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From the viewpoint of plasma particle measurements in the radiation belt, background noise is a serious problem. High-energy particles penetrating the sensor shielding generate spurious signals, and their count rate often can be comparable to the true signals. In order to attenuate such background noise during medium-energy (5–83 keV) electron measurements, we propose the double energy analyses (DEA) method. DEA is conducted by a combination of an electrostatic analyser (ESA) and avalanche photo-diodes (APDs); ESA and APD independently determine the energy of each incoming particle. By using the DEA method, therefore, the penetrating particles can be rejected when the two energy determinations are inconsistent; spurious noise are caused only when the deposited energy at an APD is by chance consistent with the measured energy by ESA. We formulate the noise count rate and show the advantage of DEA method quantitatively.  相似文献   

We present a simple yet numerically robust technique, using autoregressive linear filters, to remove unwanted “colored noise” from solar wind and radiation belt electron data at sub-daily resolution. The remaining signal is then studied using finite impulse response linear prediction filters to represent the driven portion of the linear dynamics that describe the coupling between solar wind speed and electron flux. Sub-daily resolution response profiles covering magnetic L-shells between 1.1 and 8.0 RE are presented which are consistent with daily resolution response functions. Namely, while there is strong global coherence governing electron flux dynamics, there are at least two distinct responses. The first response is an immediate dropout of electrons between L = 4 and L = 7 that is at least a partly adiabatic effect associated with enhancements in the ring current. This is followed by a 1–2 day delayed enhancement across the same L-shells that is likely a result of increased radial diffusion. The second response is an immediate enhancement seen between L = 3 and L = 4 with a typical duration of less than one day. Plausible explanations for this second response are briefly discussed, but neither empirical nor theoretical evidence can establish conclusively a definite physical cause. Finally, the response profiles show significant solar cycle and seasonal dependencies, indicating that better model output might be achieved with: (1) additional simultaneous solar wind inputs; (2) more sophisticated dynamical model structures capable of incorporating non-linear feedback; and/or (3) time-adaptive linear filters that can track non-stationary dynamics in time.  相似文献   

The study of the response of the terrestrial environment to the different forms of solar activity is a relevant task. Geomagnetic perturbations arise from the solar wind/magnetospheric coupling and major magnetic storms are caused by intense, long duration Southward interplanetary magnetic fields. This paper addresses reader's attention on possible effects induced by geomagnetic storms on the Earth's ozone layer by reporting a series of experimental results related to the topic. Difficulties connected with a right assessment of such kind of effects are described.  相似文献   

Data assimilation is becoming an increasingly important tool for understanding the near Earth hazardous radiation environments. Reanalysis of the radiation belts can be used to identify the electron acceleration mechanism and distinguish local acceleration from radial diffusion. However, for any practical applications we need to determine how reliable is reanalysis, and how significant is the dependence of the results on the assumptions of the code and choice of boundary conditions. We present the sensitivity of reanalysis of the radiation belt electron phase space density (PSD) to the assumed location of the outer boundary, using the VERB code and a Kalman filter. We analyze the sensitivity of reanalysis to changes in the electron-loss throughout the domain, and the sensitivity to the assumed boundary condition and its effect on the innovation vector. All the simulations presented in this study for all assumed loss models and boundary conditions, show that peaks in the phase space density of relativistic electrons build up between 4.5 and 6 RE during relativistic electron flux enhancements in the outer radiation belt. This clearly shows that peaks build up in the heart of the electron radiation belt independent of the assumptions in the model, and that local acceleration is operating there. The work here is also an important step toward performing reanalysis using observations from current and future missions.  相似文献   

We developed a method of estimation of a relative amplitude dI/I of the total electron content (TEC) variations in the ionosphere as deduced from the data of the global GPS receivers network. To obtain statistically significant results we picked out three latitudinal belts provided in the Internet by the maximum number of GPS sites. They are high-latitudinal belt (50–80°N, 200–300°E; 59 sites), mid latitude belt (20–50°N, 200–300°E; 817 sites), and equatorial belt (±20°N, 0–360°E; 76 sites). The results of the analysis of the diurnal and latitudinal dependencies of dI/I and dI/I distribution probability for 52 days with different levels of geomagnetic activity are presented. It was found that on average the relative amplitude of the TEC variations varies within the range 0–10% proportionally to the value of the Kp geomagnetic index. In quiet conditions the relative amplitude dI/I of the TEC variations at night significantly exceeds the daytime relative amplitude. At high levels of magnetic field disturbances, the geomagnetic control of the amplitude of TEC variations at high and middle latitudes is much more significant than the regular diurnal variations. At the equatorial belt, on average, the amplitude of TEC variations in quiet and disturbed periods almost does not differ. The obtained results may be useful for development of the theory of ionospheric irregularities.  相似文献   

Transients in the heliosphere, including coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and corotating interaction regions can be imaged to large heliocentric distances by heliospheric imagers (HIs), such as the HIs onboard STEREO and SMEI onboard Coriolis. These observations can be analyzed using different techniques to derive the CME speed and direction. In this paper, we use a three-dimensional (3-D) magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) numerical simulation to investigate one of these methods, the fitting method of  and . Because we use a 3-D simulation, we can determine with great accuracy the CME initial speed, its speed at 1 AU and its average transit speed as well as its size and direction of propagation. We are able to compare the results of the fitting method with the values from the simulation for different viewing angles between the CME direction of propagation and the Sun-spacecraft line. We focus on one simulation of a wide (120–140°) CME, whose initial speed is about 800 km s−1. For this case, we find that the best-fit speed is in good agreement with the speed of the CME at 1 AU, and this, independently of the viewing angle. The fitted direction of propagation is not in good agreement with the viewing angle in the simulation, although smaller viewing angles result in smaller fitted directions. This is due to the extremely wide nature of the ejection. A new fitting method, proposed to take into account the CME width, results in better agreement between fitted and actual directions for directions close to the Sun–Earth line. For other directions, it gives results comparable to the fitting method of Sheeley et al. (1999). The CME deceleration has only a small effect on the fitted direction, resulting in fitted values about 1–4° higher than the actual values.  相似文献   

Variations in the Earth's trapped (Van Allen) belts produced by solar flare particle events are not well understood. Few observations of increases in particle populations have been reported. This is particularly true for effects in low Earth orbit, where manned spaceflights are conducted. This paper reports the existence of a second proton belt and it's subsequent decay as measured by a tissue-equivalent proportional counter and a particle spectrometer on five Space Shuttle flights covering an eighteen-month period. The creation of this second belt is attributed to the injection of particles from a solar particle event which occurred at 2246 UT, March 22, 1991. Comparisons with observations onboard the Russian Mir space station and other unmanned satellites are made. Shuttle measurements and data from other spacecraft are used to determine that the e-folding time of the peak of the second proton belt. It was ten months. Proton populations in the second belt returned to values of quiescent times within eighteen months. The increase in absorbed dose attributed to protons in the second belt was approximately 20%. Passive dosimeter measurements were in good agreement with this value.  相似文献   

At the interface between the upper atmosphere and the radiation belt region, there exists a secondary radiation belt consisting mainly of energetic ions that have become neutralized in the ring current and the main radiation belt and then re-ionized by collisions in the inner exosphere. The time history of the proton fluxes in the 0.64 – 35 MeV energy range was traced in the equatorial region beneath the main radiation belts during the three year period from 21 February 1984 to 26 March 1987 using data obtained with the HEP experiment on board the Japanese OHZORA satellite. During most of this period a fairly small proton flux of −1.2 cm−2 s−1 sr−1 was detected on geomagnetic field lines in the range 1.05 < L < 1.15. We report a few surprisingly deep and rapid flux decreases (flux reduction by typically two orders of magnitude). These flux decreases were also long in duration (lasting up to three months). We also registered abrupt flux increases where the magnitude of the proton flux enhancements could reach three orders of magnitude with an enhancement duration of 1–3 days. Possible reasons for these unexpected phenomena are discussed.  相似文献   

基于数据网格化方法的低轨辐射带建模技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地球辐射带中的高能带电粒子是引起航天器材料和器件性能退化甚至失效的主要空间环境因素.因此,航天器设计中所采用的辐射带模型的准确程度对于航天器的生存能力和航天任务的完成质量至关重要.在利用我国自主辐射带高能粒子探测数据进行的辐射带建模中,探测数据的空间网格化是一项非常重要的工作.介绍了我国辐射带探测数据的情况,以及辐射带建模的方法和步骤;重点研究了不同插值方法在低地球轨道(LEO)空间辐射带建模数据网格化中的应用,并开展了误差分析.研究结果表明:在各种常用的插值方法中,反距离加权法、自然邻点法和最近邻点法适合工程化应用.其中,反距离加权法生成的数据网格对粒子通量的反演结果精度最高,该方法采用低阶距离时得到的反演结果更为合理.   相似文献   

The study of Earth's radiation belts is one of the oldest subjects in space physics. Despite the tremendous progress made in the last four decades, we still lack a complete understanding of the radiation belts in terms of their configurations, dynamics, and detailed physical accounts of their sources and sinks. The static nature of early empirical trapped radiation models, for examples, the NASA AP-8 and AE-8 models, renders those models inappropriate for predicting short-term radiation belt behaviors associated with geomagnetic storms and substorms. Due to incomplete data coverage, these models are also inaccurate at low altitudes (e.g., <1000 km) where many robotic and human space flights occur. The availability of radiation data from modern space missions and advancement in physical modeling and data management techniques have now allowed the development of new empirical and physical radiation belt models. In this paper, we will review the status of modern radiation belt modeling.  相似文献   

It is well known that during many but not all of the geomagnetic storms enhanced fluxes of high-energy electrons are observed in the outer radiation belt. Here we examine relativistic (>2 MeV) electron fluxes measured by GOES at the synchronous orbit and on-ground observations of two types of ULF pulsations during 30 magnetic storms occurred during 1996–2000. To characterize the effectiveness of the chosen magnetic storms in producing relativistic electron fluxes, following to (Reeves, G.D., McAdams, K.L., Friedel, R.H.W., O’Brien, T.R. Acceleration and loss of relativistic electrons during geomagnetic storms. Geophys. Res. Lett. 30, doi:10.1029/2002GL016513, 2003), we calculate a ratio of the maximum daily-averaged electron flux measured during the recovery phase, to the mean pre-storm electron flux. A storm is considered an effective one if its ratio exceeds 2. We compare behavior of Pi1 and Pc5 geomagnetic pulsations during effective and non-effective storms and find a tendency for a storm efficiency to be higher when the mid-latitude Pi1 pulsations are observed for a long time during the magnetic storm main phase. We note also that the prolonged powerful Pc5 pulsation activity during the recovery phase of a magnetic storm is the necessary condition for the storm effectiveness. To interpret the found dependences, we suggest that there are two prerequisites for generating relativistic electron populations during a storm: (1) the availability of seed electrons in the magnetosphere, and Pi1 emissions are indicators of the mid-energy electron interaction with the ionosphere and (2) acceleration of the seed electrons to MeV energies, and interaction of electrons with the MHD wave activity in the Pc5 range is one of the most probable mechanisms proposed in the literature for this purpose.  相似文献   

Nuclear interactions between inner zone protons and atoms in the upper atmosphere provide the main source of energetic H and He isotopes nuclei in the radiation belt. This paper reports on the specified calculations of these isotope intensities using various inner zone proton intensity models (AP-8 and SAMPEX/PET PSB97), the atmosphere drift-averaged composition and density model MSIS-90, and cross-sections of the interaction processes from the GNASH nuclear model code. To calculate drift-averaged densities and energy losses of secondaries, the particles were tracked in the geomagnetic field (modelled through IGRF-95) by integrating numerically the equation of the motion. The calculations take into account the kinematics of nuclear interactions along the whole trajectory of trapped proton. The comparison with new data obtained from the experiments on board RESURS-04 and MITA satellites and with data from SAMPEX and CRRES satellites taken during different phases of solar activity shows that the upper atmosphere is a sufficient source for inner zone helium and heavy hydrogen isotopes. The calculation results are energy spectra and angular distributions of light nuclear isotopes in the inner radiation belt that may be used to develop helium inner radiation belt model and to evaluate their contribution to SEU (single event upset) rates.  相似文献   

Long-term variations of total Jovian synchrotron emission are well known to vary slowly in time. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain these variations, they can be solar wind driven and/or induced by the geometrical effect of the declination of the Earth in the jovicentric coordinates, DE. However, until now, not any of them have been definitely proved. We propose here to investigate, this long-term dynamics based on appropriate simulation from a 3D model, Salammbô-3D. This model has been developed to study spatial distribution of electrons in the inner Jovian radiation belts. We will carry out two different approaches, the first one being based on synchrotron simulation from the Salammbô code and the second one being based on GALILEO EPD measurements. Two-dimensional images of Jupiter synchrotron emission can be obtained from our model, for any geometrical configuration (λIII(CML), DE). Comparisons show a good agreement between modeling results and VLA observations. With Salammbô-3D, we can also study long-term variations of total Jovian synchrotron emission. The role of the two geometrical factors, λIII(CML) and DE, will be analyzed. First, we will present beaming curves (evolution of Jovian synchrotron emission in terms of λIII(CML)), resulting from the simulation to validate the geometry of the system in the code. Then, the evolution of the non-thermal flux density of synchrotron emission, in terms of DE, joviographic declination of the Earth, will be studied. With the help of simulations resulting from Salammbô-3D, we will try to discriminate between geometrical induced variations and natural dynamics. On the other hand we will investigate on GALILEO EPD measurements from 1995 until now, restricted to 5–10 Rj, to find out any similarity with the long-term variations of non-thermal flux density of synchrotron emission.  相似文献   

The Standard Radiation Environment Monitor (SREM) is a simple particle detector developed for wide application on ESA satellites. It measures high-energy protons and electrons of the space environment with a 20° angular resolution and limited spectral information. Of the ten SREMs that have been manufactured, four have so far flown. The first model on STRV-1c functioned well until an early spacecraft failure. The other three are on-board, the ESA spacecraft INTEGRAL, ROSETTA and PROBA-1. Another model is flying on GIOVE-B, launched in April 2008 with three L-2 science missions to follow: both Herschel and Planck in 2008, and GAIA in 2011). The diverse orbits of these spacecraft and the common calibration of the monitors provides a unique dataset covering a wide range of B-L* space, providing a direct comparison of the radiation levels in the belts at different locations, and the effects of geomagnetic shielding. Data from the PROBA/SREM and INTEGRAL/IREM are compared with existing radiation belt models.  相似文献   

Active instruments consisting of a tissue equivalent proportional counter (TEPC) and a proton and heavy ion detector (PHIDE) have been carried on a number of Space Shuttle flights. These instruments have allowed us to map out parts of the South Atlantic Particle Anomaly (SAA) and to compare some of its features with predictions of the AP-8 energetic proton flux models. We have observed that consistent with the generally observed westward drift of the surface features of the terrestrial magnetic field the SAA has moved west by about 6.9 degrees longitude between the epoch year 1970 of the AP-8 solar maximum model and the Space Shuttle observations made twenty years later. However, calculations indicate that except for relatively brief periods following very large magnetic storms the SAA seems to occupy the same position in L-space as in 1970. After the great storm of 24 March 1991 reconfiguration of the inner radiation belt and/or proton injection into the inner belt, a second energetic proton belt was observed to form at L approximately = 2. As confirmed by a subsequent flight observations, this belt was shown to persist at least for six months. Our measurements also indicate an upward shift in the L location of the primary belt from L = 1.4 to L = 1.5. In addition we confirm through direct real time observations the existence and the approximate magnitude of the East-West effect.  相似文献   

We present and discuss here the first version of a data base of extreme solar and heliospheric events. The data base contains now 87 extreme events mostly since 1940. An event is classified as extreme if one of the three critical parameters passed a lower limit. The critical parameters were the X-ray flux (parameter R), solar proton flux (parameter S) and geomagnetic disturbance level (parameter G). We find that the five strongest extreme events based on four variables (X-rays SEP, Dst, Ap) are completely separate except for the October 2003 event which is one the five most extreme events according to SEP, Dst and Ap. This underlines the special character of the October 2003 event, making it unique within 35 years. We also find that the events based on R and G are rather separate, indicating that the location of even extreme flares on the solar disk is important for geomagnetic effects. We also find that S = 3 events are not extreme in the same sense as R > 3 and G > 3 events, while S = 5 events are missing so far. This suggests that it might be useful to rescale the classification of SEP fluxes.  相似文献   

The links between winter storm intensity and solar wind variations associated with Heliospheric Current Sheet (HCS) crossings are shown to be present in 1997 through 2002 data without the necessity of high stratospheric aerosol loading.  相似文献   

The object of investigation is the phenomenon of proton (from tens keV to several MeV) flux enhancement in near-equatorial region (L < 1.15) at altitude up to ∼1300 km (the storm-time equatorial belt). These fluxes are quite small but the problem of their origin is more interesting than the possible damage they can produce. The well known sources of these protons are radiation belt and ring current. The mechanism of transport is the charge-exchange on neutral hydrogen of exosphere and the charge-exchange on oxygen of upper atmosphere. Therefore this belt is something like the ring current projection to low altitudes. Using the large set of satellites data we obtain the average energy spectrum, the approximation of spectrum using kappa-function, the flux dependence on L, B geomagnetic parameters. On the basis of more than 30 years of experimental observations we made the empiric model that extends model of proton fluxes below 100 keV in the region of small L-values (L < 1.15). The model was realized as the package of programs integrated into COSRAD system available via Internet. The model can be used for revision of estimation of dose that low-orbital space devices obtain.  相似文献   

Errors in the determination of the shortwave radiation budget from broadband satellite measurements at the top and at the bottom of a cloudless atmosphere due to uncertainties of the actual parameters of the atmosphere and the surface are derived by computer modelling. The model uses measured bidirectional reflectance functions and realistic values of the optical parameters of the atmosphere. Examples are presented which show the range of such uncertainties. Neglecting the anisotropy of the reflection function of land surfaces results in high uncertainties of the shortwave radiation budget, both at the top and the bottom of the atmosphere. The uncertainties caused by actual uncertain atmospheric parameters are low if data of the meteorological network are properly used.  相似文献   

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