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Topology optimization was developed as an advanced structural design methodology to generate innovative lightweight and high-performance configurations that are difficult to obtain with conventional ideas. Additive manufacturing is an advanced manufacturing technique building as-designed structures via layer-by-layer joining material, providing an alternative pattern for complex components. The integration of topology optimization and additive manufacturing can make the most of their advantages and potentials, and has wide application prospects in modern manufacturing. This article reviews the main content and applications of the research on the integration of topology optimization and additive manufacturing in recent years, including multi-scale or hierarchical structural optimization design and topology optimization considering additive manufacturing constraints. Meanwhile, some challenges of structural design approaches for additive manufacturing are discussed, such as the performance characterization and scale effects of additively manufactured lattice structures, the anisotropy and fatigue performance of additively manufactured material, and additively manufactured functionally graded material issues, etc. It is shown that in the research of topology optimization for additive manufacturing, the integration of material, structure, process and performance is important to pursue high-performance, multi-functional and lightweight production. This article provides a reference for further related research and aerospace applications.  相似文献   

Combination of topology optimization and additive manufacturing technologies provides an effective approach for the development of light-weight and high-performance structures.A heavy-loaded aerospace bracket is designed by topology optimization and manufactured by additive manufacturing technology in this work. Considering both mechanical forces and temperature loads, a formulation of thermo-elastic topology optimization is firstly proposed and the sensitivity analysis is derived in detail. The...  相似文献   

应急保障和战时抢修是增材制造技术发展的重要方向之一,也给面向增材制造的结构优化设计提出了新的挑战。为了实现异种材料原位替换件的构型设计,提出增材制造损坏替换件拓扑优化设计方法,并以机用散热风扇为例开展应用研究。通过分析散热风扇服役环境和战时抢修需求,在变密度方法框架下建立结构总重量和转动惯量控制在原件数据附近小范围以内、以结构整体柔顺度最小化为目标的拓扑优化问题列式,并完成灵敏度分析公式推导。从拓扑优化结果及其重构模型的仿真数据可知:散热风扇替换件拓扑优化结果收敛性好、满足所有设计要求,重构方案满足增材制造工艺性要求,验证了本文设计方法的有效性。  相似文献   

周丞  林杰  刘勇 《航空工程进展》2020,11(1):109-115
直升机旋翼桨叶剖面结构设计是研究旋翼动力学设计的基础。提出一种联合拓扑优化和形状优化的 两级优化设计方法,可用于桨叶剖面结构的设计。第一级优化以变密度法(SIMP)作为拓扑优化的材料插值方 法,以桨叶体积最小化为设计目标,约束桨叶节点位移和应力,建立桨叶的拓扑优化求解模型;第二级优化以重 构的桨叶模型为基础开展形状优化,降低局部应力集中以及找到合理的边界节点位置。对优化后的模型进行 有限元分析,结果表明:通过拓扑优化和形状优化的两级优化,能够得到满足强度和稳定性要求的结构布局,为 桨叶结构设计提供指导方案。  相似文献   

曹龙超  周奇  韩远飞  宋波  聂振国  熊异  夏凉 《航空学报》2021,42(10):524790-524790
激光选区熔化(SLM)技术被认为是最有应用前景的增材制造技术之一,已应用于航空航天、医疗器械等领域。然而,如何确保构件质量的可靠性和制造的可重复性是SLM面临的最大挑战,已被认为是限制SLM及其他金属增材制造技术发展和工业应用的最大壁垒。其中,主要原因是SLM过程中会产生难以控制的缺陷。因此,对SLM进行过程监测和实时反馈控制是解决这一挑战的重要研究方向,也已成为学术界和工业界的研究热点之一。通过对近十年该领域的文献调研,综述了金属激光增材制造中常见的冶金缺陷及其产生机理,对金属增材制造过程产生的信号及其监测手段,如声信号、光信号及热信号等进行了详细描述;总结了信号数据的处理方法,包括传统的统计处理方法和新兴的基于机器学习的智能监测方法;随后,综述了金属增材制造过程的质量控制方法,包括非闭环控制和闭环控制,并对全文进行了总结,展望了未来SLM智能监测和控制领域值得深入的研究方向。  相似文献   

郭鑫鑫  陈哲涵 《航空学报》2021,42(10):524227-524227
数值仿真是研究激光增材制造过程中各类物理现象、揭示零件缺陷形成机理、优化增材制造工艺参数的重要手段,该领域学者针对增材制造过程中的热分析、金属粉末颗粒性质分析、微观结构分析、质量缺陷成因分析等方面,开展了大量研究,提出了相应的数学模型和方法。激光增材制造过程的数值仿真是一个在空间和时间上均跨越多个尺度的复杂问题,微观、介观、宏观尺度下数值仿真所关注的对象和所使用的方法各不相同;多数研究聚焦于某一尺度下的过程仿真,另一部分研究则基于不同模型的数据关系建立模型间的耦合关系,实现热-相、热-力的综合分析。对现阶段激光增材制造数值仿真领域的主要技术进行了综述,在梳理数值仿真基本流程的基础上,对其中涉及的热源模型,粉末模型,力学模型以及微观结构模型进行了介绍,讨论了其特点和适用性;结合相关技术领域的发展,探讨了激光增材制造数值仿真技术的发展方向,旨在为本领域的技术研究与发展提供参考。  相似文献   

在准三维设计基础上,采用多目标优化设计方法,给出一个多级涡轮气动优化设计流程,优化联合采用人工神经网络和遗传算法,流场计算采用全三维粘性流N-S方程求解。此优化设计流程有三个特点:针对每列叶栅的气动特性进行局部优化;各列叶栅反复多次优化;粗细网格交替使用。并采用此设计流程对一三级涡轮进行优化设计,效率提高1%,说明此方法可以有效的用于多级涡轮气动优化设计。  相似文献   

工艺参数对铝合金摩擦挤压增材组织及性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用6061-T651铝合金圆棒进行摩擦挤压增材制造(friction extrusion additive manufacturing,FEAM)工艺实验研究,探讨和分析不同主轴转速对单道双层增材试样的增材成形、组织特征和力学性能的影响规律。结果表明:对给定横向移动速度300 mm/min,采用主轴转速为600 r/min和800 r/min均能获得完全致密无任何内部缺陷、厚度分别为2 mm和4 mm的单道双层增材试样,增材整体由细小等轴晶粒组成,增材层间实现冶金连接;800 r/min下工具轴肩的摩擦挤压作用降低,增材层间结合界面呈平直状,塑化金属流动不充分,沉积层宽度较窄、表面成形更粗糙;600 r/min下结合界面经历的塑性变形和热循环更为显著,晶粒细化至6.0μm,但增材界面区软化程度较严重,硬度仅为增材棒料母材的52.7%~56.2%,而800 r/min下界面区的硬度能够达到母材的56.0%~61.3%;在600 r/min和800 r/min下,增材试样均具有优良的综合力学性能,抗拉强度分别达到增材棒料母材6061-T651的66%和70%,而断后伸长率明显较高,分别为母材的212%和169%;与目前其他增材工艺力学性能比较均具有明显的优势。  相似文献   

倪维宇  张横  姚胜卫 《航空学报》2021,42(3):224807-224807
最优阻尼复合结构应该是阻尼材料自身的材料性能和阻尼材料在板壳结构上的分布形态均是最优的。针对板壳阻尼复合结构的多尺度设计问题,建立了基于非比例阻尼模型的复合结构多尺度拓扑优化方法,实现了阻尼材料在宏微观两尺度上的协同设计,同时获得最优的阻尼材料宏观分布形态和微观构型。以结构模态阻尼比为目标,分别研究了复合结构的单目标和多目标多尺度设计问题。结果表明,在单目标设计中,当最大化结构的某一阶模态阻尼比时,优化后结构的该阶模态阻尼比最大,同时结构在该阶处的频率响应最小;在多目标设计中,以结构前3阶模态阻尼比之和为目标,虽然在每一阶处的性能劣于单目标设计结果,但是结构前3阶模态阻尼比的总体性能更优。同时,从微结构的构型可得,最优的微结构构型中低刚度高阻尼材料的分布相互连接,其损失模量(微结构复弹性矩阵的虚部)和阻尼因子(微结构复弹性矩阵的虚部与实部之比)都相对较高,且呈现负泊松比现象。优化后复合结构的动力学性能显著提高。  相似文献   

In this paper, the thin-walled structures with lattices and stiffeners manufactured by additive manufacturing are investigated. A design method based on the multi-material topology optimization is proposed for the simultaneous layout optimization of the lattices and stiffeners in thin-walled structures. First, the representative lattice units of the selected lattices are equivalent to the virtual homogeneous materials whose effective elastic matrixes are achieved by the energy-based homogenization method. Meanwhile, the stiffeners are modelled using the solid material. Subsequently, the multi-material topology optimization formulation is established for both the virtual homogeneous materials and solid material to minimize the structural compliance under mass constraint. Thus, the optimal layout of both the lattices and stiffeners could be simultaneously attained by the optimization procedure. Two applications, the aircraft panel structure and the equipment mounting plate, are dealt with to demonstrate the detailed design procedure and reveal the effect of the proposed method. According to numerical comparisons and experimental results, the thin-walled structures with lattices and stiffeners have significant advantages over the traditional stiffened thin-walled structures and lattice sandwich structures in terms of static, dynamic and anti-instability performance.  相似文献   

吴建军  何振  鄢昌渝 《推进技术》2006,27(6):550-553
1引言随着高功率激光技术的发展,用地基激光器发射近地轨道卫星将成为可能。上世纪90年代初Hum-bleW E和Pierson B L提出用一台地基300 MW的CO2激光器把初始质量为1 900 kg的飞行器发射到近地轨道[1]。飞行器的弹道在初始段有一向后运动的“后摆”段。这种弹道可以充分利用激光  相似文献   

逆传播神经网络算法是人工神经网络用于非线性预测的主要学习算法。它具有思路清晰,结构严谨,操作性强等特点,但同时也存在预测精度低,收敛速度慢等问题,本文从神经网络模型的结构出发,对学习算法提出了一系列改进和优化措施,以加快网络的学习速度,并增加模型的稳定性。  相似文献   

By integrating topology optimization and lattice-based optimization, a novel multi-scale design method is proposed to create solid-lattice hybrid structures and thus to improve the mechanical performance as well as reduce the structural weight. To achieve this purpose, a two-step procedure is developed to design and optimize the innovative structures. Initially, the classical topology optimization is utilized to find the optimal material layout and primary load carrying paths. Afterwards, the solid-lattice hybrid structures are reconstructed using the finite element mesh based modeling method. And lattice-based optimization is performed to obtain the optimal cross-section area of the lattice structures. Finally, two typical aerospace structures are optimized to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed optimization framework. The numerical results are quite encouraging since the solid-lattice hybrid structures obtained by the presented approach show remarkably improved performance when compared with traditional designs.  相似文献   

涵道气动优化设计方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
叶坤  叶正寅  屈展 《航空动力学报》2013,28(8):1828-1835
基于动量源方法进行涵道气动力的计算,分别采用响应面模型和基于神经网络模型对NASA涵道构型进行优化设计,并对优化结果采用CFD进行验证,优化结果表明两种优化方法均取得了一定的优化效果,悬停状态下,基于响应面方法,涵道拉力增加了19.4%,基于神经网络方法,涵道拉力增加了21.2%.并为了较为细致地研究涵道拉力产生的机理,在对涵道进行建模时,采用一种分区的方法,将涵道划分为6个区域,并得到了涵道拉力在此6个区域上的分布.计算结果表明:涵道唇口形成的负压是产生涵道附加拉力的主要因素,且靠近涵道内侧唇口提供的拉力占比重较大.该优化方法可以有效地应用于涵道外形的气动优化设计中.   相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate an integrated optimization scheme for a solar-powered drone structure. Consider a primary beam in the wing of large aspect ratio, where 100 lithium batteries are assembled. In the proposed integrated optimization, the batteries are considered here as parts of the load-carrying structure. The corresponding mechanical behaviors are simulated in the structural design and described with super-elements. The batteries layout and the structural topology are then introduced as mixed design variables and optimized simultaneously to achieve an accordant load-carrying path. Geometrical nonlinearity is considered due to the large deformation. Different periodic structural configurations are tested in the optimization in order to meet the structural manufacturing and assembly convenience. The optimized designs are rebuilt and tested in different load cases. Maintaining the same structural weight, the global mechanical performances are improved greatly compared with the initial design.  相似文献   

The morphing trailing edge based compliant mechanism is a developing technology which can increase lift-drag ratio for variable flight modes by bending down the trailing edge. Composite material design is integrated into topology optimization for the morphing trailing edge based compliant mechanism in the paper. A two-step optimization strategy is established to solve the integrated design problem. Initially, lamination parameters are introduced and viewed as a bridge between structure stiffness and fiber angles for composite material. Design variables include the lamination parameters and element density. The least-squares between actual and desired displacements at output points along trailing edge is adopted to evaluate the deformed capability of the trailing edge. An integrated optimization model for the composite morphing trailing edge is established with the volume constraints. The optimal topologic shape and lamination parameters are initially obtained. Subsequently, a least-squares optimization between fiber angles and the optimal lamination parameters is implemented to obtain optimal fiber angles. Finally, morphing capability of composites trailing edge based compliant mechanism is investigated by simulation and experiments. The results indicate the composites trailing edge based compliant mechanism can approximately bend down 8 degrees and satisfies the design requirement.  相似文献   

Cold spray is an attractive and rapidly developing process for additive manufacturing with high efficiency and precision, repairing and coating, especially in aircraft and aerospace applications. Cold spray additive manufacturing deposits micro-particles with large plastic deformation below their melting point, eliminating heat effect zone which could deteriorate the quality of repairing zone. The particle deposition in cold spray is a complex process which involves high strain rate,high contact...  相似文献   

Plastic forming is one of enabling and fundamental technologies in advanced manufacturing chains. Design optimization is a critical way to improve the performance of the forming system, exploit the advantages of high productivity, high product quality, low production cost and short time to market and develop precise, accurate, green, and intelligent (smart) plastic forming technology. However, plastic forming is quite complicated, relating to multi-physics field coupling, multi-factor influence, multi-defect constraint, and triple nonlinear, etc., and the design optimization for plastic forming involves multi-objective, multi-parameter, multi-constraint, nonlinear, high-dimensionality, non-continuity, time-varying, and uncertainty, etc. Therefore, how to achieve accurate and efficient design optimization of products, equipment, tools/dies, and processing as well as materials characterization has always been the research frontier and focus in the field of engineering and manufacturing. In recent years, with the rapid development of computing science, data science and internet of things (IoT), the theories and technologies of design optimization have attracted more and more attention, and developed rapidly in forming process. Accordingly, this paper first introduced the framework of design optimization for plastic forming. Then, focusing on the key problems of design optimization, such as numerical model and optimization algorithm, this paper summarized the research progress on the development and application of the theories and technologies about design optimization in forming process, including deterministic and uncertain optimization. Moreover, the applicability of various modeling methods and optimization algorithms was elaborated in solving the design optimization problems of plastic forming. Finally, considering the development trends of forming technology, this paper discusses some challenges of design optimization that may need to be solved and faced in forming process.  相似文献   

以火焰筒浮动瓦块结构为研究对象,提出了利用神经网络与遗传算法相结合的方法对浮动瓦块中冷却结构变量和安装位置变量进行同步优化.利用遗传算法分别对冷却结构变量和安装位置变量进行优化,将安装位置优化结果作为冷却结构变量优化中遗传操作的依据,最终实现冷却结构和安装位置的同步优化.为了通过计算效率,利用神经网络对安装位置的优化结果进行映射取代其优化过程.算例结果表明:该方法高效、精确,有很好的工程实用价值.   相似文献   

利用Concept NREC软件建立离心压气机叶轮设计样本库,借助BP(back propagation)人工神经网络建立样本库中各设计参数与压气机性能之间的关系,接下来以多目标遗传算法寻找Pareto解,从而获得离心压气机叶轮最佳设计参数.将该方法应用于Krain叶轮设计工况,所得叶轮的效率、压比较Krain叶轮原型分别提高1.4%和10.9%.通过对人工神经网络模型可靠性的讨论、多目标优化模型的主成分分析和所设计叶轮性能的CFD验证,证明了所构建的目标函数与所获得的Pareto解集的合理性,说明本方法可以有效应用于在离心压气机设计、选型.   相似文献   

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