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This paper describes the scientific objectives and payloads of Tianwen-1, China’s first exploration mission to Mars. An orbiter, carrying a lander and a rover, lifted-off in July 2020 for a journey to Mars where it should arrive in February 2021. A suite of 13 scientific payloads, for in-situ and remote sensing, autonomously commanded by integrated payload controllers and mounted on the orbiter and the rover will study the magnetosphere and ionosphere of Mars and the relation with the solar wind, the atmosphere, surface and subsurface of the planet, looking at the topography, composition and structure and in particular for subsurface ice. The mission will also investigate Mars climate history. It is expected that Tianwen-1 will contribute significantly to advance our scientific knowledge of Mars.  相似文献   

China plans to implement the first Mars exploration mission in 2020. It will conduct global and comprehensive exploration of Mars and high precision and fine resolution detection of key areas on Mars through orbiting, landing and roving. The scientific objectives include studying the Martian morphology and geological structure characteristics, studying the soil characteristics and the water-ice distribution on the Martian surface, studying the material composition on the Martian surface, studying the atmosphere ionosphere and surface climate and environmental characteristics of Mars, studying the physical field and internal structure of Mars and the Martian magnetic field characteristics. The mission equips 12 scientific payloads to achieve these scientific objectives. This paper mainly introduces the scientific objectives, exploration task, and scientific payloads.   相似文献   

“天问一号”任务是我国行星探测的首次任务,在国际上首次通过一次任务实现了火星“环绕、着陆、巡视”的三步跨越.“天问一号”探测器由中国空间技术研究院负责抓总研制,包括环绕器和着陆巡视器两个组成部分.对“天问一号”探测器的任务特点和概貌进行了介绍,对包括飞行过程、远距离深空通信、火星捕获过程、火星进入下降及着陆过程、火星车解锁驶离和火面工作等关键环节的设计方案进行了描述,对“天问一号”所取得的技术成果与创新进行了总结.  相似文献   

中国首次火星探测工程有效载荷总体设计   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
简要介绍了中国首次火星探测工程的科学目标与有效载荷的配置,有效载荷分系统的总体技术方案,包括有效载荷供配电、遥测遥控、科学数据处理、在轨自主运控,以及有效载荷分系统在轨基本工作流程安排。针对火星环绕器有效载荷功能复杂、安装位置分散等特点,配置了独立的载荷控制器设备,通过总线网络将有效载荷分系统组成有机整体,实现与环绕器平台的统一电接口。针对火星车有效载荷在重量、体积、能源等方面的严格限制,通过最大限度地将各有效载荷主控电子学控制单元集成于一台载荷控制器设备中,实现了对有效载荷的集中控制和管理。  相似文献   

Chang'E-1 lunar Orbiter was launched by Long March 3A rocket from Xichang Satel-lite Launch Center at 18:05BT(Beijing Time) Oct.24,2007.It is the first step of its ambitious three-stage moon program,a new milestone in the Chinese space exploration history.The primary science objectives of Chang'E-1 lunar orbiter are to obtain three-Dimension(3D) stereo images of the lunar surface,to analyze the distribution and abundance of elements on the surface,to investigate the thickness of lunar soil,evaluate helium-3 resources and other characteristics,and to detect the space environment around the moon.To achieve the above four mission objectives,eight sets of scientific instruments are chosen as the payloads of the lunar orbiter,including a CCD stereo camera(CCD),a Sagnac-based interferometer spectrometer(ⅡM),a Laser Altimeter(LAM),a Microwave Radiometer(MRM),a Gamma-Ray Spectrometer(GRS),an X-ray spectrometer(XRS),a High-Energy Particle Detector(HPD),and two Solar Wind Ion Detectors(SWID).The detected data of the payloads show that all payloads work well.This paper introduces the status of payloads in the first phase and preliminary scientific results.  相似文献   

我国将于2020年首次发射由环绕器和着陆巡视器组成的火星探测器,火星探测器的跟踪及精密测定轨是完成工程任务和科学探测的基础。火星探测器的跟踪和测定轨,目前主要采用基于地面无线电测量的测距、测速和甚长基线干涉VLBI测角3种手段。主要针对VLBI技术予以介绍,主要内容为:△DOR型VLBI技术在国内外的应用情况、火星探测器VLBI测定轨技术分析、基于同波束VLBI的火星车定位技术、火星探测器VLBI观测等。这些内容对我国的火星探测器测定轨有重要的应用价值。  相似文献   

“嫦娥4号”月球背面软着陆任务设计   总被引:12,自引:24,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了"嫦娥4号"月球背面软着陆任务设计方案。着陆区初步选定为月球背面南极–艾特肯(South PoleAitken,SPA)盆地内的冯·卡门(Von Kármán)撞击坑内。采用中继星实现着陆器和巡视器的对地通信,并选择环绕地月拉格朗日L2点的halo轨道作为其使命轨道。采用CZ-4C火箭和CZ-3B火箭,分别完成中继星和着陆器–巡视器组合体的发射。两器一星上共配置了6台国内研制科学载荷和3台国际合作科学载荷,开展以低频射电天文观测、巡视区形貌、矿物组份及浅层结构为主的科学探测。此外,还搭载了2颗月球轨道编队飞行微卫星、月面微型生态圈和大孔径激光角反射镜,分别开展超长波天文干涉测量试验、月面生态系统试验和超过地月距离的激光测距试验。通过创新设计顶层任务,充分继承成熟技术和产品,增加中继通信功能模块,开放资源引入高性能载荷和搭载项目,将实现一次低成本、短周期、大开放、高效益的月球探测任务。  相似文献   

总结了近20年来火星探测的重要发现以及生命、气候和地质3个方面尚未解决的关键科学问题;介绍了美国国家航空航天局(NASA)2020火星探测任务的科学目标、科学载荷和着陆区选择的工程条件限制,并重点分析了经过3次着陆区选择研讨会,上百位行星科学家投票选取的排名前3的预选着陆区的地质情况。在此基础上,提出了对我国2020年火星任务的着陆探测部分的一些思考,并根据不同的任务目标(聚焦生命、气候和地质问题;支持载人火星探测的资源勘察;工程技术验证)提出了3个候选着陆区。  相似文献   

火星是人类探索太阳系的下一个里程碑,由于地球和火星之间的距离非常遥远(最远距离约4亿千米,光行时约22min),为了最大限度地完成火星车和地球之间的高效通信,火星车和火星环绕器之间的器间原位中继通信技术就显得尤为重要。针对大椭圆轨道下器间通信信噪比低、信号参数变化快、全自主要求高及质量功耗约束极为严苛等难点,提出了一种UHF频段器间原位通信技术,主要包括超高灵敏度高动态自适应信号解调、高精度多普勒测量、基于CCSDS Proximity-1的协议一体化集成融合和面向火星复杂环境的高集成度高收发隔离产品工程化设计,实现了捕获灵敏度优于-141dBm、解调灵敏度(1kbit/s)优于-134dBm、频率动态范围优于±26kHz、多普勒测量精度优于10mHz、收发隔离大于180dB、弧段内全自主高可靠高吞吐率通信及基于架构统型的系统/单机极限优化,相关指标优于美国系列火星探测器中的“Electra”。经祝融号火星车和天问一号火星环绕器、ESA“Mars Express”火星轨道器在轨实际测试,测试数据符合预期,为中国首次火星探测的圆满成功做出了重要贡献。  相似文献   

Korea is planning a series of lunar space programs in 2020 starting with a lunar orbiter and a lander with a rover. Compared to other countries, Korea has a relatively brief history in space and planetary sciences. With the expected Korean missions on the near-term horizon and the relatively few Korean planetary scientists, Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources (KIGAM) has established a new planetary research group focusing on development of prospective lunar instruments, analysis of the publicly available planetary data of the Moon, organizing nationwide planetary workshops, and initiating planetary educational programs with academic institutions. Korea has also initiated its own rocket development program, which could acquire a rocket-launch capability toward the Korean lunar mission. For the prospective Korea’s lunar science program, feasibility studies for some candidate science payloads have been started since 2010 for an orbiter and a lander. The concept design of each candidate instrument has been accomplished in 2012. It is expected that the development of science payloads may start by 2014 as Phase A. Not only developing hardware required for the lunar mission but also educational activities for young students are high priorities for Korea. The new plan of the Korean lunar mission can be successfully accomplished with international cooperative outreach programs in conjunction with internationally accessible planetary data system (PDS). This paper introduces the KIGAM’s international cooperative planetary research and educational programs and also summarizes other nationwide new developments for Korean lunar research projects at Kyung Hee University and Hanyang University.  相似文献   

嫦娥四号任务科学目标和有效载荷配置   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
嫦娥四号探测器由中继星、着陆器和巡视器组成.其科学目标为:月基低频射电天文观测研究,月球背面巡视区浅层结构探测研究以及月球背面巡视区形貌与矿物组分探测研究.共配置6台有效载荷设备,其中3台载荷设备配置在着陆器上,分别为降落相机、地形地貌相机和低频射电谱仪,其余3台配置在巡视器上,分别为全景相机、测月雷达和红外成像光谱仪.本文主要论述了嫦娥四号任务的科学目标、着陆区概况、有效载荷配置及系统设计、各有效载荷任务和主要技术指标等.   相似文献   

陈颖  周璐  王立 《深空探测学报》2014,1(2):156-160
针对火星探测科学发现及任务创新需求,探索更先进的探测模式,提出了一种火星多模式组合探测任务设想。该任务设想的特点在于结合了轨道环绕、表面着陆、多点穿透和浮空探测,获取立体多层多源信息,一次任务实现深度科学探测。对火星开展多模式组合探测,不仅会开拓更加具有优势的火星探测新方式,发展新的探测能力和技术,也会加深对火星的全面了解,提高探测活动的综合效果。多模式探测设想不仅适用于火星,对金星、土星等地外天体探测也有很好的支撑作用。  相似文献   

China has carried out four unmanned missions to the Moon since it launched Chang'E-1, the first lunar orbiter in 2007. With the implementation of the Chang'E-5 mission this year, the three phases of the lunar exploration program, namely orbiting, landing and returning, have been completed. In the plan of follow-up unmanned lunar exploration missions, it is planned to establish an experimental lunar research station at the lunar south pole by 2030 through the implementation of several missions, laying a foundation for the establishment of practical lunar research station in the future. China successfully launched its first Mars probe on 23 July 2020, followed in future by an asteroid mission, second Mars mission, and a mission to explore Jupiter and its moons.   相似文献   

The NetLander Mission will deploy four landers to the Martian surface. Each lander includes a network science payload with instrumentation for studying the interior of Mars, the atmosphere and the subsurface, as well as the ionospheric structure and geodesy. The NetLander Mission is the first planetary mission focusing on investigations of the interior of the planet and the large-scale circulation of the atmosphere. A broad consortium of national space agencies and research laboratories will implement the mission. It is managed by CNES (the French Space Agency), with other major players being FMI (the Finnish Meteorological Institute), DLR (the German Space Agency), and other research institutes. According to current plans, the NetLander Mission will be launched in 2005 by means of an Ariane V launch, together with the Mars Sample Return mission. The landers will be separated from the spacecraft and targeted to their locations on the Martian surface several days prior to the spacecraft's arrival at Mars. The landing system employs parachutes and airbags. During the baseline mission of one Martian year, the network payloads will conduct simultaneous seismological, atmospheric, magnetic, ionospheric, geodetic measurements and ground penetrating radar mapping supported by panoramic images. The payloads also include entry phase measurements of the atmospheric vertical structure. The scientific data could be combined with simultaneous observations of the atmosphere and surface of Mars by the Mars Express Orbiter that is expected to be functional during the NetLander Mission's operational phase. Communication between the landers and the Earth would take place via a data relay onboard the Mars Express Orbiter.  相似文献   

中国首次火星探测任务科学目标与有效载荷配置   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
中国首次火星探测任务将于2020年实施,科学目标和有效载荷配置是工程任务的重要顶层设计之一。简要回顾了国外已实施火星探测任务的主要科学目标,介绍了我国首次火星探测任务科学目标、有效载荷配置,分析了科学目标的创新性和特色。  相似文献   

我国首次火星探测任务将于2020年实施,一步实现"绕""着""巡"的目标。着陆器在火星表面软着陆后,火星车能否沿转移坡道安全转移至火星表面,关系着本次任务的成败。从火星车转移坡道功能要求出发,提出了一种双向抽展式转移坡道方案,解决了大展出比、驱动共用、可靠展开等关键问题,对其展开原理及力学特性进行分析,并开展了模拟火星重力环境的展开试验,为我国火星车转移坡道设计提供参考。  相似文献   

萤火一号卫星将对火星空间环境磁场实施探测. 火星磁场对火星弓激波、磁鞘、电离层、大气等绝大多数空间环境效应都具有重要影响, 萤火一号对火星磁场的探测是通过搭载于其上的科学载荷磁强计来实现的. 此磁强计在工作原理及具体设计上, 考虑了火星轨道严酷的工作环境和科学目标所需的测量要求. 通过装星前的地面标定测试, 验证了萤火一号磁强计可以在-130~75°C温度范围内测量±256 nT以内的磁场, 分辨率可达到0.01 nT, 带宽内总噪声小于0.03 nT, 能够满足萤火一号对火星空间环境探测的需求.   相似文献   

Chang'E-1 and Chang'E-2 of China's Lunar Exploration Program (CLEP) have successfully achieved their mission. At the present time, only Chang'E-3 is still in operation, which was successfully launched on December 2, 2013. Chang'E-3 probe is the third robotic lunar mission of CLEP, which consists of a lander and a rover, with eight payloads on board the spacecraft. Up to December 21, 2015, more than 2.86TB raw data were received from these instruments onboard Chang'E-3 probe. A series of research results have been achieved. This paper gives a detailed introduction to the new scientific results obtained from Chang'E-3 missions.   相似文献   

物质成分探测是深空探测领域非常重要的技术领域,激光诱导击穿光谱技术是一种可以非接触式快速获得物质元素成分信息的手段,论文针对2020年我国首次火星探测任务提出的火星表面成分探测仪,阐述了激光诱导击穿光谱技术基本原理,国内外的技术发展现状和趋势,重点围绕火星环境、有效载荷生存性进行了分析,最后论文详细探讨了激光诱导击穿光谱技术中的数据反演和定量化技术。  相似文献   

We describe a Mars ‘Micro Mission’ for detailed study of the martian satellites Phobos and Deimos. The mission involves two ∼330 kg spacecraft equipped with solar electric propulsion to reach Mars orbit. The two spacecraft are stacked for launch: an orbiter for remote investigation of the moons and in situ studies of their environment in Mars orbit, and another carrying a lander for in situ measurements on the surface of Phobos (or alternatively Deimos). Phobos and Deimos remain only partially studied, and Deimos less well than Phobos. Mars has almost always been the primary mission objective, while the more dedicated Phobos project (1988–89) failed to realise its full potential. Many questions remain concerning the moons’ origins, evolution, physical nature and composition. Current missions, such as Mars Express, are extending our knowledge of Phobos in some areas but largely neglect Deimos. The objectives of M-PADS focus on: origins and evolution, interactions with Mars, volatiles and interiors, surface features, and differences. The consequent measurement requirements imply both landed and remote sensing payloads. M-PADS is expected to accommodate a 60 kg orbital payload and a 16 kg lander payload. M-PADS resulted from a BNSC-funded study carried out in 2003 to define candidate Mars Micro Mission concepts for ESA’s Aurora programme.  相似文献   

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