye, trunk/limb and eye/limb positional coordination and why if these are upset man's natural response is to vomit.  相似文献   

液体火箭发动机用气动增压器技术在航天器推进系统中的应用,产生了一种全新的推进系统一气动增压式推进系统。介绍了气动增压器技术,分析了气动增压器技术应用于空间推进系统的优势和关键技术,并展望了应用前景。  相似文献   

基于星载信息系统高集成化、轻小型化和智能化的发展需求,微系统电路通过SOC/SIP等先进集成电路设计技术将CPU、 FPGA及相关功能的裸芯片高密度集成。相比传统卫星研制方式,微系统电路的体积、重量、功耗显著减小,且产品研制周期由于模块化、通用化设计得以缩减。文章介绍一种基于RISC-V指令集处理器的星载信息系统微系统电路设计方案,采用基于RISC-V指令集的双核处理器作为微系统控制核心;通过架构优化设计集成RISC-V处理器核、 FPGA、存储芯片、接口电路等;考虑空间环境的影响,通过结构级抗辐照加固设计提升微系统电路的在轨运行可靠性。  相似文献   

An analysis of the motion of a deployed space system that consists of two end bodies connected by a tether has been considered. One of the bodies has a relatively large ballistic coefficient that ensures aerodynamic braking or the stabilization of the motion of the entire system in relatively low near-Earth orbits. The deployment of this system mainly occurs due to the action of aerodynamic forces. Several ways of deploying the system have been analyzed, including (1) the uncontrolled release of the tether with hardly any braking; (2) deployment with constant braking force; (3) the dynamic control law without feedback, when the resistance force varies according to a set program; (4) a kinematic control law with feedback when programs are set for varying the velocity and length of the tether release. To analyze the dynamics of the system, a mathematical model of motion has been constructed in which the motion of the end bodies relative to their centers of mass is taken into account.  相似文献   

This paper describes and analyses the economics of a power relay system that takes advantage of recent technological advances to implement a system that is economically viable. A series of power relay systems are described which transport power ranging from 1250 to 5000 MW and distribute it to receiving sites at transcontinental distances. It is shown that, when offering electricity at prices competitive to those prevalent in developed cities in the USA, that a low IRR is inevitable, and economic feasibility of a business is unlikely. However, when the target market is Japan, where the prevalent electricity prices are much higher an IRR exceeding 65% is readily attainable. This is extremely attractive to potential investors, making capitalization of a venture likely. The paper shows that the capital investment required for the system can be less than $1 per installed watt, contributing less than 0.02 $ to the cost of energy provision. Since selling prices in feasible regions range from 0.18 to over 0.30 $, these costs are but a small fraction of the operating expenses. Thus a very large IRR is possible for such a business.  相似文献   

空间信息对抗装备体系是完成空间信息对抗作战任务的所有对抗装备及系统的总称,即在空间信息对抗战场中所能够使用的一切装备,涵盖外层空间、空中、地面、海上以及整个信息网络。利用系统分析的方法,在详细分析空间信息对抗作战特点和作战原则的基础上,重点开展了空间信息对抗装备体系的构成及各部分作战性能研究,建立了空间信息对抗装备体系组成框架,并分析了空间信息对抗武器装备发展趋势。  相似文献   

Purpose of the work is to analyze and to summarize the data of investigations into human hemodynamics performed over 20 years aboard orbital stations Salyut-7 and Mir with participation of 26 cosmonauts on space flights (SF) from 8 to 438 days in duration. The ultrasonic techniques and occlusive plethysmography demonstrated dynamics of changes in the cardiovascular system during SF of various durations. The parameters of general hemodynamics, the pumping function of the heart and arterial circulation in the brain remained stable in all the space flights; however, there were alterations in peripheral circulation associated with blood redistribution and hypovolemie in microgravity. The anti-gravity distribution of the vascular tone decayed gradually as unneeded. The most considerable changes were observed in leg vessels, equally in arteries (decrease in resistance) and veins (increase in maximum capacity). The lower body negative pressure test (LBNP) revealed deterioration of the gravity-dependent reactions that changed for the worse as SF duration extended. The cardiovascular deconditioning showed itself as loss of descent acceleration tolerance and orthostatic instability in the postflight period.  相似文献   

This paper describes and analyzes the economics of a power relay system that takes advantage of recent technological advances to implement a system that is economically viable. A series of power relay systems are described and analyzed which transport power ranging from 1,250 megawatts to 5,000 megawatts, and distribute it to receiving sites at transcontinental distances.

Two classes of systems are discussed—those with a single reflector and delivering all the power to a single rectenna, and a second type which has multiple reflectors and distributes it to 10 rectenna sites, sharing power among them. It is shown that when offering electricity at prices competitive to those prevalent in developed cities in the US that a low IRR is inevitable, and economic feasibility of a business is unlikely. However, when the target market is Japan where the prevalent electricity prices are much greater, that an IRR exceeding 65% is readily attainable. This is extremely attractive to potential investors, making capitalization of a venture likely.

The paper shows that the capital investment required for the system can be less than $1 per installed watt, contributing less than 0.02 $/KW-hr to the cost of energy provision. Since selling prices in feasible regions range from 0.18 to over 030 $/kW-hr, these costs are but a small fraction of the operating expenses. Thus a very large IRR is possible for such a business.  相似文献   

如何控制空间站水循环处理系统的微生物数量对于保证航天员的饮用水和生活用水十分重要。微生物数量超标会对航天员身体健康产生影响,某些硫酸盐还原菌也会附着在管道设备上并发生化学反应,产生的H2S气体会腐蚀设备。控制水循环处理系统的微生物有地面控制、选用特殊材料和在轨杀菌共3个方面。2003年NASA给出了空间站中微生物控制的一系列要求。文章中提出了两种微生物检测方法:ATP生物发光法和比色固相萃取法测碘和银离子数量的方法,通过比较两者的优劣以及多方面的探究,最后,确定通过监测碘和银离子的数量来控制微生物数量更加方便有效。  相似文献   

B. de Montluc 《Space Policy》1996,12(4):245-264
A new world order has begun to appear since the early 1990s. The simplicity of interaction between individual states, based on the rivalry between the two superpowers, is gradually being replaced by new attitudes formed in a complex, uncertain and risky context. States still have a role, discussing, negotiating, legislating, creating infrastructures and issuing directives. However, political power, with its laws, its order and its reasoning, is being supplemented and often dominated by other forms of power: economic, financial or influence. Space policies follow or sometimes precede political trends. They were the spearhead of the ‘glory years’ and still bear the imprint of the simple rules which applied twenty years ago. However, amid the current uncertainty, it is possible to perceive the outline of the space policies of the future, which may contribute to the definition of new watersheds in the modern world.  相似文献   

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